Turn 37: Zoo Battle

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"I guess its time." Maxios got out of his seat from the stands and ran downstairs, zipping through the hallways and waiting for his call.

"In the blue corner, a genius has joined us today, and his name is Neko Blaze!!" The announcer exclaimed as Inu's younger brother walked out, fixing his glasses.
"Hi there!" He said, blue light tracking him.
"And in the red corner, a guy who took the prelims by storm with an impressive 34 wins to 2 loses, its Maxios Blade!" The announcer exclaimed.
"Oh jeez, I just realised how friggin similiar blade and blaze were..." Maxios mumbled as he walked out, red light trailing him.
"Lets make this battle a good one!" Neko smirked.
"Same to you my young friend." Maxios nodded. "Same to you."
"Stand up (the!) Vanguard!!" They exclaimed.

(Insert theme song here)

"Gypsophila Musketeer, Raisa!" Maxios exclaimed, vanguard circle expanding light green.
"Scintillating First-year Student, Littlebelly!" Neko exclaimed, vanguard circle expanding dark green.

"...he's using a different clan..." Yza's eye twitched.

"Stand and draw, I ride Mirkka, Raisa moves and end." Maxios smirked.

Hand: 5
Damage: 0

Hand: 5
Damage: 0

"Stand and draw. I ride Minibelly and Littlebelly moves. Then with a boost, attack! (7000 > 12000)" Neko exclaimed.
"No guard!" Maxios smirked.
"Trigger check. (Castanet Donkey) Perfect, a draw trigger. All effects to vanguard and draw. (12000 > 17000)" Neko cheered.
"Damage check. (Anemone Musketeer, Susanna) No trigger." Maxios replied.
"Turn end." Neko nodded.

Hand: 5
Damage: 1

Hand: 7
Damage: 0

"Stand and draw. I ride Saul and call Sylvia, using her skill. Revealing top card of deck. (Dandelion Musketeer, Mirkka) Since its a Musketeer, superior call! With a boost from Mirkka, Sylvia, attack!! (7000 > 13000)" Maxios smirked.
"No guard! (Crayon Tiger)" Neko replied.
"Vanguard! (9000 > 14000)" Maxios smirked some more.
"No guard." Neko replied, shaking his head.
"Drive check!! (Night Queen Musketeer, Daniel) Sweet, a crit! All effects to vanguard! (14000 > 19000/1★ > 2★)" Maxios smiled in happiness.
"Damage check! (Binoculus Tiger)" Neko exclaimed.
"Turn end." Maxios smiled.

Hand: 5
Damage: 1

Hand: 7
Damage: 2

"Stand and draw! I ride Greybelly and call Crayon to rear-guard. Attack! (9000)" Neko exclaimed.
"Sylvia intercepts. (9000 > 14000)" Maxios replied.
"Vanguard! (9000 > 14000)" Neko shouted.
"No guard." Maxios smirked.
"Drive check! (Dilligent Assisstant, Minibelly) No trigger." Neko said as he looked around his field, mumbling stuff about numbers anc percentages.
"Damage check. (Hibiscus Musketeer, Hanah) Heal trigger. Power to vanguard. (9000 > 14000)"
"Turn end." Neko replied.

Hand: 5
Damage: 2

Hand: 7
Damage: 2

"Stand and draw. Listen up kid, I'm gonna teach you a lesson. Today's subject: Science! Topic: Plants! Now, arise forth the blooming blade of the musketeers, unite and cut through any obstacles! I ride, Holly Musketeer, Elvira!!" Maxios smirked, vanguard circle expanding green.

A girl with long green hair a black fedora with holly and red berries on it appeared, wearing a green cape, shirt and skirt with black leggings and boots, with a silver rapier.

"Call, Daniel. Skill of Elvira, soulblast and retire Daniel, check the top five cards of deck... Superior call, Rebecca. Shuffle rest back into deck. Skill of Rebecca! Retire Mirkka and check top four. Call, Augusto. Rebecca and Augusto switch places and Augusto attacks! Skill, since I have a Musketeer vanguard, add 3000 power! (9000 > 12000 > 19000)" Maxios smirked.
"If you had Limit Break active, that chain of superior calling would've worked to your advantage, but now you have four cards in drop zone... Musketeers are known for also Legion, so you might try to use Legion on me next turn... Very interesting. No guard. (Soft Tank Sloth)" Neko said.
"And I thought doing all of that really fast would've messed you up... Oh well, you got the first question right, but the test has much more to come! Attack! (11000 > 16000)" Maxios smirked.
"Your words are cringey and guard with Ruler Chameleon! (9000 > 11000)" Neko replied with a sigh.
"Thanks, hoped to get that response!" Maxios said with sarcasm. "Twin Drive!! (Pansy Musketeer, Sylvia, Red Rose Musketeer, Antonio) Nothing. Pass."

Hand: 6
Damage: 2

Hand: 6
Damage: 3

"Stand and draw. Proffessor of the learning animals, lead them to a smart and bright path! I ride my avatar, Famous Proffessor, Bigbelly!!" Neko declared, vanguard circle expanding an even darker green.

A large black and white panda wearing green scholar clothings holding a green book with gold writing on it laughed, as a dark green light surronding him as he took form into a small grey cat with a large bushy tail.
"Hai hai!" He giggled.

"Generation Stride!! Omniscience Dragon, Hrimthurs! Stride skill, counterblast! Tiger and Littlebelly gets 4000 power and a new skill! (9000 > 13000) (5000 > 9000) Then, call, Sloth Tank, Binoculus Tiger and Coiling Duckbill. Using Duckbill's skill, I give Sloth Tank life insurance! Then, with a boost from Duckbill, Tiger attacks! (9000 > 16000) Tiger's skill, dope Sloth Tank! (6000 > 10000)" Neko declared.
"No guard. (Anemone Musketeer, Susanna)" Maxios smirked.
"Then, with a boost from Sloth Tank, Tiger attacks! (13000 > 23000)" Neko exclaimed. "Skill of Tiger, since it was boosted, I stand and dope Tiger! (9000 > 14000/[< ] > [^])"
"I'll take it! (Lycoris Musketeer, Vera)" Maxios laughed.
"Skill of Stride. Since the attack hit, I draw a card. Vanguard attacks! (26000 > 35000)" Neko exclaimed.
"Generation Guard!! Sacred Tree Dragon, Rain Breath Dragon! Skill, call from hand, Alain and use his skill! Countercharge two! Give him Resist until end of turn and add 5000 shield! (11000 > 26000 > 31000) Then, I'lll also add Daniel! (31000 > 41000)" Maxios smiled.
"One trigger pass... Triple Drive!! (Coiling Duckbill, Dilligent Assistant, Minibelly, Condratictory Instructor, Tusk Master) Nothing..." Neko sighed. "Skill of Hrimthurs, soulblast and add 4k and dope Tiger! (14000 > 22000) Next up, I draw a card. Tiger attacks! (22000)"
"No guard! (Cherry Blossom Musketeer, Augusto)" Maxios laughed.
"You made a fatal mistake guarding the vanguard. I end. Skill, I retire Tiger, draw a card, retire Sloth Tank, draw a card and use skill. Soulblast and countercharge two! Thats all." Neko smirked.

Hand: 4
Damage: 4

Hand: 9
Damage: 3

"Stand and draw! Liberating the Generation Zone!! Spin the dream that never ends, bloom into the future! Generation Transcend!! Dream-spinning Ranunculus, Ahsha!!" Maxios smirked, vanguard circle expanding green. "Skill of Ahsha, G Persona Blast! Add a new skill and search deck for another Augusto and call! Add 2000 power! (9000 > 11000) Skill of Ahsha, choose Augusto, and since another is on the field, add 5k to front row! (9000 > 14000)(26000 > 31000)(11000 > 16000) Next up, with a boost from Alain, Augusto attacks! Skill! (16000 > 19000 > 23000)"
"No guard! (Binoculus Tiger)" Neko said.
"Vanguard, attack!! (31000 > 36000)" Maxios smirked.
"Shell Master perfect guards it!" Neko exclaimed.
"Triple Drive!! (Pansy Musketeer, Sylvia, Lotus Musketeer, Liana, Dandelion Musketeer, Mirkka) Draw trigger. Power to Augusto and draw. (14000 > 19000) Now attack! (19000 > 22000 > 28000)" Maxios smirked.
"Generation Guard! Immortality Proffessor, Kudalini! Skill, give Duckbill Life Insurance and add 5k! (11000 > 26000 > 31000)" Neko exclaimed.
"Turn end." Maxios laughed.
"Duckbill's Life Insurance, retire it and countercharge." Neko said.

Hand: 8
Damage: 4

Hand: 6
Damage: 4

"Stand and draw! Liberating the Generation Zone!!! Students, surpass the legendary teacher in a flood to become the best! Generation, STRIDE!!!" Neko exclaimed, voice booming through the arena as a card was slammed onto the vanguard circle, expanding extremely dark green. "Sage-saint Proffessor, Bigbelly!" He smirked.

Bigbelly smiled to Crayon Tiger and Littlebelly before a whirlwind of dark green lights surronded him, as laughter emerged from the light.
"Haha, time for you to learn something, my students." He smiled, now he had quill pen in his hand, a large blue book and a golden crown like piece resting on his head. He now wore larger teal clothing then his regular dark green ones.

"Stride skill, counterblast and dope Tiger and Littlebelly and give them new skills! (9000 > 13000)(5000 > 9000) Then, call Greybelly, Ponbelly and Duckbill. His skill, give Tiger Life Insurance! Skill of Bigbelly, counterblast G Persona Blast! Skill, give Tiger 4000 power every face up card in the G Zone! Since theres three, add 12000! (13000 > 25000) Success!" Neko cheered.
"Great Nature's keyword, Success! Activated when a certain power is reached!" The announcer exclaimed.
"Littlebelly and Greybelly become Successful! Greybelly's Success, soulblast and dope Tiger and Duckbill and give them Life Insurance! (25000 > 29000)(7000 > 11000) Then, the rest of Bigbelly's skill! Give Tiger a new skill! Then, with a boost from Ponbelly, Greybelly attacks! (9000 > 13000)" Neko exclaimed.
"Liana, guard! (11000 > 16000)" Maxios grinned.
"Crayon Tiger with a boost, attack! (29000 > 40000) Skill, counterblast and stand Greybelly and dope him and give Life Insurance! (9000 > 13000/[< ] > [^])" Neko smirked.
"Liberating the Generation Zone!! Autumn comes around like a boomerang, and blossoms into a beautiful shield! Generation, Guard!! Flower Princess of Autumn Scenery, Verna! Skill, choosing Augusto and adding 5000 shield for each one on the field!! (11000 > 26000 > 36000) And I'll also guard with Mirkka! (36000 > 41000)" Maxios grinned.
"Damn.." Neko sighed.
"I'm not gonna let you stand your whole board back up again!" Maxios grinned cheekily.
"Vanguard!! (26000 > 31000) Skill of Ponbelly, into soul, draw a card and give vanguard 5k! (31000 > 36000)" Neko shouted.
"Perfect Guard!!" Maxios exclaimed back.
"Triple Drive!! (Binoculus Tiger, Soft Tank Sloth, Castanet Donkey) Draw trigger! Draw a card, power to Greybelly! (13000 > 19000) Then, Greybelly! (19000)" Neko smiled.
"I'll take it. (Night Queen Musketeer, Daniel) Crit. All effects to vanguard. (11000 > 16000/1★ > 2★)" Maxios smirked.
"Turn end. Skill, I retire Tiger, Duckbill, Greybelly and Littlebelly. Draw three cards and countercharge one." Neko breathed a sigh of relief.

Hand: 4
Damage: 5

Hand: 10
Damage: 4

"Stand and draw... Leaving your field empty like that... Costed you the game." Maxios grinned with a dark aura tinging around him.

"But he's not using Shadow Paladin...?" Yza raised a brow.

"Life is meant to wither and end. Then, it's reborn. The Musketeers job... Is to make sure it doesn't. The lesson will be over shortly. Enjoy." Maxios said darkly. "Proud Musketeers, gather round the bloodied blade as we finish their life! I ride, my avatar!!" Maxios smirked as the vanguard circle expanded blood red. "Lycoris Muskeeter, Vera! Now, Legion and Seek Mate!! Prepare yourself, as the sword of the Musketeers is the tribute for your ending! Lycoris Musketeer, Saul!!" The vanguard circle expanded blood red as the Legion Symbol appeared between the cards.

As a silver blade cut through the blood red light, a woman with long black hair and amber eyes appeared, blood red streaks in her hair. She wore a black jacket that looked like something from the French in the past. The light in the sky became dark as the night approached, and the moon became full, as a white haired male with red streaks in his short hair jumped down next to the lady, he also wore similiar clothes and had two swords as his amber eyes glared at Bigbelly.
"We are the musketeers. Prepare to die." The two newcomers said together, synchronised with one another.

"Skill of Vera, retire Raisa and check top five cards of deck. Call, Mirkka. Skill of Raisa. Since it was retired and vanguard is in Legion, counterblast and check top four cards of deck. Call, Rebecca. Now, Vera's CONT skill... As she's in Legion with Saul, all of my Musketeer units get 3000 power..." Maxios smirked. (20000 > 26000)(9000 > 12000)(9000 > 12000)(7000 > 10000)(7000 > 10000)(6000 > 9000) "Then, with a boost from Rebecca, Augusto attacks! Skill, add 3k! (12000 > 15000 > 25000)"
"Vanguard will attack for 35, other row will be 25. I have no perfect guard in hand. If I can just block off his attacks, I should be fine..." Neko calculated in his mind as he said, "Guard with Donkey and Chameleon! (11000 > 26000)"
"Vanguard, attack! Skill of Mirkka, add 3k as cards were shuffled back into deck this turn! (26000 > 38000)" Maxios smirked.
"Generation Guard, Head of the Bastion, Ardillo! Add 10k shield! (11000 > 26000 > 36000) Then, I'll also add Tiger and Sloth! (36000 > 46000)" Neko exclaimed. "He caught me off guard with Mirkka... But the chances of him pulling two triggers is low, so I'll do this."
"Twin Drive!! (Gardenia Musketeer, Alain) Critical trigger. Everything to vanguard. (38000 > 43000/1★ > 2★)" Maxios said with confidence boasting from his voice. "Last check. (Lotus Musketeer, Liana) Draw trigger." He smirked. "All effects to vanguard and draw. (43000 > 48000, 2★)" He smirked.
"No way... He did it?!" Neko exclaimed as he stepped back and gulped.
"Huh, I guess my luck hasn't ran out yet." Maxios said.
"Damage check... (Problem Child, Greybelly, Condratictory Instructor, Shell Master) No trigger. Man, and I thought I'd win." Neko laughed. Maxios grinned.
"Good game, Neko." He gave out his hand. Neko nodded and shook it as they parted ways.

"He actually won?" Yza's eye twitched as Ryu on the floor laughing.
"Oh my God!!"
"These non mainstream decks are killing it..." Ayaza sweatdropped.



Wow, how long haven't I updated?

Anyways, this was fun to write!!

Make sure to give your questions, requests, truths and dares to the cast for the Q n A after this!!!

Thats all, Fox out!

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