Turn 36: Knights of Sun, Troops of the Wave

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"Now that our lunch break is over, lets head onto the next couple of matches! Lets start off with the blue corner, a girl with a strong ambition to win, a girl who controls the tide of the game, a girl who is basically the moon, Riku Aksan!" The announcer exclaimed. Coming out of the hallway was a girl with long red hair that reached down to halfway down her back, sharp blue eyes, cream jumper, black skirt and black pumps as she walked down the hallway with a victorious smirk as a blue light followed her.
"Its time to crush Mai~" She cooed.
"In the red corner, its a girl with alot of coldness, a girl who uses knights of the sun, a girl whose way short for her age, its Mai Heatwave!!" The announcer exclaimed as Mai walked out, throwing her shoe at the commentator for calling her short.
"No one talk about my height..." She said, a dark aura surronding her.
"Nice to meet you Mai." Riku smiled.
"Same to you." She replied bluntly.
"Let this match start!!" The announcer exclaimed.

(Insert theme song here)

"Stand up (the!) Vanguard!" They exclaimed.
"Knight of Early Dawn, Coel!" Mai exclaimed, vanguard circle expanding gold.
"Officer Cadet, Andrey!" Riku exclaimed, vanguard circle expanding dark ocean blue. "I'll start. Draw. Ride, Orthia and end."

Hand: 5
Damage: 0

Hand: 5
Damage: 0

"Stand and draw. I ride Maleagant and pull back Coel, attack. (5000 > 10000)" Mai said.
"No guard!" Riku replied.
"Drive check... (Dawnngal) No trigger." Mai said bluntly.
"Damage check! (Blue Wave Dragon, Tetra Drive Dragon) No trigger." Riku replied.
"I end." Mai replied. "I knew it, she ran that as back up."

Hand: 6
Damage: 0

Hand: 5
Damage: 1

"Stand and draw, ride Magnum Assualt and attack! (9000 > 14000)" Riku exclaimed.
"No guard." Mai replied.
"Drive check! (Supersonic Sailor) Critical trigger! All effects to vanguard! (9000 > 14000/1★ > 2★)" She exclaimed.
"Damage check... (Knight of Faint Sun, Marcia, Sunshine Knight, Jeffrey)" Mai replied.
"Turn end." Riku replied.

Hand: 6
Damage: 2

Hand: 6
Damage: 1

"Stand and draw, ride Henrinus and call Pwyll, Pwyll attacks! (9000)" Mai exclaimed.
"Guard with Mallika! (9000 > 14000)" Riku replied.
"So be it... Henrinus. (9000 > 14000)" Mai replied.
"No guard!" Riku exclaimed.
"Drive check... (Sunrise Ray Knight, Gurguit)" Mai said simply.
"Damage check! (Kelpie Rider, Nikki) No trigger." Riku said.
"Turn end." Mai said.

Hand: 6
Damage: 2

Hand: 5
Damage: 2

"Stand and draw! The hero that overcomes any obstacle in his way! I ride my avatar, One Who Surpasses the Storm, Thavas!" The vanuard circle expanded extremely dark ocean blue.

As a long light blue haired man with sharp green eyes and green bladed sword with white and blue sailors outfit and a black cape with gold tassles at the end riding a blue seahorse with neon green highlights appeared in the water.
"It is time!"

"Call, Petros. With a boost from Andrey, Thavas attacks! Petros' skill, into soul, draw a card and add 5000 power! (11000 > 16000)" Riku exclaimed.
"No guard." Mai replied.
"Twin Drive!! (Battle Siren, Orthia, Battle Siren, Mallika) Draw trigger. Power to vanguard and draw! (16000 > 21000)" Riku exclaimed with a smirk.
"Damage check. (Flame of Victory) Critical. All effects to vanguard. (9000 > 14000)" Mai replied simply, shuffling her hand.
"Turn end." Riku smirked.

Hand: 6
Damage: 3

Hand: 8
Damage: 2

"Stand and draw." Mai picked up the top card of her deck. "Golden rays of the sun, cleanse the darkness in this world with your blade! I ride my avatar, Sunrise Ray Knight, Gurguit!" Mai exclaimed, vanguard circle expanding gold with streaks of blue.

A knight clad in golden and blue armour and wielding a large gold blade appeared, hair a burgundy and eyes a shining yellow.
"This... Is... The... Power of the sun!!" Gurguit cried out as he was engulfed in golden light.

"Generation Stride, Golden Dragon, Scourge Point Dragon! Stride skill, counterblast. Superior call Henrinus, add 2000 power. (9000 > 11000) Skill of Scourge Point, add 5000 power to it and Henrinus. (11000 > 16000) (26000 > 31000) Then Henrinus' skill. Counterblast and soulblast, when placed on rear-guard, check the top three cards of deck and superior call, Sunshine Ray Knight, Jeffrey. Since my vanguard has Gurguit in its card name, add 3000 power to each. (16000 > 19000) (7000 > 10000) Unite is now active. Skill of Scourge Point. (10000 > 15000) (31000 > 36000) Coel's Unite skill, into soul, check the top three cards of deck and call, Malegant, add 2000 power. (5000 > 7000) Skill of Scourge Point. (36000 > 41000) (7000 > 12000) Then, Malegeant's skill, soulblast two, countercharge two. Lets start it off with a boost from Jeffrey, Henrinus strikes! (19000 > 34000)" Mai exclaimed.
"Just my luck, I get a run in with a buffing up clan... No guard. (Battle Siren, Melania)" Riku sighed.
"Then Jeffrey's Unite, into soul, draw a card. With a boost, Pwyll attacks. (9000 > 21000) Skill, counterblast, check top three and call Marcia, skill of Scoruge Point. (8000 > 13000) (41000 > 46000)" Mai said.
"Liberating the Generation Zone, Generation Guard! Guard Leader of Sky and Water, Flotia! Skill, since its the second battle, add 5000 shield! (11000 > 26000 > 31000)" Riku exclaimed.
"Then, Vanguard attacks! (46000)" Mai exclaimed.
"No guard!" Riku replied, gritting her teeth.
"Triple Drive. (Sunshine Knight, Jeffrey, Scarface Lion, Holy Mage, Candace) Critical trigger. Power to Marcia, critical to vanguard. (13000 > 18000) (1★ > 2★)" Mai replied.
"Damage check... (Couple Dagger Sailor, Officer Cadet, Alekbors) Stand trigger. Power to vanguard and stand Andrey. (11000 > 16000)" Riku said.
"Then Marcia. (18000)" Mai replied.
"Nikki, guard! (16000 > 21000)" Riku exclaimed.
"Turn end. Marcia's skill, into soul and countercharge." Mai said.

Hand: 8
Damage: 3

Hand: 6
Damage: 5

"Things do NOT look good for Riku, shes on five damage before she even had a chance to stride!" The announcer exclaimed.
"Stand and draw. Liberating the Generation Zone!! The ruler of naval battles, the commander of the troops of the Wave, Stride the Generation!! Storm Dominator, Commander Thavas!!" Riku exclaimed, vanguard circle expanding dark dark ocean blue.

As Thavas was engulfed in a dark dark blue light, came out was a neon green sword that pierced the light, and two blue seahorses, that a now more experienced and older Thavas rode on, as they charged into battle against Gurguit.

"Stride skill, add a new skill. Call Adelaide and use skill. Counterblast, soulblast, when placed on rear circle, if I have a vanguard with Thavas' in its card name, add 2000 power and a new skill. Call Couple Dagger, two Melania's and use Thavas' skill! G Persona Blast, give Adelaide 5000 power and the skill to attack from the back row! (11000 > 16000) Then, Thavas also gets a new skill! Couple Dagger starts the assualt! Skill, counterblast, since its the first battle, add 2000 power and can switch place switch Melania afterwards! (9000 > 11000)" Riku exclaimed.
"No guard, damage check. (Player of the Holy Pipe, Gerrie) Stand trigger. Stand Pwyll and power to vanguard." Mai said.
"Skill of Couple Dagger, Melania and her switch. Adelaide attacks from the back row! (16000)" Riku exclaimed.
"Pwyll, intercept. (16000 > 21000)" Mai said.
"Adelaide's skill, restand her. Attack once more! (16000)" Riku exclaimed.
"Guard with Gorboduc. (16000 > 21000)" Mai replied.
"Then the vanguard attacks! Then Thavas' skill! Wave 4th time! Choose up to three! And you retire one! (26000 > 31000)" Riku exclaimed.
"Its Aqua Force's Wave! Activated when the specific attack timing is reached!" The announcer exclaimed.
"Either way I only can choose one, so you wasted resources for no apparent reason." Mai sighed as she got rid of her last unit. "Candace perfect guards."
"Eh, it was just a G Persona Blast. Then, Triple Drive!! (Officer Cadet, Alekbors, Kelpie Rider, Nikki, Kelpie Rider, Petros) Stand trigger. Stand Adelaide and add 5000 power! (16000 > 21000) Critical trigger! Add all effects to my left Melania! (7000 > 12000/1★ > 2★) Adelaide swings in! (21000)" Riku exclaimed.
"I guard with Scarface. (16000 > 26000)" Mai replied.
"Then my Melania without a crit swings in! (7000) Her Wave 3rd time or more! Counterblast, draw a card and add 5000 power! (7000 > 12000) Since that wont hit, I'll proceed with my other one! (12000, 2★) Skill, counterblast, draw a card and add 5k! (12000 > 17000, 2★)" Riku exclaimed.
"Four counterblasts wasted in one turn... Hm. Interesting. Guard with Pwyll. (16000 > 21000)" Mai said.
"Alright, I end." Riku smirked victoriously.

Hand: 3
Damage: 4

Hand: 7
Damage: 5

"Stand and draw... Liberating the Generation Zone, Generation Stride! Golden Knight of Incandescense, Ebracus. Stride skill, counterblast, check the top four and call Dawnngal. Skill, add Boost and 2000 power. (10000 > 12000) Ebracus' skill. Counterblast and soulblast, check top two and call Pwyll. Call Gerrie from hand. With a boost from Dawnngal, Pwyll attacks! (9000 > 21000)" Mai exclaimed. "Skill, counterblast, check and call Scarface Lion."
"Generation Guard, Flotia, use skill! (11000 > 26000 > 31000)" Riku said.
"Then with a boost, Gerrie! (7000 > 11000)" Mai exclaimed.
"Guard with Magnum! (11000 > 16000)" Riku exclaimed.
"Gerrie's skill, into soul and countercharge. Ebracus attacks next, and Scarface's skill. Into soul, draw a card, add 5k to vanguard. (26000 > 31000)" Mai said.
"Plato, perfect guard!" Riku replied.
"Triple Drive. (Knife Throwing Knight, Malegant, Curable Angel, Flame of Victory) Wasted heal and critical. I end." Mai sighed.

Hand: 6
Damage: 4

Hand: 3
Damage: 5

"Stand and draw! Liberating the Generation Zone!! Stormfront General of the Wave, fight on! Stride the Generation!~ Marine General of Heavenly Silk, Lambros!! Stride skill, add a new skill! Call Supersonic Sailor and use skill. Into soul and countercharge one. Andrey's skill. Counterblast and into soul, give Couple Dagger a new skill. Then I switch the places of Couple and Melania, and with a boost from Melania, Couple attacks! (9000 > 16000)" Riku exclaimed.
"Flame of Victory, shield me! (11000 > 21000)" Mai said.
"Then, skill given to her by Andrey. Restand and give 2000 power! (9000 > 11000) Attack! (11000)" Riku exclaimed.
"No guard. (Sunrise Ray Knight, Gurguit)" Mai said.
"Then Melania! Skill, counterblast, add 5000 power and draw! (7000 > 12000)" Riku exclaimed.
"Pwyll, intercept! (11000 > 16000)" Mai replied.
"Then, Lambros attacks! (26000) Skill added from Stride activates! I choose three of your rear-guards and you have to retire one! But since you only have one, retire it!" Riku smirked.
"So be it." Mai retired the card.
"Then, Lambros activate! G Persona Blast! My front row rear-guards restand and gain 10000 power! (11000 > 21000) (7000 > 17000)" Riku exclaimed.
"Crap... Candace, Perfect Guard." Mai replied, keeping her cool exterior.
"Triple Drive!!! (Blue Wave Dragon, Tetra-burst Dragon, Kelpie Rider, Petros, Officer Cadet, Alekbors) Critical and stand. Critcal and power to Couple Dagger and I stand Melania, and give 5000 to my front row one. (21000 > 26000/1★ > 2★)([< ] > [^])(17000 > 22000) Then, Melania attacks! (22000)" Riku declared.
"Generation Guard, Sacred Heaven Prayer Master, Reia! (11000 > 26000)" Mai exclaimed.
"Then, Couple Dagger with a boost from Melania!! (26000 > 33000, 2★)" Riku declared.
"Gurguit's Generation Break 2 skill! Counterblast, soulblast, check the top four cards of deck. Superior call to guardian circle Flame of Victory! (11000 > 21000) And Generation Guard with Sacred Heaven Prayer Master, Reia! (21000 > 36000)" Mai exclaimed, panting.
"And I was so sure I would've won just then..." Riku pouted. "I end."

Hand: 1
Damage: 5

Hand: 5
Damage: 5

"You can do it Mai!!" Dax called out from the stands. "Win it so we can both advance!"

"Stand and draw..." Mai drew a card and closed her eyes, before opening them, amber eyes full of confidence and ambition to win. "Liberating... The Generation Zone!! Dragon of Gold that wields the Glorious Blade, cut down a path to my victory... Generation Stride." The vanguard circle expanded gold with blue streaks. "Golden Dragon, Glourious Reigning Dragon! Stride skill. Checking top four cards of deck. Call, Henrinus. Skill, counterblast and soulblast. Check top three. Call Marcia, add 3000 power. (9000 > 12000) (8000 > 11000) Marcia attacks! (11000)" Mai declared.
"Couple Dagger intercepts! (11000 > 16000)" Riku exclaimed.
"Then Henrinus. (12000)" Mai replied.
"Guard with Mallika! (11000 > 16000)" Riku replied.
"Then, Glourious Reigning Dragon strikes in! (26000) Skill, activated. Counterblast, G Persona Blast and send both of my rear-guards to bottom of deck! Check the top seven cards of my deck and for each face up G Unit in my G Zone, I call one. Since I have five, I get to call five." Mai smirked.
"Oh no... You have one Glourious, two Reia's, one Ebracus and one Scourge..." Riku gulped.
"Call, Henrinus, Pwyll, Jeffrey, Gorboduc and Gerrie. Since three or more units were called, countercharge and soulcharge one." Mai said simply.
"Plato, perfect guard! Skill, countercharge." Riku gritted her teeth.
"Triple Drive. (Sunrise Ray Knight, Gurguit, Curable Angel, Holy Mage, Candace) Heal trigger. All effects to Henrinus and healing a damage. (9000 > 14000) Henrinus, attack with a boost from Jeffrey. (14000 > 21000)" Mai declared.
"Alekbors and Couple Dagger, guard! (11000 > 26000)" Riku exclaimed.
"Skill of Jeffrey, into soul and draw a card. Pwyll, her last card in hand is a grade 3. Finish her. (9000 > 16000)" Mai said coldly as Riku sighed.
"Your right... I can't guard. Damage check. (One Who Surpasses the Storm, Thavas) No trigger." Riku laughed it off.
"And in that intense battle, Mai Heatwave has come out on top!!" The announcer exclaimed as the stadium broke into cheers and clapping as Dax shouted,
"Good work sis!!"
Mai smirked and packed up her cards. "I didn't even have to use Gurguit."
"Good game Mai." Riku held out a hand to her shorter opponent.
"Good game Riku." She shook the hand hardly.

"Gold Paladin is dominating this tournament, all three players have actually made it through!!" Ayaza exclaimed.
"You gotta face her next round." Ryu laughed as he elbowed Yza.
"Crap, but I know I'll win!!" Yza fistbumped the air.
"Good luck on that then." Ayaza laughed. "Now its your brother's turn."
"I'm not rooring for that dipshit..." Yza muttered.



Gold Paladin players all succedded XD

Ayato: ...

Ayaza: He's REALLY pissed

Ayato: No, I'm just sad... Oh well, I can just crush 'em all later.

Next up, Maxios vs Neko, leggo!

Fox out!

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