Turn 18: Wedding Fight

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"Its just a prank!!"

Shock rang through the crowd as jaws dropped, eyes glared and "...really?" could be heard.

(Insert theme song here)

"SO I WASTED HALF MY DAY TO HELP YOU BOZOS DO A PRANK FOR NOTHING?" Yza said, breaking down and lifting a clear plastic knife up.
"Yandere mode, activate!" Ayaza exclaimed. Meanwhile, Ryu was laughing his head off as he filmed it, and most people were annoyed.
"Social experiment!" Rachel winked and stuck her tongue out cutely.
"Sorry guys," Maxios laughed as he saw his brother lifting a knife.
"Aw man, and I was exicted to being Yza's brother..." Wyvon sighed. Rino got up from his kneeling position and bitch slapped Maxios from how much of an ignorant idiot he was.
"Yza get a knife, I'm joining your yandere army," Rino said.
"Wait, what are yanderes?" Shika questioned. Backlion shrugged his shoulders and replied,
"I don't know, I don't care, but what I can tell you is I think its a term for girls..."
"Nani?!" Shika exclaimed. He then anime cried. "Wyvon is rubbing off on me..."
"Its not a bad thing..." Backlion sweatdropped. Zeon laughed alongside Ryu, seeing the better side of the prank.
"Oh... My... God, upload... it to... YouTube!" Zeon was laughing uncontrollably.
"I'm... Doing... It... Now!" Ryu kept laughing as he hooked the camera to a laptop and started to upload the files.

"But to make it up to you guys, we're gonna cardfight!!" Maxios smirked, looking at Rachel.
"Wait, you already rebuilt your deck?" Yza asked as he put down his knife.
"Oh no, I got a new deck. You'll love it!" Maxios smiled. Wyvon then ran to a seperate place and set up a stall.
"Bet on the cardfight here!!" Wyvon exclaimed.
"£1 on Maxios!" Yza replied. "Better not fail me..."
"I wont!" He chirped back.
"£100 on Maxios." Zeon said.
"Ooh, £5 Max aswell!" Shika exclaimed.
"Well I'm gonna put £20 on my sis, what about you guys?" Wyvon asked.
"I'm gonna stay away from gambling..." Rino said quietly.
"£3 on Rachel... Would do more, but I only have eight on me, and I used five." Ayaza said.
"£100 on the pretty lady~" Backlion said.
"How in the blazes are you gonna get that cash?" Rukia asked, sweatdropping. "No bets for me."
"Zeon, duh!" Backlion said, like it was the most obvious thing in the world. Serena was laughing in the background, as Ryu was starting to upload the clip to YouTube, and Maxios and Rachel were ready to start their match.
"Go get 'em sis!!" Wyvon exclaimed.
"Dude, its a fiver, calm it!" Ayaza sweatdropped.
"Overcompetitive nature takes the better of my lil' bro... You ready?" Maxios asked.
"Then I'll ever be!" Rachel replied with a smirk.
"Stand up Vanguard!!" Maxios and Rachel said together.
"Baby Camara!" Maxios exclaimed, vanguard circle expanding light red.
"Witch of Banquets, Lir!" Rachel exclaimed, vanguard circle expanding pale violet.

Appearing on one side was a child brachisaurus with red and tan skin with egg shell on its head as a helmet and a large red cannon pack on its sides. The other side had a child witch with a black hat riding a broom, long blonde hair flowing in the wind and wearing a black and blue witch outfit as birds were around her.

"I'll start. Draw. I ride Winged Dragon, Beamptero, pull back Camara and end." Maxios said.

Hand: 5
Damage: 0

Hand: 5
Damage: 0

"Tachikaze huh?" Ayaza said.
"Interesting choice. Witches feed off needing him having grade 0 rear-guards, but he'll be eating them up, so it may not be effective. Knowing Shadow Paladin, retiring will also be there, so my guess is, very empty fields on both sides..." Serena anaylsed.
"When was she so good at the game?" Shika asked in a whisper.
"1738," Backlion joked.
"So Maxios is also piloting a retire heavy deck? He must like betraying his own..." Yza said. Then he was hit with the thought he might be the traitor! He confirmed that Ayaza and Ayato aren't the same earlier today...

Yza was sketching what the wedding looked like while Kaiko watched.
"Your good at art..." He complimented him.
"Thanks... Its something I do well." Yza laughed.
"Oh yeah... Ayaza isn't the traitor. I saw him with Ayato... Looks like we're at square 2..." Kaiko groaned.
"Thank goodness!" Yza sighed with relief in his voice.

He shook his head vigourously. "Yza your looking to deep into this..."

"Stand and draw! Ride, Branwen, Lir moving back. Branwen attacks! (7000)" Rachel declared.
"No guard!" Maxios replied, eager.
"Drive check! (Witch of Black Doves, Goewin) Critical! All effects to vanguard! (7000 > 12000/1★ > 2★)" Rachel smirked.
"Darn, damage! (Emporer Dragon, Gaia Emporer, Prism Bird) No triggers..." Maxios said.
"Turn end." Rachel smirked.

Hand: 5
Damage: 2

Hand: 6
Damage: 0

"Alright, stand and draw! Ride Sarcoblaze! Call Prism Bird. With a boost from Prism, Sarcoblaze attacks! (9000 > 16000)" He commanded.
"No guard." Rachel replied.
"Drive check! (Blade Dragon, Jigsawsaurus) No trigger." Maxios said.
"Damage check. (Witch of Precious Stones, Dana) No trigger either," Rachel sighed.
"Turn end." Maxios smirked.

Hand: 5
Damage: 2

Hand: 6
Damage: 1

"Stand and draw! Ride, Skull Witch, Nemain! Then Nemain attacks! (3000)" Rachel exclaimed.
"That wont go through, even with a trigger..." Maxios pointed out.
"Just to get cards in hand. Drive check! (Mesmerizing Witch, Fianna)" Rachel said. "No trigger. Turn end."

Hand: 5
Damage: 2

Hand: 6
Damage: 1

"Stand and draw! I ride Rage Dragon, Tyrannobrute! Skill, counterblast, soulblast, look at the top five cards of my deck and add Apatomaser to hand!" Maxios smirked. "Then with a boost, go in Tyrannobrute!! (11000 > 18000)"
"No guard!" Rachel replied.

"MAXIOS PULL DOUBLE CRIT!!" Yza suddenly shouted out.
"Jeez, he really doesn't want to lose that money..." Ayaza sweatdropped.

"Twin drive! (Savage Healer, Blade Dragon, Jigsawsaurus) Heal! Power to vanguard and heal!" Maxios smirked.

"Shit." Yza cursed.

"Damage check! (Witch of Reality, Femme) No trigger either." Rachel said.
"Turn end." Maxios smirked.

Hand: 8
Damage: 1

Hand: 6
Damage: 2

"Stand and draw! Queen of illusions, master of reality, show yourself!! I ride my avatar, Mezmerising Witch, Fianna!" Rachel declared. Her vanguard circle expanded violet. "Liberating the generation zone! Black wings of pure destruction, cast nothing but despair to this ground! Stride the generation!! Supremacy Black Dragon, Aurageyser Dragon!!"

The light pink haired woman with a very revealing black suit with blue linings on it; long fingernails and holding a crystal skull in her left hand, was shining a bright violet, her body soon turned into a witch with long orange hair, wearing a pink and black witches hat. Her eyes were a pink and wore a witches outfit, scaly pink was the top half, and the bottom was purple and pink skirt. She held a black staff with a pink jewel ontop. Soon a bright light engulfed her as what stepped out was a horse's leg, pitch black and coated in armour. A large weapon with a long blade on it that shone a light blue was ontop a holder that was black and had pink linings. The bottom was a large point, light blue line dividing the two. The light cleared as a knight with bright light blue wings and shining light blue eyes with two large horns and pink and black armour emerged, riding the horse, who had two large horns; light blue and light purple at the ends. His eyes shone a blue.

"Call Dana, Femme and Nemain. Nemain's skill. Counterblast and discard a card to draw two cards! Then I attack with Aurageyser! Skill activated! Counterblast, soulblast, retire Nemain and Dana, G Persona blast! Check the top two cards of my deck! (Witch of Goats, Medb, Witch's Familiar, Kuroma) And Aurageyser gets 5000 power for each grade 1 and lower! And I managed to pull two, so he gets 10000! (26000 > 36000) The cards revealed go to hand." Rachel exclaimed.
"No guard!" Maxios said confidently.
"Triple Drive! (Mesmerizing Witch, Fianna, Witch of Black Doves, Goewin, Inspection Witch, Deirdre) Alright, one crit! Power to Femme, crit to vanguard! (1★ > 2★) (9000 > 14000)" Rachel smirked.
"Damn it! Damage check! (Beam Dragon, Apatomaser, Savage Guardian) No triggers..." Maxios said through gritted teeth.
"Then with a boost, Femme attacks! Her skill adds 3000 power! (14000 > 19000 > 22000)" Rachel exclaimed.

"Magic numbers..." Ayaza mumbled.
"Magic what?" Yza asked.
"Magic numbers are hard to reach power. I consider any rear-guard attack over 20k is a magic number." Ayaza explained.

Maxios looked at his damage zone, and then his hand. He smirked anyways and declared, "I don't guard. Damage check! (Cannon Fire Dragon, Sledge Ankylo) Draw! Power to vanguard and draw! (11000 > 16000)"
"That concludes my turn." Rachel said, looking at Maxios with a serious glare.

Hand: 9
Damage: 4

Hand: 10
Damage: 2

"Stand and draw! A single roar that terrifies all, hunt everything down and show no mercy!!! Bring those who disobey you to your feet and let them tremble at your sight!!! I ride my avatar!! Emporer Dragon, Gaia Emporer!!" Maxios exclaimed. His vanguard circle expanded red, but it was slightly shattered and cracked. "Liberating the generation zone!! Generation Stride!! Destruction Tyrant, Gradogigant!!"

The blue T-rex with red marks and four gattling guns on his back emitted a bright red light. His form and appearance changed to reveal a tan triceratops with a multicoloured frill and three beady red eyes on each side and a large horn on its nose appeared, the two horns under its frill were death weapons, it charged a green energy inside. Its tail was a gun shaped weapon, as it roared and turned into a large purple gigantosaurus, with yellow markings on its body and orange flaming eyes. He had a sword hanging around his neck, and two brass arm pieces. He had missle launchers on the side of its body and above it were more missle launchers. Above those death traps were two cannons and his tail split into four blades at the back.
"We dinodragons have no concept, "over the top"." He snarled at them.

"Stride skill, counterblast and call from hand, Freezernyx and Apatomaser. Then I give Freezernyx and Baby Camara new skills! Then, I use Apatomaser's skill! Counterblast, soulblast, he gets 2000 power and a new skill! (9000 > 11000) Next I call Jigsawsaurus. Then with a boost from Camara, Jigsawsaurus attacks! (9000 > 14000) Skill, counterblast and retire Freezernyx. Skill of Freezernyx, giving my vanguard 2000 power, (26000 > 28000) I also countercharge one and soulcharge one, (Emporer Dragon, Gaia Emporer) and Jigsawsaurus' skill activates! I retire Lir and he gets 5000 power and a new skill! (14000 > 19000)" Maxios declared.
"No guard," Rachel replied. "Damage check. (Lizard Witch, Eine) Draw trigger. Power to vanguard and I draw. (11000 > 16000)"
"Skill! Draw a card. Then with a boost from Freezernyx, Apatomaser attacks! (11000 > 17000) Skill, retire Freezernyx. Skill of Freezernyx, 2000 power to vanguard (28000 > 30000) and I countercharge one and soulcharge one, (Winged Dragon, Beamptero) and he comes back alive! Then Apatomaser's skill kicks in, I draw a card and he gets 5000 power! (11000 > 16000)" Maxios smirked.
"You really love your draw advantage," Rachel laughed. "Guard with Femme! (16000 > 21000)"
"Then my vanguard attacks! (30000 > 37000) Skill activates! Retiring Freezernyx, Camara and Apatomaser, my vanguard gets 15000 power! (37000 > 53000) And I draw a card! Then I use Camara's skill! Counterblast and call Beamptero to rear-guard, and it gets 3000 power! (7000 > 10000) And using Camara's skill, call it rear-guard! Next is Freezernyx's skill! Countercharge, soulcharge (Savage Healer) and my vanguard gets 2000 power! (53000 > 55000) And I call him back aswell!!" Maxios exclaimed.

"He managed to recover all his resources, draw three cards and his vanguard attacks for 55k?!" Yza exclaimed in shock.
"This guy is good." Backlion mumbled.

"No guard." Rachel bravely said.
"Triple drive!! (Explosive Dragon, Sarcoblaze, Prism Bird, Savage Guardian) No triggers..." Maxios gritted his teeth. "Damn, I didn't pull any triggers."
"Damage check. (Mesmerizing Witch, Fianna) No trigger." Rachel replied.
"Then with a boost from Freezernyx, Beamptero!! (10000 > 17000)" Maxios declared.
"No guard! Damage check! (Cherishing Knight, Branwen) No trigger either." Rachel replied, comfident face on.
"That'll be my turn." Maxios declared, sweating slightly, putting on his best confident face.

Hand: 11
Damage: 4

Hand: 10
Damage: 4

"Stand and draw! Prepare to see what the world truly holds for you... Legion, Seek Mate!! Witch of Reality, Femme!!" Rachel declared. She shuffled back four cards, and her vanguard circle expanded violet, and the Legion symbol appeared between the two cards. "I activate Fianna's skill! Counterblast 2 and your Freezernyx and Jigsawsaurus are my targets! Reveal the top 10 cards od your deck, and you choose any grade 0 among them, and replace my targets with your grade 0's!"

"Replacing existing units with grade 0's... The Witches speciality." Serena said, looking at the battle closely.

"Lets go! (Savage Healer, Savage Guardian, Blade Dragon, Jigsawsaurus, Winged Dragon, Beamptero, Prism Bird, Cannon Fire Dragon, Parasaulauncher, Explosive Dragon, Sarcoblaze, Rage Dragon, Tyrannobrute, Cold Dragon, Freezernyx, Blade Dragon, Jigsawsaurus) Aw man, you got lucky. Calling Parasaulancher over Freezernyx and calling Healer over Jigsawsaurus." Maxios said. He then shuffled back the remaining cards.
"Alright. Call, Kuroma. Using his skill, discarding a Witch, and drawing two cards. Call Goewin. Her skill, returning her to the deck, your vanguard loses 5000 power until end of turn!" Rachel exclaimed.
"Aw man... (11000 > 6000) Now I'm on a 6k base!!" He whined.
"Call Dana. I use Fianna's skill! Retire Femme and I draw two cards! Call, Medb. Skill, countercharge and soulcharge! (Little Skull Witch, Nemain) Then I call Deirdre. Then I use Fianna's skill once more! Counterblast 2, your Beamptero and Prism Bird are history! You know the drill, right?" She asked, giving a cute wink at him.
"Yeah, yeah," Maxios started to laugh and reveal the top 10 cards. (Ancient Dragon, Dinodile, Emporer Dragon, Gaia Emporer, Cold Dragon, Freezernyx, Cannon Fire Dragon, Parsaulauncher, Explosive Dragon, Sarcoblaze, Ancient Dragon, Dinodile, Savage Guardian, Cold Dragon, Freezernyx, Cannon Fire Dragon, Sledge Ankylo, Prism Bird, Rage Dragon, Tyrannobrute) "So I have 4 choices? Dinodile over Beamptero, and Parasulauncher behind vanguard." Maxios gritted his teeth.

"His whole formation is gone and is replaced with grade 0's!!" Said a shocked Zeon.
"This is a surprise." Shika said, looking at the match.

"Then, with a boost from Medb, Deirdre attacks!! (9000 > 13000)" Rachel declared.
"I'm on a 6k base... Guard with Prism Bird and Sarcoblaze!! (6000 > 16000)" Maxios declared.

"With an eleven card hand, guarding should be a breeze." Ayaza said, smiling.

"Then my vanguard!! Legion attack!! (20000 > 27000)" Rachel declared.
"Perfect guard with Savage Guardian!!" Maxios smirked.
"Twin Drive!! (Little Skull Witch, Nemain, Witch of Goats, Medb) Stand trigger! Power to Deirdre and stand!! (9000 > 14000, [ >] > [^]) And she attacks again! (14000)" Rachel smiled at Maxios.
"Guard with Dinodile!! (6000 > 16000)" Maxios replied, panting.
"Turn end." Rachel smirked.

Hand: 6
Damage: 4

Hand: 11
Damage: 4

"Each player can keep a healthy hand and play extremely excellently at the same time." Ryu said. "This is next level stuff!"

"Stand and draw!! Liberating the Generation Zone!! Show them a world of pain and mercy, the weak shall fall to his feet! Generation Stride!!! Absolute Ruler, Gluttony Dogma!!" Maxios shouted. The vanguard circle expanded red, but was shattered slightly and crackled.

Clearing from the dust, smaller less menacing dinosaurs were surronding Gaia Emporer, as he stepped foward and roared. A red light covered Gaia Emporer and the shell of light was blown off, revealing a blue T-Rex with a blood red head. It was covered by a silver helmet with two large silver pieces coming out of its side, green lines printed on the horn like decorations. He had amber coloured eyes and sharp white teeth like a shark, and a large silver chestplate that on the back held numerous death weapons. They were silver blasters lf sorts, red light charging inside. He had blood red hands and yellow claws, where on the wrists were mini launchers. The main four blasters behind its back were a green colour. He made a menacing roar and scared the witches that he overtowered.

"Stride skill, counterblast and call from the hand Freezernyx over Healer. I give him and Camara new skills! Then I place Dinodile into soul, countercharge one! I call Jigsawsaurus over Freezernyx, use Freezernyx's skill to countercharge, soulcharge (Beam Dragon, Apatomaser) and give the vanguard 2000 power! (26000 > 28000) Then I use his skill to recall him to where Dinodile used to lay. With a boost from Parasaulauncher, Freezernyx attacks!! (7000 > 11000)" Maxios exclaimed, pushing all of his resources into this turn.
"Guard with Kuroma! (11000 > 16000)" Rachel said.
"Then with a boost from Camara, Jigsawsaurus attacks! (9000 > 14000) Skill, counterblast and retire Freezernyx! Using Freezernyx's skill, bringing him back from the dead and countercharge and soulcharge! (Blade Dragon, Jigsawsaurus) Vanguard gets 2000 power! (28000 > 30000) And using the skill with the attacking Jigsawsaurus, he gets 5000 power, a new skill and I retire Dana! (14000 > 19000)" Maxios exclaimed.
"Guard with Milcra!! (11000 > 21000)" Rachel exclaimed back.
"Then, with a boost from Paralauncher, my vanguard attacks!! (30000 > 34000) Gluttony Dogma's Engorge!! Retire my whole formation!!" Maxios declared menacingly.

"He's retiring all his rear-guards?!" Yza exclaimed in shock.

"And G Persona blast! My vanguard gets 10000 power! (34000 > 30000 > 40000) And a new skill! Then I use Camara's skill! Call from the deck another Freezernyx with 3000 power! (7000 > 10000) And then I call him back to rear-guard! Freezernyx's skill, countercharge, soulcharge (Winged Dragon, Beamptero) and give the vanguard 2000 power! (40000 > 42000) And then he comes back!" Maxios declared.
"Perfect guard!!" Rachel exclaimed back at him.

The cannons on Gluttony Dogma's back charged intensly, blinding light shone wildly as it aimed everything at Fianna. A million of blinding red coloured beams spiked out suddenly, going quickly towards Fianna. Suddenly, a younger version of Nemain riding a large crystal skull swooped in, making a large clear spherical barrier around them using the skull in hand, the beams hitting it and spiking off, Nemain nodding at Fianna, Fianna nodding back.

"Triple Drive!! (Ancient Dragon, Dinodile, Cannon Fire Dragon, Parasaulauncher, Cannon Fire Dragon, Parasaulauncher)" Maxios exclaimed.
"Triple critical?!" Rachel exclaimed in shock.
"All effects to vanguard!! (42000 > 57000/1★ > 2★) Then, I activate the vanguard skill! RESTAND!!" Maxios declared, the card trying to stand, red energy crackled around it and kept it in rest like chains. "THE!!" The card kept trying to stand as the red energy was trying its hardest to keep it at rest. "VANGUARD!!" He finally cried, the card continued to try, the red energy that held it broke suddenly, and the card was in stand, an even more shattered and crackled then before. "Drive minus two..." Maxios finished it off, smirking.

"A restanding vanguard?" Zeon said in shock.
"Thats our trope!!!" Ryu and Backlion exclaimed together.
"This is gonna get a bit more fun." Shika smirked.
"Nice... He managed to pull it off." Serena said.
"Wow..." Rukia was stunned.
"You can still win sis!!" Wyvon cheered.
"She's gonna probably perfect guard your vanguard attack!" Rino exclaimed at him.
"GO AHEAD AND BEAT HER!!" Yza cheered for his brother. Rachel and Maxios nodded to their respective siblings and they shifted focus back to the game.

Gluttony Dogma's eyes glowed an even brighter amber as the cannons charged up again, Nemain putting down the shield.

"My vanguard attacks!! (57000 > 67000, 4★)" Maxios exclaimed.
"Perfect guard again!!!" Rachel exclaimed in desperation, stopping the four crit attack.

Gluttony Dogma aimed the cannons back at Fianna as Nemain tried her hardest to recharge her energy to make another shield. The blast shot out wildly, aiming straight at Fianna, making her cover her eyes from the intense light as Nemain managed to make a shield just in time. It, once again, was a clear spherical one that bounced off the beams.

"Skill of Nemain, draw a card, discard a card." Rachel said simply.
"Twin Drive!! (Cannon Fire Dragon, Sledge Ankylo) Draw trigger! Power to Freezernyx, (7000 > 12000) and draw! Second! (Savage Healer) Heal trigger! Healing a point of damage, power to Freezernyx! (12000 > 17000)" Maxios smirked. "Attack!! (17000 > 22000)"
"No guard. Damage check! (Witch of Reality, Femme) No trigger." Rachel replied.
"Aw man, turn end." Maxios said, dissapointed at himself.

Hand: 10
Damage: 3

Hand: 5
Damage: 5

"Stand and draw! Forbidden black magic, curse my opponents and make them enternally suffer!! I ride, Cultus Witch, Rias!" Rachel declared, vanguard circle expanding violet. "Then I call Deirdre and Dana to rear-guard, soulblast two and you call over your Freezernyx's two grade 0's from the drop zone!"
"Call Parasaulauncher and Healer to rear-guard." Maxios said.
"Now, Legion, Seek Mate!! Inspection Witch, Deirdre!" Rachel exclaimed. She shuffled back four cards from the drop zone and her vanguard circle expanded violet, along with the Legion symbol appearing between the two cards. "Legion skill! Retire Deirdre, and your vanguard gets 5000 less power for each grade 0 you have!"
"I have three, so I get -15000 power?!" Maxios exclaimed in shock. (11000 > -4000) "Great I'm in minus numbers..." He anime cried.

"Can minus power even be possible?" Yza asked Ayaza.
"Very. It seems like Rachel did curse Maxios." Ayaza replied, laughing.

"Then I call Nemain, her skill, counterblast and discard a card, draw two cards! With a boost from Medb, Deirdre attacks!! (9000 > 13000)" Rachel exclaimed.
"Damn it, since I'm on -4, I'll need a 20k shield!!" Maxios jaw dropped. "No guard... (Rage Dragon, Tyrannobrute)"
Rachel started laughing. "Seeing you flustered is kinda cute. Then my vanguard attacks!! (20000 > 27000)"
"Perfect guard!! Skill, countercharge... Oh wait I can't..." Maxios sweatdropped.
"Twin drive! (Witch of Goats, Medb, Lizard Witch, Eine) Stand and draw! Stand Deirdre, and power to her, and draw trigger power will go to Nemain and draw! (9000 > 14000, [ >] > [^])(3000 > 8000) Then Deirdre attacks!! (14000)" Rachel cheered.

"MAXIOS!!" Yza cried.
"RACHEL!!" Wyvon cheered

"I can't let my little brother down! I need a 20k shield, so guard with Sarcoblaze, Apatomaser, Prism Bird and Sledge Ankylo! (-4000 > 16000)" Maxios exclaimed.
"Your death wish. Nemain! (8000)" Rachel shrugged it off.
"15k shield? Guard with Dinodile and Beamptero! (-4000 > 11000)" Maxios panted.
"Tch. Turn end." Rachel kept calm.

Hand: 1
Damage: 4

Hand: 7
Damage: 4

"Maxios is gonna deck out..." Yza commented.

"Stand and draw! Liberating the Generation Zone!! Generation Stride, Destruction Tyrant, Gradogigant! Stride skill, counterblast and give Healer and Camara new skills! Call Gaia Emporer... Gaia attacks! (11000)" Maxios exclaimed.
"No guard! Damage check! (Lizard Witch, Eine) Draw. Power to vanguard and draw! (11000 > 16000)" Rachel said, smirk on her face.
"With a boost from Paralauncher, Gradogigant attacks! Skill, retire all my rear-guards except Para, he gets 15000 power and I draw a card! Para's skill, place it into soul, 5000 power to vanguard and draw! (26000 > 30000 > 26000 > 46000)" Maxios exclaimed.
"Perfect guard!!" Rachel exclaimed back.
"Triple drive..." Maxios said through gritted teeth. He knew that it wasn't gonna end pretty. (Emporer Dragon, Gaia Emporer, Rage Dragon, Tyrannobrute, Emporer Dragon, Gaia Emporer) "No triggers..." Maxios laughed.

"TRIPLE GRADE 3'S?!" Yza exclaimed in pure shock.

"Turn end." He smiled.

Hand: 5
Damage: 4

Hand: 6
Damage: 5

"Stand and draw. Final Turn!!" Rachel declared. Maxios smirked either way. "Liberating the Generation Zone!! A shattered and forgotten soul, rise with your dark blade! Generation Stride!! Dark Dragon, Phantom Blaster "Diablo"!!" The vanguard circle expanded violet.

With a crash of lightning, Phantom Blaster "Diablo" appeared, eyes glimmering a blood red.

"Activating skill! Counterblast, G Persona Blast! 10000 power, extra crit and new skill!! (26000 > 36000/1★ > 2★) Then with a boost from Dana, my vanguard attacks! (36000 > 43000, 2★) Then I use his skill! Retire Nemain, Deirdre, Medb! You have to retire 2 to guard! And since you don't have 2 units, I guess I can proceed to triple drive?" Rachel asked him.
"Go ahead." Maxios smiled at his girlfriend.
"Triple drive!! (Witch's Familiar, Kuroma, Witch of Black Doves, Goewin, Skull Witch, Nemain) Critical trigger! All effects to vanguard!! (43000 > 48000/2★ > 3★)" Rachel smirked intensly.
"Damage check! (Explosive Dragon, Sarcoblaze, Cold Dragon, Freezernyx, Emporer Dragon, Gaia Emporer) No triggers. GG!" Maxios smiled and gave a thumbs up. Rachel smiled and gave a thumbs up to him.

"I lost £5..." Yza groaned.
"Alright, I get 3 x 20 worth my cash!! So I get £60!!" Ayaza cheered.
"I get £2000!!~" Backlion smirked smugly.
"And I get £400!! Holy crap we're rich!!" Wyvon cheered.
"Wow..." Rino laughed.
"Sorry guys!" Maxios tried to calm the losers down. Soon after everyone started to leave and continue their normal life.


So... YAY!! Another chapter done haha.. Getting these guys out like a boss! Next chapter will be character development so if your not into that, skip it... In the meantime, I'll be writing my ass off! Thats all, Fox out!
(4000+ words!! Omg XD)

P.S, I probably got yandere wrong here so go ahead and correct me on that... Now I'm going! XD

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