Turn 19: Aftermath

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Maxios got out of his tuxedo and changed into his casual clothes. He and Yza were in Yza's Apartment.
"I'm still po'd because of that prank!" Yza exclaimed.
"Ah, it was for fun," Maxios said as he finished.
"Lets just go already." Said an annoyed Yza.

(Insert theme song here)

Yza and Maxios walked down the street. It was a dark blue sky, turning night slowly. The street lamps were shining brightly on the teo.
"You can't stay mad at me forever~" Maxios teased him.
"Shut your trap, being brothers with Wyvon would be scary!" Yza exclaimed.
"Oh, your pissed because you thought I was gonna marry Rachel, which meant you and Wyvon would be brothers-in law." Maxios said. "Oops, I sweared, another pence in the swear jar!~"
"FOR THE LAST TIME I'M NOT 5 YOU PIECE OF CRAP!!" Yza exclaimed angrily at him and Maxios ruffled his hair and patted his head.
"Your still my lil' bro. Remember, gotta get a girl to ditch me~" Maxios teased further.
"Grrrr..." Yza muttered as he could feel his blood boiling from how irritating Maxios was.
"So how are you and Rukia these days?" Maxios asked.
"FOR THE LAST TIME, WE'RE NOT A COUPLE!!" Yza screeched further, being angered by his brother.
"No, but seriously, I'm genuienly curious. You guys haven't met in forever and I wonder how its like." Maxios said.
"Me and Rukia are fine and just FRIENDS. Note, FRIENDS throughly in your idiotic mind." Yza breathed out.
"Thats good to hear. Also," Maxios said as he reached into his pocket and grabbed out a pile of vanguard cards. "These are Stardust Knight cards that were sent to me one day randomly. Ya know, normal day, someone knocked on the door and left this pile. One of the few reasons we came was to give you this, Rachel won the lottery and wanted to share the good news with Wyvon, and I made the idea to do the prank."
Yza stared at them with awe. "Wow..." He said as he stashed away the cards. "Where are we heading to anyways?"
"To a pub!" Maxios smiled.
"This better be another prank..." Yza glared at him.
"Nope, you get to go into a bar underage and smell whiskey, drink alcohol and get drunk with yours truly!" Maxios smiled.
"Holy shit... Will Rachel and Wyvon be there aswell?" He asked. Maxios nodded his head yes. "Bullshit... I hope Rachel isn't a heavy alcohol drinker..."
"You'll have to see~" Maxios teased.
"Your a piece of crap, ya know that?" Yza said.
"Hell to the yeah~ Just happy to see my gf and drink some well earned booze, bitches!" Maxios said as he smirked. Yza facepalmed.
"I have no hope with you." He said.

Maxios pushed the door to the bar and the people inside cheered,
"Ol' Maxy boy, haven't seen you recently!"
"Hows the military?"
"Wow, your popular." Yza said.
"I've been to bar often, so I'm pretty well known." Maxios laughed.

Meanwhile at the counter, Rachel was dipping chocolate chip cookies into fruit punch and eating it, while Wyvon was chugging down a glass of frothy beer.
"Y-ya know Ra-rachel, I-I owe y-you for gett-tting m-me al-alcohol!" Wyvon smiled at her. Rachel smiled back as she ate her cookie. "I-if you excuse me, I-I have some bastards to braaaawlllll," Wyvon said drunk. He grabbed a clear backpack full of a mix of beers and alcoholic drinks, and two hoses that could unleash them. "Lets dances bitches!" He smirked as he turned on the hose, the mixture starting to squirt out of the hose, it shooting foward.

Maxios saw and noticed them.
"Rachel is there if you wanna talk with her. I have some drinking to do," He smiled at Yza. He then ran infront of the blast, drinking it.
"D-dude, y-ouuu ruin for me!" Wyvon said drunkly.
"What is this delicious treat?! Everyone, drink and sooooak!!" Maxios commanded as Wyvon shot out more blasts of it, as Maxios got splattered and shot by the alcohol, drinking it as it entered his mouth and snorting it down as it entered his nostrils...

Yza sat at the wooden bar counter; next to Rachel. The stools were a maroon, seat a velvet red.
"Hey Rach," Yza said.
"Hey Yza!" She greeted him with a warm smile.
"So uh, why are you dipping cookies into wine?" Yza asked.
"Actually, its not wine," Rachel replied as she took another bite. Yza looked at the glass with red liquid in it and backed off a bit. "Its fruit punch." She finally said as she dipped another cookie into it. Yza breathed a sigh of relief, then asked,
"Why are you even doing that?! Cookies and fruit punch don't work well toge-" Yza said as Rachel stuffed a bit into his mouth.
"Sorry~" She said. Yza glared at her with annoyance and ate it.
"What was that?" He asked as he licked his lip.
"That was cookies dipped in fruit punch my very good sir," Rachel smiled at him.
"Its delicious!" Yza said. Rachel grabbed the bag of cookies and placed it between them.
"You can help yourself~" She said. Yza licked his lips more and grabbed a cookie and started to dip and eat.
"So hows your and Maxios' relationship as brothers?" She asked. Yza looked at the drunken Maxios who was drinking with his buddies and Wyvon.
"Fine, actually... Well maybe not that. More or less, "I love him, yet hate him" kinda thing ya know?" Yza sighed.
"Thats good to hear. Atleast you and your bro have a relationship. I'm not sure about Wyvon anymore..." Rachel said sadly.
"Whys that?" Yza asked curious.
"Well I wasn't there for when he needed me most..." Rachel said.
"Well, me and Maxi-" Yza said as Rachel then said,
"You see, when I was younger, I was bullied and picked on at school. I was teased for being unlucky, pretty ugly, and just because I was alone and didn't fit anywhere."
"Thats not true! Your lucky, you fit in, hell your kinda cute," Yza admitted in a slight shade of red from embarrasment. Rachel's cheek flushed a light red before they went back to normal.
"You see, afterschool I would be taking my afterschool snack, which would normally be cookies, stay in my room, cry and drown my sadness in eating..." Rachel said as she didn't want to remember. "When Wyvon needed my help, I wasn't there... I would be alone in my room. I only started making friends in highschool as I transferred from junior into that stage. I met Maxios and Kaiko then, but was still teased from time to time. I was breaking out of my shell, attending more parties and doing things that I thought I would never do." Rachel laughed. "I guess fate made me into a very lucky person..."
"Huh. So instead of talking to Wyvon and helping him, you were doing other things?" Yza asked.
"Yeah... One of the few things that kept us together was our trading," Rachel laughed.
"Trading?" Yza asked.
"You see, for cookies, I would give Wyvon alcohol as apparently, our mum said he could have it at 13. I bet she said 30, but I stuck along for the cookies, haha." She smiled.

"Wyvon, I just want to speak to you about something," Wyvon's and Rachel's mother said.
"Yeah mom?" He asked.
"You can start drinking alcohol at 30, ok? I don't want you to become a crazy drunk, so please." She said.
"Ok mom!" Wyvon smiled. He was 13 at the time and he thought she said 13, so he went to Rachel's room. "Hey sis,"
Rachel put down her pen and looked at him.
"Oh hey Wyvon!" She gave him one of her warm smiles.
"Mom said I could have alcohol at 13! So could you buy me some?" Wyvon asked.
"She said what?!" Rachel said in shock. "I bet she said 30 and he thought 13..." Rachel thought.
"Yeah." Wyvon nodded his head.
"Fine, but you have to get me some cookies for a trade." She said.
"Alright!" Wyvon said as he saluted.

"I swear he's an idiot..." Yza sighed as he took another bite.
"Well he invented stuff and built things I thought he couldn't, so he can't be that dumb." Rachel chuckled lightly.
"Wyvon means well and all, but he can get on your nerves with his Japanese ways. He calls people by their last name dammit, and can act like he lived in Japan for half of his life!" Yza sighed.
"I can see why. Wyvon liked comics and books, and one day what he thought was a book was a manga, and he bought it, read it, did some research and kablam, you have his japanese craziness right there." Rachel chuckled further.
"That would explain why he loves manga... He means well I guess." Yza said.
"In what context?" Rachel asked.
"Well a friend of mine, Rino, actually told me this story." Yza said. "You see, he was actually very shy, and didn't know how to speak to people, as he came off very agressive or quiet. He kept to himself and couldn't make friends. Only reason people came around him was because of his excellent cooking skills. The story went like this..."

Rino walked through the door as he was greeted by his brown haired father, who was cooking dinner.
"Rino! Welcome back," He grinned at his son.
"Hey dad." Rino said quietly.
"Made any friends?" He asked.
"No..." Rino said sadly. His dad frowned.
"Hey, I have an idea." He said.
"What is it?" Rino asked.
"Lets go bake a batch of cookies for you to bring into school and give them out. Surely kids will start to talk to you then!" He smiled. Rino's eyes glimmered with hope.
"Alright!" Rino grinned back.

"Did you say cookies?" Rachel asked.
"Yup," Yza said as his hoodie's drawstrings were suddenly pulled to make Yza come closer to Rachel, and she exclaimed,
"How good of a baker is he?!"
"Very," Yza said as he felt awkward from the very little space between them. Rachel eyes glimmered.
"Call him to make a batch so I can have some!!" Rachel said.
"Fine, just let go of my drawstrings!" Yza said as the hoodie was tightening around him.
"Deal!" She smiled as Rachel let go, Yza flew back into his seat, strings retracting and making the hood a normal size.
"Jeez..." Yza sighed as he pulled out his phone and started to call Rino. All he could hear was beeping.
"So?" Rachel asked.
"I don't think Rino can answer yet." Yza said.
"Bullshit, I wanted some cookies!" She huffed. Yza managed to chuckle and then suddenly questioned,
"Why do you like cookies so much?"
"Really?" Rachel sighed. "Fine, it helped me get through some tough times and DO YOU KNOW HOW GOOD THEY TASTE?! I have a VERY sweet tooth, and so anything with sugar is a ok with me! But cookies are on a whole different level!!!"
"This sounds like Ayaza's addiction of flapjacks..." Yza mumbled. "Hey, maybe Ayato likes flapjacks..." He wondered. "Anyways, back onto the story." Rachel nodded her head and listened intently.

Rino set his cookies on a bench as people came round to try some. Lots of people came and ate them as they were quite good, yet no one bothered to speak to Rino. After a rush of grabbing cookies, only one remained. Rino looked at the cookie as tears filled his eyes; he sat on the floor and pull his legs close to his chest. His knees were at his chin as Rino put his arms on his legs and was ready to drown himself in tears. Wyvon ran up and looked at the last cookie, licked his lips and noticed Rino nearly crying.
"Hey dude, are you ok?" He asked as he sat next to him. Rino would know if he said anything the tears would fall, so he shook his head no. Wyvon grabbed the last cookie, snapped it in half and handed one to Rino. "Try some! I heard the other kids say it wad delicious." Rino looked at Wyvon stunned. He was the first person to even dare start a conversation with him.
"I-I'm Rino," He whispered as he accepted the cookie and started to eat it.
"Wow, someone with an animal like name aswell!" Wyvon said amazed. "I'm Wyvon! Wyvon Mikushicha. My names sounds like a wyvern!" He grinned. "Whats your last name?"
"Kanock..." Rino said.
"Alright Kanock! From this day foward, you and I are friends!!" Wyvon grinned further, eating the cookie. "Wow, this tastes great! Who made it?"
"I-I d-did..." Rino whispered out in nervousness, shock and happiness. He found his FIRST friend.
"Your an amazing cook, ya know that?" Wyvon grinned at him.

"Awww, thats so cute!!" Rachel said as she dived her hand into the bag, to find no cookies.
"Hah, you snooze you lose," Yza smirked as he had the last cookie in hand.
"Piece of shit," Rachel mumbled in anger. "So, you done anything for your bro? Heard he done alot for you."
"What? I'm not sure..." Yza said as he remembed.

Yza was in bed, and Maxios went in to check on him.
"Maxios, could you read me a story?" He asked.
"A story huh? Well then, I guess so." He grinned. Maxios said a story that he remembed as Yza peacefully fell asleep.

A couple days before his sixth birthday, Yza was drawing using felt tip pens. Maxios was watching afar, and had a great idea for his birthday present.

On his birthday, Yza opened up Maxios' present, which was an art kit.
"Wow!! Did you get this just for me?" Yza asked.
"Yep. I saw you drawing alot, and you didn't have any pencils, so I got you a proper art kit, pencil, pens, erasers, colours, everything you need." Maxios grinned.
"Thanks big bro!" Yza said as he hugged Maxios.

Yza was holding hands with Maxios as they went to the park. Rukia was hiding behind her fathers leg, as they met up. Yza grinned and waved to Rukia, who waved back shyly.
"Shall we leave 'em to have fun?" Maxios asked.
"Sure." Rukia's dad smiled as she and Yza started to talk and have fun. Thats when she showed him a vanguard deck.
"Wow, whats that?" Yza asked.
"Its a vanguard deck! Its part of a card game you see." Rukia said.

"Max, Max, Max!" Yza said after he met with Rukia.
"Whats up?" He asked.
"Can you buy me a vanguard deck?" He asked.
"Why?" Maxios asked.
"Because Rukia has one and she said that if I had one we could have a vanguard fight! She taughted me the rules and everything!" Yza said enthusiastically.
"Luckily..." Maxios said as he pulled out a vanguard deck. "Kaiko plays so I got a deck. You can borrow it to face her." He smiled.

"No... I haven't." Yza said sadly.
"Don't sweat it," She smiled at him as she ate another one.
"I wont." Yza replied.
"So, how'd ya get that scar?" She asked.
"From fighting. I used to fight alot." Yza laughed.
"Oh yeah, I heard that from Maxios. I wonder how your even living from some of those brawls you had..." Rachel wondered as Maxios and Wyvon drunkly approached them, beers in their hand, as they sat on the seats.
"Heeeey Blade," Wyvon slurred.
"You smell of beer..." Yza bluntly said.
"And you smell of my sister!" Wyvon chuckled.
"H-hey Rach!" Maxios said drunkly as he sat next to his girlfriend. Rachel laughed and asked,
"How many beers did ya drink this time?"
"Over 9000!!" Maxios replied drunkly. Yza bursted into laughter, Rachel laughing aswell as Wyvon ignored the floor rolling Yza.
"Oh my God, nice one!" He spluttered out from laughter.
"Its not thaaaat funny." Wyvon sighed as he drank.
"Ah, such a joker..." Rachel smiled at him as they shared a kiss.
"I say we do stuff at Yza's place!" Maxios smiled.
"What are you suggesting?~" She purred.
"I swear if you say sex Maxios, I'm gonna rip your throat apart..." Yza muttered under his breath as Maxios whispered something into Rachel's ear.
"I'm game, so lets go~" She smiled as they walked out. Wyvon smirked and drank as he knew what Maxios was planning.
"Wipe that smirk off your face Wyvon, its creeping me out..." Yza coldly said.
"Sorry Blade, I just remembed something." Wyvon hid a giggle.
"Say what you will, I'm going back to my place to chow down on some noodles." Yza said as he ran out of the bar and to his apartment.

As Yza unlocked the door and walked in, he could hear moans.
"D-did he actually...?" Yza said with anger.
"Don't walk into your bedroom, your brother is fucking Rachel." Ayaza said as he read some manga.
"Holy shit..." Yza said as he looked at the ceiling and heard the moans. "Hey, what manga are you reading?" He asked, trying to distract himself from what was going on upstairs.
"Ecchi and harem stuff seeing all I can hear is moaning..." Ayaza replied.
"You have those kinda mangas?!" Yza exclaimed.
"I'm as much of a perv you are dude." Ayaza replied as he continued to read.
"I know I'm a pervert, but I'd never actually buy one of those." Yza said.
"People don't judge bro," Ayaza replied.
"Well I might!" Yza exclaimed.
"Then your a jackass... I wonder how we're even friends..." Ayaza sighed as he read.
"I dunno either." Yza said. "Oh yeah, I know where I'm sleeping tonight."
"Where?" Ayaza asked as he drank some of his hot chocolate.
"In your room!" Yza smirked as he rushed upstairs to Ayaza's room.
"You piece of crap, come back here!" Ayaza growled at Yza then rolled down the stairs.
"Abort the mission!!" He cried, as anime tears ran down his cheeks. "I lost my innocence," He mumbled in sadness. Ayaza sighed and continued reading.
"You already lost it by watching ecchi anime idiot." Ayaza muttered under his breath, not caring about how his best friend just watched real life sex.


Holy shit...
That ending though XD
The perverted side of me got the better of my mind XD
Anyways, thats all, Fox out!

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