Turn 46: Goodbye

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Sanda opened his can of coffee and glugged it down quickly; him on his neat blue bed at the hotel, watching some late night T.V.. Peace and quiet was in the hotel, as it was late at night. After the final match, it was loud and crazy at first, but slowly turned into tranquility. Lights dimmed, and screen on full brightness, Sanda's orange eyes was glued to the T.V.. A sudden knock was heard. Getting out of his "trance", he turned his head to the door. Another knock. He sighed quietly.
"Who'd be knocking here at night?" He asked himself as he opened the door, to be met with a masked individual: Ayato Korastacker.

(Insert theme song here)

Sanda scanned Ayato and looked at him confused.
"Hey, it's 1am in the morning, what are you doing here?" Sanda asked. Ayato pushed his mask up, pale complexion apparent, and cold blue eyes sharply looking at Sanda.
"Sanda." Ayato said, in his normal voice, which some what deep, for a fifteen year old.
"...Ayato?" Sanda was bewildered by Ayato's true looks. The blue haired boy entered and slammed the door shut with little to no emotion.
"Yes, Sanda Tsugeki." Ayato replied. "Now, onto our business."
"Business?" Sanda asked, severly confused by him. Ayato pulled out a black deckbox from his black belt and shoved it in Sanda's face, again, with no emotion.
"We shall have a cardfight."
"Seriously? That's the reason why your here?!" Sanda exclaimed.
"That and I ran out of paper." Ayato threw lots of drawings in his free hand on Sanda's bed as he sweatdropped.
"Right." Sanda pulled out his Vanquisher deck, before Ayato pinned his hand to the bed and grabbed the deck, threw it out of the window as Sanda was in horror at what Ayato just did. He grabbed Sanda's other hand and overpowered the boy, as he forced Sanda's hand to hover other it, a bright orange light with the Narukami symbol over it glowed brightly, as it lighted up the room.
"H-how did he know that was there?!" Sanda exclaimed as he closed his eyes, Ayato pulling his mask over his eyes. The light cleared, and a scatter of cards layed on the floor, Sanda and bed. Ayato removed his mask completely this time and let go of Sanda, who sat up as Ayato picked up the cards into a neat deck.
"Play with this instead." He put it onto Sanda's lap.
"..." Sanda gritted his teeth and nodded. "Could he be...? No, he couldn't..." His heart speed up as he looked at Ayato tensly, as he shuffled his deck with no emotion.
"Are you ready?" Ayato swiftly grabbed five cards. Sanda nodded.
"Stand up (the!) Vanguard!" They both exclaimed.
"Extreme Speed Dragon!!" Ayato declared.
"Iron Super Striker, Allegiance Dracokid!" Sanda replied fiercely.
"You've upgraded, just like me... Hm. Stand and draw. I ride, Demolition Dragon. Extreme Speed moves and I end."

Hand: 5
Damage: 0

Hand: 5
Damage: 0

"Stand and draw. Ride, Saishin and Allegiance moves!" Sanda declared. "Attack! (7000 > 12000)"
"Saishin... My old starter. You seemed to have aligned with my opponent this game. No guard." Ayato commented.
"Weirdo," Sanda mumbled. "Drive check! (Earth Pounder Super Striker, Den) Alright, a crit! Everything to vanguard! (12000 > 17000/1★ > 2★)"
"Damage check. (Endless Ambition, Thunderstorm Dragoon, Dragonic Kaiser Crimson)" Ayato shrugged.
"Turn end." Sanda smirked.

Hand: 5
Damage: 2

Hand: 6
Damage: 0

"Stand can draw. I ride, Brightlance. Call, Chatura. Chatura attacks! (11000)" Ayato said.
"No guard. (Super Striker of Iron Fist, Electron Fist Dragon)" Sanda gritted his teeth.
"Skill, counterblast and draw. Vanguard! (9000 > 14000)" Ayato said.
"No guard aswell." Sanda said.
"Your luck'll run out soon. (Yellow Gem Carbuncle) You see? A critical. Everything to vanguard. (14000 > 19000/1★ > 2★)" Ayato smirked.
"Dammit... (Super Striker Beserker, Garuda, Super Striker Dancer, Rin) Alright! A heal! Everything to vanguard and heal!" Sanda grinned.

Hand: 6
Damage: 2

Hand: 6
Damage: 2

"Stand and draw. I ride, call Enforcer and attack! (9000 > 14000)" Sanda exclaimed.
"No guard." Ayato said.
"Drive check!! (Super Striker, Orbit Fist Dragon)" He added the card to hand.
"Damage. (Dragon Dancer, Anastasia)" Ayato tched.

Hand: 6
Damage: 3

Hand: 7
Damage: 3

"Stand and draw. I ride, Dragonic Kaiser Vermillion, my avatar." Ayato said as he placed the card down normally.
"No ride chant? This is weird for his standards..." Sanda thought.
"Extreme Speed's skill. Into soul and your Perfect Guard gets retired." Ayato said as Sanda did so. "Call, Demolition Wave and call Crownholder. Demolition's skill, for every open rear circle of yours, add 1k. (7000 > 12000) Then, with a boost from Demolition Wave, Vermillion attacks!! Skill, since I have a Kaiser vanguard, add 2k! (11000 > 23000 > 25000)" Ayato explained as Sanda gulped.
"25k before you Stride... That's pretty high." He laughed casually. "No guard."
"Twin Drive!! (Paranoia Djinn) Draw. Power to Chatura and draw. (11000 > 16000) Second. (Endless Ambition, Thunderstorm Dragoon) Nothing. Chatura!! (16000 > 23000)"
"Damage check (Sparking Enforcer) and guard with Den and Carbuncle! (9000 > 29000)" Sands gritted his teeth.
"Good luck." Ayato said as he clicked his fingers hidden from Sanda.

Hand: 7
Damage: 3

Hand: 5
Damage: 3

"Dammit... he ruined my plan... ok, let's do this." Sanda thought as his heart raced. The battle seemed slower than usual, and more tense. "Stand and draw. An electric shock that runs throughout the battle, the geared up fists of the Super Strikers have arrived!! Ride my avatar, Super Striker of Iron Fist, Electron Fist Dragon!!" Sanda exclaimed as the vanguard circle expanded silver.

Electron Fist appeared, now geared up in metal plates of what seemed to be iron and titanium. Electricity surrounded him as his gauntlet was shining a silver. "Now, Dragonic Kaiser Vermillion, we face!!" He smirked raising his fist that seemed to have electric currents crackle through it. But this Dragonic Kaiser Vermillion seemed different, as a suffocating air surrounded him.

"Generation Stride, Conquering Supreme Dragon, Iron-blood Dragon!!" Sanda smirked. "Stride skill, Demolition Wave goes bye bye! Then Iron-blood's skill, counterblast, retire Allegiance and I kill your column!"
"My field has been obliterated..." Ayato mumbled to himself as he clicked his fingers again, only more hard. A harder crunch was made as Sanda shivered by the sound.
"What was that noise...?" He shook it off as Ayato did it again, but slowly, making it even more painful for Sanda to hear. "Ek... C-call, Iron-spark, Gold Gem, Garuda and Orbit-fist. Skill of Orbit, add 1k for each open rear-circle! (9000 > 14000) Garuda attacks! (9000 > 13000)" He declared.
"No guard." Ayato clicked his fingers again as Sanda flinched. The sound was disturbing. "Damage. (Demonic Dragon Beserker, Chatura)"
"Vanguard attack!! Skill of Iron-spark, soulblast, retire Garuda, and give the vanguard 1k for every open rear circle! (26000 > 31000 > 38000) Then Garuda gives a skill to Orbit! Skill of Gold Gem, into soul, draw and add 5k! (38000 > 43000)" Sanda smirked.
"Generation, guard. Vritra, shield me! (11000 > 26000) Then Plasma Fire and Yellow Gem joins! (26000 > 46000)" Ayato declared.
"Triple drive!! (Super Striker of Iron Fist, Electron Fist Dragon, Super Striker Berserker, Garuda, Super Striker, Sparking Enforcer) Damn, nothing. Attack!! (14000) Skill added by Garuda, countercharge 2!" Sanda declared. Another snap came from Ayato's fingers.
"I'll break them soon if I continue as I am..." He mumbled outloud. "No guard." His eyes glimmered as he flipped the card. (Demonic Dragon Nymph, Seiobo) "Heal. Healing one, power to vanguard."
"Turn end." Sanda said.

Hand: 4
Damage: 4

Hand: 4
Damage: 3

"It is your demise. The bitter end of your very existence." Ayato said calmly, closing his eyes slowly, Sanda in anticipation. Blood red marks shot under his eyes as a dark aura aurronded the teen as Sanda watched him in pure horror, pupils diluting at the sight. "Will come crashing down with a single strike of the resonating thunder." Ayato said darkly, opening his now lifeless eyes. "Now, rise up, my true avatar! Dragonic Black Kaiser Vermillion the "Яeverse"!!" He pratically screamed out, the card slamming on the vanguard circle.

As a black ring suddenly appeared, Dragonic Kaiser Vermillion no longer resembled his former self. Cloaked in a dark aura, was a Яeversed Vermillion, scales a darkened red, and thunder a dark, murky grey. His eyes were lifeless as black rings latched on him as Electron Fist looked helpless at his foe.

"N-no... T-this can't be happening!!" Sanda started to panic.
"Unfortunately for you, it is," Ayato said as Sanda jumped off his bed and tried to escape, as Ayato zoomed in front and kicked him in the gut, zooming him back to the playing grounds.
"..." Sanda shook as he looked at his phone. Grabbing it, he texted the first person in he found in his contacts. It was Serena. He started typing away before Ayato grabbed the phone, placed it in between his teeth and crushed it, glass, electronics and metal spewed everywhere as his tongue and lips bled slightly. "My only hope... I'm sorry... I'm so sorry... Electron... My friends..." Sanda started to sob in his mind as Ayato used the heel of his booted foot against Sanda's face.
"I hate whiny people. Let's continue." Ayato said as Sanda had a bruised face.
"Ok..." He breathed heavy.
"Generation, stride. A storm is brewing. Now is your warning... I shall force you, the fool, to bow down to the king, which is me! Tower over them all, Conquering Supreme Dragon, Dragonic Kaiser Storm!! His skill! Soulblast! G Persona Blast! Gain two skills! You'll be killed this turn. Call, Brightlance, and two Crownholder Dragon. With a boost, Dragonic Kaiser Storm attacks! Skill, I swing at your front row!! (26000)" Ayato declared.
"Perfect guard the vanguard!! The rear-guard will go..." Sanda exclaimed as tears kept rolling down his face.
"Storm's Generation Break Three skill. I counterblast one. When his attack hits, I retire a rear-guard. Die, Iron-spark." Ayato commanded as Sanda removed the card before being punched in the face by Ayato.
"I said I don't like whiny people. The other skill added. When a rear-guard is killed... I choose three of my rear-guards. And they get Power plus 1000 for every open rear-circle you have! You have four, so I add 4000 to them all! (9000 > 13000) (7000 > 11000) (7000 > 11000) Then Crownholder's and Brightlance's skill kicks off. When my Kaiser vanguard attack hits, add 2000 to themselves and another unit. The Crownholders will give each other the boost and Brightlance will give my front one the other boost. (13000 > 15000) (11000 > 17000) (11000 > 15000) Triple Drive." Ayato explained as his eyes glowed somehow still, even if they looked lifeless and dead. (Old Dragon Mage, Plasma Fire Dragon, Plasma Fire Dragon) "One draw, two crits. Draw one and 10k to Brightlance, 5k to Crownholder and Brightlance gets the criticals. (15000 > 25000/1★ > 3★)(17000 > 22000) Brightlance, finish it." Ayato declared as Sanda gritted his teeth.

(Play song in the media and read slowly to get the full effect. Trust me, it's worth it. :))

"No guard."

"Damage check... The first." A card entered the damage zone. Nothing.

"Second." Another card entered. Nothing.


The third card flew into the damage zone of Sanda's. Six damage. "S-so...." Sanda looked at Ayato hastily. "What are you gonna do with me?" The Яeverse member took off his leather jacket and swiftly grabbed Sanda's head and smashed it into the bed, causing him the ability to not being able to breathe.
"MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM!!" Sanda screamed out, anything he tried to say came out in a distorted, disgusting muffle. Ayato had gotten irritated at Sanda's butchered attempt for help and pulled his head up so he could face Ayato. With Sanda's eyes now welling and releasing hot blue tears, his pupils were dilated and a feared expression was on his face. His face was now more warm from not being able to breathe, his cheeks a dangerously dark red. He gripped the bedsheets in pain as Ayato simply pushed his head over Sanda's back and peeked through his shoulder, saying,
"Suffer." With little to no emotion what so ever, before quickly whipping Sanda's head into the bed and using his shoulder to quickly smash it into the bed even further, Sanda having not many escape options, except the "screaming his head off" plan that he scrapped together in this panic of life or death.

Minutes past, as Sanda's screams gave in, as the boy slowly sunk into the cold abyss of death, his skin suddenly dropping into a pale state as his struggled attempt ended. Ayato lifted his two elbows off him, and whipped Sanda around to face him, Ayato sitting on the stomach of the dead boy. Enlargened pupils and crying face. Hair a mess and expression priceless. Ayato looked down at what he did. He couldn't stop himself from smiling at his victory, even though his gut was about to make him throw up, as tears welled in his eyes for no real reason.

Sanda's Death

"I'm smiling and laughing..." Ayato chuckled sadly. "Yet I'm about to throw up and crying for the deed I just did..." Ayato covered his mouth as he swallowed his puke and wiped away his tears, then keeping his straight depressing face. "No... I have no regrets. I can't. Father wanted me to carry this out. Now we have the 2nd piece of the Collapse." Ayato said coldly as he took Sanda's FiCa on the bedside table, smashed the button to reveal the same gem that was on Izo's FiCa. Ayato took out his plastic and slashed through Sanda's wrists, a bloody mess seeping out of his wrists and staining the bed. Ayato put up the device and it sucked up the blood, slowly but surely. All evidence of blood was gone, and the husk of what was Sanda was now left on his bed. Ayato took the Super Strikers and slipped it into the FiCa. "Now then... Who'll die next?" He asked himself quietly, opening Sanda's window and skydiving out of it.



So, rest in peace Sanda... Ayato you coldless bastard XD
Sorry to Goldinator, but it had to be done.
And thank you to Callum_Sykes49 for letting me use Ayato to murder some dudes XD

Rest in peace Sanda Tsugeki, 28th March 2016 - 7th January 2017.

GG Sanda. You lost all your games and died sadly.

The new years really have started with a bang, haven't they XD

That's all, Fox out!

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