Turn 63: Chronofang Tiger

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Rino was in his bed, looking at the ceiling of his room in the apartment he and Wyvon shared.
"..." He kept silent, remembering the memories from the night before and what Max did to him and Wyvon.
"Hey..." Wyvon entered the room, trying to put on a smile for Rino.
"Hi." Rino said quietly, waving at him.
"I'm sorry I was so useless back there..." Wyvon admitted, his arm still slung with a cast.
"N-no, i-its okay!!" Rino replied, waving his hands at Wyvon. "Y-you tried your best to p-protect me so..."
"...trying my best didn't save you though."
"It's okay Wyvon... I-I s-swear."

(Insert opening here)

In a hospital, Ryuzaki laid there, his arm in a cast aswell.
"Awww man, I hate that Zeon broke my goddamn arm! Fuck!!" He cursed loudly.
"You're so lucky your in your own room." Payic commented as she sighed at his stupidity.
"Whatever you say, whatever you say." Ryuzaki snickered.
"What's so funny?" Payic asked, her leaning against the wall of his hospital room. Ryuzaki got out of the bed and went over to the window, opening it.
"Could you get me that box on the table, over there?" He asked. Payic nodded and walked over, getting the box. "Open it." He commanded. She rolled her eyes and took off the cover of the box, revealing a pair of glasses and a deck of cards; the top one being Prime Beauty, Amarada.
"Hang on..." She mumbled, before turning to Ryuzaki.
"Surprise! The deck is for you, as the main unit describes you after all. You're a... Prime Beauty." Ryuzaki said, sounding cool as he did so. Payic nodded with a smile.
"Really then huh... So, whose the glasses for?" She giggled.
"They're mine. Mind helping me put them on? I mean, my arm is broken after all."
"Alright then." She nodded and put down the box, before taking the glasses. Opening them up, she proceeded to slide it onto his face, before stepping back, her hands behind her back.
"Thanks. You really are my heroine." Ryuzaki said.
"You look like a nerd with glasses." Payic giggled.
"Shut up..." Ryuzaki gave a deadpan look.
"Oh yeah? Stupid potato."
"..." Payic and Ryuzaki both laughed loudly, their faces close together. As the two stopped their laughter, they both gazed at each other awkwardly, as Payic swallowed hard and grabbed onto Ryuzaki's left arm. She pulled in closer, her heart racing, her blushing. Ryuzaki let what she was doing, realising what would come next. His heart was beating fast; and as their two noses touched, a loud bang could be heard.
"WASSUP RYUZAKI, PAYIC!" Maverick shouted loudly, Payic jerking away from Ryuzaki immediately, red faced.
"Hey Maverick," Ryuzaki waved, him cursing underneath his breath.
"Hey." Payic followed up.
"Hey guys." Behind Maverick was a familiar face, Inu Blaze.
"Ah, finally!" Ryuzaki grinned. "Hey man, long time no see."
"Same to you Mr. I got out first round." Inu snickered.
"That tournament was a long time ago. Maverick, shake his hand for me okay? My right arm is broken and my left hand is busy touching Payic's ass."
"Oi!" Payic kicked Ryuzaki away.
"Anyways, welcome aboard to the Quartet Comedy Group!" Maverick cheered.
"Thanks...? Why am I needed again?" He asked.
"You faced Backlion before, and so we need some information about him." Ryuzaki explained with a dark tone.

Wyvon nodded as he said, "Alright, take some rest okay?"
"Alright... Thank you." Rino nodded as Wyvon left the room. Rino closed his eyes and sighed. Music that entered his ears couldn't soothe him, and the memories of what happened to him kept replaying. Something felt wrong, and not right. Rino opened his eyes, them glowing a bright purple colour. "What's wrong with me...?!"
"Rino!" A mechanical voice called out. He froze in his bed, gripping the sheets tightly as he heard the voice.
"Whose there...?"
"Chronofang Tiger." The answered his question, Rino's eyes flickering on and off with a swirly rainbow colour, with purple being the most prominent colour.
"Wait, as in the card in my deck...?!" Rino shouted aloud, dropping to the floor with a loud thud, before scrambling up to grab his deck case. Swiftly, he poured out the cards and rifled through the sleeved deck to find Chronofang Tiger.
"Rino!" Chronofang shouted at him, "Stop and calm down! Your heart's beating too fast!"
"S-shut up!! What the fuck are you doing in my head?!"
"Psyqualia." Chronofang explained. Rino froze once more, as he shakily picked up Chronofang Tiger.
"Psy what now?" Rino questioned him, him still shaking.
"The power to communicate to units." Chronofang explained, him chuckling straight after.
"The only person that could communicate to units without the need of Psyqualia is Yza Blade... No, Kinjuzo Takami, actually."

Kinjuzo has earplugs in his ears, as he listened to J-Pop as he looked through his deck.
"Hmm... Let's see. I should really base around the deck with Vortex Breath, but at the same time I need to fill in gaps... Hmm, such a difficult decision, making decks."
"He seems nonchalant for when the Void and Яeverse are about to strike..." Ayaza commented, as he was playing a match against Serena.
"Well, times like this you really do need a clear head." She explained, before standing her units and drawing a card.
"Hey, where did Shika go? I haven't seen him a long time..." Ayaza sighed.
"If you mean two days, then yeah, it's a bit weird. Try calling him." Serena said. Ayaza picked up his cellphone and rang Shika.
"Ayaza?" He said.
"Hey dude. Where've you been?"
"At home?" He replied.
"Oh... That'd explain it."
"Yeah. Sorry if I worried any of you guys." Shika said.
"No, it's okay, really."

"Alright, great. See you later. Thanks." Shika, sitting in an unknown area, ended the call, as he looked straight at Rukia. Under his eyes were dark red marks, meaning he was Яeversed.
"Hm, they haven't seen him in awhile, haven't they?" Rukia commented. She was sitting in a chair, legs crossed, and she was shuffling her cards in a nonchalant fashion.
"No, they haven't." Zeon commented as he was in a chair, sharpening his katana. "This thing got blunt after slicing through some hostages. Oh, Rukia. I need to speak to you in private."
"Alright. Shika, please leave." She said. Shika nodded and left.
"No problem. Now what is it?" She asked.
"I never really told you this, but thanks for joining us." Zeon said as he looked at her.
"Not at all. Thank you for finding me... I mean, a lot of things happened since then, and I'm glad I took the offer."
"Yeah, that time we met... Was a bit weird I guess."

Rukia kneeled down in her garden, watching the moon in the pitch black sky. Surrounding her was grass, flowers and a sense of calmness, as the wind whistled quietly and the bushes rustled softly. Everything was peaceful, yet something was missing. In her lap, was a deck of cards.
"What was his name... Again?" She muttered, getting agitated as she couldn't remember something. She looked back up at the moon, to only see a rope now a few metres away from her. Sliding down the rope was Zeon in this time, a white suit with purple accents.
"I'm coming down for you, Rukia Takanori!!" He shouted, her raising a brow.
"Who're you and how do you know my name?!" She exclaimed, standing up and moving away.
"I'm not here to harm you!" Zeon hit the grassy floor eventually, panting. "I'm here to offer you something."
"What the hell?! You just broke into my house! I'm calling the police!" She shouted.
"Hang on, Rukia! I'm Zeon Ishima!!" He declared,
"Wait, Ishima?!" She shouted. "Ishi... Oh my God."
"Yeah, we went to the same schools before you moved. Me and Yza Blade, do you... Remember us?"
"Yza... B-Blade..." She shook, and dropped to her knees again. She grabbed the card closest to her, which was Ashlei. "Of course I remember him... How could I... How could I forget his name...?!" She declared, angry at herself. Zeon breathed a sigh of relief as he took off his white glove. He proceeded to hold out his hand to her.
"Listen up, Rukia. If you join the Яeverse, I swear I'll bring you and Yza back together!"
"...really? That's all I need to do?"
"That and..."

"It was fun, while it lasted." Rukia commented as she sighed.
"I'm still surprised you went through with it. Part of the condition when Backlion Яeversed you was that you might have to kill someone. And unfortunately, it was Yza. Did you really want to do that...?" Zeon asked her.
"I swore loyalty to the Яeverse. I don't turn my back on people who I am loyal too." She explained.
"I'm sorry." Zeon said as he looked away and continued to sharpen his katana.
"Sorry for what?" She asked.
"Nevermind." He shook his head and dropped his katana. "Where's Max?"
"Don't know, don't care." Rukia put down her deck.
"Uhuh." Zeon stood up. "I don't like this feeling. Not one bit."
"Well, Backlion did send out Kyle as a sleeper agent in Kyoto. He said that someone very interesting was going on there."
"Kyle huh... I feel bad for the poor guy." Zeon chuckled.
"Whys that?" Rukia asked.
"You'll learn soon."

Ryu was now in Kyoto, at his parent's place. "Mom, dad, I'm home." He said as he put down his stuff.
"Welcome back home Ryu... It's been too long." His mom hugged him.
"Yeah, has been." He nodded. His voice was much better now.
"C'mon champ, give your old man a hug too." His step-dad laughed as Ryu hugged him.
"Missed you aswell." Ryu smiled softly. "Oh, uh, where is Hiyori?" He asked, scratching his cheek.
"Oh, she's in her room. It's a bit of a surprise that both of you came back to Kyoto at a similar time."
"Yeah, kinda is, haha?" Ryu laughed as he took off his green piece of fabric around his head and shoved it into his pocket, before going upstairs. Looking around at three closed doors, he walked towards the one on the right, before knocking on it.
"Yo, Hiyori." Ryu commented. Opening the door was a girl with waist-lengthen lavender hair, and pink eyes with a magician's top hat on. She wore deep blue woman's tailcoat over a white collared shirt along with a matching skirt.
"Hey Ryu, long time no see." She laughed, sticking her tongue out.
"Hey sis, heard you were going to do a show sometime this weekend?" He asked.
"Yup, I'll be doing one. I've actually made a bit of a name for myself travelling." She explained.
"Yo, that's sick!" Ryu exclaimed. "Your like pseudo famous!"
"Well, I guess. Hope I get some form of crowd out there." Hiyori smiled.
"I'll be there for sure. Can't wait to see you do some magical stuff before our very own eyes..." He nodded.
"Such as this?" Hiyori snapped her fingers. "Check your FiCa." Ryu detached the FiCa from his belt and checked inside.
"...okay, how'd my fabric get in here... And where'd my deck go?!"
"I think it's in your pocket." Hiyori pointed at his pocket. Ryu checked it and found his deck.
"This is freaky..."

"Whose Kinjuzo?" Rino raised a brow as Chronofang said "Kinjuzo Takami".
"Kinjuzo Takami is the split personality in Yza Blade."
"Wait, Yza has a personality disorder?!" He shouted aloud.
"Yup. Takami is his mother's last name and Kinjuzo was his Japanese name." Chronofang explained.
"Even then, Yza isn't very British..."
"His father liked the way it sounded." Chronofang shrugged it off. "Either way, you can communicate to us. Your deck."
"So I can speak to Chronoscommand?"
"Right here." Chronoscommand Revolution boomed as Chronofang laughed.
"You can talk to us now, Rino."
"..." Rino was slightly surprised this happened. He found it cool, but scary. Then, a wave of pounding filled his head. "Ugh... W-what's that feeling?"
"The power of Psyqualia you own can sense other users... There's six users... All in this city...?!" Chronofang exclaimed.
"S-six users...?! Six people own Psyqualia?!" Rino shouted.
"Seven if we include you." Chronoscommand said. "But eight people can communicate with units. However, one has the power to summon their own avatar..."
"They're dangerous. Step with caution." Chronofang Tiger said sternly.
"I want to meet those six... I need to meet them!!" Rino stood up and packed his cards.
"Oh? This isn't like you at all."
"If they have the same power I do, they can help me, can't they?!" Rino exclaimed.
"If you say so. Let's go!" Chronofang declared.



EDIT: There's eight Psyqualia users. I miscounted.

This was a quick chapter to make since it needed to just set up the two upcoming Arcs...

I want to say thanks to Taddle_Fantasy for letting me use Hiyori! She's a new Oc which will be very important to the Kyoto-Magician Arc.

And isn't that a shock? Kyle is part of the Яeverse and eight people own Psyqualia?

And one of the seven people are Shouri, from The Forbidden Chains! So, we've hunted down 2/8 users. Whose the other six? Only time will tell.

Also, I'm glad I could finally do some background to Rukia. It was fun writing about how she and Zeon met.

Oh, and I bet no one realised but actually, at the start of the book, Kinjuzo was in control of Yza's body, and Kinjuzo gave it back to Yza. That's why there's a bit of a shift in personality when Yza goes perverted.

I planned this out from Prologue. Get rekt'd everyone. XD

That's all, Fox out!

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