Turn 71: Revelation of Thunderstrike

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"Are you ready?!" Ayato shouted.
"As I'll ever be!" Payic replied.
"Now, stand up, (the,) Vanguard!"
"Extreme Speed Dragon!" Ayato announced, vanguard circle expanding bright orange.
"Goddess of Origin, Nakisawame!" Payic exclaimed, vanguard circle expanding lilac.
"Ladies first."
"That's fine by me! Stand and draw! Ride Gelgja and call Awanami. Revelation! To soul. (Claimer Harry) Rest herself and end."

Hand: 4
Damage: 0

Hand: 5
Damage: 0

"My turn! I draw and ride Demolition Wave Dragon, Extreme Speed moves and call Mighty Bolt Dragoon aswell. Dragon attacks. (7000)" Ayato said.
"No guard. (Goddess of Favourable Wind, Ninnil)" She replied.
"Boosted by Speed, Demolition! (7000 > 12000)" Ayato shot his hand out forward as he announced the attack.
"No guard!" Payic replied, narrowing her eyes.
"Drive check! (Dragonic Kaiser Vermillion)"
"Damage check! (Prime Beauty, Amaruda) Damn..."

Hand: 4
Damage: 2

Hand: 5
Damage: 0

"My turn! Draw! I ride Senri and call Kotonoha. Revelation! It stays. Boosted by Awanami, Kotonoha! (9000 > 16000)"
"No guard. (Endless Light, Brightlance Dragoon)" Ayato shuffled his hand.
"Vanguard! (9000 > 14000)" Payic announced.
"No guard aswell."
"Drive check! (Dreaming Dragon) Stand trigger! Everything to Kotonoha and stand! (9000 > 14000/[< ] > [^])" Payic smirked.
"Damage check. (Yellow Gem Carbuncle) Critical trigger. Everything to vanguard. (7000 > 12000/1★ > 2★)" Ayato smirked. He shuffled his hand and stared at Payic.
"I find it extremely uncomfortable that I have to fight someone with a mask..." Payic sweatdropped. "Kotonoha goes after you again! (14000)"
"I no guard. (Crownholder Dragon)"
"Turn end." Payic grinned, bringing Ayato to three damage when he was only grade 1.

Hand: 4
Damage: 2

Hand: 5
Damage: 3

"My turn, I draw and ride Endless Ambition, Thunderstorm Dragoon. Call two Chatura and attack! Skill, add 3000 power! (8000 > 11000)" Ayato scratched the back of his head.
"Kukurihime guards! (9000 > 19000)"
"A good player wouldn't give Narukami bind fodder..." Ayato hummed as he swung with the vanguard next. (9000 > 14000)
"No guard."
"Drive check. (Meditate Dracokid) Heal trigger, healing a damage and power to Chatura. (8000 > 13000)"
"Damage check! (Battle Maiden, Kukurihime) Critical trigger! Everything to vanguard! (9000 > 14000/1★ > 2★)"
"Chatura! (13000 > 16000)"
"No guard... (Goddess of Adherence, Kibutsuhime)" Payic grit her teeth.
"Skill, activate. Counterblast, draw a card and bind Kukurihime. End."

Hand: 3
Damage: 4

Hand: 5
Damage: 3

"My turn! Stand and draw! Beautiful battle goddess, strike the field once more with your destructive presence! I ride my avatar, Prime Beauty, Amaruda!" Payic declared, the vanguard circle expanding dark lilac. "Revelation! Check. To soul! (Ice Crest Goddess, Svava) Now, boosted by Nakisawahime, Amaruda goes after Chatura! (11000 > 16000)"
"I'll retire him."
"Twin Drive!! (Stake Fetter, Thviti, Battle Maiden, Senri) Critical! Everything to Kotonoha! (9000 > 14000/1★ > 2★) Now, boosted by Awanami, Kotonoha at Chatura! (14000 > 21000)"
"He dies." Ayato retired him.
"Alright! I end." She smirked.

Hand: 5
Damage: 4

Hand: 5
Damage: 3

"My turn." Ayato drew a card. A snap sound heard and his mask fell to the floor, revealing his true face. Pale white, but smooth looking skin, sharp dark blue eyes which glared, a dirty smirk and dark blue fluffy bangs which stopped at his eyebrows. His ears had piercing too. "This is it. For as I hate everyone of you on this cursed Earth, I shall do you all a favour, and rid you off this place! A crash of thunder that'll make you suffer to no end, feel the heat and thunder of the Narukami!! Dragonic Kaiser Vermillion, decsend from the Thunder God's heavens, and arise as my avatar!" Ayato shouted with passion, Payic surprised by his appearance.
"Eh? Ayato, that's what you look like? You're like a bishounen...." Payic sweatdropped.
"Ignore my face." Ayato picked up his mask and put it back on. "My face is just like Ayaza's. I hate weaklings like him. Now, Generation, Stride. The rogue thunder deity shall strike you down into bits once and for all! Conquering Supreme Dragon, Dragonic Vanquisher "VBUSTER" stride!" Ayato slammed the card down onto the vanguard circle, it expanding dark orange. "I call from hand Thunderstorm and Demolition Wave. Now, VBUSTER's skill, activate! Soulblast and G Persona Blast, choose one of your rear-guards and bind it face up, and choose a card from your drop zone and also bind it face up."
"I bind Awanami."
"Since I have more rear-guards, three of my units gets 3k! (9000 > 12000) (7000 > 10000) (5000 > 8000) Skill of Demolition! Add 3000 power! (10000 > 13000) Now, boosted by Extreme Speed, Vanguard attacks! (26000 > 34000)"
"Perfect guard!" Payic replied. "Kibitsuhime's Revelation! Checking... To top of deck."
"Triple drive!! (Plasma Fire Dragon, Wyvern Guard, Guld, Endless Light, Brightlance Dragoon) Critical. Everything to Thunderstorm! (9000 > 14000/1★ > 2★) Attack! Skills, add 2000 to each Thunderstorm and Demolition! (14000 > 16000 > 29000 > 31000/2★)"
"No guard! Damage check. (Witch of Great Talent, Laurier, Battle Maiden, Kukurihime) Heal and critical! Healing a damage and everything to vanguard! (11000 > 21000)"
"Damn Revelation.... End."

Hand: 3
Damage: 5

Hand: 5
Damage: 3

"My turn! Stand and draw! Now, Generation Stride! Strikethrough once more, as the blades of the future clash and strength is revealed! I stride, Goddess of Investigation, Ishtar! Revelation! To soul! (Goddess of Favourable Wind, Ninnil) Rest Nakisawame. Stride skill! Counterblast and soulcharge two! I soulcharged Gelgja and Laurier, and Gelgja has Revelation, so Kotonoha and Nakisawame gets power and I draw a card! (9000 > 13000) (5000 > 4000) Skill of Kotonoha. She gets 4000 more power! (13000 > 17000) Then, I call Senri! Revelation! To soul! (Prime Beauty, Amaruda) Then, rest Kotonoha. Kotonoha gets power! (17000 > 19000) Skill of Senri! Check top card of deck! It stays goes to bottom! Add 2000 power! (9000 > 11000) Skill of Nakisawame. Into soul, stand Kotonoha and draw a card. Call Awanami. Revelation! To soul. (Ice Crest Goddess, Svava) Then, Kotonoha triggers. (19000 > 21000) Awanami rests herself. Then, I use skill of Gelgja in soul. To bottom of deck, give Awanami 3k and stand her. (7000 > 10000) Now, Senri attacks! (11000 > 21000)"
"No guard. (Dragonic Kaiser Crimson)"
"Kotonoha! (21000)"
"Generation Guard, Sky Guardian Supreme Dragon, Impede Dragon! (26000) Skill, activate! Choose one of your rear-guards, retire it and bind it face up!"
"Crap... I retire and bind Awanami."
"Then, since you have two or less rear-guards, retire another." Ayato smirked.
"Damn it! Retiring Senri..."
"Grr... Vanguard! (26000)"
"Perfect guard!"
"Triple drive! (Claimer Harry) Skill, activate! Soulblast 3 and G Persona Blast! Give Kotonoha 3k! (21000 > 24000) Second check! (Dreaming Dragon) Great! A stand, everything to Kotonoha (24000 > 29000) and stand Kotonoha! ([< ] > [^]) Last check! (Goddess of Sound Sleep, Tahro) Stand trigger! Everything to Kotonoha once more! (29000 > 34000) Alright, lets go again, Kotonoha! (34000)"
"Generation Guard! Sky Guardian Supreme Dragon, Impede Dragon! You know the drill."
"N-no way!" Payic gasped. "You retired my whole field on your turn?!"
"Also got a lovely Thunderstrike 4 and Generation Break 6 out of it aswell."
"No way... I end..."

Hand: 6
Damage: 5

Hand: 1
Damage: 4

"I feel like this is... The final turn, possibly. Stand and draw! It's a bit sad that I'll be able to finish you this turn and not even show off my skills... Generation Stride, Conquering Supreme Dragon, Conquest Dragon! I call to rear-guard, Brightlance. Now, Conquest's skill! G Persona Blast! My front row gets 5000 power for every open front circle. That's 2 x 5000, care to do the maths?"
"10000 added power...?!"
"That's right. (9000 > 19000) (26000 > 36000) (9000 > 19000) Breakthrough, boosted by Demolition Wave, Thunderstorm! Add 2000 to each through skills! (19000 > 21000 > 28000 > 29000)"
"That's a large attack... Generation Guard! Witch Queen of Accomplishments, Laurier! Skill, G Guard Blast! Returning 3 Grade 1's from drop zone to bottom of deck, and she gets 15k shield! (11000 > 26000 > 41000)"
"Congratulations, you survived the first storm. The second one is coming up! (36000 > 41000) Witness this!!"
"You got me Ayato... No guard..." Payic grit her teeth.
"Triple drive!!" Ayato smirked. (Plasma Fire Dragon, Yellow Gem Carbuncle, Yellow Gem Carbuncle) "Triple critical. All power to Brightlance and critical to vanguard! (19000 > 34000) (1★ > 4★)"
"Damage check! (Battle Maiden, Kotonoha) Damn it... Nothing."
"Good game Payic. Now it's time."
"For what?" She raised an eyebrow. Ayato grabbed Amaruda and slammed it back onto the vanguard circle, red marks appearing his eyes as his mask snapped and fell off again, revealing it to Payic, who was frozen still as a red shine surrounded the two.
"Welcome to the Яeverse, Payic. Me and Dragonic Kaiser Vermillion are glad you and Amaruda could join us in this crusade." Ayato smirked as Payic's eyes went lifeless, and red marks appeared under her eyes. Amaruda was being transformed... Into Deathly Beauty, Amaruda "Яeverse".
"...what is my first mission..." A quiet Payic asked.
"Яeverse the closest to you. Ryuzaki Mikuzuchi and Maverick Ichinose. Then, after that, Яeverse more fighters. More, and more!"
"Understood..." She gathered her cards and left the cafe in a daze, a trance. Ayato smirked as he put back on his mask.

Zeon was sitting at the end of a sidewalk were you could see the sea. The sun was slowly setting and he looked at the dark orange and purple colours, a sad look on his face. He buried his hands into his face and sighed, grabbing his bangs and messing them up in frustration.
"I must become stronger.. For you... Or else this life would've been a complete waste..." He grit his teeth, quietly speaking to himself.
Rukia walked over and sat down next to him, using a cold bottle of iced tea with condensation dripping from it, and tapping it on Zeon's arm, as she saw him in agony. Zeon looked at Rukia, as she offered him the drink. Zeon took it and started to drink it, drowning half the bottle, his eyes looking tired and dazed. A sparkle could been seen in his eyes; tears. He put down the bottle and put his hands to his face, crying silently as his shoulders raised up and down every so often. Rukia just watched and patted his back, saying that it'd be okay, and that they'll bring back his sister somehow.



Up next is Turn 72: The Dragon's Sweet Revenge...

Yeah, Ryu goes after Kyle, that'd be fun.

That's all, Fox out!

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