Turn 72: The Dragon's "Sweet" Revenge

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-Ryu P.O.V-

The rain didn't stop pouring. Water kept flooding down on Kyoto. I remember the streets being empty, and my hands being bloody. My vision was blurred... I wanted to make Kyle suffer for what he did to my sister.

No, I would make him suffer.

I could care less that my brown hair was soaked with water, I didn't care my cold, wet clothes stuck to my body, nor did I care I was freezing cold and water cascaded down on me.

The only thing I wanted was my revenge, so I ran forward without thinking, chasing Kyle.

It was now or never...

The streets were empty, and the houses were silent. I could hear my own boots clacking down on the pavement, and for whatever reason the road was silent. It was eerie, like I was in a ghost town- not what'd you expect from Kyoto, a very busy place- but that didn't stop me from hiding the knife in my bag as I ran. The only thing keeping me from being completely drenched was Hiyori's coat, which kept my body somewhat warm. I wasn't going out there with my arms basically unprotected, so I decided to grab the coat just in case. Worst case scenario I can use it too my advantage, and right now it's hiding my killing weapon...

I don't know what'll happen now. I don't even know what happened to Hiyori after I ran to chase Kyle. She's on the grass... Dead. The police probably found her by now...

Damn... It...

I have no leads on Kyle. All I'm doing is searching this town. There must... Must be a trace of him somewhere...

I see it.

(Opening here)

I saw it. Black hair and a black trench coat... I dashed towards the man and grabbed to his coat, as his face turned around.

It was Kyle. His face turned pale and his eyes went dull.

Looking at me made him scared.



"Let go of me...!!" Kyle threw my hand off him in a panic, his eyes looking despair filled as he dropped to the ground, making a loud thud noise. My hands were shaking, and my eyes were narrowed. I was blinded...

"Die..." I snarled as I pulled out the bloody knife as Kyle gasped and tried to scramble away, but I jumped and landed on top of him, keeping the man down. I was in control. He was going to die...!!

"Please Ryu... I beg of you... It was your sisters life or lots of other lives! I didn't want to kill her, PLEASE SPARE ME!!" He spat, crying. I didn't care. He took her life... And I'll make him regret that.

"Do you really think my sympathy is with you? I swear to god Kyle... You're so dense..." I said, my head laying low. I raised my arm with the knife and slammed it down onto his head, a loud crunch sound being heard as I felt the knife penetrate his skull and enter his brain, meshing it up. I got shivers down my spine as blood coughed from his mouth, pure blood. I raised it up again, and slammed it down once more. And again. And again. And again. And again.

I stabbed him six times in total, all of them aimed at his head.

Blood was the only thing left on the sword as I put it away and washed my hands in a puddle, leaving it a muddy red. I stood up and walked away...

The days after my killing, I felt distant. Like I had lived a full life... I felt tired, unmotivated. Nothing was really... In my interest. I sighed as I was in my new school, sitting by the window quietly. This wasn't like me... But it felt right.
"Hey Ryu," Trio walked over to me as he smiled, me looking out of the window before turning to him. "I know history isn't exactly your best choice, but pay attention to the things around you... It's next lesson, cmon." I stood up and yawned, before following Trio.
"Hey guys!" Tari waved at us as Trio waved back. I simply acknowledged her with a nod.
"What's up with you Ryu?" He asked.
"I don't know." I sighed.
"You seem totally out of it." Tari said bluntly. I sighed and brushed it off, before asking,
"Where are we going next?" My head pounded and ached and my eyes were barely open. My body felt old and ragged, tired and broken.
"English." She replied as Trio looked at me.
"You seem sick dude. Let's get you to the nurses."
"No, I'm fine..." I breathed in and out before a sick nausea hit me, making me cover my mouth. I couldn't throw up in front of all these... people in the corridors!!
"It looks like your gonna throw up...." Tari said as Trio grabbed a sick bag from his backpack and handed it to me. I swiftly grabbed it and let go of my throw up in the bag, quietly choking on the feeling. I don't know why but I just threw up... My body wobbled down to the side as I closed my eyes, not feeling great. Trio caught me as I fell... and after that... it was a haze.

I was in a hospital bed, as I groaned. I opened my eyes and sat up, moving to and from softly in my seat. What happened to me? I gave a long, hard sigh as I laid back on the bed. Something had happened to me... But what happened?





But that's all...

Fox out!

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