Reasons for ending.

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Okay, so I guess I have a few things to clear up cos this has been awhile since I've updated this book.

Now, the thing is, I realise that I shouldn't be juggling all these books at once and fights just stress me out for whatever reasons.

Here's a list:
-Double checking effects
-Getting full card names right
-Making sure your turns with the deck are good cos it's the first time you played with said deck.

And much more. If you write VG stories, you know what I'm talking about.

So; I've decided.

I'm going to scrap this book. I will release its epilogue as a way to show how it would've ended. Everyone's OCs that were entered here will be transferred to another book. Possibly a sequel to Cray's Collapse.

I feel that putting this basically in its death bed is the right thing to do, especially now that my life will become much tighter in terms of time, etc.

My ways for GSCEs have started and I've got a lot of shit to do, including moving and packing stuff up cos at the time I'm writing this I'm moving, lack of inspiration altogether and just wanting to stop writing vanguard fights, cos 100+ parts later of repeating this painfully slow process (especially with the lack of Database which crushed most of my inspiration and an easy way to help make the fights) writing this book feels like a chore. Not fun.

I'm sorry...

Just, sorry.

The plot would've moved on like so:
Helles and Lucine would've been introduced as characters, then a few lighter chapters would've happened. Then, Reverse chaos would've happened. The first to be reversed would've been Ayo by Shika, then he would've started spreading it until Rikishi was hit and goes to a card shop to reverse people there. Shouri gets alerted by Akane and tries to save his best friend, but Akane steps up to the challenge when Shouri is too late and Rikishi tries to infect others. She gets hit with the Reverse, and when Shouri comes, he has to fight both, and brings both back to their senses.

Meanwhile, Lucine fights Ayo and she becomes Reversed and the two start causing chaos in that area. Helles is forced to fight them, winning against Lucine but losing to Ayo, and being reversed. Lucine becomes Reversed again and we've come full circle. While everything is going to shit during this time, an unlikely hero, Yuri, comes in with Darien and Nakuru to form a mini squad to try and defeat people. Yuri gets an upgrade in her Granblue deck with the help of Darien's and Nakuru's deckbuilding, and Nakuru "deletes" the Reverse from people while Darien and Yuri supports him. When they run into Lucine, Ayo and Helles destroying people around them and reversing them, they fight... Relay Style.

Shouri, Akane and Rikishi continue to unreverse people they find on the street, until they meet Backlion. Akane and Rikishi fight him, 2 v 1, and he wallops both of them, reversing Akane and Rikishi in the process. The Rag Tag Team wins the relay fight and unreverses the 3, before the 6 go off to find their other friends while unreversing people along the way.

The final showdown is between Backlion and Shouri, 3/4 of the climax of Cray's Collapse. The final chapter is Backlion mentally breaking Shouri before killing him brutally and taking Forbidden Chains. The 6 arrive to see Rikishi and Akane Reversed, and a bloody Shouri beaten to death on the ground...

Epilogue coming soon.

That's all, Fox out.

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