Ride 4: Miyazaki said "Anime was a mistake"

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"Another boring day at class... Wonderful." Shouri said in a sarcastic tone, yawning.
"It's not all that bad." Rikishi said.
"Whatever you say Rick." Shouri sat down. "You know today's a weird day when Yuri's in at school."
"Oh, her?" Rikishi pointed at a girl with medium height, short-medium red hair, some long pants and a shirt with a hoodie thrown on top because why not.
"Yes. That, and she doesn't look like a tramp."
"What's that supposed to mean? I'd bang her." Rikishi replied bluntly.
"She looks like she got out of bed, threw on whatever, then went to school if she's bothered." Shouri facepalmed. "And then you come and say that you'd bang her. Dude, look at her chest. What do you see?"
"Uh, nothing?"
"Yes, she's FLAT, forever lacking any tits!" Shouri groaned.
"Flat chested girls are cute." Rikishi pouted.
"I'd prefer my girls with a bit more cleavage thank you very much." Shouri sighed.
"But I like my girls T H I C C."
"Why're we talking about what girls we prefer?" Akane asked, waking from her sleep.
"Uh..." The two boys looked at each other.
"Morning Akane." Shouri raised an eyebrow.
"Hey. Payic actually gave me something over the weekend, she gave me a sweet new Fenrir deck." Akane nodded.
"Sick, we should fight sometime."
"Anyways, since we're talking about our preferred girls, I like the shy and sweet type." Akane declared with a serious tone.
"Wait, are you lesbian?!" Rikishi blurted out.
"Nope. Bi, Rikishi."
"Ah, okay." He nodded.
"What're you losers talking about?" Darien walked over.
"Hey dude." Rikishi waved. "We're just talking about our preferred types of girls."
"It all started because of Yuri." Shouri facepalmed.
"How am I involved with your little game of which girl you'd go out with?" Yuri asked, yawning.
"Because Rick said he'd bang you." Shouri replied.
"Wonderful, so one of the lamest guys in school would like a piece of me?" Yuri said with sarcasm dripping from her voice.
"Who'd want a piece of you anyways?" Darien asked. That's when Nakuru walked over, raised his hand up slowly before his hand was slapped down by Darien who groaned.
"And the virgin wants pussy, classic, classic."
"I believe in Jesus Christ so that means he can make miracles..." Nakuru mumbled.
"Christianity is a joke. Atheism is best theism." Shouri smirked.
"Anime was a mistake." Yuri said suddenly.
"Wait, her last name is Miyazaki?!" Darien shouted, before thinking back to Studio Ghibli.

"Ahem, class." A teachers voice was heard. "I'd like to introduce the new student, Ayo Hasegawa."
"Hi everyone!" Ayo smiled.
"Ayo! What the hell is he doing here?!" Shouri shouted.
"Oh, hi Shouri!!" He waved brightly at him.
"You've gotta be fucking with me..." Shouri's eye twitched. "I can't believe you even transferred to the same school I go to..."
"You two know each other? Great, you two can sit next to each other."

Shouri stared blankly at Ayo.
"Son of a-"
"Hi everyone." Ayo waved at everyone.
"Hello Ayo." Rikishi, Akane, Darien, Nakuru and Yuri said.
"So, is this like a group of cardfighters?" He asked.
"I guess." Shouri shrugged.
"Dark Irregular main over here!!" Rikishi shouted.
"Genesis, Fenrir." Akane said.
"Tachikaze." Darien replied.
"Link Joker!!" Nakuru declared.
"Gold Paladin." Ayo smiled.
"What about you, Yuri?" Shouri asked.
"Yuri, I challenge you to a fight!" Darien shouted, grabbing his deckbox and shoving it in front of her face.
"Alright, let's play."
"Tachikaze vs Granblue... This'll be fun to watch." Rikishi smirked.

"Stand up, (the!) Vanguard!" The two shouted.
"Baby Camara!" Darien said, his vanguard circle expanding dark red.
"Forbidden Space Banshee!" Yuri shouted, her vanguard circle expanding light blue. "I'll start. Stand and draw, I ride Skeleton Assault Soldier and Banshee moves. End!"

Hand: 5
Damage: 0

Hand: 5
Damage: 0

"Stand and draw, I ride Prism Bird, Camara moves and call to rear circle, Freezernyx and Sledge Ankylo, boosted by Ankylo, Bird goes in! (7000 > 11000)" Darien shouted.
"A rush?" Shouri raised a brow.
"Applies pressure, extra damage, removes hand, extra advantage... Or he was just unlucky." Rikishi explained, pointing at Darien's two card hand. "Chances are there's a grade 2 and grade 3 there, which means if Yuri counter rushes, there's a chance Darien won't be able to guard."
"Vanguard is complicated..." Shouri groaned.
"I feel like Darien just misplayed completely..." Akane said. "Forcing cards out of her hand just means set-up for her part, and revival..."
"If she guards that is. She no passed the vanguard attack..." Nakuru butted in.
"Just means using more resources to recall from drop. Not bad." Shouri replied.
"Yeah, but he's giving her resources in the form of counterblast..." Nakuru facepalmed.
"I no guard! (Great Skipper, Supreme Solger)"
"Nice, two damage already." Darien smirked. "End."

Hand: 5
Damage: 2

Hand: 3
Damage: 0

"Stand and draw, riding Cemetery Dragon and call Negrorook, hollow! Now, Cemetery, swing! (8000 > 13000)" Yuri declared.
"What is she doing?!" Rikishi shouted. "She rode a 8k when she knows Darien likes to rush!! WTF?!"
"Maybe she has a strategy?" Shouri raised a brow.
"No guard!"
"Drive check! (Rampage Shade) Critical, power to Negro, crit to vanguard! (1★ > 2★) (9000 > 14000)"
"Damage check! (Savage Heroine, Explosive Dragon, Sarcoblaze) Sonuvabitch..." Darien cursed.
"Negro! (14000)"
"No guard! (Frenzy Emperor Dragon, Gaia Emperor Desperado)" Darien grit his teeth. Akane went over to check Darien's hand. It consisted of Savage Healer, Blade Dragon, Jigsawsaurus and Emperor Dragon, Gaia Emperor.
"Turn end, Negro is retired."

Hand: 5
Damage: 2

Hand: 3
Damage: 3

"Stand and draw, I ride Jigsawsaurus! Boosted by Camara, Freezernyx! (7000 > 12000)"
"Guard with Colombard! (8000 > 13000)"
"Vanguard! (9000 > 13000)"
"No guard!"
"Drive check! (Beam Dragon, Apatomaser)"
"Damage check! (Undead Knight of Corrupt Sword)"
"Turn end." Darien smirked.

"Man, her deck seems janky as fuck..." Shouri yawned. "Boring match aswell..."

Hand: 5
Damage: 3

Hand: 4
Damage: 3

"Stand and draw. Raise the sails and begin to follow the moonlit path as we yonder towards the darkest islands! I ride my avatar, Vampire Princess of Night Fog, Nightrose!" The vanguard circle expanded a heavenly dark blue. "I call Handsomeness Gianmario and Hollow! Swing for 9k! (9000)"
"Guard with Prism Bird! (9000 > 14000)"
"Vanguard! (11000 > 16000)"
"No guard..." Darien grit his teeth.
"Two crits and it's game over. Twin drive...!! (Headstart Zombie, Blitzing Zombie) Oh, a stand! Power to Gianmario and stand! (9000 > 14000/[< ] > [^])"
"Shit! (Savage Guardian)"
"Gianmario once more! (14000)"
"No guard... (Blade Dragon, Jigsawsaurus)"
"Nice! Five damage push, end!" Yuri grinned.

"Not so boring now, is it?" Rikishi smirked as he elbowed Shouri.
"Shut up yeah."

Hand: 6
Damage: 3

Hand: 3
Damage: 5

(Play song in media here)

"Stand and draw! Now, devour, eat, and destroy anything until you're satisfied! Finish this world for true power, as I ride! Emperor Dragon, Gaia Emperor, my avatar!" Darien shouted, the vanguard circle expanding burgundy. "Eat, eat, eat! Generation Stride, Destruction Tyrant, Grado Gigant! Stride skill, counterblast one, and give two skills to Freezernyx and Camara! Call from hand, Sarcoblaze! Boosted by Camara, Freezernyx! (7000 > 12000)"
"Guard with Headstart Zombie! (11000 > 16000)"
"Gradogigant is next! (26000) His skill, I eat Freezernyx, Camara and Sledge Ankylo! He gets 15000 power, (26000 > 51000) And Freezernyx gives him 2k from skill, and I countercharge and soulcharge one! (Cannon Fire Dragon, Parasaulauncher) And since I retired three, I draw a card! Skill of Camara, counterblast and open deck, call Savage Lancer and she gets 3k! (5000 > 8000) And her skill, soulblast two, and draw a care! And then Gaia's skills, I revive both! (53000)"

"So he chained a bunch of effects to draw two? Seems a bit... Weird." Ayo mumbled.
"Well, he minused his resources for no real reason. Freezernyx isn't a viable way to get back costs," Akane stated.

"No guard!" Yuri replied.
"Perfect, triple drive! (Cold Dragon, Freezernyx, Savage Healer, Conflagration Dragon, Gigantic Flame) Heal trigger! Healing one, power to Sarcoblaze! (9000 > 14000) Now, boosted by Lancer, Freezernyx! (7000 > 15000)"
"Damage check, (Rookie Pirate, Gina) and guard with Rambling Shade! (11000 > 16000)"

"If I were Darien I'd just stop attacking now... Your only giving her cards to use for later..." Nakuru squirmed.
"Aren't you supposed to support him all the way? As you follow him around like a lackey..." Akane asked.
"Nope, not always." Nakuru giggled.

"Sarcoblaze! (14000 > 19000) Skill, engorge! I engorge Freezernyx, and he goes Silent Tom! Skill of Freezernyx, 2k to Sarcoblaze and countercharge and soulcharge! (Frenzy Dragon Emperor, Gaia Emperor Desperado) (19000 > 21000)"
"So you managed to reach magic numbers in other ways... Damn, I can't guard. (Skeleton Assault Soldier)" Yuri sighed.
"I end my turn."

Hand: 4
Damage: 5

Hand: 6
Damage: 4

"Stand and draw. Generation Stride! Pirate King of Great Schemes, Bandit Rum, stride! Stride skill, counterblast one and call from drop zone, Gianmario, and his skill, Hollow! Nightrose gives him 2k, and he gives him 6k! (9000 > 17000) Then, I call from hand, Rambling Shade! Gianmario attacks!! (17000)"
"Damn, Sarcoblaze intercept and Gigantic Flame, guard! (21000)"
"Vanguard! (26000)"
"Generation Guard! Barrage Giant Cannon, Bullish Primer! His skill, G Guardian Blast! He gets 5000 shield for each of my open circles! (11000 > 26000 > 36000)"
"What a waste of a card... Triple drive! (Gorgeous Shade, Rookie Pirate, Gina, Pirate Swordsman, Colombard) Draw trigger, everything on Rambling. Rambling attacks! (14000) Skill, I mill two! (Carl the Ghostie, Sleepless Skipper, Blackjack) He gets 2k! (14000 > 16000) Then, Carl's skill! Counterblast and call over Gianmario!"
"Damn triggers! Guard with Dinodile! (21000)"
"Then Carl goes after Freezernyx! (8000)"
"I'll let Freezer go..." Darien gritted his teeth.
"Cool. I'll end." Yuri grinned.

"It's a back to back with rushing each other..." Rikishi commented.

Hand: 7
Damage: 5

Hand: 3
Damage: 5

"Stand and draw! Generation Stride! King of the jungle, roar louder than ever to eat these fools! Generation Stride, Great Emperor Dragon, Gaia Dynast! Stride skill, counterblast can call from hand, a Freezernyx, and give him and Savage Lancer the revival skills! Boosted by Lancer, Freezernyx attacks! (7000 > 12000)"
"Carl intercepts. (11000 > 16000)"
"Gaia Dynast attacks! (26000) His skill, I G Persona Blast and engorge Freezernyx and Camara! I choose Lancer's column and retire everything there, so say goodbye to your Rambling Shade! Then I countercharge one! Camara's skill, I counterblast and call a Savage Heroine to rear-guard, and give her 3k! (6000 > 9000) Skill of Freezernyx, countercharge and soulcharge! (Explosive Dragon, Sarcoblaze) Give Heroine 2k! (9000 > 11000) Then Dynast's skill, counterblast one and recall Camara, and Freezernyx's skill recalls himself to rear-guard!"
"I perfect guard!" Yuri declared.
"Triple drive! (Blade Dragon, Jigsawsaurus, Cannon Fire Dragon, Sledge Ankylo, Savage Guardian) Draw trigger, drawing a card and power to Freezernyx! (7000 > 12000) Then, I attack with Savage Heroine! (11000 > 16000) Her skill, engorge Lancer, she gets 3k for every engorged card! (16000 > 22000) Then Lancer revives, and her skill, soulblast two and draw a card!"
"Guard with Gina and Gorgeous Shade! (11000 > 26000)"
"Then, boosted by Lancer, Freezernyx! (12000 > 17000)"
"Guard with Colombard and Skeleton Assault Soldier! (21000)"
"Well then, from seven to zero cards in hand, and from two rear-guards to nothing on board. Let's see you try to survive next turn." Darien smirked.

Hand: 0
Damage: 5

Hand: 7
Damage: 5

"Stand and draw..." Yuri groaned, as to no avail, not a grade 3 in hand. "I hate my life..." She cried. "I attack with Nightrose! (11000)"
"Really, a vanilla swing? I Generation Guard! Another Bullish Primer, to use his skill! (26000 > 31000)"
"Generation Break 7... Gonna try and hammer me down next turn with a GB8 I guess. Twin Drive!! (Freddy the Ghostie, Rambling Shade) Nothing. End."

Hand: 3
Damage: 5

Hand: 6
Damage: 5

(Play song in media here)

"Stand and draw. While I could use the Generation Break Eight... I think I'll prefer to finish you with this." Darien picked a card from the G Zone and showed it to Yuri. "This card, shall be the reason you'll lose... Generation Stride, the strongest Dinodragon known to man! Generation Stride, the Vanguard! Absolute Ruler, Gluttony Dogma! Stride skill, calling Jigsawsaurus and Prism Bird to rear-guard! Giving Freezernyx and Jigsawsaurus the revival effects. Because you have three cards in hand, I'll spare you some time form your life and swing with Dogma, eat my whole field, G Persona, you know, the usual. (26000 > 36000)" Darien smirked.
"No guard." Yuri shrugged.
"Well, I won't need to triple drive so take damage." He replied.
"Watch as I top deck heal trigger, (Vampire Princess of Night Fog, Nightrose) Nah, didn't. Good game Darien, I liked your Tachikaze." She nodded.
"Cool, thanks." Darien started to pack up.
"I'll play you next!" Rikishi grinned at Darien.
"Your on dude." Darien smirked.



Half a century later he updates with a shitty Granblue vs Tachikaze fight.

Thanks to _Shadou_ or betty813 (whichever account your on now, I lost track) for Yuri Miyazaki.

Next turn we'll be introducing a Dragon and a Tiger whose son became a GB8 card, yes, it's the avatar of Driger and kaiishida 's OC Helles (ヘッレーズ) because logic.

Fox out!

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