#22: Jazz-hands

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"Thanks for Stark." Spectre said, taking the card that was glowing white from Yozora's G Zone. He gazed at it; the Zeroth Dragon of Star Gate.

"I was too weak..." Yozora sobbed, as Kotaro and Serena ran into the scene. Serena rushed to Yozora's aid as Kotaro looked at Spectre with burning conviction in his eyes.

"I still don't understand why I shouted those words."

"Cardfight me, SPECTRE!!"

"Part of me believes I was beyond desperate."

"Kotaro... What are you doing?!" Serena shouted at him, as Kotaro grinned weakly.

"Seeing everyone frozen, including me..."

"Do you really think you can win against me? That's impossible." Spectre said.

"I didn't want to stand so helplessly."

"I won't just win... I'll avenge everyone here, and take back the Zeroth Dragons!" Kotaro said.

"So, I'll fight. For everyone."

"Don't do it, Kotaro..." Yozora muttered. "He's insanely strong... too strong... you won't stand a chance..."

"I won't stand a chance by myself. But I will have with my comrades!" Kotaro said.

"Let me guess... You use Royal Paladin?" Spectre asked.

"Bingo." Kotaro replied with a toothy grin.

"Kotaro, was it? Let's fight then. Winner takes both Zeroth Dragons. Loser gets nothing." Spectre said.

"All or nothing... alright, I'm down." Kotaro said.

"I will win.... I will win.... I will win...."

(Opening here)

"Stand up, (the!) Vanguard!"

"Blinking Knight, Millius!" The vanguard circle expanded blue.

"Dragwizard, Vicreau!" The vanguard circle expanded black.

"I'll take the first move, if that's okay." Kotaro said. "I will win... I will win... I will win..."

"Go right on ahead," Spectre said. "I'll win either way."

"Stand and draw! Ride, Support Sorcerer of Damascus and move Millius back! Turn end."

"No... I will win... I will win... I will win... I will win..."

Hand: 5
Damage: 0

Hand: 5
Damage: 0

"Stand and draw, I ride Fuamnach and pull Vicreau back. Attack! (7000 > 12000)"

"No guard!"

"I will win... I will win... I will win..."

"Drive check! (Belial Owl) Critical, all to the vanguard! (12000 > 17000/1★ > 2★)"

"Damage checks... (Counteroffensive Knight, Suleiman, Knight of Heavenly Decree, Altmile)"

"I will win... I will win... I will win..."

"Turn end."

Hand: 5
Damage: 2

Hand: 6
Damage: 0
Ritual: 0

"Stand and draw! I ride, Septgal! Skill, soulblast and revealing an "Altmile" in my hand," Kotaro showed off "Higher Deity Knight, Altmile" in his hand. "And superior call Felax to rear-guard! Call, Livarot, and attack! (10000 > 17000)"

"I will win... I will win... I will win..."

"No guard! (Dragfencer, Dagda)"

"Vanguard! (9000 > 14000)"

"I will win... I will win... I will win..."

"Belial Owl! (17000)"

"One to pass... drive check! (Knight of Vibrancy, Lyrrdis) Critical, all to vanguard! (14000 > 19000/1★ > 2★)"

"I will win... I will win... I will win..."

"Damage checks! (Dragfall, Luard, Dragsaver, Esras)"

"Millius skill, into soul and looking at top ten cards of my deck. Adding Higher Deity Altmile to hand and shuffle the rest back. Turn end."

"I will win... I will win... I will win..."

Hand: 6
Damage: 2

Hand: 5
Damage: 3
Ritual: 0

"Stand and draw! I ride, Morfessa and call Gaunan! Skill, counterblast and discarding Daellad, drawing two. Call, another Gaunan! Once more, counterblast and discarding Iucharba, drawing two. Skill of Fuamnach in hand, resting Vicreau, discarding her and drawing a card. Call, Abyssal Owl, his skill, checking top seven cards of deck and adding Dragfall, Luard to hand! I'll discard Gaunan and Esras. Call, Fuamnach. Boosted by Fuamnach, Gaunan! (9000 > 16000)"

"Lyrrdis! (10000 > 19000)"

"I will win... I will win... I will win..."

"Vanguard! (9000)"

"No guard!"

"I will win... I will win... I will win..."

"Drive check! (Cursed Eye Raven) Stand, all to Gaunan! (9000 > 14000)"

"Damage check... (Laurel Knight, Silicus)"

"Gaunan! (14000)"

"No guard... (Sarugal) Stand, all to vanguard! (9000 > 14000)"

"I will win... I will win... I will win..."

"Final Gaunan! (9000 > 16000)"

"Redon! (14000 > 19000)"

"I will win... I will win... I will win..."

"Turn end."

Hand: 4
Damage: 4

Hand: 3
Damage: 3
Ritual: 4

"Stand and draw... Ascend bravely with heavenly bonds built from the past, present and the future to come! I ride, Higher Deity Knight, Altmile!" The vanguard circle expanded dark blue. "Skill, soulblasting a Brave card, and superior call Livarot! Call, Silicus and I'll begin my attack... Livarot! (10000)"

"I will win... I will win... I will win..."

"No guard. (Mage of the Rogue Eye, Arsur) Stand, all to vanguard! (9000 > 14000)"

"Boosted by Felax, Livarot! (10000 > 17000) Brave skill, counterblast and superior call Suleiman!"

"I will win... I will win... I will win..."

"Slaptail! (14000 > 19000)"

"Altmile takes aim! (11000)"

"Gaunan, intercept! (14000 > 19000) Two to pass!"

"Twin Drive!! (Encourage Angel) Stand, all to Livarot! (10000 > 15000) (Hope Keeper) Livarot once again! (15000)"

"I will win... I will win... I will win..."

"Gaunan, intercept again! (14000 > 19000)"

"Boosted by Silicus, Suleiman! (9000 > 16000)"

"No guard! (Emancipating Revenger, Allyl) Heal, all effects to vanguard and healing a damage. (14000 > 19000)"

"Turn end..."

"I will win... I will win... I will win... I will win..."

Hand: 5
Damage: 4

Hand: 2
Damage: 4
Ritual: 5

"Stand and draw... Man, I'm surprised... you put a decent fight." Spectre laughed. "Seriously..."

"I will win... I will win... I will win..."

"Let me guess... you're doing a dumb chant in your head again, aren't you?" Spectre asked. "You did that too, when everyone was drowning in flames."

"What... what are you talking about?"

"I will win... I will win... I will win..."

"Don't play dumb with me." Spectre snarled. "You disgust me... just how selfish do you have to be to leave everyone who was screaming for help?! Ten years later... ten whole years, I finally get to meet you face to face."

"Who are you...?"

"Me? You know who I am. I was one of those people who were screaming for help! But what did you do?"

"What... did I do?"

"You left us all behind to die. That's what you did!"

"I will..."

"I did no such thing..."

Using his right hand, Spectre pushed the mask up. It locked at just under his nose, and let Kotaro see his cracked, pale lips. Opening them slowly, he mouthed a word: Fire. Kotaro froze, as he dropped the cards in his hands.









At the age of only seven, Kotaro was walking through a blaze of crackling flames, huffing and puffing as he tried to escape the huge fire that had drowned a chunk of the city he was in. People screamed for his help as they were trapped under rubble, and surrounded by flames that began searing their skin and burning it ash black. Of course, the young boy was also affected by the flames, with blackened hands and arms.

"They can escape because they're older and stronger than me... They can escape because they're older and stronger than me... They can escape because they're older and stronger than me... They can escape because they're older and stronger than me..."

Kotaro repeated these words: "They can escape because they're older and stronger than me..." like a chant. Each painful mutter, all the ringing in his head, and the smell of smoke that was filling his nose and lungs was pushing him to survive. Even if he has to drag himself through the dirt, he wanted to live.

"That... old tale..." Kotaro muttered, looking at Spectre with uncomfortable eyes.

"It's not just an "old tale"... it's a part of our past!"

"Who... who are you? I thought everyone died in those flames..."

"Not everyone died... I saved myself too!" Spectre pulled down his mask and pointed at himself. In his voice was pure anger fuelled by hate towards Kotaro. "Even though you escaped, we all struggled too... I struggled! I got out! Everyone was dying around me, and I couldn't help them at all! But you could... you always could!"

People continued to scream at Kotaro, begging for his help, but he continued to walk on. It was when he met an old man he knew, things began changing. At first, he ignored his cries too, and continued on his path to safety, continuing to mutter "They can escape because they're older and stronger than me...". Eventually he stopped in the middle of the bright red flames, and turned his head to look over his shoulder.

Escaping from his tired eyes was thin, warm tears. They streamed down his cheek as he shivered while looking at the man he knew. He twisted his body and ran back, discarding the now meaningless chant, and clawing to save him with the strength he barely had left. Trying to get the rubble off him and help the man to his feet, the man roared.


Kotaro's shaking hands flinched at the word. He continued to look at the man, who was smiling cheerfully.

"Look at me in the eye."

As Kotaro's two black beads connected with the man's own, as the man held Kotaro's charred hands.

"I forgive you."

Letting go of Kotaro's hands, the man let the weight of the rubble fall on him. He had died in front of Kotaro's eyes. Shaken up by the act, he screamed with more tears escaping. More flames fell upon the man, which made Kotaro jump away from him. Staring at him from a distance, Kotaro quietly repeated the words he heard, before realising what the man had meant. He realised the man was saying he forgave Kotaro for not being strong enough, for abandoning him and for being selfish. Standing up weakly, he continued to walk away with an emotionless expression and no more tears escaping his eyes.

Fatigue took it's toll on the boy. His movements became sloppy, his arms were getting heavy, and his legs were so weak, they seemed to nearly give up on him. Before he could collapse on the ground, a pair of arms had caught the child. Dripping on Kotaro's face were tears from the person that cradled him in his arms. While the man who saved him was crying, for some reason, he also had a wide smile of joy, which broke Kotaro's emotionless face.

"I wonder if I could ever be as happy as him..."

A sad smile crept up on his face, before he let his own body pass out. He welcomed the darkness to finally take him.

"Could I really, though?" Kotaro looked at Spectre with an emotionless face.

"Of course you could, you selfish monster... Dragabyss' skill, soulblast, retire Abyssal Owl, and G Persona Blast, superior calling two Daellad's! Retiring Suleiman! Skill of Abyssal Owl, I countercharge one! Skill of Iucharba, putting Abyssal Owl into soul! Skill of Daellad, soulblast and draw! Once more! Boosted by Fuamnach, Daellad! Ritual 5! (7000 > 21000)"

"No guard... (Security Knight, Regius)"

"The vanguard attacks! Shadow Storm! (26000 > 31000)"

"Hope Keeper, Perfect Guard!"

"Triple Drive....! (Cursed Eye Raven) Stand, all effects to Daellad! (7000 > 12000) (Cursed Eye Raven) Stand, all effects to Fuamnach! (14000 > 19000) (Belial Owl) Critical, power to one Daellad, (7000 > 12000), Critical to the other Daellad! (1★ > 2★)"

"Triple triggers..." Kotaro muttered. "I will win... I will win... I will win..."

"Boosted by Fuamnach, Daellad attacks! (12000 > 31000/2★)"

"Generation Guard! Divine Knight of Godly Defense, Igraine! Her skill, since I'm at Brave, she gets 5000 shield! (11000 > 26000 > 31000) Her second skill, I soulblast and she gets 10000 shield! (31000 > 41000)"

"Then this will finish you! Boosted by Iucharba, Daellad! (12000 > 22000)"

"Damn it... Belenus, Felax! (11000 > 21000 > 26000)"

"No more cards in hand..." Spectre laughed. "You're so unfortunately weak. I end."

"Even if I have no cards... I can still win. That is the essence of Brave."

"Essence of Brave? You're Brave because you're weak? What twisted logic..."

"This is my Jazz-hands!" Kotaro shot his empty hands forward, showing off the palms to Spectre.

"I will win... I will win!"

Hand: 0
Damage: 5

Hand: 8
Damage: 4
Ritual: 6

"Stand and draw..." Kotaro looked at the card in his hand, before blinking twice. "I... understand..."

Opening his eyes slowly, Kotaro slowly regained consciousness after blacking out. The pain from the fire continued to plague him, and threatened to send him back to unconsciousness. However, he tried shaking off his vigorous feeling by trying to gain awareness to where he was. With his tired eyes, he began tilting his head side to side, to only realise he was in a hospital bed.

His ears rang as the faint beeping of a heart monitor brought back his senses. Attached to him were different medical equipment, and next to him was a person of familiarity. He had a serious face with sharp eyes, which looked at Kotaro. Being weak to move, Kotaro just gazed at him wearily. The only thing Kotaro could make out from his hazy memories was his face: it was the same as the person who picked him up.

"Hello there," After a short period of time, the man relaxed and spoke to him in a friendly manner. "Do you have a family to go to?"

Due to his hazy memories, Kotaro frowned. He shook his head side to side, not knowing how else to answer. The man looked at him up and down, before saying bluntly,

"My name is Eiji Nogami. Would you like me to adopt you?"

Focusing his eyes on Eiji, Kotaro simply nodded. Eiji's face broke into a smile.

"You should get some sleep. I'm going to get the doctor."

Getting off his seat, and walked towards the door. Just before he could step outside, he paused with a sheepish laugh.

"Ah, before I go... I forgot to ask for your name.

Kotaro contemplated for a brief moment. His mind was trying to rack for his name, before he puffed a sigh. He shook his head side to side again, which left Eiji confused.

"You don't remember?" He asked, which made Kotaro nod. After a moment of silence, Eiji asked something else. "What do you remember?"

Kotaro took a deep breath, as his memories cleared up slightly. What he could see were the bright red flames that was burning around him. Kotaro looked at Eiji weakly, before mouthing a single word: "Fire". Eiji frowned, before sighing.

"I see... You only remember the fire, huh?" He paused, before looking at Kotaro again. "How about Kotaro?"

Kotaro blinked, which made Eiji chuckle.

"I meant for your new name. What do you think of Kotaro?"

The child was silent, before nodding with a small smile on his face. Eiji in turn smiled back, before taking his leave.


"Generation Stride!" Kotaro roared, slamming a card into the drop zone.

"You actually pulled it? How impressive..."

"Righteous blade that cleaves through the darkness, eradicate the enemy with one blazing swoop! Immortal Holy Sword, Fides Stride!" The vanguard circle expanded dark blue. "Altmile's stride skill, soulblasting a Brave unit and superior calling Livarot! Fides' skill, counterblast and G Blast, he gets a new skill! Whenever my Brave units attacks you, you have to call two cards to guard or else the attack will hit! Now, boosted by Silicus, Livarot! (10000 > 17000) Skill, counterblast and superior call Suleiman!"

"Guard with Belial and Slaptail! (11000 > 26000)"

"Fides will attack next! Burning Silver Wing! (26000)"

"Esras, Perfect Guard!"

"Triple drive! (Bringer of Dreams, Belenus) Critical, all effects to Suleiman! (11000 > 16000/1★ > 2★) (Lunarfang Knight, Felax, Sarugal) Stand, standing Livarot and power! (10000 > 15000) Livarot attacks! (15000)"

"No guard... (Dragwizard, Fuamnach)"

"Suleiman attacks! His Brave skill, adding 3000 power! (16000 > 19000 > 27000/2★) Skill, counterblast and discarding a card, superior call Livarot! He gets 2000 power! (10000 > 12000)"

"Generation Guard! Dark Dragon, Plotmaker Dragon! Ritual 3! (11000 > 26000 > 36000) Adding Dragfall!"

"Livarot, attack! (12000) Skill, counterblast and superior call Redon! His skill, he gets 3000 power! (9000 > 12000)"

"You bastard... I guard with Cursed Eye and Cursed Eye! (11000 > 31000)"

"Finally... you're in killing range..." Kotaro panted. "No cards in hand... isn't that a sign of "weakness" to you?!"

"Shut your filthy mouth!"

"Never! Even barely living, I will continue on! Having nothing doesn't mean you're weak... because turning that weakness into your strength, will show your courage and bravery!"

"Philosophical bullshit! I hate people like you!"

"And I hate you too." Kotaro swiped Redon, smirking. "Redon, finish this! Generation Break 2, adding 3000 power! (12000 > 15000) Dazzling Ray!"

"N-no guard... Damage check! (Dragfall, Luard)" Spectre fell to his own knees. "Im... possible...!"

"I... won." Kotaro said, as a card in Spectre's G Zone began glowing bright yellow. "This Zeroth Dragon... is now rightfully mine." Taking the glowing card, Kotaro inspected it. "Welcome to the team. Hand over Yozora his Zeroth Dragon too."

"Kotaro Nogami..." From Spectre's pocket, a white shining card made it's way back to Yozora. Spectre stood up and collected his cards in anger. "Remember this word...!"

"What would they be...?" Kotaro asked as Spectre took out a small, cylindrical contraption from his cloak's pocket.


Chucking the contraption at his feet, it exploded into hazy grey smoke. Covering his mouth and nose, Kotaro caught a glimpse at Spectre entering an oval shaped portal. Trying to clear the smoke in front of him to get a better view, it failed as his friends around him began moving and coughing. It was soon after the smoke cleared that everyone was able to take a breather.

"Sakini?" Kotaro raised a brow as everyone gathered around him with proud and excited eyes.

"That was the coolest topdeck ever!" Serena exclaimed.

"Damn Kotaro, you're fucking strong..." Maverick grinned.

"Nice work on getting Ultima!" Ryuzaki shouted.

"Guys..." Kotaro laughed as Marie ran over to them, waving her arms wildly.

"EVERYONE! EVERYONE!" She shouted, getting breathless.

"What is it?" Yozora said.

"...I have some bad news."

"We have some great news! We have Ultima!" Payic said.

"No... I... I found out who one of those masked guys were." Marie said with a lump in her throat.

"The one you were cardfighting?" Kotaro asked.

"Yes... The real identity of that man is..." Marie took a deep breath.

"Don't leave us hanging..." Ryuzaki said.

"Kaiko Rimen."


(Ending here)

As Eiji strode through the flames with tears streaming down his face, he began searching for someone within the smouldering fire that surrounded him. As people died before his eyes, he continued to struggle through the burning city. Catching his eye was a young seven year old boy with auburn brown hair. Held tightly in his right hand was a deck of cards, and in his left a small bag. His brown eyes met Eiji, lighting up the child's burnt face.

"Mister..." A simple, worn out breath was all the boy could muster. His legs finally buckled under him, causing him to fall to the ground with a loud thud. Eiji walked over to the boy, and checked out his features.

"He isn't a bad one..." Picking him up, Eiji cradled the boy as he continued to walk through the flames. The boy could barely tell what was going on, but he asked the man something.

"Who are you?"

"I'm Eiji Nogami."

"Thank you, Mr. Eiji..."

However, his "thank you" was short lived. Out of nowhere, Eiji had dropped the boy to the floor into a pile of flames. The searing sensation had made the seven year old wide awake, making him scream as fire infected his body. Crawling out of the area of flames, in the corner of his eye, he saw Eiji pick up a black haired boy. Infuriated, the boy stood up weakly and tried to run over to Eiji. But he was too weak, and collapsed on the floor.

Splashing some cold water on his face, Spectre let memories of the fire replay in his mind. Rubbing his eyes, he put a hand through his brown coloured hair and sighed. Putting the mask back on, he clicked his back, before walking away from the sink with a huff.

The boy was on the floor as flames neared him. However, a single voice in his head whispered: "Survive". It was then, the deck of cards in his hand began glowing white. The light appeared briefly, before dissipating into the air. It put the fire to a halt. The boy closed his eyes, knowing he was now safe, and let the waves of pain take him to a deep sleep.

"I wonder why that dragon didn't save me the second time I nearly died. Guess he gave up on me," Spectre thought. He chuckled, slumping into a corner. "But someone else didn't. Backlion, you asshole. The moment I see you, you'll pay for what you've done."

Next time on Z World:

#23: Magia

Ryuzaki: Oi Fox, where the fuck is the preview?

I haven't gotten chapter 23 ready...

Ryuzaki: Fuck you, I narrate this shit, lemme give you a sexy preview with my even sexier voice!

If you wish... *rolls eyes*

Ryuzaki: Aight, basically, the guy who I'm going to murder for hurting my Maverick and this thicc cloaked bitch fight in a chicken shop. Yours truly narrates the whole thing like a sweet sweet C4 OVA. Check em out, cuz my sexy voice is there too!


Ryuzaki: Thank you, thank you. DON'T MISS IT! NEXT WEEK! AT SOME TIME ON SATURDAY!

*kicks Ryuzaki out*



Welcome to volume 4....


Kotaro: Hi, I'm here to annoy you.

For fucks sake...

Y'know, I should get my own A/N segment.

Kotaro: Nah, writing skits at 12am is more you.

True... hmm, time for.... uhhhh

Kotaro: What are you planning?


Kotaro: That's just ripping off Spiral Terra....

Fuck. How about chapter reviews?

Kotaro: I give this chapter 10/10 because I was the main focus and kicked ass with Brave.

Y'know, it was painful to write Luard losing.

Kotaro: It was painful to read all that italic text. Too many flashbacks

Welp, you're never being used again so...

Kotaro: Nice being here then.

Nooooo problem!

Ryu: Wait, I thought this was the Megiddo arc

I needed to wrap up this one, duh

Ryu: True...

Now, we get into the fun stuff...

Kotaro: Next chapter is about Callum though


Ryu: No hope. By the way, I rate this chapter 4/10. Shit fight, decent backstory.


Ryu: I'm a harsh critic

Lemme just... *cough*

Ryu: *falls into a hole*

Kotaro: *falls into a hole*


That's all, Fox out!

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