#60: Welcome Home

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Even though everyone's tried to help me heal from my past, and change me from my bloodthirsty ways, it hasn't worked out. Fighting those urges to hurt someone has been my inner war for the past year. Even though I'm thankful to Ayato for giving me better living conditions while imprisoned, I don't think my feelings have changed at all, even with all my therapy sessions.

As I tried to rehabilitate myself and serve my time in jail, I missed all those flimsy bonds and connections I made during that past year. My friendships through all the conflict that I've been involved in. There was Izanoku and her freak boyfriend Masaru. Those pieces of good-willed shits like Zak and Ayato. Even that bastard Ryuzaki and his crew managed to touch me in some way.

Payic was my personal favourite because she was the nicest to me. She cooked up a real storm and also took care of me the most from all of them. I enjoyed sparring against that meathead Maverick to blow off steam. There were times I nearly killed him, but he's a surprisingly tough motherfucker. I have no idea what that bitch mutt they owned even did. I thought about killing him a couple of times because he was so damn useless.

In my solitude, I got a chance to think a lot about the meaning of everything I've been through until now. Something like self-reflecting, or whatever. I learnt the hard way that I wasn't the only one who suffered a cruel hand dealt by life. If there was one thing similar between me and everyone else, it was the fact that we all struggled our own way.

Everyone rolls the die of fate when they're born, hoping Lady Luck will work in their favour. But reality isn't like those shitty fairy tales I heard of, from the trafficked kids in the old mansion from my past. The moment a new person is born, it brings misery and suffering to someone else's life.

That's why when he approached me for advice, I was surprised. What could a cold-blooded serial killer like me ever teach an upstanding young man like him? He was the perfect person, while I was an imperfect person. I was a useless human being through and through. I was only good at one thing: murder. I couldn't even cook my own fried chicken.

But slowly, that perception of an upstanding young man was peeled away as he explained his grim intentions. I could see a piece of "me" in him. Through that talk, I finally understood everything about who I was as a person. I could finally contextualise the reason why I killed.

It was so I could get revenge on this bastard world for dealing me such a shitty hand in life. But if everyone gets a shitty fate, then why do I express my anger through this violent mean? Am I just a deranged psycho for doing so? I came to the conclusion that I've never moved from my original position. I'd been sinking in the same place, drowning in my own shallow thoughts that I thought was sobering me. The reality was I was getting drunk off a fake hope that I had it better than someone else, and that my life had any meaning for existing.

Bullshit. I became the one thing I swore I'd never become. An edgy piece of shit. Fuck the old me.

Instead of sipping on the kool-aid of self-deprecation forever while my one life is rotting away in this cell, I can make a difference in this world. Instead of thinking about "change", I'll act on that impulse unlike everyone else. Even I'm tired of thinking about that dumb bullshit.

After helping that boy deal with his troubles, I felt a sense of self-gratification. A sense of worth, because I managed to touch someone's heart with my crummy words that made no sense. Instead of my cold hands seeking blood and flesh, it was my own thoughts that helped them.

I had one of those epiphanies everyone talks about. My entire life ever since I was freed from that solitude cell the first time had become dedicated to helping someone else, because that gave me a sense of worth, even though I failed to recognise it. I couldn't give a shit about Zeroth Dragons, or about Gyze.

I just wanted to help the only friend I had on this rotten world as I wanted to be someone they could rely on. However, my connections branched out without realising it. I ended up even helping that piece of crap Ryuzaki, damn it. Secretly, I enjoyed that companionship, even if I won't ever admit it.

Look... if I can't integrate myself into society, then I'll force myself into society by becoming someone who will help others. And maybe, I'll save someone from becoming a monster. How does that sound?

Callum Sykes... the helper. God, that's fucking corny. I'll think of something else.

(Opening here)

Hand: 8
Damage: 0

Hand: 5
Damage: 2

Claret Sword Dragon Revolt stabbed his sword into the ground, crying tears of blood.


Kaiko scoffed.

"What's this supposed to be? He's supposed to scare me?"

"I'll ask you again. Have you realised it yet?"

"Nothing has changed."

"Wrong. You've been driven to a corner."


"There's no point in trying to explain it to someone like you. I'll just have to show it through might. Let me relish your bloody defeat... TRANSCEND. Flashing blue flames from the hell you were secluded in! Beat them bloody like how you were, and paint this world in a veil of claret! Generation Stride! Supremacy True Dragon, Claret Sword Helheim!"

Claret Sword Dragon Revolt roared as clear coloured energy consumed his body. Undergoing a metamorphosis, the supremacy dragon evolved into one of his future selves. Dual-wielding claret swords, Helheim radiated even more destructive energy than his predecessor.

"Stride skill! I counterblast 1 and reveal the top cards of my deck until I get two grade 1s! I call Blue Espada Dragon and add Branwen to hand! Oscar's skill! I put him into soul, and search my deck for Esras. I'll put her on the top of my deck and countercharge. Next, I'll generously hand you your first counterblast of the day. Use it wisely, because it's the only one you'll be getting! Helheim attacks! (26000) Gehenna Onslaught!"

Helheim pointed his swords at Kaiko and shot a whirlwind of blue flames at him. Kaiko dodged them, then settled back in front of Backlion with a blank expression.

"No guard."

"Just where I want you. Triple drive! (Dragsaver, Esras, Dragwizard, Morfessa, Dragsaver, Esras)"

"Damage check! (Taunting Deletor, Gotho)"

"A heal trigger. Useless, a bit like you."

"Resorting to mockery because you can't create your own insults?"

"No, I just want you to hear how dumb you sound. Helheim's skill! Since his attack hit the vanguard, I G Persona Blast and search my deck for grade 1s equal tot he number of face up cards in my G Zone! I call, Dragraptor, Mauthe! With that, I'll turn end."

Hand: 8
Damage: 1

Hand: 8
Damage: 2

"Do you even have a game plan on how you'll win? You can't keep playing defensive forever, you know. Trying everything you can to avoid my wrath will bring you more suffering in the end."

"Don't be so impatient. I'll give you your second counterblast when you use up your first, okay?"

"It doesn't matter. I'm going to crush you on this turn anyways. Stand and draw."

"Unleash that Deletor rush on me then. Show me just how scary it is."

"Your attempts at angering me are futile. Learn your place. Stand and draw. I call, Farwon, and use Greiend's skill! I counterblast a Deletor and retire two of my Deletor rear-guards! DELETE THE VANGUARD."

From behind Kaiko, a massive ghoulish claw thrusted forward, grabbing Claret Sword Dragon Revolt by the torso. Raising Claret into the air, the claw squeezed Claret tightly, crushing him into dust. Backlion watched as his avatar fade away, and the PSYQualia in his eyes dampened.

"It'll take much more than a single Delete to kill Claret. (11000 > 0) By extension, that includes me. Now that you've used up all your counterblast, that means no Given for me today, kuku."

"Your reckless foolishness is sad. Being reduced to nothing but an astral spirit... it's a fitting life-form for you. Zuiije's skill when retired. I look at the top card of my deck, and call it to rear-guard. Juxtapose Deletor, Gaele, call! Zuiije then goes into soul and countercharges!"

"You can't lock anything with Gaele since I have no front-row rear-guards, kuku. How does it feel to be outplayed by a teenage boy, you old man?"

"Your attempts to evade the inevitable reflects on your childish demeanour. Haven't you noticed that I only needed one counterblast to win this turn? You've ignored the fact I had Zuiije on my field this entire time. You'll be crushed in the palm of my hand. I call, Given, Efames, Efames and Farwon. Everything's now in place... Boosted by Efames, Gaele attacks! (9000 > 13000)"

"No guard! (Dragraptor, Mauthe)"

"Boosted by Efames, Greiend attacks! (11000 > 14000) Bludgeon Grip!"

"Dragsaver, Esras, perfect guard!"

"Twin Drive!! (Rendering Deletor, Efames) Stand trigger! Gaele, get back up and fight! (9000 > 14000) (Remove Deletor, Igalga) Gaele, attack! (14000)"

"Pryderi, guard! (0 > 15000) Kuku. The luxury of not having a xenophobic sub-clan as a deck. I get to use these sweet new criticals with big shield and power gain, while you're stuck to the same old sad power bonus and 10k Shield. Consider playing Chaos, it's the actual good Link Joker deck."

"Boosted by Farwon, Given attacks! (9000 > 16000) Loathing Harvest!"

"No guard! (Blue Espada Dragon)"

"Given's skill! I counterblast and retire all five of my Deletor rear-guards. Since I have a grade 3 vanguard with "Grei" in it's card name, I restand the vanguard! Both of my Efames skill! I look at the top card of my deck, and call it! I call, Hack Deletor, Greigiil and he gets 5k! (11000 > 16000) Greigiil's skill, soulblast 2 and he gets 5k again! (16000 > 21000) Once more! I call, Breaking Deletor, Gatario and he gets 5k! (7000 > 12000) Now, Greiend attacks again! (11000) Delete End!"

"Dragsaver, Esras perfect guard!"

"Twin Drive!! (Darkjet Deletor, Greiend, Breaking Deletor, Gatario) Gatario attacks next! His skill, he gets 3k Power since I have a Deletor vanguard! (12000 > 15000)"

"Generation Guard! Dark Dragon, Darkveil Dragon! His skill, soulblast 1 and he gets 5k Shield for every two grade 1 cards in my drop zone! (0 > 15000 > 30000)"

"Greigiil, attack! (21000)"

"No Delete End for you, kuku. I don't guard! (Dragwizard, Morfessa)"

"But I've swung the game entirely in my favour. You have to win next turn, or else you die."

Hand: 9
Damage: 1

Hand: 2
Damage: 5
Ritual: 6

"Kuku... kukuku... kukukuku..."

"What's so funny?"

"Kuku... you've been playing in the palm of my hand the entire time, Kaiko."


"Kukuku... I've carefully orchestrated this entire match for this very moment. You've done everything that I've expected. Wonderful, just wonderful."

"What's the meaning of this?"

"Kukuku... Do you need me to spell it out for you?"

"Please, enlighten me on how I've been "playing in the palm of your hand"."

"Kuku... kukuhahaha! From the very beginning, I've anticipated your every move. I damage denied you on purpose, so you wouldn't call down your hand and start rushing me. I was protecting myself from unnecessary guarding to keep my damage low, so I could soak up hits during your Given turn. Since I wasn't giving you the counterblast you wanted, you played chicken and didn't call any front row rear-guards to force me to attack your vanguard if I want any form of advantage. But you failed to recognise I didn't give a shit about advantage if it meant being a detriment to you. If you had started rushing me from the beginning, maybe you could've won last turn. I'm confident my deck has the ability to get you from 0 to 6, so I didn't even have to give you that counterblast. I'm well aware that Deletor can pop off with just a single damage, which is how you fell into my trap."

"You're so used to hitting the Given button as soon as possible because that's how you steal your wins. Most decks can't handle such a deadly rush in the early game, especially on a weak grade 2 Vanguard. You thought that you wouldn't ever get a better chance to rush me than the moment you got that counterblast, because you're so conditioned to using that strategy the moment you have access to it. You prey on the weak, so I just had to flip that on you. I chose to go second so I could have a Stride turn and gather enough resources to survive that Given turn. You even fell for my taunts and did it."

"However, my main reason for forcing you into using that Given was so I could set up my drop zone. If you've been paying attention, then you would've noticed I wracked up 6 grade 1s and in my drop zone now. I only need 2 more for Dragabyss to give 20k to my front row, or even better, 1 more for Dragstrider to make that hand of yours useless. Regardless, you've allowed to me to turbo my Ritual to a point all of my Strides become a deadly option. Not even your defence can save you from my next turn, since your only damage is face down. Your G Guards are rendered useless if you can't lock my back row. No Lacus Carina, Cosmo Wreath, or even that obscure Deletor G Guard for you."

"The entire time you thought you were dominating the match, I was always two steps ahead of you. You thought you were the strongest predator hunting an easy prey, but the reality is far different from that. Have you realised it yet? That you're fighting against an apex predator known as Backlion Demiza, who has wit on his side! Right now, I'm going to break all of my limits to show you might's true form. I hope you like being OTK'd. Stand and draw, kukuku! I counterblast and retire Blue Espada Dragon for the cost of Stride. TRANSCEND!!!"

"A taboo power born from the will to survive against the strongest. Burn them all with your orange flames of devastation! Generation Stride! Dragprincipal, Morfessa! My vanguard becomes undeleted! I call, Cafar and use Morfessa's skill! I counterblast, retire two rear-guards, and G Blast! I draw two cards and all trigger units in my drop zone become grade 1! This bumps my Ritual count from 7 to 10! I call, Dark Night Maiden, Macha, Dragwizard, Morfessa, Cherishing Knight, Branwen and Night Sky Eagle! Eagle's skill, he gets 4k! (7000 > 11000) Morfessa's Ritual 3 skill, she gets 5k and a skill! (9000 > 14000) Now, my Vanguard's Ritual 10 skill! My front row gets +15k Power, goes critical, and when you call cards to guard, you have to call two or more cards from hand! (9000 > 24000/1★ > 2★) (26000 > 41000/1★ > 2★) (14000 > 29000/1★ > 2★) This is it: FiNAL TURN. Morfessa attacks! (29000/2★)"

"No guard! (Flutter Deletor, Zuiije, Lie-down Deletor, Given)"

"Morfessa's on-hit skill! I counterblast and call Dragraptor, Mauthe from my deck! (7000 > 22000/1★ > 2★) Mauthe attacks! Ritual 1, since I have a Ritual Vanguard, he gets +4k! (22000 > 26000/2★)"

"No guard! (Clipping Deletor, Evo, Remove Deletor, Igalga)"

"Let's break you down directly, cinders and all. Dragprincipal, Morfessa attacks! (41000/2★) The Ash Dragon's Inferno!"

"Remove Deletor, Igalga perfect guards! I add Greiend to the guard!"

"Triple Drive!! (Dagger of Peaceful Passing, Pryderi) Critical trigger. All effects to Macha! (24000 > 34000/2★ > 3★) (Dagger of Peaceful Passing, Pryderi) Critical trigger. Power to Night Sky (11000 > 21000) Critical to Macha! (34000/3★ > 4★) (Dagger of Peaceful Passing, Pryderi) Critical trigger. All effects to Macha! (34000 > 44000/4★ > 5★)"

"Impossible... three critical triggers?!"

"These are the bonds that I've built with my deck. That connection is what makes me a better Vanguard fighter than you! Boosted by Branwen, Macha attacks! (44000 > 51000/5★) Her skill, since she's boosted, I counterblast to call from my deck Morion Spear Dragon! (9000 > 24000/1★ > 2★) Pave the way to victory, queen of the midnight strategy!"

"Grr... Generation Guard! Metal Element, Scryew! Skill, I discard a card for +10k Shield! (11000 > 26000 > 36000) I add Efames, Gatario and Gaele to guard! (36000 > 46000 > 51000 > 56000)"

"Well would you look at that. Your hand is reduced to one card. Kuku, you better hope that's a heal you got there, because this final strike will spear right up your asshole. Literally. Boosted by Night Sky Eagle, Morion Spear Dragon attacks! Morion's skill, when boosted by a grade 1, he gets 5k Power! (24000 > 29000 > 50000/2★) The queen has set the stage for your glory! Deal the finishing blow, sorrowful knight of Claret!"

"With only one card in hand, I can't fulfil Morfessa's condition... damn it! No guard... (Darkjet Deletor, Greiend, Lie-down Deletor, Given)"

"And that's game, kuku. Weakness is a sin, you damn hypocrite." Backlion said.

"Hahaha... hahahahahaha... Backlion... you'll pay for this, one day..." Kaiko muttered, leaving through a portal of black fire.

"I hope to never see your face again too, buddy."


"You're missing the point! Kaiko's here on Cray! Who knows what other dumbass hooded figures are here too?!" Zeon exclaimed.

"Backlion and Akari can deal with it! We can deal with it! Besides, you're the one who said we weren't leaving until we find Yza!" Rukia exclaimed.

"I know I did, but that's before we knew those guys were also here! Damn it Rukia, we can return to Cray anytime, but right now, it's too dangerous!"

"You think the hooded figures are dangerous when there are literal dragons, demons and aliens roaming around on this planet? By that logic, we shouldn't have even come here in the first place!"

"I'm home..." Backlion said, entering the front entrance of the cave. He blinked, staring at the heated argument between Rukia and Zeon.

"Welcome back. Can you knock some sense into those idiots?" Akari said.

"Huh? What are they arguing about?"

"Zeon wants them to return home because of Kaiko or whatever, but Rukia wants to stay on Cray to find Yza. They've been bickering like this ever since we returned here."

"...I'm not the father of these two. Just let them fight it out."

"You guys! Stop it! Backlion's back!" Shika said, turning to both Zeon and Rukia.

"We can avoid all those supernatural beings, and as long as we don't get on their bad side, they won't attack us! Those hooded figures want to kill us now, because we thwarted Gyze's revival! Did you see the weapon Kaiko was holding?! If Backlion wasn't there, we'd all be dead!" Zeon exclaimed.

"Kaiko only wanted to hurt Backlion! If he wanted to hurt us, he would've targeted us as we escaped!" Rukia exclaimed.

"Okay, then how about a hooded figure like Spectre, huh?! He can freeze people in place! What if we run into him on Cray? We'll die, 100%, no questions asked! It's not a matter of finding Yza anymore, it's a matter of surviving! Rukia, do you want to live?!"

"...Zeon, I really don't think you're in a position to talk about stuff like "living"." Rukia muttered.

Zeon's narrowed eyes widened. He and Rukia looked away from each other.

His mouth went agape as he tried to reply to her. As their argument came to a dead halt, Shika looked quizzically at both, while Akari and Backlion stared at them.

"Do you guys need a moment?" Backlion asked.

Rukia glanced at Zeon, then nodded at Backlion.


"C'mon Shika, I'll show you how to make a rugby ball on Cray." Backlion said.

"Uh... okay then."

He and Akari left the cave, with Shika following with a frown.

Now alone, Rukia faced Zeon and looked at him head on.

"I'm sorry about what I said. It was uncalled for of me."

"...you said you'd keep it a secret..."

"I know... I know I did. But don't worry, I don't think they heard me. If they did, then they wouldn't understand the meaning of that without the context. You'll be fine. You saw Shika's face right? He looked confused. You're not found out yet."

"...what, so implying I have suicidal tendencies is okay now?"

"No, I didn't mean it like that, I meant it as in-"

Zeon glared at Rukia, tears threatening to spill and fangs bared. Rukia gulped, and took a step back.


"...I thought I could trust you."

"You can... you still can, I promise."

"...why did I even bother talking to you about these feelings...? If they really mean that little to you, then don't force yourself to deal with me out of pity... if you honestly don't care, then don't bother please... it hurts more to know that I meant nothing to you in the first place."

Rukia stepped forward and embraced him. Zeon's eyes widened, making his tears fall. His face scrunched up as he cried into Rukia's shoulder.

"I'm sorry. That was wrong for me to say. It was in the heat of the moment, and I broke your trust. I should've been more sensitive towards you. But let me get one thing straight. Zeon, I'll always care for you, even if you don't think so. Each time you open up to me, I try to understand all the pain and anguish you hold inside. Each time I look at your cuts, I feel upset, that I need to do better to help you. Even though I can't do much, I want to do as much as I can to make your live more comfortable. You deserve much better than this, you know?"

Zeon continued crying into Rukia's shoulder, holding onto her shirt tightly. Rukia looked at Zeon, biting her bottom lip and narrowing her eyebrows.

"I really am a rotten woman... how many times have I hurt you now...?" She thought.

"...I'm sorry for overreacting." Zeon choked up in sobs.

"You didn't overreact. It's perfectly understandable."

"No... in our argument, I was shouting at you and getting angry... for a moment, I thought I would say something I didn't want to... or think something I didn't want to about you, Rukia."

"What do you mean by that?"

"You've been... a very important person to me... so I wouldn't want to do something to hurt you."

Rukia's face contorted as she heard those words. A sick feeling rushed through her stomach.

"You didn't do anything wrong. Don't worry about it." Rukia said, gently letting go of Zeon.

"...okay." Zeon's fingers reluctantly let go of her shirt. He slowly moved his hands away from Rukia.

Rukia tried smiling at him.

"Let's go home."


"Let's go home. I think... this search for Yza has paralysed my ability to think rationally. I want to step away from it and reflect on myself and my behaviour, especially since I have another memento of him now."

"But earlier you..."

"That was earlier, when I was still fixated on finding Yza. But there are some things... which are more important. Such as... living."

Rukia took Zeon's wrist and covered it with her hands.

"...I'll live, for your sake."

"Don't do that. Live for yourself, Zeon."

"...it's hard to live for such a terrible human being."

"In the end, you're living for another terrible human being."

Rukia and Zeon laughed bitterly together.


"You two made up fast..." Backlion said with a half completed rugby ball in his hands.

"Who knew you could grow leather plants on Cray?" Shika said, trying to eat a sheet of brown leather in his hands.

"Stop trying to eat that..." Akari said, trying to grab the leather in Shika's mouth away from him.

"Yeah... we decided on what we're going to do while you guys were gone." Zeon said.

"We're going to return home." Rukia said.

"Oh? Is that so?" Akari yanked the leather straight out of Shika's mouth.

"Ow! My teeth!" Shika groaned.

"That's what you get for having a negative IQ and trying to eat leather."

"But it looks like a chocolate crepe..."

"Kuku, that's a pleasant surprise. In that case, me and Akari will start packing some stuff to take home." Backlion said.

"Finally, after 1900 years. I'm going to miss the garden the most." Akari said.

They began packing items from Cray in their bags.

"In a way, I think I'll miss Cray too, even though we can visit it any time now sincethat portal exists. This place is home to a lot of memories, both fond and grim."

"Yep... part of me is glad that we're finally getting out of here. My entire drive while on Cray was to leave, but now that's finally being fulfilled... it feels surreal. Now I don't know what to do next."

"Get readjusted to Earth's culture, probably."

"I haven't lost complete touch with my humanity, believe it or not."

"Ironic coming from the giant hydra lady."

"Shut up, might is right."

"You know I'm right though."

"Right about what?"


Backlion grabbed Akari and kissed her. Her face turned dark red, and Backlion smirked as he pulled away.

"...Oi! What the hell was that for, you jerk!?"

"We had our first kiss on Cray, so let's have a final kiss on Cray too."

"You say that like we're girlfriend and boyfriend..."

"I dunno. I wouldn't mind being your boyfriend."

"In a thousand years, maybe."

"You'll come around when I give you that yaoi I promised."

"Uwa, you remember?"

"Anything for my future wife."

"Okay, you're pushing your luck there buddy."

"You know you want me."

"You're as cocky as ever, Backlion."



"Even though our time here was short-lived, I really enjoyed it." Shika said.

"I'm just glad I found another piece of Yza, all thanks to Zeon." Rukia said.

"I didn't really do anything special." Zeon said.

"Dude, you built a portal to get here... I can't even do basic addition." Shika said.

"Then... what's 2 + 2?" Zeon asked.

"2 + 2 is 4, minus 1 that's 3, quick maths."

"Oh god, you're not joking..."

"I blame my dyslexia. All the muscle for my brain went to my body instead."

"I don't think that's how dyslexia works, you big oaf."

"I'm sad I didn't get to meet Rising Nova though. Would've loved to play a game of bloodball with the crew."

"And watch you get bulldozed by Hellhard Eight? No thanks."

"Hey, my body can take on anything. A bit of injury to my head won't be that bad."

"You're missing the point..."

Rukia smiled at the two boys, laughing.

"What's so funny?" Zeon asked.

"Oh, nothing. It's just, somehow... we feel closer to each other than ever before."

"To think this is all thanks to your boyfriend disappearing. You did us a great solid there, Yza. I'll be sure to return the favour by finding out where you are."

"Your sarcasm is as sharp as ever."

"It's the only humour I have."

"Maybe try a knock knock joke."

"Last time I did that, some guy replied with Joemama." Zeon took out his phone. "Well, I better contact Hiku to open the portal. You guys better your last goodbyes to the fertile soil of Cray until we have to eventually return to this dreadful place again."

"Please let me find Yza. Amen." Rukia put her hands together and prayed.

"Latom. I hope we come back here soon. I want to eat Cray pizza, play bloodball and get Rising Nova's signature!" Shika exclaimed.

"I hope to never ever return here again." Zeon rolled his eyes, phoning Hiku. "Moment of truth..."

"Hello? Zeon?" Hiku replied on the other side.

"...Alright! It works! We can call someone on Earth from Cray!"

"Holy shit! Let me talk to my girlfriend!" Shika snatched the phone off Zeon. "Hiku! It's been less than a week and I already miss you!"

"Wait, did he say girlfriend?" Rukia said.

"They hooked up like yesterday." Zeon said.

"Shika?! Are you guys coming home already?"

"Yep! Fire up that portal so we can get outta here!"

"Alright, I'll go to Zeon's mansion straight away. Hold tight, okay?"

"I hold my rugby balls very tight, so this should be easy."

"Well then... keep an eye out for it. Love you."

"Love you too."

Shika ended the call and handed the phone back to Zeon.

"Ahhhhh! I'm so going to hug her when I go home!" Shika roared.

"Or you could just kiss her." Backlion said, a bag slung over his shoulder.

"N-no! I'm not ready for such a sacred thing with Hiku yet!"

"Kukuku, I'm not even Akari's lover but I kissed her twice."

"Huh?! How can you do that so easily?!"

"The power of a flirt, my friend."

"Stop acting like kissing me is some kind of achievement. Go kiss Zeon if you want to be impressive." Akari said, hitting Backlion over the head with her bag.

"Ow! Holy shit, that's heavy!"

"I'm bringing a lot of stuff home. It'll be easy to carry in hydra form."

"That's overkill."

"Since everyone's ready, let's head out." Zeon said.

"It's been an adventure..." Rukia said.

The group left the cave for one last time, and began scouring the skies for a portal. In the distant north, a portal had torn open in the sky. Akari dragshifted into a hydra, and everyone else boarded on her back. She flew towards the portal, and entered it.


In Zeon's garage, Hiku, along with Shisue, Rino, Wyvon and Mizuho, stared intensely at the spinning portal. It sounded like a digital chime as Zeon, Rukia, Shika, Backlion and Akari emerged home, passing through the portal and spilling out into the corridor.

"We're home..." Zeon said.

"Alright! It worked!" Wyvon said.

"Thankfully." Rukia said.

"Welcome home." Hiku said.

"HIKU!" Shika tackled Hiku to the floor, hugging her.

"Wait, why are there five of them? Only three of them went to Cray, right?" Shisue said.

"Wait... did you guys bring units from Cray to Earth?!" Wyvon exclaimed.

"That's not it. Rather..." Rino glared at Backlion. "It's two of our former classmates. Backlion Demiza and Akari Nakano."

"Wow, I got recognised pretty fast, kuku." Backlion said.

"It... feels weird, being back on Earth after all this time." Akari said.

"I thought you died, Backlion..." Rino said.

"Kuku, I actually got sent to another planet, then got sent to Cray. I was almost ready to accept I was going to live there for the rest of my life, but luckily Zeon, Shika and Rukia dropped by to save us. Talk about being stylishly late."

"Rino, don't worry about him. He might talk tough, but he's as harmless as a kitten." Zeon said, knocking his elbow into Backlion's ribs.

"Kuku, I'm as harmless as a lion, actually. Listen up. If you're still mad about the whole collapse thing, I'm sorry. I'm not the same person as I was two years ago."

Rino closed his eyes, balled his fists, and shouted at Backlion with tears pricking his eyes.

"I'm not mad about that... I'm mad that you ran away and never took responsibility for any of your actions! You hurt everyone! The very least you could've apologised without disappearing off the face of the Earth!"

"...I'm sorry for being a coward like that too. I'll make things right, now that I'm home." Backlion said, putting a hand on Rino's shoulder. "So... don't cry over me. I don't deserve those precious tears of yours."

"Akari, what happened to you?" Shisue asked. "When I went to visit your home, your parents told me you went missing all of a sudden. How did you end up in Cray?"

"Oh... it's a long story. I got kidnapped by Ayato and thrown into a portal." Akari said.

"Ayato... as in that Branch Manager, Ayato?!"

"...he's a Branch Manager now? What kind of redemption arc did he go through?"

"Turns out you miss out a lot of stuff while being missing for two years." Zeon said.

"That aside. Can I finally have back the yaoi you borrowed from me two years ago?" Shisue asked.

"Oh, right... there's a lot of catching up to do, and a lot of explaining to do." Akari said.

"That won't be necessary. I'll use my Neo PSYQualia to change everyone's memories of us."

"I forgot you had that. My Neo PSYQualia negates that ability, though..." Rino said.

"That's if I'm using it on you, though. I'll be wiping and rewriting everyone else's memories though. The people who weren't involved in the collapse, that is."

"Neo PSYQualia this, Neo PSYQualia that, can we please getaway from all the fantasy bullshit for a moment so we can appreciate the fact Shika and Hiku are just lying on the floor spooning each other!" Wyvon said, taking photos of the couple on the floor cuddling.

"Kuku. Look at that, it's true love. That'll be me and you one day, Akari." Backlion said.

"In your dreams." Akari said.

"Talk about withdrawal syndrome. Even I held out longer than Shika when it came to the yaoi Akari borrowed." Shisue said.

"Anyways... we have a lot to take care of. Backlion and Akari, you guys will be fine by yourselves?" Zeon asked.

"I'll leave my stuff here to collect for a later date, if that's okay. I'm gonna pay a visit to Hikaru." Backlion said.

"Sure. I hope he's alright. Your little brother, I mean."

"I hope he's still in that hospital. After all, he has no home to go to..."

"I'll probably need to go home and have Backlion rewrite my family's memory, somehow." Akari said.

"Then let's take care of that first. You have people waiting for you." Backlion said.

"But what about your little brother?"

"He's been waiting for two years. I think he can afford to wait another couple hours or so."

"By the way, Backlion and Akari. It was pronounced you two were missing or possibly dead, so you might want to take care of that with the police." Wyvon said.

"Yeah, will do. Thanks for the heads up." Backlion said. "So, shall we go?"

"Yeah. I can't wait to see my mom after all this time." Akari smiled.

"I'll come with you guys." Shisue said.

Backlion, Akari and Shisue left the garage.

"Oh yeah, Hiku, how long has it been since we left to Cray?" Zeon asked. "Also, get off the floor, I haven't cleaned that in ages."

Hiku and Shika stood up, detaching from one another.

"Only about a day."

"So Cray and Earth have the same time... good to know. It'd be annoying if Cray's days went faster than Earth's."

"I'm gonna go home now. That cool with you guys?" Shika said.

"Go wild. Thanks for all your help."

"No problem bro. Thanks for big ass portal."

"In that case, we'll go home too. The student council has projects we have to plan, and we can't dilly-dally." Hiku said. Mizuho nodded.

"See you guys."

Shika, Hiku and Mizuho left the garage.

"Then, we'll be off too. No point for us sticking around." Wyvon said.

"See you guys at school." Rino said.

Wyvon and Rino left the garage.

"Fah..." Zeon slumped to the floor, running a hand through his hair.

"Tired?" Rukia said, kneeling beside him.

"Exhausted. I'm gonna have a nice long bubble bath..."

"That sounds nice. As for me... I'm going to go home and read Yza's diary on Cray."

"Yeah, that's cool. I have to make an appointment with one of Ayato's acquaintances later today anyways."

"Is that so? Which one?"

Zeon briefly smiled, and looked up.

"The one who fought a God."


It was a warm, clean, metal cell. A cell that was more of a home to the person who lived on it. They were a mentally unstable and psychologically messed up individual, who used to not be able to tell what was right from wrong. Haling from England, his mother was a prostitute, who had gotten pregnant.

By the age of nine, he was shipped off to a woman in Japan who bought him off. He was put through torture through vile acts of unwanted sexual abuse and psychological trauma— and the only thing that kept him sane was the daughter of this woman who was the same age as him, and visited him every day.

Originally, the boy was kept in a cage, hidden away from humanity due to being a very dangerous threat. That was, until the same girl found him. When she did, she and her brother used explosives to free him. Together, the three of them travelled the world in search of Zeroth Dragons.

When they lost their Zeroth Dragons, a group of heroes seeking revenge rammed a truck into their house. After losing everything, a very rich man gave them an offer to join their fight against a God. Despite rejecting the idea of being a hero, he rushed onto the battlefield of hell faster than anyone else.

He was the fallen archfiend in the middle of a blitzed city drowning in flames. The boy against all Gods.

After the apocalypse of the world was narrowly avoided, he was taken back into jail by the authorities. Today was a quiet and unassuming, the sky painted with hues of purple and gold. The boy sat in his cell quietly, before the door cleanly slid open.

"You have a visitor."

(Ending here)

Next time on Z World:

#61: He whispers into my ear

Yozora: I am me... me is him... him is you... you is I...



And that's the end of the Cray arc!

I don't have much to say about this chapter, except that it's longer than usual, but rather I'd like to talk about the newest installation I've made for the CCEU.

It's my V Series entry to the CCEU!

Cardfight!! Vanguard: Generations!

I've published the complete volume 1, which includes 10 chapters (total of 32 parts), 6 side stories, the OP/ED (visuals included!) plus an omake and character illustrations!

I've been working on the story in secret, and released it last week, which was also Yza's birthday! (Happy birthday, Yza!)

The synopsis of Generations:

Welcome to the world of the next generation!
Students at GEN Academy - the academy city on water - are given remarkable freedom. While at this dream-like high school, students are able to choose how they live their lives on campus and what they do in lessons.

Takanori Yuuto is an E Class student who swears to himself that he'll rise to the top at this school where cutthroat competition is the name of the game!

I'll be very thankful if you read it. All feedback for the story is appreciated!

Anyways, the next arc will be quite exciting. We'll return our focus on Yozora, the main character, and the struggles with himself. The villainous traitor Ayaza will also be taking the stage, alongside the secondary narrative of the drama between Zeon and Kakusei.

I hope you'll continue reading to witness the fallout!

That's all, Fox out!

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