SS Ichinose Natsumi: B Class's Internal Affairs

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Nya... I wish my class would return to how it used to be. Before May 1st, B Class was one of the few united classes.

But ever since the S System's true nature was revealed, everyone has turned against one another. B Class broke out into constant arguments and quarrelling on over how we should take down A Class.

Even today, in homeroom, Toujou-sensei observed mine and Machida-kun's two groups arguing against one another once again. It's become a part of my daily routine.

See, me and Machida-kun were the two "leaders" of B Class. On one hand, I had all the girls support. On the other, Machida-kun had all the boys support.

Machida-kun was an advocate for attacking A Class and being aggressive to close the gap that stood between us and them. He wanted B Class to get promoted to A Class more than anyone else in the class, which I found admirable.

However, I didn't think we had to be in such a rush. I wanted to play defensive and gather up the necessary tools needed to defeat A Class. I thought taking small steps towards the end goal would be much preferable rather than sprinting to the top.

Neither of our methods were wrong. But our differing opinions created a rift in the class.

At the start, there were at least four main groups with their own ideas on what B Class should do. Slowly, that group shrunk to the two, which were mine and Machida-kun's groups.

Those who backed me up had a similar viewpoint to me, and wanted to play defensive. We agreed that generally we were in the best spot compared to all the other classes, so we should use this advantage to slowly gather materials as no one is threatening us.

Some of us wanted to also take down C Class, but I argued that taking them down would let D Class get promoted, and right now, D Class (along with A Class) are the two most troublesome classes.

Instead, I secured an alliance with E Class. While some people felt a bit angry about it, since it was partnering up with "the trash of the school", I encouraged those on my side to be more accepting and see if those E Class students are truly that bad for themselves.

People like Isogai-kun and Alice-chan made their impressions of E Class improve a little bit. Some of the people in B Class were friends with some E Class students from before the revelation, so knowing they didn't have to ignore them anymore was a huge relief.

Right now, our group focused mainly on supporting E Class's attack on D Class. The sooner D Class sinks, the better it will be for us.

However, Machida-kun criticised me for my actions. He argued that alliances with other classes would backfire on us, and that showing goodwill to E Class tarnished B Class's reputation. He didn't want our class to be associated with "trash".

Machida-kun also went on to say that I was weak-willed, relying on another class to take down D Class. He said it was clear that E Class was using B Class's higher tier for more social advantage, and actually didn't need our support at all to defeat D Class.

Even so, people from my group also pointed out that Machida-kun was an avid E Class hater. He would constantly be seen harassing E Class students, even people like Yamaguchi-kun who is much larger than him.

Besides that, Machida-kun was honestly a very powerful speaker and had the cunning wit to back it up. Even though he is taciturn, every word he says carries a weight behind it, that even mystifies me.

He made a brilliant speech that roused the boys of B Class's souls. I didn't expect for our divide to be between the boys and girls, but due to my popularity, many girls flocked to my side, and since Machida-kun's speeches were so impeccable, many boys were drawn to his ideas of destroying A Class.

Machida-kun has big ambitions and great visions. His strategy was to pool our resources into figuring out how the S System works. He wants to figure out how to get class points, and then use it to drastically increase B Class's to surpass A Class.

At the same time he's deciphering the system, he wants to slow down A Class's growth by setting traps, tripping them up, and getting the class into situations where their class points would suffer. It's an underhanded means of fighting, but many of the boys saw no problem in that.

His line of thought was that, if B Class stunts A Class's growth, that will significantly make it harder for them to create a wider gap in our class points. He wants become A Class either by closing that gap, or by figuring out how to increase B Class's class points to overtake A Class.

Honestly, our ideas could co-exist. I would focus on helping E Class beat D Class, while Machida-kun can focus on figuring out the system and slowing down A Class.

An offensive and defensive strategy can be used at the same time, but our class was so riled up because of this divide, no one could see the forest from the trees anymore.

Even when I suggested this in private, Machida-kun turned me down. He said that those sorts of plans I had would interfere with what he was planning.

I didn't want our class to be divided into two. I wanted us to have a peaceful co-existence. Instead, our class devolved into meaningless arguments between the boys and girls.

Even though I told the girls to just ignore the boy's arguments, they continued to argue regardless.

I'm happy that they have the passion, but as the leader, I don't want to have this continuous fighting anymore.

The easiest solution would be for me to yield to Machida-kun and listen to him. But that would mean giving up my beliefs, strategy and everything else that I've built up for the past month.

Dissolving my group for his sake just wasn't worth it. I wasn't that ready to give up everything I was working towards. Neither was Machida-kun.

That's why, even though I respect Machida-kun and think he is a brilliant commander, I'll stubbornly keep butting heads with him if it means doing the strategy I believe in. Even if I'm trying to peacefully co-exist with him.

Eventually, one of our groups will break, and B Class will fall under either mine or Machida-kun's control.

It was a matter of which one will break first, though.

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