SS Kinoshita Suzune: Indecisive C Class

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When I met this class back in April, we were by far the most casual class. While our homeroom teacher, Akusa Riku-sensei, was a former Pro-Vanguard fighter on the Asia and European Circuit, everything else about our class was normal.

Perhaps it was foreshadowing the fact that we were an average class, but everyone was friendly and the atmosphere was fun. We didn't have troublemakers, nor any stand-out students.

We made cliques, had meaningful relationships with our friends, and enjoyed the short period of luxury given to us by the school. I was part of the riajuu clique, and became a very popular girl within the class because of it.

However, our casual way of doing things ended up backfiring against us.

When May 1st came along, and the school revelation occurred, C Class spiralled out of control. Unlike all the other classes, who had a leader figure, our class had none, because we were all divided into our own cliques.

The class had no idea what to do. The school was forcing us to become one, but since our class was separated into so many different groups, it became extremely troublesome for us. We shifted from the most casual class, to the most panicked class.

While scrambling for a leader figure, me and Ikeda-san were forced to fulfil the leadership role and tried to find a solution to the problems we would be facing. This was because me and him had the most influence over the girls and boys respectively.

We both agreed on the type of leader roles that we'd play. Ikeda-san had a much more relaxed and listening personality than me, so he handled the inner class disputes, while I used my headstrong and fierce personality to make decisions for the class as a whole.

This was meant to be a temporary fix until someone from our class would volunteer to become a leader, but so far, no one has done that. It might be a matter of time until I have to take this role on permanently, because no one else will.

C Class was extremely indecisive, and no one could settle on a single answer. A lot of "maybe" and "ifs" were thrown around, but no one had the courage to choose a hard answer, full of conviction.

That was the main issue of C Class. We had no cohesion, even from the start. Within our class were many groups, but these groups never interacted with one other. We all lived in our own separate bubbles, with our friends.

Our main strategy was using class discussions to get feedback on what everyone wanted. But when it came to actually doing this, no one wanted to participate. Everyone preferred to continue talking in their groups, ignoring the tense air and the issues facing us.

They were acting like cowards, looking away and hoping someone else would fix the solution for them. Ikeda-san had to kick-start the conversation to even get them talking.

But when they did, it was all at once in a jumbled mess. Everyone began spewing ideas, but none of them were coherent enough to form a plan. Everyone was extremely weak-willed and weak-minded, and in the end relied on me and Ikeda-san to make a decision.

It was stressful, being the one everyone relies on to make a decision. Trying to take into account everyone's different needs and opinions was the biggest challenge.

I didn't want to take on such a heavy burden, and neither did Ikeda-san. We didn't want to be the only two who chose what direction C Class would take. We wanted everyone to decide, so that no one would complain about our choices later.

But in the moment, everyone else wanted us to choose. But if we chose wrongly, then they would just turn on us and start blaming us for choosing incorrectly. That's how these shallow people in my class behaved. Not one of them had a backbone.

They didn't want to make a decision, yet they pushed that onto us. That was what I hated most about this class.

From all these discussions, we concluded that the one thing C Class could agree on was the fear of becoming E Class. Akusa-sensei warned us that if we don't work hard, we could easily get sent or demoted to that loser class. That's what scared us the most.

Eventually, me and Ikeda-san decided that aiming for A Class while we're in this indecisive state was a bad idea. At the very least, we wanted to retain our status as C Class.

However, there was an invisible threat just under us. Before we knew it, the class right under our noses was preparing to strike us down.

If me and Ikeda-san didn't do something soon, we'd get overtaken by the united D Class easily. They could crush our unprepared class and bring us crashing down.

It was obvious that C Class's main priority was defeating D Class. A defensive strategy to raise our class points was what we decided on.

We couldn't fall to D Class. If we did, we'd be one step closer to becoming E Class. If we did, then I'd have to fight Yuu-kun.

That's the last thing I want. I don't want to fight Yuu-kun's class.

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