Omake: Character Reports

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Student reports from July 1st in the GEN Academy Database.


[Student Report - First Semester]

Name: Ryouta Hane
Nation: Stark White
Class: First Year A Class
Clubs: None
Birthday: 4th January
Clan: Genesis (Astral Poets)
Points: 1,000,071

Academic: A
Awareness: A+
Judgment: A+
Physical Ability: A
Coordination: A
Vanguard: A+

War Time
Wins: 29
Loss: 0
Wins: 13
Status: Alive

Interviewer's Evaluation:
A fascinating student that understands social situations perfectly, how other people work and their way of thinking, and can easily judge a situation and make strong actions depending on the situation. He is extremely cunning, adept, and observant of his surroundings.

Homeroom Teacher's comments:
Ryouta-san is gradually emerging to the top of the school as "the strongest", and is A Class's trump card in defending their position as elites. His greatest undoing will be either his own Hero Complex or the enigma at this school.


[Student Report - First Semester]

Name: Machida Kouta
Nation: Ultima Yellow
Class: First Year B Class
Clubs: Debate Club
Birthday: 25th July
Clan: Great Nature (Lox)
Points: 240,060

Academic: B
Awareness: C+
Judgment: B+
Physical Ability: B
Coordination: A-
Vanguard: B-

War Time
Wins: 8
Loss: 1
Wins: 2
Status: Dead

Interviewer's Evaluation:
A taciturn man who only speaks when necessary. He goes with the general flow of things and has a commanding atmosphere. During group activities, he easily takes leadership and produces the best results possible. However, he is unable to make compromises with those who disagree with him, hindering his ability to impeccably perform that role.

Homeroom Teacher's comments:
Machida-san can observe others very well, but has kept to himself this month.
Starting from May, Machida-san has formed his own faction in the class to combat Ichinose-san's proposed ways of doing things, rallying the majority of boys to his side and splitting the class down the gender line.
After the removal of all the key members of his faction in June, Machida disbanded the group. While he hasn't fully accepted Ichinose-san as a leader, he hasn't done anything thus far to sabotage her yet.


[Student Report - First Semester]

Name: Ikeda Arata
Nation: Megiddo Blue
Class: First Year C Class
Clubs: Football Club
Birthday: 8th April
Clan: Spike Brothers (Dudley Emperor)
Points: 3,790

Academic: B+
Awareness: D+
Judgment: C-
Physical Ability: B
Coordination: A-
Vanguard: C-

War Time
Wins: 3
Loss: 2
Wins: 1
Status: Dead

Interviewer's Evaluation:
A charming young man who is very social and has deep interest in sports science. His maturity and good looking appearance made him popular with peers and desirable in group activities.

Homeroom Teacher's comments:
The class wouldn't be the same without Ikeda-san. He always helps loosen the class's tense atmosphere with his beautiful smile and sociability. He is well liked by almost everyone, making him an excellent mediator for class disputes. He's willing to understand and hear out both sides before settling on a middle ground that both parties can agree on.


[Student Report - First Term]

Name: Yahagi Kyoji
Nation: Stark White
Class: First Year A Class
Clubs: Baseball Club
Birthday: 16th June
Clan: Murakumo (HYU-GA)
Points: 92,540

Academic: A-
Awareness: A-
Judgment: A-
Physical Ability: A+
Coordination: A
Vanguard: A+

War Time
Wins: 4
Loss: 1
Wins: 5
Status: Alive

Interviewer's Evaluation:
A firm believer in "earning your keep". He doesn't like charity. He represents this belief through himself, where he has become strong in many areas to make himself worthy. He is a good student, but there are a few concerns. He used to get into fights during middle school.

Homeroom Teacher's comments:
So far, Yahagi-san has been a good student and has not gotten in trouble. He's never lazy.
It is of slight concern that, in the Test Shuffle, he failed one of the final exams set by E Class (now D Class).


[Student Report - First Semester]

Name: Kirishima Katsu
Nation: Ultima Yellow
Class: First Year B Class
Clubs: Vanguard Club
Birthday: 11th June
Clan: Narukami (Kaiser)
Points: 80,571

Academic: B
Awareness: C+
Judgment: B+
Physical Ability: B
Coordination: A-
Vanguard: B+

War Time
Wins: 8
Loss: 1
Wins: 4
Status: Alive

Interviewer's Evaluation:
We had great expectations of him as the son of the Dragon Empire Branch Manager, and he did not disappoint. Naturally, he excelled in Vanguard and group activities, but his hotheaded nature and lax approach to other subjects is a concern. Because he still has room to develop his emotional maturity, we recommend putting him in B Class instead of A Class.

Homeroom Teacher's comments:
The life of the party and one of Ichinose-san's strongest supporters. Kirishima-san's optimism and happy-go-lucky nature has kept the group in high spirits even in tough times. Of course, his performance during War Time has been spectacular as well.


[Student Report - First Term]

Name: Yamamoto Yami
Nation: Stark White
Class: First Year A Class
Clubs: Vanguard Club, Football Club
Birthday: 2nd January
Clan: Shadow Paladin (Mordred)
Points: 100,091

Academic: A
Awareness: A
Judgment: A+
Physical Ability: A+
Coordination: A-
Vanguard: A+

War Time
Wins: 14
Loss: 0
Wins: 8
Status: Injured

Interviewer's Evaluation:
Despite his rocky upbringing as an orphan, he was a predominant force in almost all areas tested. While he can give cold answers and can appear like he'd rather be elsewhere, he has all of the essential components to become a highly rated member of society. Keep a close eye on him.

Homeroom Teacher's comments:
The encouragement from his more cheery twin sister Yamamoto Yumi made him join extra clubs. Yamamoto-san is a technical genius, being able to pull off slim plays with complex execution. He is a shining ace during the dreaded War Time.


[Student Report - First Semester]

Name: Masahiro Yukada
Nation: Ultima Yellow
Class: First Year B Class
Clubs: Baseball Club
Birthday: 29th April
Clan: Kagero (Goku)
Points: 40,335

Academic: A-
Awareness: C-
Judgment: B
Physical Ability: B+
Coordination: B+
Vanguard: C+

War Time
Wins: 3
Loss: 0
Wins: 1
Status: Alive

Interviewer's Evaluation:
An independent student with great ambitions and punk style. He didn't stand out too much, being straightforward in the interview and quietly cooperative in group activities, but his grades were impressive, putting him in the top 20th percentile.

Homeroom Teacher's comments:
Masahiro-san is only person in class who doesn't have allegiance to either the Ichinose Group or Machida Group. He believes in the "winner takes all" principles of the Machida Group, but prefers the supportive and democratic way the Ichinose Group does things. He stays out of trouble and gets good grades.
He's one of few people with enough courage to stand up against the violent Shimada-san from A Class. However, despite his bravery to push back against such a volatile student, he was gravely injured in retaliation.


[Student Report - First Term]

Name: Kishida Sui
Nation: Megiddo Blue
Class: First Year C Class
Clubs: None
Birthday: 24th December
Clan: Link Joker (Deletor)
Points: 52,330

Academic: C
Awareness: A+
Judgment: A+
Physical Ability: C
Coordination: C
Vanguard: C

War Time
Wins: 0
Loss: 2
Wins: 0
Status: Dead

Interviewer's Evaluation:
A very important student. He doesn't speak much, letting him observe others and become very aware of those around him. As a result, everyone from his old schools regards him as the "phantom" entity.

Homeroom Teacher's comments:
He says nothing, does nothing, and is an invisible presence in the classroom until someone points him out or realises he is there.
Recently was part of a group that involved all five male leaders in the 1st Year, letting everyone see his true personality as a shy and sweet individual.

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