Zero SS Kishou Arashi: Mikazuchi Kaido (The First Encounter)

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GEN Academy.

The academy city on water.

A cutthroat meritocracy that acts as a microcosm of real world society to prepare its students for the unpredictable future.

And as the newly appointed King at this school, I had to do everything in my power to live up to the title bestowed upon me and represent those lofty ideals.

That was my role as a leader entrusted with carving open a path to the future for everyone else.

—But that made me think.

What even is being a King anyways?

Or rather...

How do you even properly be one?

This prestigious title was suddenly thrusted upon me during my first day here.

And now, I was about to enter the classroom I'd be spending the next three years of my life in with such a grand reputation weighing on my shoulders.

As King, what was the proper way to conduct myself?

As King, how do I greet my classmates knowing they are now forced to look up to me?

As King, was it even right for me to be here with everyone else?

Even though Dust Purple was technically its own nation, we had to attend class with the students of Stark White under the banner of A Class.

Even though I wouldn't be the only Dust Purple there, since both the Joker and Ace were also 1st Year, my status was naturally higher than theirs.

People's first impressions of me would be far more important.

This role was more complicated than I anticipated.

As I stood outside the door, I straightened out my purple tie, pulling it close to my shirt's collar.

Then, I pat down my bangs and pushed up my glasses.

After fixing up my appearance slightly, I tugged on the door handle.

I tugged on it again.

I kept pulling at it, but the door wasn't opening.

It seems the classroom was locked.

That was strange.

I checked the time on my phone, and there was still an hour until the opening ceremony that would formally induct me, Mikazuchi, and Satsubatsu into the Royalty.

In the meantime, Headmaster Satsubatsu-sama has instructed us to go to our homerooms and meet our classmates, like the other new students. Mikazuchi and Satsubatsu went ahead, but I stayed behind to prepare a speech for the ceremony.

Perhaps I spent too long constructing it and everyone had already left for the ceremony. If that's the case, then I'd better make my way over there as soon as possible.

Before I could however, a woman with sangria coloured hair came up to me. She placed her hand against the door before looking at me.

"Push, not pull."

And while my hand was still holding the handle down, she opened the door for me.

"Oh. Thank you very much."

I bowed in appreciation. She smiled and walked away.

The colour of her tie was white, meaning she was from Stark White and an A Class student, like me. Considering she didn't follow me inside or introduce herself, I guess she must've been from a different year.

As I took my very first step inside this classroom, I could feel everyone's eyes turn towards me. My purple tie fluttered as a gust of wind followed my awkward entrance.

I looked back at everyone, taking in the faces of all my classmates, before trying to search for my fellow Royalty members. It didn't take very long though, as the two of them were sitting in very conspicuous places.

At the front was Satsubatsu, sitting on a desk by herself, swinging her legs while everyone stayed far away from her.

At the back was Mikazuchi, sitting at a desk by himself, his feet kicked up on the table while everyone stayed far away from him.

Surrounding Satsubatsu was a flurry of toppled over desks and chairs.

Scattered behind Mikazuchi was a tower of broken desks and chairs.

It looked like a storm had run through the classroom, leaving everyone else to fend for themselves at the edges.

They huddled together, terrified of these two and the intense air they radiated just from their presence alone.

"E-eh? Another one?"

"Just how many are there?"

"At this rate, we'll die...!"

Whisperings like that pervaded the air.

Satsubatsu smiled graciously, taking joy in the chaos that emerged from her destruction and my unexpected arrival.

Mikazuchi sighed, crossing his arms and closing his eyes, while his stern scowl emitted an unapproachable aura.

I looked behind me at the monitor showing where everyone's seats were.

Mine was right at the back, on the same row as Mikazuchi, in the corner next to the window.

As my eyes shifted to that location, I noticed that desk and chair was missing.

Just a little further ahead, in the pile of trashed desks behind Mikazuchi, I could see my nameplate mixed in.

From the corner of my eye, I could see Mikazuchi smirk a little.

"Oh, Kishou-sama. Welcome. Feel free to sit wherever you like."

Satsubatsu, finally acknowledging my presence, looked at me over her shoulder with a cheeky smile, gesturing to the trashed classroom before us.

"...I'm not quite sure I understand what's going on here."

"Mmm? Isn't it obvious?"

"It is not."

"You seriously don't understand? C'mon dude, get a grip. You're the King, reading the room should be secondhand nature to you!"

As Satsubatsu laughed, childishly punching me in the gut, I could see everyone else's eyes widen in sheer fear after she casually revealed what my role was inside the Royalty.

"Oi... did she just say King?"

"What the hell is the King doing here...?!"

"But he's only a 1st Year like us...!"

More whisperings like that popped up.

"Sorry, but I don't think we have the same idea here."

"We're making our mark on this class."

Eventually, it was Mikazuchi who spoke up.

He slammed his feet down on the floor, before leaning forward and popping his neck.

"Yup, it's just as Kaidocchi says! As we're the Royalty, it's only natural we get to do what we want, right?"

Satsubatsu giggled and clapped her hands together. Then, she picked up a cup of coffee sitting next to her and presented it to me.

"Nee, nee, Kishoucchi. This coffee's gone cold, would you dispose of it for me, please?"

Then, she pointed at one of our classmates. A girl with lavender hair tied up in a ponytail.

She was alone, huddled up in the corner and surrounded by nobody, presumably waiting for all of this to blow over.

As I looked at her, her eyes trembled. As my hand reached out towards the cup, she cowered.

"How do you want me to dispose of it?"

And as I said that, she began shaking to her very core.

"Hmm. Pouring it over her head is fine."

Satsubatsu smiled. I nodded.

I accepted the cup of lukewarm coffee from her cold hands.

"I understand."

I don't understand.

I started walking.

I don't understand a single thing of what any of these people are doing.

My hand gripped the cup.

Is this really how a member of the Royalty is supposed to act?

If I gripped it any harder, it would've been crushed and spilled out in front of me.

Is this really how a Joker is supposed to act?

Satsubatsu giggled in glee, clapping in delight.

Is this really how an Ace is supposed to act?

Mikazuchi yawned, watching me with his hands in his pockets.

Is this really how a King is supposed to act?

I towered over the lavender haired girl.

—Hey, you.

The one reading this book.

Can you tell me?

Just what even is a King anyways?

"What's your name?"

"I-I'm... Xuelan Lingling... a transfer student from China..."

"...I'm Kishou Arashi."

I stared at the cup at my hand.

Because if this is what a King does...

"It's nice to meet you."

...then I don't want to be one at all.

I turned away from Xuelan and towards Mikazuchi, opening the lid of the cup.

Then, I dumped the remaining contents on his face.

Satsubatsu burst into laughter while Mikazuchi wiped the coffee from his eyes.

"Oi... are you asking to get sued?"

Mikazuchi stood, grabbing me by the collar of my shirt.

"Sorry. My hand slipped."

He shoved me away, before wiping the rest of the coffee from his face with the back of his sleeve, and winding his free arm back.

"Kishou, I'm going to kill you..."

I dropped the cup, preparing to get into a fighting stance as Mikazuchi swung his arm towards me, his hand in a balled fist.

"I would advise against that."

However, before I could firm his punch and counter with a chop to the neck, his fist stopped just centimetres away from my face.

" a game of Vanguard!"

As his hand opened up to reveal his deck box, my arms dropped in disappointment.


And here I was, riled up into thinking we'd be getting into a real and raw fist fight.


It was a shame, since I was really looking forward to learning which of the arts Mikazuchi studied.

"Sorry, it's nothing. Let's go."

I took out my deck box, and we dragged together a table to play on.

As we did, everyone started gathering around as the two best students in this class were about to get into a heated clash on the very first day.

I wasn't a big fan of becoming a spectacle for everyone else, but it seemed to ease the tension in the air, so I kept it up. At the very least, this was an opportunity to draw all of Mikazuchi's ire towards me and to prevent a scenario like this in the future.

"I'm going to warn you now, Kishou. I've never lost a game of Vanguard before. From the moment I left my mother's womb, I was born to be a winner."

"I see. That's quite impressive. Your parents must be proud of you."

For some reason, Mikazuchi narrowed his eyes at me.

"Stand up, the! Vanguard!"

"Barit Dracokid."

"Captain Nightkid!"

Mikazuchi uses Granblue, huh? On the surface, it looks like he's at a disadvantage, since Narukami is notorious for binding the drop zone, Granblue's main source of toolboxing.

As such, he'll probably be cautious about committing key pieces early. However, as the game progresses, both him and everyone else around us will soon see this isn't the case with my deck at all.

The only thing I cared about was binding my own cards to hit Dungaree's thresholds and make sure he's online.

"Heads or tails?"


"That's cool, doesn't matter. I'm richer than you, so I choose to go second."

"I don't understand."

"I pay to go second."

Mikazuchi pulled out a lump sum of cash from his pockets, slammed it on the table, and slid it towards me.

"...and if I refuse?"

"Then you're a dumbass for not taking free money."

But we use private points as currency on this island. The yen is effectively worthless here. What use is there for real money?

"Let's do things properly. We are Royalty after all."

"Huh, I guess it would look bad on you if the King blatantly accepted a bribe in front of everyone on the very first day."

I hadn't even considered that angle, I was just confused at Mikazuchi's seemingly erroneous logic.

"Then may I ask for the King's mercy to go second?"

"If that's what you want."

"Alright, great."

Mikazuchi smirked. Since he wanted to go second so badly, it's likely that he wanted to attack me turn one. If that's the case, there was only one thing his deck could be.

Seven Seas.

"Stand and draw. I ride Miu Miu. Draw from Barit. Turn end."

"Dungaree? What a weirdo."

Hand: 6
Damage: 0

Hand: 5
Damage: 0

"Stand and draw. I ride Seven Seas Helmsman, Nightcrow! Nightkid's skill, draw and get a Quick Shield Ticket. I call Witch Doctor of the Seven Seas, Raistutor. Raistutor attacks! (8000)"

As expected. Since Seven Seas' gimmick was to generate Treasure markers by hitting with their attacks, Mikazuchi would greatly benefit starting with his battle phase, since it would give him the earliest possible start to get Treasures on board.

"Gongsun guards. (13000)"

"Nightcrow attacks! (8000)"

"Spark Edge guards. (23000)"

"No pass, huh? Drive check! (Seven Seas Sword King, Nighthaze) No trigger. Turn end."

Hand: 4
Damage: 0

Hand: 7
Damage: 0

"Stand and draw. I ride Ren Ren. Miu Miu's skill, bind the top card of my deck. Call Nusku. Nusku's skill, add Ouban to hand. Ren Ren attacks Nightcrow. (9000)"

"No guard."

"Drive check. (Jaggy Shot Dragoon)"

"Damage check. (Seven Seas Master Swordsman, Slash Shade)"

"Nusku attacks Raistutor. (8000)"

"Quick Shield. (13000)"

"Turn end."

Hand: 4
Damage: 0

Hand: 6
Damage: 1

"Stand and draw. I ride Seven Seas Sword King, Nighthaze! Nighthaze's skill, I counterblast to mill 5 and add Nightrunner from among them to hand. I move Raistutor back and call Seven Seas Master Swordsman, Slash Shade! Nighthaze attacks! (9000)"

"Yellow Gem guards. (24000)"

"Drive check! (Witch Doctor of Powdered Bone, Negrobone) Boosted by Raistutor, Slash Shade attacks! (9000 > 17000)"

"No guard. (Exorcist Mage, Ren Ren)"

"Slash Shade's on hit, I get a Treasure marker! I put it on his circle. Turn end."

Hand: 3
Damage: 1

Hand: 7
Damage: 1
Drop: 4

"Stand and draw. I ride Sealed Demon Dragon, Dungaree."

"What a rogue choice. I thought a high and mighty King like you would use something more fitting, like Vanquisher."

"Dungaree is cooler. Accel II. Draw. Ren Ren's skill, I counterblast to bind Nusku and add Miu Miu to hand. I call Sharaf (9000 > 14000) and Miu Miu. Sharaf's skill, soulblast to bind from hand and draw. You do the same."

"I bind Nightspinel and draw."

"Sharaf's skill, he gets +5k. (14000 > 19000) Miu Miu's skill, soulblast to bind from hand and draw."

"And there's the fifth card... well, you better give me your best shot while you still can. Because next turn, I'm going to finish you."

"I never planned on holding back. Dungaree attacks. (17000/2) Skill, I send everything from bind to drop. You bind a card from hand and I shuffle back three cards."

I put back the three triggers, including two I used to guard his assault earlier.

"I bind Slash Shade. No guard."

"Triple Drive. (Sealed Demon Dragon, Dungaree, Lightning Gun Eradicator, Ouban, Wyvern Guard, Guld) Draw trigger. All to Nusku. (8000 > 18000)"

"Damage checks. (Seven Seas Helmsman, Nightcrow, Seven Seas Sword King, Nighthaze)"

"Sharaf. (19000)"

"Negrobone guards! (29000)"

"Boosted by Miu Miu, Nusku. (18000 > 26000)"

"No guard. (Gust Djinn) Draw trigger. All effects to vanguard, and I draw. (9000 > 19000)"

"Turn end."

Hand: 6
Damage: 1

Hand: 8
Damage: 4
Drop: 5

"Stand and draw. Come face to face with your fate! The freezing judgment awaits you under the cold depths of the seven seas! Arise, prosecutor of the cursed seas on the other side! I ride my avatar, Lord of the Seven Seas, Nightmist!"

"Imaginary Gift: Protect I! I call Nightspinel and Nightrunner! Nightspinel's skill, I counterblast and mill 2 to revive Nightrunner! I use both Nightrunner's skill, binding them to mill 2 each and grabbing two Oguchi Voyages from my drop. Now it's time to get serious."

Kaido smirked as he lifted two cards from his hand.

"Awaken from your eternal slumber, spirits chained to the bottom of the cursed seas! Consume all in a whirlpool of judgment and freeze the fools that have sunk to the bottom! I call double of the strongest apparition— Grudgeful Spirit of the Seven Seas, Oguchi Voyage!"

"Oguchi's skill, they both get +3k for every Seven Seas in my drop and bind zone. I have 11 in total, so I give them +33k! (12000 > 45000) (12000 > 45000) Slash Shade's skill, since there's a marker on his circle, he gets +15k! (9000 > 24000) Nightmist's skill! Since I have one Treasure marker, all my Seven Seas can attack and intercept from back row! And when I get three Treasure markers, all my Seven Sea units will get +5k, so don't say I didn't warn you."

"I'll keep that in mind. Thank you."

"Battle! Nightmist attacks! (12000) Freezing Smite!"

Out of the potential six attacks he was going to launch at me, Nightmist's was the easiest to guard. Thankfully, because of my 17k base, even if I were to give him 3 Treasures, Nightspinel and Raistutor still wouldn't be able to hit, as they would be 15k and 13k respectively.

As such, I could safely take the two Oguchi's attacks and try to guard against Nightmist's and Slash Shade's swings as much as possible.

"Nusku guards. (27000)"

"Two to pass? Are you sure?"


"Easy. Twin Drive!! (Rough Seas Banshee) Critical trigger! All to Nightmist! (12000 > 22000/1 > 2)"

Without hesitation, Mikazuchi put everything on Vanguard. He wasn't kidding when it came to being confident in getting two triggers to land.

"Second check. (Knight Spirit) Critical trigger! All to Nightmist! (22000 > 32000/2 > 3) Now what did I just say?"

"Damage checks. (Exorcist Mage, Miu Miu, Sealed Demon Dragon, Dungaree, Lightning Cannon Eradicator, Gongsun) No triggers."

"Nightmist's on hit! I get a Treasure marker, putting it on Raistutor's circle. Oguchi Voyage behind my vanguard attacks! (45000) Purge into Negative Infinitude!"

"Reseph guards. (47000)"

"Sentinel crits, interesting. Oguchi Voyage behind Nightspinel attacks! (45000) Once more, Purge into Negative Infinitude!"

"No guard. (Jaggy Shot Dragoon)"

"Yikes, four damage checks and zero triggers to show for it. How embarrassing. Oguchi's on hit, I get a Treasure marker! Now, since I have three Treasure markers, Nightmist's skill is active, giving all my Seven Seas +5k! (24000 > 29000) (8000 > 13000) Boosted by Raistutor, Slash Shade attacks! (29000 > 42000)"

"Guld, perfect guard."

"Talk about saving the best for last. That's all I've got, turn end."

Hand: 2
Damage: 5

Hand: 9
Damage: 4
Drop: 7

"Stand and draw. Dungaree, persona ride."

"Accel II. Draw. Miu Miu's skill, soulblast to bind and draw. I call Gongsun, Ouban, and Ren Ren. (9000 > 14000) Ouban's skill, countercharge. Ren Ren's skill, counterblast, bind the top card of my deck, and he gets +10k. (14000 > 24000) Sharaf's skill, he gets +5k. (14000 > 19000) Gongsun and Ouban's skill, they get +3k each. (9000 > 12000) (8000 > 11000) Start of battle phase, Dungaree binds one. Boosted by Ouban, Gongsun attacks. (12000 > 23000)"

"Knight Spirit guards! (27000)"

"Gongsun's skill, counterblast and bind this column to draw two."

"So you found a way to get rid of one Oguchi Voyage. If I didn't have another in drop, I'd almost be impressed."

"Dungaree attacks. (17000/2) Skill, I send everything from bind to drop. You bind a card from hand and I shuffle back three cards."

As usual, I returned three critical triggers.

"I bind Nighthaze. Protect I, perfect guard!"

"Triple Drive. (Blitz Knuckle Dragon) Heal trigger. I heal one and give power to Ren Ren. (24000 > 34000) (Lightning of Triumphant Return, Reseph) Critical trigger. All to Sharaf. (19000 > 29000/1 > 2) (Isolation Eradicator, Nusku) Sharaf attacks. (29000/2)"

"Rough Seas and Nightspinel guards! (32000)"

"Boosted by Miu Miu, Nusku attacks. (18000 > 26000)"

"Sea Cruising guards! (27000)"

"Ren Ren attacks. (34000)"

"No guard. (Seven Seas Helmsman, Nightcrow)"

"Turn end."

Hand: 5
Damage: 4

Hand: 2
Damage: 5
Drop: 13

"Stand and draw. Negrobone's skill, I discard and put him to the bottom of my deck to revive Nightspinel! Nightspinel's skill, I counterblast and mill 2 to revive Oguchi Voyage! Both of my Oguchi's skill, the number of my Seven Seas have increased to fourteen, giving them +42k! (12000 > 54000) (12000 > 54000) Nightmist's skill, all my Seven Seas get +5k! (9000 > 14000) (12000 > 17000) (24000 > 29000) (54000 > 59000) (54000 > 59000) (8000 > 13000) Battle! Nightmist attacks! (17000)"

"Sharaf and Ren Ren intercept. (17000 > 22000 > 27000) Two to pass."

"Once again you're gonna risk it like this... didn't last time teach you anything?"

"Last time, you simply got lucky. If I want to be able to guard against Oguchi's attacks, I have to do things this way, even if it means taking on another major risk."

"What a cheeky way of telling me you have a sentinel in hand. Sounds like you're just another gambling junkie who thinks bluffing confidence will let you survive against a certified winner like me."

Mikazuchi broke out into a cocky smirk, sneering at me.

"I'm going to teach you the difference that stands between me and a peasant like you who doesn't know what it's truly like to stand at the top. Enjoy your glory while it lasts, because you're going to break into tears of regret after betting everything on this, you false King."

I wagged my hand towards me.

"Bring it."

"Twin Drive!!"

As Mikazuchi slammed the first card down, the class of spectators collectively gasped.

"First check! (Rough Seas Banshee) Critical trigger! All to vanguard! (17000 > 27000)/1 > 2)"

He was a confident person.

"Second check—!"

Everyone held their breath again as Mikazuchi flipped the next card with even more zeal than the last.

But confidence doesn't equate to luck.

It was Lord of the Seven Seas, Nightmist.

"—no trigger."

The class released themselves in a chokehold or sighs and laughter, while a low whispering drummed around the atmosphere.

Even though he had misjudged the situation, and embarrassed himself as a result, Mikazuchi quickly moved on. Without missing a beat, he put the card into his hand and continued his relentless barrage of attacks like nothing had ever happened.

"Oguchi Voyage behind the vanguard attacks! (59000)"

"No guard. (Yellow Gem Carbuncle) Critical trigger. All to vanguard. (17000 > 27000)"

"Oguchi Voyage behind Nightspinel attacks! (59000)"

"Guld, perfect guard."

"Boosted by Raistutor, Slash Shade! (29000 > 32000)"

"Reseph. (57000)"

"Nightspinel attacks Nusku! (14000)"

"He retires."

"Huh, you barely survived. You're aware that you're only dragging out the inevitable by doing this, right?"

Dragging out the inevitable, huh?

I guess he's correct about that much.

In that case...

Let's end it now.

Hand: 2
Damage: 5

Hand: 4
Damage: 5
Drop: 12


"Stand and draw."

Four cards in hand, one grade 3, one 15k shield. Three intercepts on board, two 5k, one 10k.

"Dungaree, persona ride."

Assuming the remaining two cards are both 15k, he has 65k total worth of shield.

"Accel II. Draw."

If that's the case, my best route to victory was by going wide on attacks and forcing all the shield out.

"Miu Miu's skill, soulblast to bind and draw. I call Ren Ren, (9000 > 14000) Jaggy Shot, (12000 > 17000) and Sharaf. (9000 > 14000) Ren Ren's skill, counterblast, bind the top card of my deck, and get +15k. (14000 > 29000) Sharaf's skill, +5k. (14000 > 19000) Miu Miu moves up."

"Jazz hands and going for broke? I've never seen a King look so desperate, scrambling around for every last drop of power just to beat a measly Ace. Are you sure you're fit to rule this school?"

"Start of battle phase, Dungaree binds one. Rule the school, huh?"

"Of all provocations, that's what gets you to say something?"

"...I was meant to respond to them?"

Mikazuchi gave me a deadpan stare.

"And so it seems our brand new King is also a big dense idiot."

Satsubatsu had tears in her eyes from laughing at his description of me. Well, I can't exactly say he's wrong either...

"To be honest, I have no intentions of ruling over anyone."

Mikazuchi furrowed his brow.

"You must be insane."

"Why do you think that?"

"You got handed a fistful of power on a silver platter by the highest authority at this school, and you don't want to use it? Are you even hearing yourself right now?"

"When you put it that way... yeah, it does sound absurd. But since when was it a King's job to exert control over his—"

A vision of Naga's grumpy face flashed in my mind.

"—or her citizens?"

"Having mastery over people listening to what you say and doing as you command is the backbone of how successful kingdoms are built. History has proven that it's a genuinely impressive thing to mobilise so many people."

"I agree... except for one thing."

"And that is?"

"If you were to walk down the path you suggested... in this era, it would be a one way road down to creating a dictatorship full of egoistical delusions."

Mikazuchi raised an eyebrow.

"Alright. Then what do you think a King is ought to be?"

The question stuck on my mind from earlier had just been flipped back at me.

What was the proper way to be a King?

Not even I had the right answer for it, and I apparently am one.

...however, there was a vague notion in my head that had yet to be formed.

It was the same words I told her on my very first day on this island.

I'll keep pondering, thinking, and mulling over what it really means to be a King.

But until that day comes—

"Someone who trail blazes a path to the future for others."

—that, is my current answer.

Mikazuchi laughed under his breath.

"You're an interesting one, Kishou."

"Dungaree attacks. (17000/2) Skill, I send all cards in bind to drop."

"Rough Seas guards and Raistutor intercepts! (12000 > 27000 > 37000) Two to pass."

There was a burning determination in Mikazuchi's eyes.

It was saying he wouldn't let me win, no matter what.

I decided to match that tenacity head on.

"Triple Drive. (Spark Edge Dracokid) Critical trigger."

"That's a rough spot to be in. If you have any balls, put it all on Vanguard. Or do you not have any faith in your avatar, Dungaree?"

"I have 11 triggers in deck, and..."

"Forget that statistical, numerical nonsense. Go with your gut. Let your wild emotions take over. The human instinct is sharper than any rational intellect in this world."

"...I give everything to vanguard. (17000 > 27000/2 > 3)"

"Attaboy. Come on, now do your next check."

This time, it was Mikazuchi goading me with his hand.

"(Lightning Cannon Eradicator, Gongsun) No trigger."

The next card would decide it.

"One more. Will you get it?"

In that moment, I wondered if Mikazuchi was the same as me.

But as my hand hovered over my deck, I could feel none of his influence.

So, this was my own fate.

I picked up the top card of my deck.

Everyone held their breath.

As Mikazuchi stared intensely at me, a bead of near invisible sweat ran down underneath his swept bangs.

I turned it over.

"(Exorcist Mage, Miu Miu) No trigger."

Mikazuchi broke into a wide grin.

"Sucks to suck. How's it feel to be baited, huh?"

"What do you mean?"

"I just tricked you into giving that trigger to Vanguard when you would've been better off giving it to Miu Miu so she could hit. Now, instead of four attacks, you only have three. And guess what? I've got two cards in hand and the field to guard them all."

"I see. Jaggy Shot attacks. (17000)"

"Ha ha, it's alright Kishou. No need to be so pissed. Anybody would get deceived by me, even a real King. I'm just that good. Nightspinel and Slash Shade intercept! (22000)"

"Sorry... I think you might be mistaken. I'm not angry at all."

"The lack of reaction is definitely a sign you're livid."

"Not really. I'm not feeling anything right now."

Mikazuchi raised an eyebrow.

"Because I've won."


"Sharaf attacks. (19000)"

"Nightrunner guards! (22000)"

"Ren Ren. (29000)"

Mikazuchi sighed, throwing his last two cards in hand down on the table.

One of them was Nightmist, which was to be expected.

The other?

Knight Spirit.

A 15k shield card, bringing his total up to only 27k.

In other words, it wasn't enough.

I had managed to win by a measly 2k power.

"I'll just a heal trigger, easy. No guard, damage check. (Seven Seas Grudgeful Spectre, Oguchi Voyage) Well then. So that's where my last one was. Good game, you got me."

"Good game, Mikazuchi-sama."

"Oh, by the way, don't call me that. Just Kaido is fine."

"Understood, Kaido-sama."

"Just Kaido, I said. Emphasis on the just."

"Are you sure?"

"I'm very sure. In return, I won't use any honourifics for you either."

"I see. Thank you for the cardfight, Kaido."

I gave a light bow, and Mikazu— Kaido packed up his cards.

"Yeah, yeah, whatever. I'll see you losers later at the ceremony. Especially you, Kishou. Break a leg out there."

He turned around and walked away, exiting the class with his hands in his pockets.

"So you're the first person to ever beat Kaidocchi, hmm?"

Satsubatsu looked up at me with wide, sparkling eyes.

"...I guess so."

Though, I couldn't help but think he was lying about that. It just seemed too improbable, unless the number of games he's played were exceedingly low or against strictly weaker opponents. I doubt it was the latter though, since he was quite formidable himself.

If he didn't drive check that grade 3 last turn, he would've had enough to stop Ren Ren's attack, giving him that extra turn to finish me off in a guaranteed fashion. It seems the goddess of fortune decided to smile down on me today yet again...

"I think we're going to get along well together, you and I! Let's have lunch together later today as well, okay?"

"If you'll so oblige, sure."

"Great! That sounds like a deal then, Kishoucchi~."

Satsubatsu giggled, before twirling away and also leaving the class.

I looked at all my future classmates and blinked as they were staring at me.

"Oh... right."

I went up to the front of the class and bowed.

"Sorry for not introducing myself earlier."

I raised my head, straightening my back.

"I am Kishou Arashi. The King of GEN Academy."

It started raining outside.

"It's a pleasure to meet all of you. I hope you all can take care of me in the future."

It seems my tumultuous school life was only just beginning.

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