- Part 7

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I had returned from my fight against Mitsuba, which I lost. In the sixth round, our group lost against Mitsuba's group, allowing them to continue their winning streak.

"This is all my fault... I'm sorry..."

Kishida, who also lost his game against Mikitaka, whimpered. Yamamoto shook his head.

"It's alright. If anything, I'm starting to think our second seat is cursed to lose."

"Next time for sure I'll win! I promise you that, Yamamoto-san!"

"...don't jinx yourself like that please. Spirited words won't solve anything in this situation. We need results."

"Then I'll get those results no matter what!"

After hearing how optimistic Kishida was, despite our crumbling position, Yamamoto's mood brightened a little. Perhaps Kishida reminded him of his twin sister a little bit? She too was a cheerful person.

"I would hold my horses if I were you."


Yamamoto flicked his chin towards the screen. It had just updated with the next round's pairings.

"...we've got a monster of a group to fight next."

For the seventh round, our opponents were Ryouta's group.

Seeing that, Kishida's face dropped. Yamamoto lowered his head, leaning forward and hiding his mouth behind a clasped hand.

"To be honest... not even I'm sure I can win against them. Ryouta-san... he's the one person in A Class aside from Shimada-san that I haven't beaten in a cardfight before. If I were to go up against him... I don't think I could win."

Even though he was usually gloomy, Yamamoto was always confident in his own ability to play Vanguard. So, hearing that he was deathly serious about not being able to win against Ryouta was genuinely concerning.

"Ryouta-san... is he really that strong?"

"...I don't know how to explain it. He plays a Genesis deck. Astral Poets, to be specific. Even though it should be a fairly easy deck to navigate against... the way he plays makes your mind twist and turn in all sorts of agonising ways."

Yamamoto buried his face into his hand, almost as if he was reliving the memories.

"...basically, what I'm trying to say here is that it'll be impossible for us to get a clean sweep. If anything... it's likely we'll just outright lose our first two games if they send him out first."

"Then isn't the easiest solution to have someone go up there to be a sacrificial lamb?"

Yamamoto turned to me as I suggested that.

"...are you trying to say we should throw against him on purpose?"

I nodded.

"Even if we're forced to eat a loss against Ryouta-san, we can still win against their other two members, Zyriot-san and Kawaguchi-san. Since I've fought against Zyriot-san before, and Kawaguchi-san is in my class, I know how they play. In my opinion, I think it would be best if you went against Zyriot-san and Kishida-san went up against Kawaguchi-san. I'll take on Ryouta-san myself."

Yamamoto paused and thought about it for a moment.

"...since you're suggesting that, I assume that means you're alright with sacrificing yourself?"

"Yeah. I've been losing every game anyways, so what's one more going to do?"

"While I appreciate you're willing to stick your neck out for us, I don't think this strategy is completely viable. It hinges entirely on what order they'll send out their members."

"Yeah, that's going to be problematic for us. So far, their group has changed order every round, leaving it completely unpredictable on who will go out first. To complicate matters further, they've always won their first two games, so they've never had to go into game three. I analysed all their ordering up until now to try and decipher any patterns or rotations they might've used to decide it, but nothing substantial came up. It seems they just truly randomise it each time."

"In that case... we'll just have to play brinksmanship with them. We'll force them to the table first so we can respond appropriately."

Each group had five minutes to decide a member and go to the fight table. If a group failed to show up before that grace period, the game would automatically be given to the group that did. If neither team showed up, it'd be a double loss.

In other words, by playing this game of chicken and waiting until the very last second to send out our chosen fighter, it would let us decide the pairings on our terms, and prevent us from being blindsided by our opponents.

"...yeah, that's probably the only thing we can do at this point."

Yamamoto got up and stretched his arms.

"I apologise for acting that way earlier. That was unbecoming of me. It's now clear to me that we still have a shot at winning this round."

"Hey, it's all good. Even I was scared seeing that we were up against them next."

Kishida laughed awkwardly.

"Talk about bad luck... going against three of the best groups in this room in a row. It's no wonder we're losing so much!"

As we were talking, I noticed that Kawaguchi had gone down to our assigned fight table. It looks like Ryouta was sending him out first.

"Kishida-san, you're up."

Noticing the same thing as me, Yamamoto pat Kishida on the back. Kishida nodded and got up, heading downstairs to fight Kawaguchi. Seeing him off with a wave, Yamamoto sat down next to me.

"...there's no chance for us to make the finals anymore. I'm sure you've also realised that."

I nodded.

Now that our record was X-2, even if the X-0s lost a round, they'd still be prioritised ahead of us as X-1. Essentially, there was no real reason for our group to keep playing in this tournament anymore.

Unless some sort of freak miracle happens, and all the X-0 and X-1 suddenly become X-2, we would never make the finals. Win or lose, the outcome of our matches wouldn't change anything. The only thing that would be at risk were our cumulative points.

"At this point, I'm only winning to try and preserve our spot in top three... but I'm starting to think that too is pointless."

"What do you mean?"

"If my math is correct, unless Nakajima-san and the others do incredibly well in their aspects, we've dropped out of third place."

"...we've lost that many points?"

"It's not that we've lost that many points... but rather, we've gained so few compared to the other groups. Especially those that are still winning even now."

Yamamoto sighed, leaning back.

"Ryouta-san's group is so far ahead of everyone else's due to their current win record, it's pretty much a given they've won not just this aspect, but the entire special exam. Even if we manage to gimp them here, I don't think it will change a single thing."

"...better them winning than any other group, I suppose."

"I guess... every class would benefit from it."

"Yamamoto-san. Can you be honest with me?"

"What is it?"

"Which group would you prefer to win? Ryouta-san's group or Yahagi-san's group?"

"Isn't it obvious?"

"I mean... yeah, but I didn't want to assume."

"Then I'll make it clear. Yahagi-san's group."

"...thought as much."

"I mean, it's like asking whether you'd want Ryouta-san's group or Mitsuba-san's group to win. It's only natural you'd want the group that would benefit your class the most to win."

"Yeah, that's true. You got me there."

"There's no shame in it. If anything, I think it'd be stranger if you wanted every class to gain points."

"From the looks of things, I think both Ryouta-san's group and Yahagi-san's group will end up taking the top two spots."

"Most likely."

"It's a good day to be an A Class student, huh?"

"After you robbed us of 200 class points, I think we're just playing catch up."


I got up and looked over to the railing to see who Yahagi was fighting next. Their group was up against Mitsuba's group in the seventh round.

To my surprise, Mitsuba was the one going up against Yahagi. I thought they would bring in Mikitaka, but I suppose Mitsuba wanted the glory of beating Yahagi for himself. Well, it wasn't too a bad idea.

Overlord could randomly steal games from critting, so Mitsuba had a legitimate chance to win here. Granted, my hopes of him actually stopping Yahagi were very low. Perhaps the other two could get wins over their other two members...

About ten minutes passed, and Kishida returned to us with a deflated look on his face.

"Sorry, I broke my promise..."

"It's fine. You tried your best, which is all that matters."

Kishida nodded and slumped into a seat. Yamamoto got up, surveying the other side of the stands to try and predict who would go out next between Ryouta and Zyriot.

"...crap. I just realised that if they send out Ryouta-san next, our group is finished. Neither me or Takanori-san are well equipped enough to handle him."

To our dismay, Yamamoto was right. In order to win this round, all the Ryouta group had to do was send in their leader. That way, he would win the second game, and subsequently, the match.

"I'm praying he doesn't go then..."

Kishida clasped his hands together, squeezed his eyes shut, bit his bottom lip, and prayed.

"...if they do send out Ryouta-san next, what should we do?"

Yamamoto knitted his eyebrows at my question.

"I guess... I'll have to go out and try to win. Unless...?"

"Sorry, but if you can't win against him, I don't think I can either."

"...yeah, our group is royally screwed then. The only way we can proceed to the third game is if we cheese a win by abusing the "no show" rule, but... winning that way would be really unsatisfying."

"...I agree."

Four minutes passed since the game between Kishida and Kawaguchi ended. Only one minute remained before each group had to send out their next member.

While Yamamoto watched in anticipation and Kishida prayed, the question weighing on my mind was why they weren't sending out Ryouta immediately to end things here. Why were they wasting time standing around and not moving onto the next game?

Twelve seconds before the grace period ended, movement came from Ryouta's group. It was Zyriot, who was making his way downstairs to the fight table. Seeing this, Yamamoto snapped into action, making his way downstairs too.

"...looks like your prayers worked, Kishida-san."

Hearing this, Kishida opened his eyes and grinned widely.

"Alright! Come on Yamamoto-san! You can do it!"

With both players rushing towards the table, the fight between Yamamoto and Zyriot was now well under way. If it came down to it, that left me and Ryouta to go up against each other in the third game.

Just a little later, Yahagi had won his game against Mitsuba. While an unfortunate outcome, it was also a predictable one.

Ten minutes later, Yamamoto had won his game against Zyriot. It would be the first time Ryouta's group was going into a game three, despite it being entirely preventable by them.

When Yamamoto returned upstairs to our group, instead of relief on his face, there was concern.

"Nice work out there!"

Kishida congratulated Yamamoto, but Yamamoto didn't seem happy at all about his win.

"...no, there was something wrong."

"What do you mean?"

"...there was something definitely wrong going on in my game against Zyriot-san."


Yamamoto scratched his chin.

"Call me crazy, but... I'm certain Zyriot-san lost on purpose."

After hearing that, I suddenly understood why Ryouta didn't elect himself to go second.

Kishida's eyes widened.

"He... what?"

"I know... it sounds absurd, but the way Zyriot-san played was definitely off. He wasn't playing as sharp as he usually does. And I was able to beat him on turn three without any issues, even though Protect is one of Shadow Paladin's main weaknesses."

Out of the corner of my eye, I glanced over at Ryouta, who seemed to be thanking Zyriot.

"But... but why would he do that? Doesn't that just hurt their group?"

"...I don't know. That's the honest answer. But... if I were to take a stab in the dark, my best guess would be it's because of you."

Yamamoto looked over to me.


I got up and looked at both Yamamoto and Kishida.

Without saying anything, I turned my back on them and made my way downstairs.

I could feel their confused and narrowed gazes pierce my back.

Well, I don't blame them.

I'm the one who made things turn out like this.

The only person to blame for all of this me.

As I reached the double doors that led to the tables, I recalled what I said to Ryouta yesterday, after my fight with Shimada.

"I still have to beat you after all."

It was a single little declaration of war.

Yet that tiny spark was enough to trigger all of this.

I pushed the double doors open and headed to the battlefield.

"Takanori-san. It's good to see you again."

As I stepped up to the table, Ryouta greeted me with a smile.

I elected not to respond, instead putting on my visor.

Likewise, Ryouta also put on his visor, which released both of our holographic decks.

"I'm really looking forward to our game, especially because this is going to be the first time we're fighting against each other."

I drew my starting hand, ignoring every word that came out of his mouth.

"To be honest, I'm really nervous going into this... but I hope that I can be an adequate opponent, and that we can both enjoy this battle together!"

Yet even so, those incessant pleasantries wormed their way into my ears despite outright showing my disinterest.

"Let's have a good game, Takanori-san. Best of luck to you!"

Ryouta stretched out his left hand for a handshake.

I stared at that hand.

Instead of reaching out for it, I stared straight into Ryouta's soul with my bare eyes.

"There's no need to act so courteous. We both know the real reason why things turned out this way."

After hearing my serious response, Ryouta's smile faded, leaving behind an equally serious face.

"Even so... it doesn't mean we still can't be friendly with one another. Like I said before Takanori-san, I still consider you a—"

I sighed, cutting him off.

"...were you ever taught to consider other people's feelings?"

Ryouta blinked, tilting his head.

"Of course...? Shishou taught me how to be compassionate and kind towards others, and to treat others how I'd like to be treated."

"That's not what I meant."

"Then... what do you mean?"

I lowered my head.

Part of me was reluctant to say it.

But part of me was also fed up with Ryouta's overbearingness.

If I didn't say it now, would I ever have a chance to say it again?

...that's a stupid question. Of course I would.

The only thing holding me back right now...

...was my own lack of courage.

I raised my head, looking at him through the shadow of my bangs.

Was I prepared to make an enemy out of the most revered person in our year?

I know Ryouta is a good person.

He was the most moral and upstanding person I've ever seen and met in my life before.

And to everyone else, I'm sure he meant even further beyond than just that.

To them, he was a leader. To them, he was a friend. To them, he was a genius.

Because he was an idealist, people looked up to him as a role model. They admired his smile of confidence, listened to him as a voice of reason, and relied on him to be their guiding light in times of darkness.

No matter how many times he got hurt, he shielded everyone else from that pain, and stood back up with an even brighter look on his face. That unwavering optimism was the reason why they loved him so much.

And even though he sat at the top as the clear king of our year, he rejected the thoughts the school tried to cram into his head as an A Class student. Instead, he championed equality, treated everyone the same, and advocated for what was right.

As a result, he became righteous. He became the paragon of justice. He became someone they could depend upon no matter what.

And all of that was possible because he was the strongest...

Because the man known as Ryouta Hane had everything.

"...you don't consider other people's feelings because you treat everyone the same."

Before I knew it, the words tumbled out of my mouth, throwing up a seemingly incongruent and paradoxical statement.

I know it sounds absurd, but it was the best way I could describe the vague notions running in my head. Even if I had given it more thought, I don't think I could come up with a clearer answer to Ryouta's question.

"I'm sorry... can you explain it in a more simpler way for me please? I don't quite understand..."

I sighed.

"What I mean is... not everyone wants to accept your unbridled kindness, Ryouta-san."

"Why not?"

"Because what you consider "goodwill"... might not be that to others. Instead, they might find it condescending. Or even irritating."

When I said that, Ryouta's eyes widened.

Somehow, I felt bad saying that.

No matter how you looked at it, Ryouta could never be considered a bad person.

So how could someone like me— the most defective product— ever have any right to call him out for his behaviour?

Ryouta is a good person.

Ryouta is a good person.

Ryouta is a good person.

I repeated that line to myself again and again, pushing down my own feelings, and ignoring the discomfort in my chest.

"As much as it pains me to say it... you're right, Takanori-san. Let me guess... you felt that way whenever I talked to you, right?"

I didn't answer.

Ryouta is a good person.

"It's okay. If anything, I understand how it would be suffocating, or even overbearing to deal with. So, if I hurt you... I'm sorry. Let this be my apology for my transgression, and hopefully we can start over anew."

Somehow, that pissed me off more than anything else.

Ryouta is a good person.

"...this is exactly what I'm talking about, Ryouta-san. Even now, you're still trying to become friends with me, even though I clearly don't want to. And even though I never said anything about being mad at you, you put words in my mouth and apologised anyways, even though I never asked for it. It's just as I said earlier... you just don't consider how other people feel. Instead, you force your own feelings - what you think is right - on them, regardless of what they think. That's what I can't stand."

Ryouta is a good person.

"Then... what do you want me to do, Takanori-san?"

Ryouta is a good person.

"...for you to stop acting this way, obviously."

Ryouta was a good person.

"But... that's..."

I knew it.

For a moment, I could see Ryouta's face falter.

This must have been the first time anyone has ever confronted him on this aspect of himself.

His entire life, acting this way towards others has been how he's received praise and gotten his way throughout life.

So now that he's facing someone who completely opposes that way of doing things...

...he's at a loss for words.

"So you can't do it? You can't do something as simple as understanding how someone else feels, and act accordingly to match those feelings?"

Even a hollow person like me could do that much.

"Truth be told... I don't think so."

"And why is that?"

"Because doing so... would not only be betraying shishou... but me as well."

Ryouta looked up at me, his eyes blazing.

"I acknowledge the fact that, yes, my kindness can be overwhelming... and I know that, sometimes, hearing positivity is the last thing anybody wants... but these things are so ingrained into me, acting any other way would feel disingenuous to my identity."

So he was ready to throw away his status, but not his personality, huh?

Ryouta was a good person.

The moment my thoughts switched to that, I realised something.

Ryouta... was a good person.

From the very beginning, I never liked him.

To me...

Ryouta wasn't a good person.

...I never saw him that way.

How could I?

Ryouta wasn't a good person.

"There you go again... ignoring someone else's feelings and selfishly indulging in your own."

"I'm not indulging in anything, Takanori-san. I'm simply being true to who I am."

Everything he does and everything he says...

To me...

Ryouta wasn't a good person.

...I only ever saw him as someone in my way.

"Even if it's at the cost of others?"

"If people don't like me over my personality... then it can't be helped. But even so, I'll still try my best to get along with them."

Ryouta wasn't a good person.

"If you're still saying stuff like that, then you've missed the point entirely."

Ryouta was... a bad person.

"I haven't. I already said that I understand where you're coming from, and even agreed with portions of what you said. But despite my acknowledgement of your fair points, you're still asking me to stop being true to who I am. Don't you think that's an unreasonable request, Takanori-san?"

Ryouta was a bad person.

"Is it an unreasonable request if it means making you a better person?"

Ryouta was a bad person.

"Of course not. Your criticism of my behaviour is valid and valuable to me. I'll take them into consideration about how I act in the future. However... I'm not going to change myself completely over the whim of just one person. It's like if I told you to stop being so gloomy and to smile more. How would you feel in that case, Takanori-san?"

Ryouta was a bad person.

"...this was a pointless conversation."

Ryouta was—

"No it wasn't. If anything, this conversation revealed to the both of us that neither can consider someone else's feelings."

Ryouta is a bad person.

"Don't lump me in with you."

I know no one else will understand it. And I'm not asking anyone else to.

"But it's true, isn't it? You don't understand human emotions."

I don't have any credibility on the matter. I've only met him a few times, talked to him a few times, and tried making my peace with him.

"...where did you hear that from?"

But try as I might...

Ryouta is a bad person.

These unreasonable thoughts never left.

Even if it's based on nothing substantial, I'm sure that if I said these thoughts swirling in my head out loud, everyone would turn against me.

After all, Ryouta did nothing wrong.

That's what it looks like on the surface, right?

He's just a good person through and through.

...but I don't buy that for a second.

"No one. I found out that myself through observation a long time ago."


He was the one who figured out the S System before it got announced for a reason.

Those eyes of his had a perception that was even greater than mine.

He could see right through all the pretences.

...does that mean he could sense my hostility towards him as well?

Even so, Ryouta looked at me with the same gentle gaze he looked at everyone else with.

"...we've stalled long enough. Let's get on with the fight."

"Yeah, I've been looking forward to this the most. Good luck and have fun, Takanori-san!"

"...you too."

It was the bare minimum sportsmanship I could muster up for someone like him.

"Stand up, the, Vanguard!"

"Incipient Long Tail!"

"Promising Knight, David!"

The system decided that Ryouta would go first.

"Stand and draw! I ride Becrux of Stratification from the Ride Deck! Becrux's skill, I soulblast and reveal an Astral Poet from my hand to add Arcturus of Fervent Will from deck to hand! Long Tail's skill, I draw! Turn end!"

Since he was going first and played Astral Poets, if I didn't end the game quickly, things would become quite troublesome for me.

Hand: 7
Damage: 0

Hand: 5
Damage: 0

"Stand and draw. I ride Blue Espada Dragon from the Ride Deck! Blue Espada's skill, I scry 3, add a Claret Sword from among them to hand, and the rest go to drop. Amergin's skill! Since I discarded him, I scry 3, mill Ildona from among them, and botdeck the rest. David's skill, I draw and get a Quick Shield ticket."

"Wow, with those two skills alone, you're already halfway to fulfilling the cost of Claret's skill..."

"Ildona's skill from hand! Since my vanguard is grade 1, I discard him to reveal the top ten cards of my deck. Since I revealed two or more grade 1 units, I add a grade 2 or greater card from among them to hand. I choose Lughaid!"

"I'm surprised you didn't pick Astral Chain... are you sure about this?"

"...of course."

I couldn't tell if he was trying to be helpful, or if this was just him being overbearing as usual. In any case, there was no reason to pick a Heal Guardian in this match up.

Not only would I be removing a Heal trigger from my deck, but Ryouta wouldn't go Force II as his deck puts almost all his Force markers on the vanguard circle. As such, I wouldn't have to worry about any two crit attacks on turn 3.

The +10k would also effectively be useless when faced against Valkerion, who was a base 70k power. Instead, I would need to keep my damage low in order to absorb these huge attacks that would come my way when I'm grade 2.

"I call Cherishing Knight, Branwen and Skull Witch, Nemain! Branwen's skill, I scry 5... and whiff. But since I have three grade 1s in drop, she gets +5k. (8000 > 13000) Nemain's skill! I rest her to superior call Abyssal Owl from deck! Owl's skill, since our vanguards are the same grade, I soulblast to draw!"

Luckily, I managed to draw into another copy of Ildona.

"Once more, Ildona's skil! I discard him to reveal the top ten cards of my deck!"

"Oh wow, did you get another copy of him off Abyssal Owl?"

"...yeah. Since there's two grade 1s here, I'll add Claret Sword to my hand. I call Strict Order Knight, Lluails and Blue Espada Dragon! Blue Espada's effect once more! I scry 3, add nothing, and everything goes to drop. However, since my drop has five grade 1 cards, he gets +10k! (8000 > 18000) Lluails' skill, since I have five grade 1 rear-guards, she gets +15k! (5000 > 20000)"

"Ha ha, for a moment, I was starting to wonder where Lluails was. So much for nearly escaping the Claret rush."

In any other circumstances, I wouldn't be playing this aggressively, but since I was on a timer, I had to try and end things as soon as possible. In some ways, going second was a blessing in disguise for me.

"My vanguard Espada attacks! (8000)"

"Battle Maiden, Kukurihime guards! (23000) No pass, but I have a sneaking suspicion you'll get a trigger anyways."

"Drive check! (Darkside Trumpeter) Critical trigger! Power to Branwen, critical to Espada! (13000 > 23000) (18000/1 > 2)"

The other good thing about hitting the gas from the get go was aggressively thinning my deck. This greatly increased the chance of me checking triggers early.

"Yep, called it. Since you run twelve crits, with how much deck thinning you were doing this turn, I was wary of you checking one and pushing me to two immediately. That's why I guarded."

"Boosted by Owl, Branwen attacks! (23000 > 28000)"

"No guard! (Phinomenus of the Constellations)"

"Boosted by Lluails, Espada attacks! (18000 > 38000/2)"

"Stake Fetter, Thviti guards! (38000)"

Like me, Ryouta also used critical sentinels. It made sense, considering his deck could gain a lot of power and do a lot of drive checks. Seeing any of those criticals would make his kill turn that much more lethal.

"Turn end."

Hand: 5
Damage: 1

Hand: 6
Damage: 0
Ritual: 7

"Stand and draw! I ride Arcturus of Fervent Will from the Ride Deck! Arcturus' skill, I counterblast and reveal an Astral Poet in my hand to get a Force marker and put it on my vanguard circle! This is my Imaginary Gift. Force II! (10000/1 > 2)"

My eyes widened.


Ryouta smiled.

"Since you didn't add Astral Chain to hand, I figured you thought I would go into Force I to get more power on my vanguard, didn't you?"

He was correct, but I didn't answer. It felt like everything I did was just a hint for him to get closer to the truth.

"You had two chances last turn to add him, but in both instances, you didn't. While you could've done that because you already have one in hand... I doubted it, since you'd need at least two Heal Guardians to stop both of Valkerion's attacks if I went Force II. This, combined with the fact I know half your hand is made up of grade 3s due to all the searching you did last turn, means you're in prime position to be rushed back on my go. Especially since I can gain a Force marker early and pressure you with a confirmed two crit attack. And I'm sure you've already figured out that I run twelve critical triggers due to guarding with Thviti last turn too."

Ryouta was completely right. In my hand was two Clarets, one Lughaid, one Amergin, one Trumpeter, and a Quick Shield. If he chose to rush me back, I could barely do anything to stop it. His risk had paid off.

And beneath it all was something else that he hadn't even mentioned yet. Because he chose to go into Force II, this also meant Ryouta was trying to end this as soon as possible.

In other words... this was Ryouta's way of telling me he's seen through my game plan. He was going to counter it by being even faster at killing than I am— a complete reversal of my entire strategy.

"Sorry, Takanori-san. I did try to warn you, but you didn't heed it, which let me do things this way."

Ah... how annoying.

Even though he was telling me all of this straight up to be honest, it felt more like he was lauding being correct over my head due to my own mistake. One that even I didn't know I had made.

"Since I have Becrux in soul, Arcturus also lets me draw. I call Phinomenus of the Constellations and Dikei of the Just Path! Dikei's skill, I put a card from hand into soul to scry 7 and add two Astral Poets from among them to hand. I add Gleaming Lord, Uranus, and Holy Heavenly Dragon, Eosanesis Dragon to my hand! Since I added two, I put another Force marker on my vanguard circle! I call another Dikei and use his skill once more! I add Quaking Heavenly Dragon, Astraios Dragon, and Origin Deity of Heavenly Light, Uranus to my hand! Since I added two, I put another Force marker on my vanguard circle! Boosted by Dikei, Arcturus attacks! (10000 > 18000/2)"

To my chagrin, he put two grade 3s into soul for Dikei's cost, so he didn't reduce his shield value from doing this. At the very least, his hand was now suffering the same problem as mine.

"Trumpeter guards! (23000) One to pass!"

"Ah, I'm glad I put Dikei behind vanguard now. I thought you might try to guard my vanguard with her, so I wanted to make my attack require at least two cards to make it a no pass. Now let's hope I get lucky... drive check! (Becrux of Stratification) Aww, no trigger. Boosted by Dikei, Phinomenus attacks! (10000 > 18000) Phinomenus' skill, he gets +5k for each of my Force markers! I have three, so he gets +15k! (18000 > 33000)"

"No guard! (Perennial Knight, Rimmon)"

"That's all. Turn end!"

I can't help but feel lucky I managed to escape with only one damage that turn. If he checked a critical trigger, I would've been pushed to four, and he would've most definitely killed me on his next turn...

Hand: 6
Damage: 1

Hand: 5
Damage: 1
Ritual: 7

"Stand and draw! I ride Witch of Reality, Femme from the Ride Deck! Amergin's skill, since he was discarded, I scry 3, mill Nemain, and botdeck the rest."

Just as I was about to use Femme's skill, a terrifying realisation washed over me.

So that's why Ryouta called down so many rear-guards last turn, and why he guarded early so much, even though he could've used the extra counterblast for the second copy of Arcturus in his hand...

...he was setting up to counter Femme's skill.

Since he put Kukurihime and Thviti in drop, when I use her skill, he'd be able to call them over his two Dikei, preventing me from getting an extra drive check while also losing no value as both Dikei had already used their skills.

Not to mention, since one of the Dikei was behind his vanguard, Ryouta was ready to sacrifice it from the very start, because that was the circle Valkerion would be called to.

And since I didn't get to choose where the grade 0s are called, he'd be able to keep Phinomenus on board, showing me that if I tried to rush him again, he'd be able to convert that damage into advantage with him or Arcturus.

There wasn't any way for me to kill him this turn either. At most, assuming all my attacks hit and I checked a crit, I could push Ryouta to five, but that wasn't good enough. He would still get another turn, which was the most crucial part.

Because he went with Force II, I couldn't even safely take both of Valkerion's attacks, since Ryouta could randomly check a crit and force me into guarding everything.

Even though I was at one damage, the sheer pressure of those attacks meant they were threatening lethal every time. All it took was one single critical trigger to end it all.

Ryouta would crush me with Valkerion while I was still vulnerable and end things there.

From what I could see before me...

...there was no way out.

For the first time in a cardfight, I felt cornered from all angles.

Even against giants like Kaido and Kishou, I still felt like I had a chance. That I could still win this, even if the odds were stacked against me...

...but against Ryouta, I didn't have that slither of hope at all. Everything I thought of led to one singular dead end.

I'm going to lose.

No matter what I did, Ryouta had a play, move, or counter ready for it.

So this is what Yamamoto meant earlier when he said Ryouta made your mind twist and turn in agonising ways, huh?

...talk about one hell of a situation to be in.

"Takanori-san, are you okay? You haven't said anything for awhile now..."

"...I'm fine. Just thinking of what to do next."

"Ah, oops... sorry, I hope I didn't interrupt your thoughts too much."

"You didn't. Femme's skill. I soulblast to make you call over two of your rear-guards with two grade 0s from your drop zone!"

"That's fine with me. I'd rather have two grade 0s in board than give you an extra chance to check a critical trigger on me. I call Kukurihime and Thviti over my two Dikei."

Just as I thought... how annoying.

"With their skills, Branwen gets +5k and Lluails gets +15k. (8000 > 13000) (5000 > 20000) Boosted by Nemain, Femme attacks! (10000 > 15000) Illusion Diablo!"

To be honest, there's something I haven't told anyone.

"No guard!"

I've kept it to myself, rejecting it to try and see the good in Ryouta.

"Drive check! (Grim Revenger) Critical trigger! Power to Espada, critical to vanguard! (8000 > 18000) (15000/1 > 2)"

But if I've discarded that notion, then there's no reason not to acknowledge it anymore.

"Damage checks! (Gleaming Lord, Uranus, Cyber Tiger) Critical trigger! All effects to Phinomenus! (10000 > 20000)"

From the very first time I met him...

"Boosted by Owl, Branwen attacks! (13000 > 18000)"

Ryouta has always looked at me with a glint of pity in his eyes.

"Becrux guards! (20000) Becrux's skill, when she's retired from guardian circle, she goes to soul!"

Even after bringing my entire class up to D Class, that look of pity never faded.

Not even once.

"Boosted by Lluails, Espada attacks! (18000 > 38000)"

If anything, he still looked down on me like I was any other E Class student.

Like I never moved up in the first place.

"Heal Guardian, Aias the Fortress! (10000 > 25000) His skill, Espada gets -2 critical!"

And I hated that.

Don't screw with me...

"That's all from me. Turn end."

Hand: 4
Damage: 3

Hand: 6
Damage: 1
Ritual: 9

"Stand and draw! The flow of time and space filters down into the deepest parts of the solar system to create the aquamarine sword that protects the stars from eternal darkness. In the void, the shape of gods wipe away those who are unworthy! I ride my avatar, Origin Deity of Heavenly Light, Uranus! (13000/1 > 2)"

Because he was above me, he assumed I was suffering.

"This is my Imaginary Gift! Force II, behind my vanguard circle! (4000/1 > 2) Phinomenus' skill, since I have three or more Force markers, I counterblast to draw!"

Not just me. But everyone else below him too.

"Truth be told, Takanori-san... Uranus isn't actually my original avatar. It's this card."

In his hand, he flipped over another Astral Poet.

The one he's been revealing to me for the cost of all his skills this entire time.

"It's surprising, I know... but this card is special to me. He's been my partner since the very first time I ever played this deck. That's why, if you would so oblige... may I indulge myself a little by giving him the entrance he deserves?"

For someone who acts so self-righteous... for someone who goes on and on about equality... for someone who spews nothing but idealism and optimism...

"...do as you like. Knock yourself out for all I care."

Where does he get off from, taking the moral high ground while looking at us like we can't help ourselves?

"Thank you, Takanori-san! Let's do this then, partner! Transcend the gap between reality and fiction, and release the testament light of new beginning into this shaking, hesitant, wavering old world! I call my avatar, Quaking Heavenly Dragon, Astraios Dragon!"

I don't understand.

"What do you think, Takanori-san?"

Don't screw with me...!

"I don't have any real opinion on the matter, to be honest."

It was meaningless charity.

"You're not even a little impressed or surprised...?"

A look of pity will never change anything.

"Nothing stirs my heart."

And it sure as hell doesn't show you're on our side either.

"I thought that might be the case... I've never even seen you so much as smile before."

It just looks like you're laughing at us behind your back.

"Forget about all that and get on with the game, would you?"

No amount of kindness or goodwill you show to us can mask that.

"R-right... sorry about that."

If he was serious about making things right, then he would be taking things up directly with the school.

"I call Arcturus of Fervent Will and Gleaming Lord, Uranus! Arcturus' skill, I counterblast and reveal an Astral Poet in my hand to put another Force marker on my vanguard circle! Then, since I have Becrux in soul, I get to draw! Uranus' skill, I soulblast two to put another Force marker on my vanguard circle!"

Not participating in this bloodbath between classes, maintaining his spot at the top, while reaping the benefits of being the hero adored by everyone else.

"Aren't you glad I didn't go Force I now? If I did, my vanguard would have +50k, ha ha."

In other words...

"But it's precisely because I have so many Force markers that I can now do this."

...Ryouta wanted to have his share and eat it too.

Don't screw with me!

"Uranus' skill! Since I have three or more Force markers on my vanguard circle, I soulblast cards so their grades equal 5! Arcturus' skill in soul, she gets grade +2, making her a grade 4! I soulblast her and Becrux, a grade 1, to turn my back row centre rear-guard circle into an Astral Plane!"

The scenery shifted into a golden sky that purged everything with blazing clouds.

"No units other than an Astral Deity are allowed on the Astral Plane, so Thviti immediately gets retired. Speaking of which... now it's time to unleash the final piece of the puzzle. Are you ready, Takanori-san?"

In that moment, a thin light of golden aura surrounded itself around Ryouta.

"To see what a real God looks like?"

As it grew, a warning flashed up on his visor, but he paid no attention it.

"...I don't believe in stuff like that."

It was clear he had been here a countless number of thousands times before.

"Then I'll just have to make you believe. Watch closely!"

Ryouta had entered The Zone.

"Throughout heaven and throughout earth, I am the lord of my future. Divinity graces my body and stardust flows through my veins. I have created over a thousand miracles, unknown to them, nor known to you. I have withstood hell to protect the world, but I was too close to heaven to ever catch anything. My whole life has been dedicated to salvation. So, as I pray—"

His aura burst open, shining brilliantly as it rippled out in sparkling white light swirling at the edges with cosmic gold.

"Giant Deity of Distant World..."

Before my very own eyes, the Astral Deity appeared before me.

"Valkerion! (70000/1 > 2)"

And standing on the shoulder of that divine being was Ryouta, looking down at me while holding the glistening aquamarine sword of Uranus in his left hand.

Under that crown of silvery gold light, Ryouta looked like a hero.

Even if... he was the furthest thing from one.

"Valkerion's skill! I scry 5, choose a card from among them to put into my drop zone, and it's drive becomes equal to the grade of the grade I put! Persona Blast! I choose another copy of itself, a grade 5, giving it quintuple drive! (70000/2/0d > 5d)"

He could advocate for equality all he wants, but that's all it was.

"The Astral Plane's effect, all the drive checks Valkerion performs goes to my soul instead! Battle! Valkerion attacks! (70000/2/5d) Answer my wish, Unlimited Blazar Reworks!"

Meaningless words... no, meaningless drivel, coupled with no action, coming from someone who only felt bad.

"No guard."

Not because it was right, or because he truly believed in it.

"Quintuple Drive!!!!! First check! (Dikei of the Just Path) Second check! (Origin Deity of Heavenly Light, Uranus) Third check! (Phinomenus of the Constellations)"

But because it let him be the hero while continuing to play in a game where he benefitted at the expense of others.

"Fourth check! (Giant Deity of Distant World, Valkerion) Fifth check! (Stake Fetter, Thviti) Alright, a critical trigger! Power to Arcturus, critical to Valkerion! (10000 > 20000) (70000/2 > 3/5d)"

No amount of humbleness will ever cover up that fact.

"Damage checks! (Death Feather Eagle) Critical trigger, all effects to my vanguard! (10000 > 20000) (Skull Witch, Nemain, Strict Order Knight, Lluails)"

A hypocrite's greed.

"Uranus' skill! At the end of the battle my Astral Deity attacked, I rest two of my Astral Poet rear-guards, Gleaming Uranus and Astraios Dragon, to restand Valkerion with drive -5! (70000/3/5d > 0d)"

He could make himself look as weak and vulnerable as possible to show his openness, but in the end, he was the one living a cushy life up in Stark White while we barely scraped by in Drachma Red.

"Skill, activate!"

Ryouta's visor began glowing pure white.

"Astral Entropy! I switch all my markers to its other version for the rest of this game! Force II, become Force I! (70000 > 80000/3 > 2) (13000 > 63000/2 > 1)"

He doesn't know what true weakness is like.

"I know it looks strange, since having Uranus at two critical would force you to guard the vanguard attack, but since your hand has such low shield value, you'd rather guard a 13k attack rather than 63k attack. That's why, even though I'm sacrificing lethality, by making my vanguard's attack unguardable, you'll be forced to take it, and risk getting hit by a crit on my Twin Drive."

He doesn't know what true vulnerability is like.

"And even if you do survive, you'll still have to contend with Valkerion, Phinomenus, and Arcturus' attacks. Either way, I won't let you reach your grade 3 ride. Right here, right now... let's rock! Uranus attacks! (63000)"

He doesn't know what true pain is like.

"Fall into the void..."

He doesn't know anything at all.

"Genocide of Origin!"

Don't fucking screw with me!

Gripping Uranus' sword with both his hands, Ryouta jumped off Valkerion's shoulder, swinging the aquamarine blade over his head.

"This ends here!"

Like a blazing comet, Ryouta came flying towards me, cleaving through the clouds and heavenly light that obstructed his descent.


As he came hurtling closer and closer, there was nothing I could do to stop it.

"...no guard."

With no weapon of my own, I couldn't parry Ryouta's starry blade.

"Twin Drive!!"

As the edge of his sword grazed the top of my head, it felt like time itself had slowed down.

"First check! (Dikei of the Just Path)"

I gritted my teeth, trying to avoid the incoming blow by twisting my head away.

"Second check! (Battle Maiden, Kukurihime)"

But it was no use.

Ryouta's eyes widened, before a wide smile appeared on his face.

I should've been able to narrowly escape death here, but the direction of the blade's edge changed at the very last second.

"Get, critical trigger! Power to Arcturus, critical to Uranus! (20000 > 30000) (63000/1 > 2)"

Ryouta slashed down, his aquamarine sword cutting into the side of my neck.


As it entered, I could feel the blade curve down, carving into my chest cavity, before sliding straight vertically and splitting my body down the middle like a guillotine.

In one stroke, my heart was rendered in two.

My body began atomising on impact.

"Sorry it had to end this way, Takanori-san. It's not honourable, killing you like this... but I couldn't risk letting you draw that Claret Sword of yours."

Eclipsed by his genocide, my entire existence was being completely erased.

"Damage checks..."

I fell into the void, like he promised.

"First. (Darkside Trumpeter)"

Into a place where no one will remember me.

"Critical trigger. All effects to vanguard. (20000 > 30000)"

Where even my name will be lost to time.


...yeah, right.

In the darkness, a green light fluttered.

As if I'd ever let things end here.

"Got it. (Astral Chain Dragon) Get, heal trigger."

My body that was falling apart became enraptured in chains.

Ryouta's eyes widened.

"No way... how could that be..."

On my very last damage check, I managed to get a miraculous sixth damage heal trigger.

"Power to vanguard, and healing a damage. (30000 > 40000)"

But the thing is, this wasn't a miracle at all.

I wouldn't die such a pathetic death.

Not until I get my revenge, at least.

"Wait... unless!"

It seems Ryouta had just realised where he went wrong.

The phantom chains wrapped around me, linking my decaying body together to keep it intact, as I climbed out of the abyss Ryouta sent me tumbling down into.

"So much for ending things here, huh, Ryouta-san?"

A cluster of invisible atoms gathered in my right hand, swirling together to form the shape of a large broadsword with a hook at the end of it.

"You've done well to try and beat me, but it looks like my bet paid off."

Even as my body was still disintegrating from Ryouta's nuclear strike, I still had enough antimatter coursing through me to do this.

"...you have all four Heal triggers left in a super compressed deck. You didn't get lucky... you just skewed the odds in your favour!"

Raising that heavy bundle of invisible atoms like a bat, I slashed horizontally through Ryouta's body, which had been stunned by my revival, dragging his aquamarine sword out of me and sending him flying back into the heavens.

"So that's why you chose to pick the grade 3s over Astral Chain, and why you were playing so aggressively from the start compared to your other games... I'll admit, I wasn't expecting you to be so flexible in your play style. You've outsmarted me there, Takanori-san."

Ryouta slowed his ascent by dragging his sword through the sky before landing on Valkerion's shoulder again.

"But that's where it all stops."

As he looked down on me, a different type of aura emerged out of Ryouta's back like two white wings.

"...don't tell me."

It was precisely because I had experienced this, both against it and firsthand myself before, that I perfectly knew what wrath Ryouta was about to incur.

"You see, Takanori-san..."

His wings of aura spread out, making him look like an angel.

The energy he was radiating was far more rich and pure than anything I'd ever experienced before.

I didn't think such a superior quality of energy could exist in this system, and yet... here it was.

"...my abilities are a little bit different to everyone else's."

A godly aura.

"I don't like to be treated special, but because I'm the class representative of A Class, I can do something nobody else can."

One that even surpassed the King's divinity.

In comparison, not even Kishou was able to summon such divine power when I faced against him, and he was King of the school.

Ryouta was... someone truly special.

The man chosen by God.

Or rather...

The one who surpassed God.

His fingers pointed at me, ceding judgment.

If his normal attack was a genocide, then I could only imagine what brutal atrocity would come next.

Could it be possible for him to turn the "bug" in the system into his own weapon?

Ryouta opened his mouth to speak, only to close it again shortly.

Just as I thought he was about to fire it at point blank range, Ryouta's godly aura dissipated, slowly returning back to normal.

...did he change his mind at the last second?

But I could still feel a trace of the energy Ryouta had conjured up lingering around him like a veil.

The only difference was...

...it was most definitely scaled back from what he was originally going to do with it.

I guess he came to his senses.

That, or he realised I wasn't worth using it on after all.

"Skill, activate!"

When he uttered that unexpected phrase, I returned my attention back to him.

Ryouta's visor started glowing pure white once more.

What's going on now?

"Astral Entropy! I switch all my markers to its other version for the rest of this game! Force I, become Force II! (80000 > 70000/2 > 3) (63000 > 13000/2 > 1)"

"...you can use your Skill twice in a fight?"

"Yes, that's right. This decision might seem foolish, reducing Valkerion's power just to gain a critical... but there's still a chance you have a Heal Guardian in hand you've yet to reveal this entire time. If you do have it, you can put an end to Valkerion's attack by reducing his critical to two and not expend unnecessary shield. Even if you do have it, I only need to deal you one more damage to win, so making Valkerion three crit means you'd be better off giving your vanguard +10k power instead. That only brings you up to 65k, meaning you need another 10k to guard. And we both know your hand isn't up to par."

Once again, Ryouta was doing everything in his power to counter any possible plays I could do and secure his victory.

"And if you can't guard, then getting three consecutive heal triggers is the most statistically close to impossible thing I can make you do, especially since it would require having all four heals on top of your deck for this exact moment. It's so unlikely to happen, you'd be more likely to win the lottery or be struck by lightning twice over. In other words... because I'm so close to victory, I'm making absolutely sure of it and not taking any risk. Safe to say, you're about to be burnt by your own bet, Takanori-san."

It was annoying being boxed into a corner like this, but it was even more annoying being talked down on like I didn't understand the situation myself.

"If you do manage to survive this, then you deserve to win. But that's all it is."

But above all else, it was frustrating.

"A hollow, meaningless victory."

It was frustrating that Ryouta had read through all my plays with such crystal clear clarity.

"You didn't beat me through skill."

As much as I hate to admit it...

"You beat me with luck."

...I can now see why he found out about the S System before anybody else.

"That's the difference an A Class student and an E Class student."

Everything in this world fell under Ryouta's scope of vision.

"...sorry, I misspoke."

By always seeing the bigger picture, we were nothing but insignificant specks in the palm of his hands to him.

"That's the difference between an A Class student and a D Class student."

On his stage, I was just an extra.

"...well, not like there's any big difference between D and E anyways."

An actor with no face, no name, no merit.

"It seems I had no reason to be worried about you after all."

I was just like everybody else.

"Valkerion attacks! (70000/3)"

...wasn't that what I always wanted?

"Answer my wish..."

But when Ryouta actually gave it to me...

"...and fall into the void!"

...I couldn't help but feel insulted.


To be controlled and strung along by someone else.

The twelve stars surrounding Valkerion began spinning in a circle.

That's not freedom.

As they accelerated, the trail of light they emitted started merging together, forming a fluorescent halo of light.

I was living in an illusion that my choices meant something.

That halo expanded tenfold, forming a wide spinning disc of light that took flight over the Astral Deity's raised hand.

When in reality... it didn't mean anything at all.

Ryouta followed, raising his aquamarine sword into the air as it shined brilliant white.

It never did, and never will.

"Any last words, Takanori-san?"


Patches of claret pulsed across the sword in my hands, momentarily showing it's true colours.

"Last words, huh?"

Based on the weight and feel of the blade, I had my suspicions on what this could be.

But from those fleeting glimpses, I finally understood.

Confirming it's true identity, the invisible atoms turned visible.

And in that moment, the sword in my hands became fully materialised.

Ryouta's eyes widened as he stared at it.

"I don't have any. Because I'm not going to lose to someone like you."

Holding out the Claret Sword in front of me, I looked straight up into Ryouta's eyes.

"Is that so?"

For a split second, I thought I saw Ryouta snarling at me.

"Then I'll just have to push you to the point where you have nothing for next turn!"

He violently swung down.

"...we'll see about that."

I positioned the Claret Sword into a parrying position.

"No guard!"

The thing is...

At the same time, Valkerion lowered his arm in decisive judgment, launching the spinning disc of purified light directly at me.

...I don't believe for a second Ryouta's actually that optimistic.

I watched as the disc of light came closer and closer into my view, filling my entire vision with it's blinding luminescence.

And I don't believe for a second he's that much of an idealist either.

I took a deep breath and dug my feet into the floor.

If he was truly either of those two things, then there were only two conclusions to draw from it.

Either he was born and raised in a blessed environment...

...or he was just an idiot.

As the light purged everything in it's path to reach me, it did truly feel like I was at the end of the world.

If it was the former, then I could forgive him a little for his naivety.

Like I was abandoned by hope.

But if it's the latter...

Like I was forsaken by God.

...that's what I hated the most.

Like I was about to be killed by an actual genocide.

That false sense of hope he gives to everyone.

The light came into contact with the Claret Sword, clashing against it.

Who can he save?

Who can he defend?

Who can he protect?


I gritted my teeth, trying to withstand the overwhelming current of light that was flowing against me.

Ryouta Hane has everything.

I felt it rush above and below the Claret Sword, eating away at my astral body.

So why was he so willing to cast that all away for the sake of somebody else?

It was originally meant to be a disc to saw me in half, but the sheer size of it meant it was consuming me instead.

Everything he has...

The chains keeping me together were obliterated.

...were all things each and every one of us have been fighting our entire lives for.

Slowly, pieces and parts of my body began tearing away into stardust.

The things that ended up in his hands...

First, it was my legs.

...were all things each and every one of us strived to achieve, but could never obtain.

Next, it was my head.

The things he had now...

Then, it was my arms.

...were all things everyone else wanted.

Until all that was left was a web of stardust that loosely resembled me holding onto the barely intact Claret Sword.

Yet... he was ready to throw all of it away just so he could play hero.

Even my hands were being reduced to tatters.


This entire time, I thought there was something wrong with me.

But the more time I spent with him...

The more I talked to him...

The more I got to know Ryouta as a person...

...I came to the realisation that, fundamentally, the two of us were incompatible.

My mouth had been erased, leaving me with not even a voice to scream a curse at him.

I thought back to the fourth day of the special exam, where I had a heartfelt one on one conversation with Ryouta for the first time.

"I think... that's a sad way of living your life."

"...what do you mean by that?"

"Don't you hate living your life every day, knowing that you're worth nothing?"

"...I don't know what you mean. I don't think that way about myself."

"Really? I don't think so. I think you're well aware of your own lack of self-worth. Otherwise, you wouldn't have said you had nothing to lose. To you, you mean nothing."

"Perhaps. But if that's true, then it means you don't see any worth in yourself either. You were just as ready to sacrifice yourself as I was."

"That's right, I don't. I don't think there's any worth in my existence either. I said it myself earlier... I'm well aware that I'm a feeble existence. I can't do much except offer to devote myself entirely to any people who need me. I want them to rely on me, because that gives me a purpose in this fleeting life. That way, I can continue living virtuously without ever being selfish with my existence."

It confirmed to me that everything about him was incomprehensible to a person like me.

"How could anyone like this guy?", I secretly thought deep down.

Because even when I cast aside my own thoughts, and tried my damned absolute hardest to see the good in Ryouta...

...I couldn't see anything at all.

Through the half-opaque light, I could see Ryouta come flying down towards where I was once standing.

It seems he wanted to finish me off personally.

As a result, I came to one simple conclusion.

Ryouta Hane was someone I didn't like.

Even if everyone else in this entire world thought he was their saviour...

...then I would be the only one to reject that notion entirely.

"No guard!"

It felt like an eternity passed as I tried defending against the light.

"Damage checks!"

But it would soon come to an abrupt end.

"First check! (Astral Chain Dragon) Heal trigger! I heal a damage and give power to vanguard! (40000 > 50000)"

Either me or Ryouta would come out of this match barely alive.

"Second check! (Astral Chain Dragon) Heal trigger! I heal a damage and give power to vanguard! (50000 > 60000)"

I could see the light slowly dissipate as the last of it went past me.

"Takanori-san, you... you really had three heals on top of your deck...?!"

Ryouta was shocked to see me pull off the seemingly impossible, but I wasn't out of hot water just yet.

"Just because it's a statistical anomaly doesn't mean it can't happen. Even if it's the tiniest chance, less than 0.001%... it still exists, doesn't it?"

The chains wrapped around what remained of my body, reinforcing it to withstand against the tail end of Valkerion's vicious attack.

"Not even your genocides and blazars can erase that. You think you can control everything... but you can't control the whims of fate, Ryouta. And I'll prove it to you with this final damage check!"

This was the crucial turning point.

If I didn't get my last heal trigger here, then I'd lose.

"There's no way you can do it... the odds are completely stacked against you... you couldn't seriously have said no guard trying to bet on this to survive, could you...?"

Ryouta's rationality was being chipped away by my irrationality.

"When the odds aren't in my favour, that's when I like them the most. I've lived my entire life always being on the back burner... so situations like these are what I specialise in."

I've been lucky enough to get this far.

"Let's see who's side fate is on today, shall we?"

I can't let it fall apart now.

"Yes... let's."

Not when I'm holding the strongest sword in existence with my very own two hands.

One that can even make a God quiver.

"Damage check!"

Ryouta held his breath.

"(Astral Chain Dragon) Heal trigger! I heal a damage and give power to vanguard! (60000 > 70000)"

And exhaled it back out seeing that.

"...no way..."

Narrowly surviving the light of god, I raised the Claret Sword high into the sky proudly, before planting it deep into the ground as a crutch for my withering astral body to lean on.

Ryouta, gripping the aquamarine sword tighter in his hand, was shaking as he stared at me. He couldn't believe I had managed to survive against him, especially after he poured so much effort into making sure I wouldn't be able to live.

What should've been the game winning blow for him instead turned out to be a close escape from death for me.

"I said it earlier, didn't I?"

I'm not going to die a pathetic death.

"I still have to beat you, Ryouta."

Especially not to you of all people, you damn faker.

"Ah... it looks like you really will get a chance to after all."

I can't imagine how crushed he must be feeling right now, especially after putting on such a grand spectacle about securing victory without variables.

"With all those triggers you've pulled, neither of my remaining attacks are able to hit your vanguard anymore."

For someone who so thoroughly prepared counters for everything I did, it seemed ironic that the one thing Ryouta was shortsighted in was defensive triggers.

"It's a shame, but I'll have to end things here. At the end of my turn, Valkerion returns to the bottom of my deck, and the Astral Plane closes. Turn end!"

Hand: 4
Damage: 3

Hand: 6
Damage: 5
Ritual: 11

Now that I've been granted one last chance, I couldn't mess it up.

I had to do everything in my power to make the most out of this fleeting opportunity.

With how little cards Ryouta had in hand, I could definitely clinch the game here.

"Last turn, you said that "in the void, the shape of gods wipe away those who are unworthy", right?"

Right here, right now.

"It's your turn to watch closely now, Ryouta-san. I'm going to show you what a real god looks like. Stand and draw!"

I was going to properly draw the sword that Ryouta was so afraid of.

"Only the strong have the right to wield this sword. On this bloodstained stage of the world, a demonstration of might will overrule all the opposition! A true dictator overcomes adversity with strength, and strength alone— slaughter the competition and pulverise the weaklings into dust! I ride my avatar, Claret Sword Dragon!"

Erupting from the ground behind me, bathed in an auspicious geyser of blue flames, was a laughing abyss dragon.

As he threw his head back, his cocky and egotistical howls of laughter echoed out as he smiled widely.

Rising to his feet, his gigantic body casted an engulfing shadow over me and Ryouta.

Ryouta gritted his teeth, holding even more tightly onto the aquamarine sword in his hands.

Now it was his turn to look up at an insurmountable deity.

"Imaginary Gift: Force II! To the vanguard circle! (13000/1 > 2) Claret Sword's skill! I scry 3 and put everything into drop zone, giving him +30k! (13000 > 43000/2) On a battlefield littered with corpses, only one man stands to reap them all! Destroy everything in sight, Knight of Foolhardiness, Lughaid!"

"Lughaid's skill, I counterblast two and retire all my rear-guards except him and Lluails! Since I retired three units, you also have to retire three as well!"

"If you retired that last Lluails, you could've prevented me from restanding Valkerion next turn, yet you chose to keep her. That means you're betting on drawing into more grade 1s with Lughaid to refill your board and get her power back, right? I retire Arcturus, Phinomenus, and Uranus."

"Yeah... no. For once, your prediction was completely off the mark. There's another more surefire way of making sure you don't restand Valkerion, period."

Ryouta's eyes widened.

"I'm hesitant to ask, but... how so?"

"By killing you this turn. And as it turns out, Lluails is one of the best cards for it. Lughaid's skill! I bind three grade 1s to draw one! Since I have 14 grade 1s in drop, I'll bind 12 of them to draw four! Skill, activate!"

My visor started glowing claret red.

"Third Fist! When a card is bound, my vanguard gets drive +1! (43000/2/2d > 3d) I call two Branwen, Lluails, and Amergin! Now that I have five grade 1 rear-guards, both my Lluails get +15k! (5000 > 20000) (5000 > 20000) Branwen's skill, scry 5, add Claret to hand, then discard him. Once more with the second Branwen! I scry 5, add Lughaid to hand, and discard him as well."

"That's another two cards out of your deck... you're down to fourteen cards, seven of which are triggers. Exactly a 50% chance of you hitting one in your five drive checks, with the odds scaling better the more blanks you check. It looks like I've got my work cut out for me..."

"If you're still theorising on how to survive, it's pointless. Your deck doesn't run any perfect guards like mine, so even if you have Thviti in hand, that measly 30k shield is going to be meaningless in the face of Claret's 43k body."

"I'm aware. But, just like you, there's still a chance I can crawl out of this alive if I get damage triggers. If I can get two... it'll be enough to shut down your side columns, and give me just enough breathing room to guard Claret's attack."

"Even if you can stop both of my rear-guard attacks by getting two damage triggers, I can still make them hit by getting at least one trigger to bolster each of their columns. And considering I have five chances to check one, compared to your two chances, the odds are skewed in my favour."

"Statistically, yes. But I have a funny feeling things won't work out that way..."

Ryouta laughed a little, scratching the back of his head.

"What do you mean?"

"Didn't you say it yourself last turn? "When the odds aren't in my favour, that's when I like them the most"?"

"...indeed, I did say that."

"So, if things are looking to go right for you... then the inverse must also be true. When the odds are in your favour, that's when you like them the least."

I grit the back of my teeth.

"Perhaps. While the odds of me checking a trigger is greater than yours, they still aren't completely in my favour. It's still a coin flip. The chances of me succeeding are the same as me failing. If I don't close out this game now, I'll die next turn. I have no choice but to go for broke. I'm still on the back burner here because of you."

"Hmm, I suppose that's true. Well, we're just talking about possibilities anyways. When it comes to matters like this, nothing is set in stone. Just like how you showed me last turn, as long as there's a chance of it happening, anything can occur. We might even end up checking no triggers altogether! It's all in the hands of fate."

For someone who excelled at controlling the situation, reading through their opponents, and forming airtight strategies, it was unsettling to see Ryouta so willingly surrender the outcome of this match to somebody else.

He had no authority over this situation, yet he was perfectly okay with allowing it to happen without fighting back. It really wasn't like him at all...

"...I seriously don't understand."

"Understand what, Takanori-san?"

You act like you're God, but when it comes down to it, even you can't take control of everything.


"Are you sure...? You sounded troubled."

"I'm fine. Don't worry about me. Worry about yourself."

"Alright, sorry... though, if it's okay, may I offer you a word of advice?"


"Don't forget how lucky you got last turn. That's all I'll say."

I raised my head, looking straight at him.

"You think I wasted all my luck surviving your assault last turn?"

Ryouta nodded, wearing a thin smile.

"What goes up must come down. That's the law of the universe."

I closed my eyes.

...what hollow words.

They're just bluffs meant to trick himself into thinking he has a chance.

In fact, I don't even need to see any triggers to win here.

Because I have a weapon that's even greater than luck.

I stared at the sword clasped tightly in my hands.

I have you, Claret.

"Let's rock!"

I raised the Claret Sword, pointing it at Ryouta.

"Come at me, Takanori-san!"

Ryouta raised his aquamarine sword, pointing it at me.

"Claret Sword attacks! (43000/2/3d) Septimum Eraser!"

Pulling the Claret Sword out of the ground, I swung it over my head and charged at Ryouta, slashing through with it.

"No guard!"

Ryouta yelled, holding out his aquamarine sword and taking my attack head on.

It was a surprising decision, especially since this was the most risky attack to take.

If I got even a single critical trigger in my three drive checks, it would be over for Ryouta.

I guess I really did manage to drive him into a corner after all.

"It's your death wish."

"I wouldn't be so sure about that."

Our swords clashed violently, sending sparks flying everywhere.

"I'm confident you won't win here."

"What makes you say that?"

Ryouta's smile turned into a smirk.

"Because light always triumphs darkness in the end."

When he said that, my eyes widened.

"...so that's how you see things, huh?"

"It's fitting, isn't it?"

"...in what way?"

I pushed my sword forward, causing Ryouta to slide back slightly.

"You use Claret Sword, the evil abyss dragon who rebelled against an entire nation. I use Uranus, the heroic astral poet who saved the world by calling on the power of an astral god. While your avatar tried bringing the destruction of the world... my avatar tried saving it. Those two have the same difference between the two of us."

Ryouta gritted his teeth, pushing back against me to recover the footing he had lost.

"And that is...?"

I was expecting him to make a comparison between us and who represents good and evil, but instead, the answer I received took me by surprise.

"One of us succeeded, while the other failed."

His blade repelled against mine as I was caught off guard by those scathing words.

"Because you're the leader of the class that started at the bottom, and because I'm the leader of the class that started at the top, we were always bound to clash. Because I succeeded in life, whereas you didn't, I was always going to draw your resentment towards me."

"It's only natural, isn't it? This whole S System of ours runs on that exact disparity. Otherwise, there wouldn't be any incentives for those at the bottom to climb out of the dumps."

I gritted my teeth, shaking off Ryouta's tactless words and driving my sword forward with even more force than before.

"No... you're absolutely right about that. But I think you're chasing after the wrong thing here, Takanori-san."

"What? If I want to stand at the top, I have to beat the person currently sitting there. And that's you, Ryouta-san."

"Ha ha... how ironic."

Ryouta let out a genuine laugh in the middle of our sword fight.

"Do you remember earlier, when you said I don't consider other people's feelings?"

"...I do."

"You're doing the exact same thing here, Takanori-san. You aren't considering my feelings on the matter either, especially when you said that declaration of war yesterday."

I narrowed my eyes.

"I knew you were trying to stir my heart with those provocative words... but to be honest, I felt nothing towards it. It was so obvious that you were trying to goad me into fighting you, I felt bad that you had to do things in such a roundabout way to catch my attention. If you thought about it for just a second, you'd realise that I have no reason to hate you. In fact, I never had any reason to see you as my enemy to begin with. You were only thinking about yourself, and how you could get your revenge on me. My feelings towards you are the same as ever."

"...even after all this time, you still want to be friends with me?"

"Yes, of course I do! But despite continuously offering my goodwill to you over and over again... you chose to reject it every time. That too, could be interpreted as you only thinking about yourself."

"I rejected it because we're meant to be enemies, Ryouta-san. Don't you understand that?"

"Of course I do... but that's just what this school wants you to think, Takanori-san! Just because we're enemies doesn't mean we can't be friends!"

"Doing so would just erase the entire meaning of that word."

"No, it doesn't. It only shifts the meaning ever so slightly. Broaden your horizons a little, why don't you? If we're friends, it would show the school that we reject their way of doing things."

I tightened my grip as Ryouta's sword started gaining advantage over me.

"The competition and caste system born from the S System would fail to exist if we, the leaders, ignored it's existence and showed the school that we won't so easily participate in their cruel game. If we can set a good example to our classes, and encourage them to treat everyone the same regardless of their standing, then slowly we can move away from this environment of discrimination and animosity between upper and lower classes. We can come one step closer to equality through the symbol of our friendship! Wouldn't that be great, Takanori-san?"

Of course it would be great. Getting rid of this flawed system would make everyone's lives better.


...if it was that easy, then it still wouldn't be standing here, would it?

"What an optimistic and naive way of thinking... of course I've had the same ideas before. It's people like us at the bottom who dream for these sort of things the most."

"Then why do you keep rejecting it? Don't you want to flip the status quo on it's head?"

"Because what you're saying right now is nothing but idealistic rubbish, a hopeful what-if scenario that's not even certain to happen, coming straight from the person sitting right at the top."

Gritting my teeth, I drove my sword forward, forcing Ryouta to stagger back.

"You don't have a single shred of realism in you, Ryouta-san. You think life is easy to navigate because all your hopes and wishes get given to you on a silver spoon. You're the least qualified person to talk about this situation. And by extension, you're the last person I want hear any of this from."

"You're just making assumptions based on my standing... I've had to struggle in life too before. It hasn't been some sort of utopia like you paint it out to be. And it still isn't now either!"

"Of course you've had to struggle. Every person struggles. But what you consider "suffering" and what I consider "suffering" are two very different things. What's the most tragic event to happen in your life then, Ryouta-san? Because if I told you mine..."

My head throbbed, distracting me for a moment. This let Ryouta gain some space, pushing my sword back to me.

"It was when shishou died."

Before I could finish my sentence, Ryouta told me that upfront.

"I don't know what you've been through, Takanori-san, and you don't have to tell me if you don't want to. All I can say is... firstly, I'm sorry that you had to go through all that. And secondly... you need to stop letting it affect your worldview so much."

Our swords were beginning to chip at the edges the longer we clashed.

"Struggling is the same, regardless of what caused it. You might have struggled more, but it doesn't take away from the fact I've also had to fight my own battles to get where I am now. I wasn't born with anything special. What you see before you is the collection of fifteen years of hard work, bundled up and compared to one hundred and twenty four other people. Even within this school, there are upperclassmen who are far more impressive than I am. I'm really not that special, Takanori-san. I'm only slightly luckier than others."

Ryouta stared at me straight in the eyes.

"With the way you're describing things, it's like you're painting the world black and white, when it's not. Just because I'm at the top now doesn't mean I'll always be here. One day, within these three years we're at this school, someone else can usurp my position as "the strongest". When that happens, will your grudge shift from me to them too? If so, then your resentment is misplaced. Whatever hatred you have towards me should be directed to the school and it's system instead! And if that's the case, our goals aren't that different after all! In fact, they'd be the exact same!"

He blabbed on and on, thinking that if he gave awe arousing speech or spoke with enough passion in his voice, it would get me to see his viewpoint and join his side.

...but it's just not that simple, Ryouta.

People aren't that simple.

My hatred isn't directed at "the strongest".

If that was the case, I would've been chasing after Kishou.


My hatred is directed towards you.

"...this is exactly what I mean."

Ryouta raised an eyebrow.

"I don't understand, Takanori-san..."

"This is exactly what I mean by you treating everyone with the same kindness..."

I whipped my sword away.

"...despite sitting comfortably at the top above everyone else on your throne made up of the failures of others... you still have the gall to look down on us, and try selling us a fantasy of "equality" and "friendship" as the solutions to the problems that you - the upper caste - bring to us, all while acting like you guys aren't the ones peddling the system and reaping all the benefits that come from us losing... well guess what? Your existence is the miracle that is a result of the problem, Ryouta!"

And crashed it back down into Ryouta's aquamarine sword, shattering it in half.

"You lack even the most fundamental understanding as to why those pure ideals you love espousing so much have never worked in the first place. If they did, then this system would've been dismantled nine years ago, back when this academy was first found. But a decade on, it still persists. And it will continue to persist, because your grand vision of unity between classes isn't a real solution. All it does is sound nice on paper. But putting it into practise, it's impossible to achieve. It's just a collective agreement that thinly works on the surface when everyone stands by it. Do you know how fragile that is? All it takes is for one person to oppose against it to make this system of mutual trust completely fall apart at the seams."

Ryouta's eyes widened as he tossed away the handle and dodged my cleaving follow up strike. He leapt back, creating a canyon of space between us.

"Equality only works when everyone involved is complicit, but by nature, human beings are greedy animals. In the first place, who decides what is equal? And if you say that the group decides, then to what extent do you implement to everyone's wants and views? We all have different thoughts, feelings, and beliefs that naturally clash with one another. Our current society proves that we can coexist, but can't live in harmony. No matter what you try to do, cohesion between everyone is unattainable, because you can't keep everyone in that sort of system happy. There will always be those who want more, and those who reject the norms because they don't fit in. What you're suggesting is nothing more than the pitiful ramblings of someone with a saviour complex!"

I leapt after him, chasing down Ryouta while throwing heavy strikes with my sword each time I got close to him. But each time, Ryouta escaped by the skin of his teeth, his body propelled backwards by the leftover traces of Valkerion's golden blessing.

"...I know that, and I understand that. I get what you're saying, because I'm also self-aware of how idealistic it sounds. I knew that, in all likelihood, this probably wouldn't work, but since we were operating on a scaled down version of society... I thought that it was worth a shot. I thought that maybe we could be different, that we could be the year group that rises above all the others, and that we could change the school in a lasting and meaningful way... it's why I asked all the leaders to form a group together. I wanted everyone to get to know each other and become friends, so we could get one step closer towards this synergistic future. While certainly some of that has been achieved... you and Machida-san are the only two who continue to refuse against it."

Ryouta ascended into the air, raising his hand into the sky. Carried by the wind, a gentle panpipe melody surrounded itself around him, causing a cascade of atoms to swirl at his fingertips, wrapping themselves together to rebirth the sword that I broke earlier.

"As much as I hate to be lumped in with that guy, we're both outliers to your vision. And, while we're here, I'll tell you this upfront right now. No amount of words you vomit or good deeds you do can change that fact for me. I won't ever accept you, Ryouta. At this school, you're my sworn enemy."

As I stood firm on the ground, pointing my Claret Sword up at Ryouta, he floated in midair, brandishing his aquamarine sword right back at me.

"I see.. so this is why you went so far as to try and fight me. You wholly, fully, completely oppose what I want to do, and what I want to stand for?"

Ryouta came back down to earth, slowly descending towards me.

"Your methods are incompatible with how I do things. I won't use broken logic like that if I have the power to make things right with my own two hands."

Ryouta closed his eyes and smiled.

"Ha ha ha... that sounds just like you. I feel like I understand you better now, Takanori-san. Thank you. I'm glad I came here now."

"...what do you mean?"

"Well... to tell you the truth, I originally had no plan to fight you. I was going to have Zyriot-san and Kawaguchi-san sweep your team and not go out myself. But the more I thought about it... the more I thought about your feelings... I realised something. So, I came here on purpose to give you what you wanted. Not because I wanted to fight you... but because I wanted to save you. That was the realisation— the conclusion I came to. The one that brought me here today, in front of you."

...in that moment, I realised that Ryouta sounded like the old me.

He was so far above everyone else, no one below him mattered.

Just like how I gave Shimada the death match he always wanted...

"...you want to save me?"

...Ryouta had given me this fight out of pity too.

"Yes. I do."

My fists tightened.

"Don't say such pretentious words. I don't need saving."

"I think you do, Takanori-san. And even if you don't, I'll still keep my hand reached out to you. Because no matter what, I'll save anyone and everyone in this world, regardless of who they are or what they've done in the past! I swear on that!"

As he said those words, I closed my eyes.

"...you really are delusional."

"Maybe I am. But if I'm not the idealistic fool of this world, then who will be? People lose their way when they sink into the mud of despair. So, I'll become their spark of hope that drags them out of it... because even the darkness deserves to become light!"

"...but what if that person is evil? What if they've done something unforgivable? What if their heart is dyed such a dark pitch black, even you can't save them?"

"That doesn't matter to me. People do bad things, but you can't separate those actions into a binary concept of good and evil without stripping away the nuances of why they committed them. The reasons that lead to the action are more important than the action itself, because it allows us to gain a level of empathy for that person. People don't do bad things because they're innately evil. They do it because they don't have anyone else to turn to or lean on in times of crisis. Something else in their life has gone so horribly wrong, it's bottlenecked their thoughts to the point that the only solution they can see is going down the path of hatred and malice. I believe— sorry, that's not quite right... I know for a fact these kinds of people are the ones who need saving most of all. And that includes you, Takanori-san."

In my mind's eye, I could see the vague shadow of him staring down at me.

That man was the complete antithesis of what Ryouta was saying right now.

There was nothing that went wrong in his life to make him turn out like this.

There was no reason for him to ever put us through that hell.

There wasn't any good reason to explain his behaviour.

And if there was one... it wasn't because the world made him turn out this way.

...but it was because he was born evil.

That's all there is to it.

He was a bad person.

Ryouta wanted to see the best in others with his explanation... but to me, it sounded like nothing but self-centred and self-absorbed lies.

It was clear he had never met a truly heinous person in his life before. His way of thinking wasn't necessarily wrong, but it was too generalised and too shallow.

He wanted to ignore the fact there are people in this world who are just simply born evil.

But I've seen proof of it existing for myself.

That man is pure evil.

And I was a byproduct of that darkness.

I was just as awful and as defective of a human being as he was.

...and that might be the only thing Ryouta has gotten right so far in this entire game.

As much as I'd hate to admit it... maybe I was the darkness.

I thought I could be a guiding light to others.

I thought I could escape the past and start anew.

I thought I could paint over the most depraved and disgusting aspects of myself and become a brand new person.

I really did think that when I enrolled at this school.

But everything that I've done...

...and everything in my past...

...as well as everything in my future...

...it was all soaked and awash in a dirty pitch black.


I dropped the sword in my hands.

......what an agitating conclusion to come to.

OST: Dark Crow

I sighed.

"...fine then."

I stepped forward, picking up the Claret Sword off the floor.

"If you want to be a hero of justice so badly..."

As I did, I began running towards Ryouta, winding it back.

"...then I'll give it to you!"

With a swift arching motion, I brought the full weight of the Claret Sword down on Ryouta, letting gravity carry the heavy blade through in one dense swing.

Ryouta gritted his teeth, bringing up his sword's edge so that it would slam against mine, killing the momentum of my attack and bringing it to a grinding halt.

"You mean to stand against me as a villain, Takanori-san?"

As they clashed once more, our two swords locked into place.

"Who said anything about that? You don't have to be evil to be the villain."

I was pushing as hard as possible, while Ryouta was repelling as hard as possible.

"Then don't become my enemy! You don't have any reason to! We can still make things work out between us!"

He narrowed his eyes and gritted his teeth, digging his heels into the ground to try and withstand my force.

"Then come at me. Come at me with all your might, and prove to me that your words aren't just for show."

Through our crossed blades, I could feel the tremors of his hands shake as he gripped the handle tighter than ever before.

"Or can you not, you faker? If you can't, you're just as worse... no, you're even worse than the rest of them."

Ryouta's eyes widened before narrowing, while a sudden surge of power in his arms allowed him to push me back with his sword.

"I'll show you... I'll show you just how serious I am about what I said earlier, Takanori-san! And I'll do it by saving the one person who refuses to be saved by me the most— you!"

I sighed, tensing up the muscles in my arm.

"Then just try to beat me."

I guess it's about time I take this fight a little bit more seriously.

"Triple Drive!!"

My blade was glittering dark red, and Ryouta's blade was shining light blue.

"First check! (Darkside Trumpeter) Critical trigger! Power to Branwen, critical to vanguard! (8000 > 18000) (43000/2 > 3/3d)"

I pushed forward, letting the bloodthirsty instinct of the Claret Sword guide me.

"Second check! (Belial Owl) Critical trigger! Power to my other Branwen, critical to vanguard! (8000 > 18000) (43000/3 > 4/3d)"

Ryouta's eyes widened as a giant crack formed down the middle of his aquamarine sword.

"Third check! (Grim Revenger) Critical trigger! Power to Branwen, critical to vanguard! (18000 > 28000) (43000/4 > 5/3d)"

Ryouta's sword snapped in half, the top of his blade flying into the distance and slicing past his cheek.

"Ryouta. This is the end for you."

As it did, a cut opened on Ryouta's cheek, causing blood to run down his face like a tear.

"Damage checks..."

With nothing to shield him, the Claret Sword came crashing down on Ryouta's entire existence.

"First! (Dikei of the Just Path) No trigger..."

From the crack in the ground the sword made, a sea of blue flames spouted up, engulfing Ryouta in the rage of a thousand falling stars.

"Second! (Origin Deity of Heavenly Light, Uranus) No trigger as well..."

He was now at five damage. If Ryouta doesn't get three consecutive heal triggers in his remaining damage checks, then I would win.

"The next damage check decides it, huh..."

A thin smile appeared on Ryouta's lowered face as his hand hovered over his deck.

"Sorry, Ryouta. It seems that, between the two of us, Lady Luck was on my side today."

He laughed, shaking his head.

"Ha ha, it's alright. I would say the same thing if I won last turn. It can't be helped since we both use decks reliant on checking triggers to win. I wonder if I can pull off a miracle too..."

As Ryouta raised his head, I could feel something about his aura change.

"Shishou... if you're still watching over me... please, just this once... grant me your blessing."

I tried suppressing my eyes widening, but my body's natural reaction overtook my controlled display of emotions.


As Ryouta flipped the top card of his deck over, I could see a faint glimmer residing in the middle of the dust cloud kicked up by the impact of my Claret Sword.

"(Aias the Fortress) Heal trigger! All effects to vanguard and healing a damage! (13000 > 23000)"

Ryouta cheered as he secured a sixth damage heal trigger. The faint glimmer I saw grew more clear, vaguely forming the shape of a tattered astral body.

"...shishou, thank you. From here on out, I'll draw on my own strength to survive. Fourth!"

I narrowed my eyes as Ryouta flipped his next card over.

"(Aias the Fortress) Alright! Heal trigger! All effects to vanguard and healing a damage! (23000 > 33000)"

Defying all odds, Ryouta managed to get another sixth damage heal. The tattered astral body forced itself to stand, even when at the brink of destruction.

"Just one more... I can't believe everything comes down to this."

Ryouta is saying that, but I know for a fact this final damage check won't be what decides our game. Unlike him, I'm not cocky enough to think this was enough to clinch it.

Even if he does manage to get another sixth damage heal here, that would mean all four heals in his deck would be out, as he used one Aias to guard earlier. I still had three more attacks lined up, all of which he and his four card hand would be forced to guard.

Granted, with those three damage triggers, Ryouta would be sitting at 43k, but all of my attacks can surpass that. All I'd need is one trigger to bump the 18k Branwen to 28k, since that column is only sitting on 38k, but my other two columns easily cleared 43k.

Claret would be attacking for 51k boosted by Amergin, and my other Branwen would be attacking for 48k boosted by Lluails. Ryouta would need 20k shield altogether to stop both, and that's not even accounting for potential triggers off my Twin Drive.

"I'll laugh if I get another sixth damage heal trigger here. What are the odds both of us get that lucky?"

"...I wouldn't know. But it would be a statistical anomaly, that's for sure."

"True. I can't afford to let myself lose here just yet anyways either. Shall we proceed, Takanori-san?"

"Of course."

"Fifth check!"

Like the sound of a hammer forging a sword, a drop of Ryouta's aura resonated and rippled out.

"(Aias the Fortress) H... heal trigger!"

Ryouta's eyes widened, a wide smile spreading across his face.

"I did it! Ha ha ha... I really did it! Power to vanguard and I heal a damage! (33000 > 43000)"

As the dust settled, all that remained was the ruptured astral body of Ryouta, who was flaking at the edges and barely standing upright. He was in even worse shape than I was, yet he beamed with even more intensity than ever before.

"Talk about a miracle... this might be the luckiest game of Vanguard I've ever played!"

He was right on the cusp of losing, yet he looked so incredibly happy. I didn't understand. How could someone find so much joy in being in a losing position?

...I asked myself that, but I already knew the answer.

It was because he was at the top.

For people like him, the feeling of losing is so foreign to them, when they actually experience it, they find a bittersweet enjoyment out of their daily routine being shaken up.

It felt like a mockery to us at the bottom, who'd do anything to escape the pervasive feeling that we're always on the verge of losing everything.

And yet here he was, enjoying that same pain, all because he knows full well that it won't harm him in the long term.

...you really are no hero.

"Claret's skill! I counterblast and bind an Amergin from drop zone! I restand the vanguard with drive -1! (43000/5/3d > 2d)"

I lugged the Claret Sword over my shoulder, walking up to the crumbling Ryouta through the blazing blue flames that separated us.

"Claret attacks! (43000/5/2d)"

I raised the Claret Sword over my head, letting it linger above Ryouta like I was about to execute him.


I swung down, cleaving straight down the middle.


Ryouta's astral body ripped in half, tearing at the edges and dissipating into stardust.

I closed my eyes.

Finally... it's over.

"I guard with Eosanesis Dragon!"

I opened my eyes, startled to hear that voice coming from behind me.

A violent draft of wind blew at my back, sweeping up the remnants of Ryouta's astral body and reforming it inside a whirlwind.

"Eosanesis' skill! By discarding an Astral Poet, my vanguard can't be hit until end of battle! In other words, perfect guard!"

...well, it can't be helped.

"Twin Drive!! (Death Feather Eagle) Critical trigger! All effects to my weaker Branwen! (18000 > 28000/1 > 2) (Grim Revenger) Critical trigger! All effects to my other Branwen! (28000 > 38000/1 > 2)"

Making a valiant comeback, Ryouta was carried away by Eosanesis, before being together by a band of Valkerion's golden light.

I had missed the mark with my finishing blow, but I could still keep going.

I could, but...

My new problem was what remained in his hand. Among those four cards, by process of elimination, I knew there was only Dikei and Thviti left, since neither Eosanesis or Astraios appeared in his Twin Drive last turn.

With that in mind, he could use Dikei to guard my smaller Branwen attack and Thiviti to guard my larger Branwen attack.

In other words... Ryouta would just barely survive.

As for whether or not he could close out the game on his turn... the chances of that are unlikely.

However, earlier, I was able to catch a glimpse of how well he could control being in The Zone.

And moments before he used his Skill for a second time, I could tell what he was about to unleash on me.

Balance Breaker.

Because Ryouta had that unknown variable, it was still completely possible for him to turn things around and beat me.

I stared at my eleven card hand with no perfect guards.

I sighed, looking up into the fluorescent white lights that shined over me and him.

I could still keep going...

I could still keep attacking...

...I could, but there's something even more important than this fight that I still need to take care of.

"...turn end."

Ryouta's eyes widened.

It looked like I was in a prime position to win, especially because Ryouta would be starting his next turn with no cards in hand.

However, winning here was the last thing I had to do.

This wasn't just a simple cardfight.

It was a cardfight tied to a greater special exam.

And in order to get the outcome I want...

...I'm going to need Ryouta to win.

If there's one thing he's good for... he's a very convenient tool.

"T-Takanori-san, are you sure about this...? You still have two more attacks, and—"

"I mean what I said, Ryouta-san. Turn end."

Ryouta gulped.

"...just what are you planning?"

Hand: 11
Damage: 5
Ritual: 1

Hand: 2
Damage: 5

"Stand and draw! (13000/1 > 2) Unfortunately, I don't have another Uranus in my hand to Persona Ride, so I won't be able to get another Force marker on my rear-guard. Instead, I'll call Dikei of the Just Path! Dikei's skill, I put a card from hand into soul to scry 7 and add two Astral Poets from among them to hand! I add Eosanesis Dragon and Gleaming Uranus! Since I added two, another Imaginary Gift: Force goes on my vanguard circle!"

Unless he could use Astral Entropy again, it would essentially be a meaningless Gift since he's on Force II right now.

"I call Gleaming Uranus, Eosanesis Dragon, and Astraios Dragon! Eosanesis' skill, I counterblast to add an Astral Deity from deck to hand! I choose Valkerion! And since I added, I put another Imaginary Gift: Force on my vanguard circle! Origin Uranus' skill! Since I have three or more Force markers on vanguard circle, I soulblast the Valkerion in my soul to open the Astral Plane!"

As if the stars had aligned, Ryouta had fielded all four Astral Poets on his board. Origin Uranus on his vanguard circle, Gleaming Uranus and Eosanesis Dragon on his back row rear-guard circles, and two Astraios Dragon on his front row rear-guard circles.

"Throughout heaven and throughout earth, I am the lord of my future. Divinity graces my body and stardust flows through my veins. I have created over a thousand miracles, unknown to them, nor known to you. I have withstood hell to protect the world, but I was too close to heaven to ever catch anything. My whole life has been dedicated to salvation. So, as I pray... answer my wish! Giant Deity of Distant World, Valkerion! (70000/1 > 2)"

Emptying his hand, Ryouta was going for broke this turn.

"Valkerion's skill! I scry five and drop a copy of Valkerion from among them! Persona Blast! He gets Quintuple Drive! (70000/2/0d > 5d) Battle! Valkerion attacks! (70000/2/5d) Unlimited Blazar Reworks!"

I sighed and put down my Claret Sword.

"No guard."

As if repeating a bad dream, the twelve stars circling Valkerion's back formed a halo, this time blasting me with a barrage of arrays that blinded my vision and engulfed it in bright light.

"Quintuple Drive!!!!!"

I closed my eyes, feeling the twelve torpedoing beams pierce through my collapsing astral body.

"First! (Origin Deity of Heavenly Light, Uranus)"

This is how it's meant to be.

"Second! (Phinomenus of the Constellations)"

From the very start, this was a fight I was never supposed to win.

"Third! (Holy Heavenly Dragon, Eoanesis Dragon)"

At some point, I lost sight of what I came here to achieve.

"Fourth! (Quaking Heavenly Dragon, Astraios Dragon)"

I was able to have a taste of Ryouta's strength.

"Fifth! (Battle Maiden, Kukurihime) Get, critical trigger! Power to Astraios Dragon, critical to Valkerion! (13000 > 23000) (70000/2 > 3/5d)"

That was more than enough for me.

"This is the end!"

The next time we meet on the battlefield, I won't throw away my victory so easily.

"Fall into the void... Genocide of Origin!"

...I'll make sure of it.

"Damage check. (Claret Sword Dragon)"

The game was over as I took my sixth and final damage.

Ryouta breathed a sigh of relief, before furrowing his brow.

Was he unsatisfied with how things ended?

"Good game, Takanori-san..."

Considering how deflated he sounded while saying that, Ryouta must've been deep in thought, pondering over what just happened.

"...good game."

After saying the bare minimum to be respectful, I turned around and started walking away from the table.

"Takanori-san... wait!"

As I did, Ryouta called out my name. I slowed to a halt, before looking at him over my shoulder.

"Tell me... why did you lose on purpose?"

I tilted my head down before turning away from Ryouta once more.

"Who knows. You should be able to intuit that much, can't you?"

"That's... t-that's...! Of course I can!"

I could hear frustration well up in Ryouta's voice.

With how this fight played out, it wasn't anything like he imagined.

Especially with such an abrupt conclusion.

It's types like him that want a serious all-out fight the most.

That's why people like him hate it when they see others give up without trying.

So, the most disrespectful thing you can do to them is throw on purpose.

Because in their eyes, that's the same as demeaning the fight.

...I understand, because I'm like that too.

"Takanori-san... I swear this won't be the last time we fight! I promise that the next time we face off against each other, we'll do it fair and square! I refuse to accept a cheap win like this!"

I sighed.

I'm sure we will, Ryouta.

I'm sure we will.

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