- Part 8

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I returned back to the stands where the rest of my group was. Kishida greeted me with a small nod, whereas Yamamoto glanced at me before looking away.

"Welcome back, Takanori-san. Don't mind the loss."

I nodded, taking a seat next to Kishida. He glance at Yamamoto, who was sat one space away from us, also expecting him to greet me. However, he soon realised Yamamoto was more interested in watching the remaining fights play out.

"Eh? Did you two fight?"

Kishida whispered that question to me, but I shrugged in response. I could only guess that Yamamoto was either angry or disappointed at me for throwing my match against Ryouta on purpose.

With that, no other words were exchanged between us, and round 7 came to an uneventful end.

Round 8 started, and our opponents were Akihiro's group. This also confirmed to us that Yahagi's group would be our opponents in round 9, which was the final round.

Since Akihiro was first to go out for his group, Yamamoto decided he would be the one best fit to fight him. Likewise, he decided that Kishida should fight Imaishi, and that I should fight Fujita.

In contrast to our performance in the last two rounds, our group actually won against Akihiro's group. Yamamoto got the upper hand against Akihiro, and Kishida scraped a win against Imaishi.

Ultimately though, this was a worthless round for both our groups, as the only ones left in the running for reaching the finals was Ryouta's group and Yahagi's group.

Round 9 would begin shortly, and when the pairings were announced, it was just as we expected. Our opponents were Yahagi's group.

With how everyone's win records were, it was a certainty Ryouta's group would make the finals. They were the only ones to go X-0, so even if they lost round 9, they'd still make it in since the only other X-1 group is Yahagi's group.

However, that's where the weakness of Yahagi's group lies.

They were currently making it into the finals because everyone else was currently at X-2 or worse. If they suffer a loss in round 9, their win record would drop to X-2, and two other groups would enter the runnings.

Kirishima's group, and more importantly, Mitsuba's group.

It would become a three-way tiebreaker to see who would enter the finals. And if the school calculates it the way I'm thinking they do...

...no, I shouldn't get excited just yet. While the prospect of Mitsuba's group getting through to the finals would be ideal, it's still hugely uncertain. For now, I'll continue operating under the assumption they don't make it in.

In any case, our match against Yahagi's group in round 9 would prove to be the most crucial and important fight of this round... and, in some aspects, arguably the entire tournament.

"To think it'd come down to us to stop them... what an ironic twist of fate."

I muttered that to myself, glancing over at Yamamoto and Kishida.

"Why is everyone staring so intensely at us?" Kishida said.

"...because our match will determine who will enter the finals alongside Ryouta-san's group. If we win, then Kirishima-san's group and Mitsuba-san's group have a chance to make it in. If we won against Ryouta-san's group like we should've, we'd also be in the running too."

As Yamamoto said that, his eyes fixated on me.

"But that isn't the case. Conversely, if we lose, it means Yahagi-san's group will make it through."

"Oh, I see. That's a lot of pressure..."

"...not really. Haven't you noticed, Kishida-san?"

Kishida shook his head. Yamamoto sighed, before spelling it out for him.

"There's a conflict of interest here. Yahagi-san's group is a primarily A Class group. Mitsuba-san's group is a primarily D Class group. It's in my favour if we lose this match, but it's in Takanori-san's favour if we win instead. It would be easy for me to lose on purpose to get Yahagi-san's group in, but I know that isn't what he, and maybe you as well, wouldn't want."

In Yamamoto's words was the implication that neither me or Kishida were able to beat the other two members of Yahagi's group.

"Then... what should we do?"

"...you're the only impartial member left here. What else is there can we do but have you decide? That way, we'll have a two to one vote on which group we should let into the finals. It's the most fair way to decide this."

When Yamamoto said that, Kishida's eyes widened.

"Wait, wait, wait... there's no way I'm qualified enough to make a decision like that!"

"Why not?"

"Because I'm just a lowly C Class student with no opinion on the matter? I don't want the responsibility of whatever outcome this fight has on the class standings either. Instead of trying to play God and make things go your way, you guys should just let things play out naturally. Let your cards decide the fate of each group. Isn't that the entire point of this tournament?"

Hearing that, Yamamoto cracked a brief smile before returning to his usual neutral expression.

"Good answer. And to be honest, I wanted to do things that way as well. Even if it might mean screwing my own class over... I'd rather honour integrity over rigging the finals."

"Agreed! What about you, Takanori-san?"

"...do as you like. I don't mind either way. I just have one small request though."

"And that is?" Yamamoto said.

As our groups were discussing, Yahagi's group stopped blatantly in front of us.

I gave a sidelong glance at the three A Class students, before standing straight and pointing at Yahagi.

Yahagi raised an eyebrow, before realising what I was insinuating.

"Let me fight him."

"...I was just about to say the same thing. Glad to see we're on the same wavelength, Takanori-san."

Yamamoto looked between the two of us.

"You two know each other?"


"Yes, I do. Me and Takanori-san have some gripes we need to settle with each other."

"Gripes?" Yamamoto said.

Yahagi sighed.

"You've seen it before, haven't you? You're the one who spends most time with her."

"...are you referring to Yogen-san?"

"Of course. That little minx is always running off, mingling with the other classes, and interacting with them like it's natural. It's like she doesn't see any value in her status as an A Class student."

"What's wrong with that? Ryouta-san said we should be kind to the other classes."

"There's nothing inherently wrong with it. But to be honest, I disagree with that way of thinking. I've made my views on this fact very clear, both in class and to Ryouta-san. We are A Class students. We live on a plane above everyone else. Thus, we should act like it."

Yamamoto narrowed his eyes at Yahagi. His twin sister, Yumi, felt the same way as Ryouta, and wanted everyone in our year to get along better. Hearing Yahagi essentially trample over his sister's ideology must've got on his nerves.

"We don't have to be cruel to the students below us, I agree. But at the very least, we shouldn't be interacting with them either. Stay in our lane, so to speak. Out of all the people in class I've confronted over their conduct and behaviour, Yogen-san was the only one to double down and start hanging out with the lower classes even more. And not just that, out of all the classes she could've possibly chose, she decided to hang out with E Class. And not just any E Class student... she chose to hang out with the worst one of them all— Takanori-san."

Yamamoto glanced over to me.

"...I will admit, I've seen Yogen-san and Takanori-san hang out together more often than I expected. But like I said earlier... why does that matter? What she does is none of your business. Your only connection to her is the fact you're in the same class."

"Does it not bother you? Knowing that your own reputation is being tarnished because of the actions of one of your classmates?"

"I don't understand your logic here, Yahagi-san."

"Our class is a cohesive unit. As such, since we're all A Class students, our appearance and actions and will reflect on one another and represent what we're like as a whole. If Yogen-san makes the wrong impression, it lingers on the rest of us. And what she's doing is actively smearing our names by associating our class with the likes of E Class. Especially the ones at the bottom rungs of that class."

Yamamoto sighed. It seems he was tired of responding to his twisted logic.

I couldn't blame him. He was still referring to us as E Class, despite the fact we moved up to D Class at the end of this semester. Did he conveniently forget that fact, or did he still see us as E Class because that was our original standing?

Well, if I'm going to fight Yahagi, I might as well step in... his problem is with me anyways.

"Then what about Shimada-san?"

Yahagi looked over to me and sighed.

"Trust me, he reflects our class the worst. No amount of words I or Ryouta-san say will get through that thick skull of his, so I've written him off as a lost cause. His problem is inherently within himself. But for Yogen-san, it's possible to nip her problem in the bud."

Yahagi walked up to me, getting into my personal space as he looked down at me with a thin smile.

"All I have to do is beat you."

"...you think I can disappear that easily after one cardfight?"

"Why not? I'll humiliate you so thoroughly, you'll have no choice but to leave this school altogether out of shame."

There wasn't even a hint of sarcasm or jokiness in his voice.

He was dead serious about crushing me to the point I'd voluntarily leave this school.

I looked up at Yahagi.

"Sorry, Yahagi-san. I have no intentions of leaving anytime soon. I have a class to take care of, after all."

Yahagi chuckled.

"Let's see if you can still say that after this fight is over."

An eerie premonition hung over my head.

For some reason, Yahagi sounded awfully confident about this plan of his. It seemed so obvious to fail, someone as rational and logical as him should've rejected it from the very start.

So, why was he acting like this was some sort of surefire way to get me out of this school? Unless he knew something that I don't, there shouldn't be anything in his possession that he can use against me.

"I'll meet you on the battlefield, Takanori-san."

Yahagi turned around, waving goodbye as he went downstairs. Once he was out of earshot, Yamamoto bowed towards me.

"...I apologise on behalf of Yahagi-san's behaviour. He's been really obsessive about cleaning up our image for some reason. I didn't expect you to get caught up in it."

I held out my hand slightly and shook my head.

"It's fine, don't worry about it. It's not like you were doing it."

"I know... but it's ironic that how he's behaving right now is negatively affecting our class image more than Yogen-san hanging out with you. Can't he see the bigger picture?"

"You claim not to be close to Yogen-san, but you batted for her pretty well back there."

"...I'm really not close to her. She's just a friend of my sister. Why she interacts with me, I'll never know."

"I think she might have a type." Kishida said.

Me and Yamamoto both looked at him like deers in headlights.

"What? It's not that much of a stretch, is it? You guys are pretty similar in both looks and personality."

Me and Yamamoto stared at each other, not exchanging a single word.

"...I think I'm going to go fight Yahagi-san."

"...yeah, you go do that."

After a few seconds mulling over it, both me and Yamamoto mutually agreed to move on as soon as possible. Kishida laughed at his unexpected discovery, before shouting some words of encouragement at me.

"Good luck, Takanori-san! This is our last match, so try to win if possible!"

"Thanks. I'll do my best."

I waited to see if Yamamoto had any words to say to me, but it looked like he didn't. Well, I guess now's a better time than any to ask.

"By the way, Yamamoto-san?"

Yamamoto perked his head.

"...what is it?"

"Mind if you do me a favour?"

"Depends on what it is."

"Well... it involves this."

After sorting that deal out, I headed downstairs. On my way there, I saw Ryouta waiting at the bottom of the stairwell.

"Ah, Takanori-san! There you are."

Ryouta smiled and waved at me.

"...Ryouta-san. Were you waiting down here just for me?"

"Umm... yes?"

I sighed. For the leader of A Class, Ryouta could sure be an idiot sometimes.

"B-but that's besides the point! There's something I actually forgot to tell you during our fight."

"...and that is?"

"After this tournament is all over... would you be willing to meet me in my room? I want to talk to you about something."

"...and that is?"

"Umm... it's about those sunglasses you wear."

My eyes widened slightly.

"...alright. I'll come meet you when this is all over."

Ryouta burst into a closed eye smile.

"Ah, yay! Thank you so much, Takanori-san! Good luck on your fight, by the way!"

I nodded before walking through the double doors that led straight to my next and final opponent.

Yahagi Kyoji.

"Yo. Glad to see you didn't coward out of this."

"...well, it's not like I had a choice. It just so happened that my group ended up being the only ones left who can stop you from advancing."

"Then consider me glad that things ended up this way. I couldn't have asked for a better stage to crush you on. I've been looking forward to this."

"...I see."

I tried my best not to care about this fight, but the ominous words Yahagi said earlier were still lingering in the back of my mind.

There was one obvious way for him to force me to leave this school.

It was if he exposed my past to everyone here.

If that came out, I'd have no choice but to run away.

And the cruel part was, this wasn't an impossibility.

Yahagi was from A Class, the same class as Shimada and Ryouta.

Shimada could've told him, or Ryouta could've pieced the truth together through his impeccable observational skills and shared it with everyone else.

There was also the fact his group was still roaming the mountainside when me and Shimada had our death match.

He could've been watching us from afar without us knowing, hidden in the darkness.

No... there was also one other way that Yahagi could get me out of this school.

In my mind's eye, I could see Matsushita and Alice.

Either one of them could've snitched about me blackmailing them to Yahagi.

If Yahagi were to expose that, then my position as class leader would crumble.

And not just that, but I'd lose trust from everyone in my class for using such forceful tactics.

There were two very real possibilities on how he could obtain something he could use against me.

Suddenly, his vague threats felt that much more real.

"You feeling nervous? I can see beads of sweat form on your forehead."

Yahagi was good at psychological warfare, I'll give him that.

"Not really."

"You'll be feeling it soon then. Are you ready?"

"More or less."

"Then let's do it."

"Stand up, (the!) Vanguard!"

"Promising Knight, David!"

"Stealth Dragon, Adverspike."

It looks like Yahagi was back to playing Murakumo. I guess he wanted to beat me with his own deck, or at least the deck he's most comfortable with. Well, it works out better this way for me.

It might sound strange, especially since it scales super hard late game where my deck is weakest, but between the three decks he used throughout the tournament, I'd much rather be fighting against HYU-GA than the other two.

The reason for that is simple.

His deck was top-loaded with sixteen grade 3s that had no shield value. This meant the chance of Yahagi drawing a hand with low shield was extremely high, and I could easily take advantage of that by rushing out the gate with my deck.

Essentially, the strategy here was the same as when I fought Ryouta. I had step on the gas as hard as possible from the get go to capitalise on his glaring early game weakness, so I was actually hoping the system would choose me to go second.

"Good luck and have fun, Takanori-san. This might be the last time you get to enjoy yourself."

"You too, Yahagi-san."

"First Turn: Takanori Yuuto."

Unfortunately, the system decided I would go first. Well, I'll make it work somehow...

"Stand and draw! I ride Blue Espada Dragon from the Ride Deck! Blue Espada's skill, I scry 3... and whiff, meaning they all go to drop. David's skill, I draw! Amergin's skill, since he was discarded, I scry 3, mill an Ildona from among them, and botdeck the rest! Then I use an Ildona from hand, discarding him to reveal the top 10 cards of my deck, and since there's two or more grade 1s among them, I add Claret to my hand! I call Skull Witch, Nemain and use her skill! I rest her to superior call Strict Order Knight, Llualis from deck! Turn end."

Hand: 5
Damage: 0
Ritual: 4

Hand: 5
Damage: 0

"Stand and draw. I ride Stealth Rogue of Summoning, Jiraiya! Adverspike's skill, I draw and gain a Quick Shield ticket! Jiraiya's skill, I draw and botdeck my Quick Shield! Jiraiya attacks! (8000)"

"No guard."

"Drive check! (Covert Demonic Dragon, Hyakki Vogue)"

"Damage check! (Mage of Entwined Roots, Amergin)"

"Turn end."

Hand: 5
Damage: 1
Ritual: 4

Hand: 8
Damage: 0

"Stand and draw! I ride Witch of Reality, Femme from my Ride Deck! Femme's skill, I soulblast to make you call two grade 0 units from drop over your units! However, since you can't, she gets a drive check instead! (10000/1d > 2d) Nemain's skill, I rest her to call another Lluails! Then, from my hand, I call Cherishing Knight, Branwen and Perennial Knight, Rimmon! Branwen's effect, I scry 5, add Lughaid to hand, and discard one. She also gets +5k since I have three grade 1s in drop. (8000 > 13000) Both of my Lluails' skills, since I have five or more grade 1 rear-guards, they get +15k! (5000 > 20000) (5000 > 20000) Femme attacks! (10000/2d) Illusion Diablo!"

"Rushing me like how you did against Ryouta-san, huh? I guard with Dark Knight Stealth Rogue, Clogg. (23000) Two to pass."

"This is just the way Claret plays. You shouldn't be surprised. Twin Drive!! (Death Feather Eagle) Critical, all effects to Branwen! (13000 > 23000/1 > 2) (Darkside Trumpeter) Looks like I've still got it in me. Critical, all effects to Rimmon! (8000 > 18000/1 > 2)"

It had been awhile since I had gotten a double critical off my turn 2 Twin Drive, so seeing this felt a little reassuring for me.

"Boosted by Lluails, Rimmon attacks! (18000 > 38000/2)"

"No guard. (Gateway Stealth Rogue, Ataka, Covert Demonic Dragon, Dansetsu Anarch) Hmm, no triggers huh?"

"Boosted by Lluails, Branwen attacks! (23000 > 43000/2)"

"Well, I didn't want to use it early but I have no choice. Heal Guardian, Covert Demonic Dragon, Kumadori Dope! (23000) Kumadori's effect, I reduce your unit's critical by 2!"

"That's fine. Turn end."

Hand: 5
Damage: 1
Ritual: 6

Hand: 6
Damage: 2

"Stand and draw. I ride Stealth Fiend, Lady Silhouetta! Silhouetta's effect, I counterblast and reveal Meomaru in my hand to call a copy of him to rear-guard! Lady Silhouetta attacks Branwen! (9000)"

Since my vanguard was 10k, Yahagi was forced to swing into one of my rear-guards, which were 8k. It didn't exactly benefit him though, since having grade 1s in drop would benefit me later, and my deck only really needed counterblast for Claret.

The only other cards in my deck that counterblast are Lughaid, Ildona, Rimmon, and Abyssal Owl, but it wasn't in my best interest to call down grade 3s, since it would turn off Lluails, and I could go without using any of their effects.

Since I took that attack on turn 1, I had all the counterblast I needed for turn 3. And Nemain could replace one of my rear-guards with another copy of Lluails, which is arguably even better.

"No guard."

"Drive check! (Stealth Beast, Leaves Mirage) Draw trigger. I give all effects to Meomaru and draw. (9000 > 19000)"

Yahagi finding that perfect guard was a little annoying, but I could still work around it.

"Branwen is retired."

"Meomaru attacks the vanguard! (19000)"

"No guard. (Skull Witch, Nemain)"

"Turn end."

Hand: 5
Damage: 2
Ritual: 7

Hand: 7
Damage: 2

"Stand and draw. Only the strong have the right to wield this sword! A true dictator overcomes adversity with strength, and strength alone! I ride my avatar, Claret Sword Dragon!"

"Imaginary Gift: Force I! On the vanguard circle! (13000 > 23000)"

As Yahagi wasn't at three damage yet, I saw no point in trying to pressure with two critical. This was also a safer route since there was still the possibility that he had another Heal Guardian in hand.

Combined with his PG, Yahagi could easily shut down my entire turn with just those two cards, and that was a risk I wasn't willing to take.

"Now that's a rogue choice you've gone for there. Usually you choose Force II. Did you get cold feet seeing me at two damage or something?"

"You A Class guys sure love to talk a lot during fights. Claret's skill! I scry 3, mill two grade 1s from among them to give him +20k, and shuffle. (23000 > 43000) Nemain's skill, I rest her to call Lluails from deck! All three of my Lluails' skill, they get +15k! (5000 > 20000) (5000 > 20000) (5000 > 20000) Let's rock. Claret attacks! (43000) Septimum Eraser!"

"Part of the fun is getting to know what your opponent is like. Wouldn't you agree? No guard!"

Since he didn't call anything to guard, it's safe to assume he'll probably perfect guard the second attack. If he does have a Heal Guardian, he's probably saving it for my rear-guard columns.

"There's nothing about you I want to learn. Twin Drive!! (Origin Mage, Ildona, Grim Revenger) Critical trigger! Power to Rimmon, critical to vanguard! (8000 > 18000) (43000/1 > 2)"

"Getting a bit feisty now, aren't we? Damage checks. (Stealth Beast, Moon Edge) Critical trigger. I give all effects to vanguard. (9000 > 19000) (Covert Demonic Dragon, Kumadori Dope) Heal trigger. I give all effects to vanguard and recover a damage. (19000 > 29000) Nice, double damage triggers."

Yahagi smirked at what he got, but that still wouldn't be enough to stop my remaining three attacks. At best, it would cushion his hand from being absolutely ripped to shreds, assuming he had any cards with shield in there in the first place.

If anything, it was more annoying that he got out of the four damage range. That would definitely alleviate a lot of pressure on him if I got a critical in my second vanguard attack. In that case... I think I'll hold off from using my Skill this turn.

"Claret's skill! I counterblast and bind 7 grade 1s in drop to restand the vanguard with drive -1! (43000/2d > 1d) Once more, Claret attacks! (43000/1d) Nihil Bloodriver!"

"Leaves Mirage, perfect guard."

"Drive check! (Darkside Trumpeter) Critical trigger! All effects to Lluails! (20000 > 30000/1 > 2) Boosted by Lluails, Rimmon attacks! (18000 > 38000)"

"Sanjee guards. (39000)"

"Boosted by Lluails, Lluails attacks! (30000 > 50000/2)"

"No guard. (Stealth Fiend, Lady Silhouetta, Samurai Chieftain, HYU-GA)"

"Turn end."

Now that I've pushed Yahagi to five, if I could make it out to my next turn, then victory was within my grasp.

Hand: 8
Damage: 2
Ritual: 3

Hand: 4
Damage: 5

"Stand and draw. It's time for you to be put in your place. The sword dipped in scarlet that arches through the night, cleave through my destiny and sever the bridge that connects my karma to this wandering soul. The chieftain descends! I ride Samurai Chieftain, HYU-GA!"

"Imaginary Gift: Accel II! I draw. I call Covert Demonic Dragon, Hyakki Vogue (12000 > 17000) and Stealth Fiend, One-eyed Nyudo. HYU-GA's effect, I counterblast and call a grade 3 from my deck since you have a grade 3 unit. I call another Covert Demonic Dragon, Dansetsu Anarch! Then, all my units and your units become HYU-GA. Dansetsu's skill, he gets +5k since he was called from deck. (12000 > 17000) Nyudo's skill, since I have another unit with the same name as him, he gets Boost and a new skill. Hyakki's skill, I counterblast and discard one to superior call a copy of him from deck, and all my units with the same name as him get +10k. (17000 > 27000) (9000 > 19000) (12000 > 22000) (17000 > 27000) (12000 > 22000) Skill, activate!"

Yahagi's visor started glowing maroon brown.

"Namebound Spiral! I choose one of my units, and their name becomes the same as one of my units. I choose my newly called Hyakki Vogue, turning him into HYU-GA. Then, he gets +3k for each of my units with the same card name, and can attack from the back row until end of turn. (12000 > 30000) Dansetsu's skill, all my rear-guards with the same name as my vanguard get +5k. (27000 > 32000) (19000 > 24000) (27000 > 32000) (30000 > 35000) (22000 > 27000) Let's begin your descent to hell. HYU-GA attacks! (22000) Floating Dual Arts— Rasen Sword Overwrite!"

"No guard!"

"Twin Drive!! (Stealth Rogue of Indignation, Meomaru, Dark Knight Stealth Rogue, Clogg) Critical trigger. I give power to Hyakki and critical to vanguard. (32000 > 42000) (22000/1 > 2)"

"Damage checks! (Cherishing Knight, Branwen, Blue Espada Dragon) No triggers."

"How sad. If you got even a single trigger, you might've had enough shield to survive the rest of my onslaught."

"Who says I don't have enough? I have eight cards in hand."

"Unfortunately for you, I know that you have two grade 3s in hand. Since your highest shield value is Belial Owl, which you've seen none this entire game, I'm confident that you won't be able to guard the rest of my attacks. Especially after I swing with Meomaru! (24000) Meomaru's skill! I soulblast to give all my rear-guards with the same name as my vanguard +5k! (42000 > 47000) (24000 > 29000) (32000 > 37000) (35000 > 40000) (27000 > 32000) Try defending against this at four damage, Takanori-san!"

"Dead Armour and Amergin guards! (33000)"

"How long can you keep this false defence up, I wonder? My back row Hyakki will attack! (40000)"

"Darkside Trumpeter and Grim Revenger guards! (43000)"

"That confirms it. You don't have Belial in hand. If you did, you would've guarded with him, since that would've been more shield efficient for your hand. My front row Hyakki attacks! (47000)"

"No guard! (Knight of Foolhardiness, Lughaid)"

"Boosted by Nyudo, Dansetsu Anarch will finish this! (37000 > 69000) You're going to need 60k worth of shield to stop this. Does your measly four card hand with two blanks have that?"

"It doesn't."

"Then take the damage and get this over with."

"Is this your idea of publicly humiliating me, Yahagi-san? Beating me on turn 3 using an off-meta deck?"

"Quit stalling and accept your loss."

"Not until you answer my question."

"I don't have to answer anything for someone like you."

"Huh, is that so?"

I raised a card in my hand. Yahagi raised an eyebrow.

"Then allow me to humiliate you right here and now."

"You? Humiliate me? Don't make me laugh."

"My hand might not have 60k worth of shield, but it does have 0k. And that's all I need to stop this attack."

When I said that, Yahagi's eyes widened.

"Wait... but that's impossible! Surely you don't have that... you were just using Belial today in your fight against Ryouta-san!"

It seems he understood immediately.

"Did you forget who's in my group?"

Yahagi's eyes darted into the stands, zooming in on the lone man watching our fight.


"That's right. Just like me, he also plays Shadow Paladin. But unlike me..."

I dropped the card into the guardian circle.

"He plays draw triggers. I perfect guard with Dark Shield, Mac Lir!"

Yahagi was too stunned to speak.

"You were so sure of the information Ryouta-san gave you, you never looked past the possibility of our decks changing to suit the match-up... funnily enough, I got the idea of switching out my crit sentinels for perfect guards from you."

"From me...?"

Yahagi was in disbelief that he ever told me anything of the sort.

"That's right. When I saw you switch what deck you were using every other round, it made me realise that we didn't have to use the same decklist each round. As such, I took some inspiration and came up with this idea, saving it for when I eventually fought you to catch you off guard."

It's also why I didn't switch Belial for Mac Lir in my fight against Ryouta despite it being more optimal, since I needed to lose against him on purpose, and I wanted to save this as a surprise for when I fought Yahagi.

"In other words... you were your own undoing."

Instead of lashing out at me, Yahagi took a deep breath, recomposing himself. However, as he looked at me, spite lingered in his eyes.

"I see... how interesting. You got lucky entering this aspect with another Shadow Paladin user then."

"Even if I didn't, I could've easily asked someone who did have Mac Lir to let me borrow them for this fight. It's not like any other match matters now except ours."

"If you insist. Nyudo's skill, I put him into soul to draw. Turn end!"

Hand: 2
Damage: 5
Ritual: 5

Hand: 5
Damage: 5

OST: Gluttony Fang II

"Stand and draw."

Before I could continue, Yahagi interrupted me by yelling into the crowd.

"Oi, is everybody here watching our fight? If you aren't, you should! Because I have something to tell all of you!"

If he was beckoning everyone's attention towards us, this could only mean one thing.

Yahagi was going to try and humiliate me in front of everyone here.

"What is it, Yahagi-san?"

The first person who responded to him was Ryouta, who was up on the stands peering down on us.

Seeing him pay attention to our fight, everyone else followed suit, regardless of their class or standing.

So this was the power of being the strongest in our year, huh?

"There's something everybody here should know about Takanori-san."

Here it was.

The thing that I've been anticipating the most during this entire fight.

What would Yahagi do or say that would drive me out of this school once and for all?

"What is it?"

Yahagi smirked.

"Takanori-san is a leech."

Hearing him say that, it made me want to laugh.

Just what is he saying now?

I could hear murmurs spread throughout the room as Yahagi accused me of that.

"Quite literally too. And I can prove it."

The people who hate me are probably having a field day thinking about how Yahagi was going to expose me.

But I remained calm, partially because I knew it wasn't true, and partially because I didn't know what sort of evidence he was going to pull out of thin air.

"Some of you may be unaware, since Takanori-san has been trying to keep this fact under wraps, but during the last week of our first semester, he managed to expel someone. More specifically, he paid for the expulsion of the leader of 2nd Year A Class, Oozora Yuudai!"

...ah. So this is the angle he was going with, huh?

The moment Yahagi brought that up, I immediately understood how he was going to say I'm a leech.

The murmuring around us became thicker Yahagi spewed this fact to the world. Not many people have heard of this before, but it's because they're not aware of the stalker situation in the 2nd Year nor do they care about me.

Unlike what Yahagi claimed, I never tried keeping this a secret at all. If anything, having more people know about this fact benefits me since it makes me look better, like I'm a ruthless leader with a large backing.

However... it's that second part which Yahagi would try to pin that accusation on.

"Now, paying for an expulsion is no easy feat. In fact, when I asked Hiden-sensei, he told me it costed 20 million private points."

"T-twenty million?!"

"Takanori-san is that loaded...?!"

"But he's a D Class student... there's no way he could afford it..."

"Not even an A Class student would have 20 million points by the end of this semester."

"Did he embezzle the points?"

"The school should investigate how he got so many."

"But if the school went through with the payment for expulsion, it must mean it's legit..."

These sorts of whisperings heightened in volume. Yahagi was ecstatic that his words were creating such buzz.

"That's correct, you heard me right. Somehow, Takanori-san, the leader of what was once E Class, managed to scrape together 20 million points to expel someone from not even our year. I'm sure you're all wondering, what gives? Well, the answer is sitting right in front of you. Don't you remember what I said earlier?"

"Wait... does that mean he leeched those private points off someone else?"

"Huh? I can't imagine that loser having rich friends."

"I bet he's sucking the ass of an upperclassman for those points."

"So this is what being poor does to someone..."

"Ass sucker! Leech leader!"

"Woman beater! Leech leader! Go earn your keep!"

I sighed.

Once again, someone was trying to smear my reputation in lies.

Well, at least I'm used to words like this being thrown my way. It makes it sting less.

"That's right. It's exactly what you think, everyone! Takanori-san leeched those 20 million private points off two upperclassmen! He begged for 10 million from Mikazuchi-senpai, and stole the remaining 10 million from an anonymous source!"

"That's so creepy..."

"He stole that many points?!"

"It's the only reasonable explanation... I can't imagine someone seriously forking over 10 million to this loser."

"That, or they stayed anonymous out of sheer embarrassment donating to this woman beating ass sucking leech."

"Just what kind of shady backdoor dealings is he doing?"

"We should get the school to investigate his transactions!"

"Leech leader! Leech leader!"

The chanting got louder and louder, hotter and hotter, boiling to the point all their words and insults blended together and became white noise to me.

From the crowd, someone chucked an empty water bottle at my head. I cocked my head to dodge it, only to get bombarded by more empty bottles.

What do they think this is, a gladiator pit? I can't believe they've started flinging things at me...

Yahagi really knows how to rile up a crowd. I haven't had so many people angry with me since Hashimoto accused me of hitting Shimizu.

"Students of D Class! As well as students of E Class seeking promotion, and students of C Class fearing demotion! I want you to open your eyes to the reality of what kind of person your leader is! Do you really want to follow someone as crooked and twisted as him? He may produce results occasionally, but this is the cost of them! He'll do anything and everything without caring who gets hurt in the process as long as he gets his way in the end! Can you seriously commit yourselves to a man like this? Do you want a man like this to lead your class?! If not, then stand up and face against him! End this tyranny that the leech Takanori has forced upon you!"

Not only was he trying to drown my reputation, but he was also trying to get my own class to rebel against me and kick me out of my leader position.

So this is how he was going to drive me out of this school.... Yahagi was trying to strip me of everything I have so I'm reduced to having nothing left, to the point that I have no reason to stay on this island anymore.

And when that happens... when everyone ends up hating me and deserting me... I'll have only two options.

Continue living here as a nobody shunned by everyone else.

Or restart my new life anew elsewhere.

...for anyone else, this might've actually worked.

If Yahagi could successfully turn Ryouta's class or Zyriot's class against them, they might seriously leave the school as a result.

But unfortunately for him, my class has already been there and done that.

My kingdom was built off the back of everyone hating me.

The people who follow me now are following me because they've seen my strength with their own two eyes.

I've given them a reason to put their faith in me.

I've convinced them that my side is the strongest.

Words as hollow as his won't break the bonds I forged with the Takanori Group.

And even if he manages to successfully tear everyone away from me...

Even Yukina...

...I'd never leave this school.

The shadow sways in my mind.

...it seems I had no reason to take Yahagi seriously.

My own conviction was more than enough of an antidote against his meaningless lies.

And after seeing what he's had to say, I have even less reason to take him seriously now.

The only impressive thing Yahagi has ever done in his entire life is make me want to laugh at something.

I'm certain of that much.

"Yahagi-san... you haven't studied up on my class, and it shows."

"What is there to study about a bunch of on the edge dropouts like you?"

"You're telling everyone in my class to rebel against me... but you're forgetting one very important detail."

I raised the card in my hand and slammed it down on the vanguard circle.

"I am the rebellion."

Yahagi staggered back in surprise.

"On this bloodstained stage of the world, a demonstration of might will overrule all the opposition! Slaughter the competition and pulverise the weaklings into dust! Persona ride my avatar, Claret Sword Dragon!"

"Imaginary Gift: Force I! To my Rimmon's rear-guard circle! (8000 > 18000) Claret's skill, I scry 3 and mill two grade 1s for +20k! (23000 > 43000) Rimmon's skill, I counterblast and retire her to scry 5 and mill any number of grade 1s from among them! I mill 4 and give my vanguard +10k! (43000 > 53000) Nemain's skill, I rest her and superior call my last copy of Lluails from my deck! (5000 > 15000) All four of my Lluails' skills, they get +15k! (5000 > 20000) (15000 > 30000) (5000 > 20000) (5000 > 20000)"

With that, all the grade 1s in my deck were gone now. All that remained were three grade 3s and an overwhelming number of twelve triggers.

While I could've called Lughaid and used his skill to perform a pentadrive, I had to keep my rear-guard circle after retiring Rimmon open to use Nemain's skill.

Plus, since he's a grade 3, having him on board would've turned off Lluails' power gain. I wanted to give Yahagi a taste of his own medicine when it comes to facing down huge power lanes with a tiny hand.

"Let's rock. Claret Sword attacks! (53000)"

Yahagi scoffed, gesturing towards my drop zone.

"May I look?"

"Go ahead."

It seems he wanted to count the number of triggers that have left my deck.

Unfortunately for him, Yahagi's in for a shock when he sees that I've only used four triggers up until now.

A bead of sweat ran down his face as he returned my drop to me and checked my soul and damage zone.

"...even assuming the card you've drawn is a trigger, you'd still have eleven in a fifteen card deck. With four drive checks, your odds of getting one are just over 74%..."

He gripped the holographic cards in his hand tighter.

"Are you going to bet it all on a miracle sixth damage heal trigger? Or are you going to seriously try guarding all of my attacks?"

It was a simple provocation, but it was enough to make the brow on his stern face furrow.

I wonder if this will make Yahagi understand what it's like to be on the other side.

To be on the receiving end of an unprecedented attack with no hopes of stopping it.

"It's obvious my hand isn't able to guard this attack, let alone your other three swings. If I'm going to have to bet it on a sixth damage heal, it's in my favour to take my chances as soon as possible."

It's too little too late, Yahagi.

"No guard."

That sort of move can't catch up to me now.

"Twin Drive!! (Death Feather Eagle) Critical trigger! Power to Lluails, critical to vanguard! (20000 > 30000) (53000/1 > 2)"

Complete victory is in my hands.

"(Darkside Trumpeter) Critical trigger! All effects to Claret Sword! (53000 > 63000/2 > 3)"

From the very start, you should've never tried to make an enemy out of me.

"Double critical... you really are one lucky bastard."

Yahagi clicked his tongue and sighed.

The Claret Sword carved through the night sky set by HYU-GA, slashing the samurai chieftain in two under the blood red moon.

"Damage checks. (Gateway Stealth Rogue, Ataka, Covert Demonic Dragon, Hyakki Vogue, Samurai Chieftain, HYU-GA) ...no triggers."

As the last card entered Yahagi's damage zone, the crowd chanting abuse slowly went silent.

And the crowd that was urging me on burst into even louder cheers.

"Takanori-san, I can't believe it! You're the best! We knew you could do it!"

"Brother, I'm proud of you!"

"You mans went mad out dere! Big up Tic-taka bruv, you mans smashed it! Mad ting!"

"You did it! Takanori, you really did it! You beat Yahagi!"

"Nice one, Takanori-san!"

Mitsuba, Mikitaka, John, and even Akihiro and Kirishima.

Their voices echoed loudest throughout the room.

Meanwhile, everyone else was still in disbelief that I had managed to defeat Yahagi.

Doubly so, since I've lost all my games up until now.

"Funny how things work out, huh? Good game, Yahagi-san."

Yahagi took off his visor. Despite eating an embarrassing loss after talking such a big game, the calm expression on his face never faded. If anything, he looked more amused at the outcome than anything else.

"Good game, Takanori-san. You might've won this game, but I wonder who's the real loser here."

"It's you, obviously. Your accusations are far less humiliating than losing to me of all people."

"Being exposed as a leech is far more detrimental than losing a single game of Vanguard. Plus, our match still has two more games to play out. If my group wins them, we'll be going straight through to the finals. Safe to say, you didn't change a single thing, Takanori-san."

Just as I was about to respond, a voice coming from behind me cut between the two of us.

"Go straight through to the finals? Don't make me laugh."

It was Yamamoto, who had just arrived downstairs to participate in the second game.

I took off my visor and stepped away from the table, letting him take my place.

Yahagi raised an eyebrow at Yamamoto's scathe hostility.

"I'm sorry, don't you want our class to win?"

"Of course I do. I want the best for A Class just like anyone else."

"Then stop acting so weirdly and trying to block our group from getting through to the finals. That way, A Class can take the top spot and we can rake in the rewards."

"...I can't."

"Why not?"

"There are two reasons. The first is to protect my competitive integrity. I'd never throw a game on purpose just to rig a match-up. That would be unforgivable."

Somehow, that statement felt targeted at me.

"Alright, fair enough. Then what's the second?"

"The second is... I'd rather have our class lose than have your group win."


"I respect how you want to do things, Yahagi-san. But I can't respect the fact that you spat on my sister's thoughts and feelings in the process."

"So that's how it is, huh?"

Yahagi shook his head.

"I had no clue you cared so much about her. Sorry, it won't happen again. Will that be enough to let our group through? Don't forget, this is for the greater good, Yamamoto-san. Don't let your personal feelings sully this."

Yamamoto let out a low laugh.

"Piss off. I won't accept a half-assed apology like that."

Yahagi narrowed his eyes at him.

"Alright, I see how it is. Okay, Keisaki-san. I'll leave this idiot up to you."

"Yes, Yahagi-san."

Yahagi turned around, walking away to let Keisaki take his place. Likewise, Yamamoto walked up to the table while I returned to the stands.

While I had managed to beat Yahagi and get my first win in this tournament, there were still the other two fights we had to worry about.

If Yamamoto can win this game, we would've successfully knocked Yahagi's group out of a guaranteed spot on the finals.

But unfortunately, that's all it amounted to. They would still have an equal chance of making it through to the finals like Mitsuba's group and Kirishima's group regardless.

All we could do was hope that a group other than Yahagi's would make it through.

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