-Part 2

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While Endo and Minami were having their father-daughter bonding, Izuru followed through with Aimi's request and visited Nijimura's apartment to see how she was doing after Minami's soul crushing.

And the building was actually close to where Sumireko and Aimi lived, so he couldn't make excuses to save his ass from facing Nijimura.

"This is a terrible idea..." Izuru groaned, staring at Nijimura's door. "Of course it'd had to be me... But what made 'em think I was the best choice for this?! What part of hating me did they not get?! Man... Alright, I have to do this... But how... Hmm... Hmm... That's it, I will call upon his wisdom!"

Izuru drew his phone like if it was a holy blade, in a more than overdramatic and stupid away, and dialed the number of his trustworthy sensei.



"Exactly! You totally get why this is a bad idea, right?!"

"REEEEEEE REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE! This is Ansei Taira, leave your message after the loud REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!"

And Izuru got sent into voicemail faster than Ryuuga got sent into the shadow realm on that day with the bench.




Izuru pulled his arm back, ready to perform one of his killer volleyball moves on his phone out of rage towards Taira's voicemail greeting, but held himself back. No phone meant no more gachas.

Wait then why didn't he throw that crap out before?

"What did you get yourself into, Narukami-Sawada Izuru..." The black haired let out a long sigh and knocked on the door. "N-nijimura-san...! It's me, Endo's favourite student... Came to check on you because of a worried Aimi... Ahah... A-are you there...?" 'Worried Aimi? WHAT BULLCRAP WAS THAT, AIMI WAS THERE WHEN MINAMI WENT FIFTY CARDS OF SILVER THORN ON HER SPIRIT!'

Groaning, Izuru rested his head on the door, which opened right away and almost made him fall inside.

"O-okay then... I'm coming in...!"

Talk about low spirited. One more minute there and his hair will return to being a bang while he calls Aimi to say he wants to go home.

"I want to go home..." He groaned, stepping into the apartment.


After leaving his shoes at the entrance, he stepped out of the entrance hall and into an apartment that had been the victim of ten hurricanes. Ban's stash was a mess but holy crap, this somehow took the cake and ate it too. The kitchen was on the right, and looked super clean, but the living room was on the left was half living room and half laundry waiting to be thrown into a washing machine. Most of the lights were also out, with the exception being some of the kitchen lights.

"Did Taira's office threw up here or what...?" Izuru muttered, pinching his nose.

And then there was the slight smell of booze in the air, but as someone who had been to the office of someone who dunks two beers before lunch time almost every day, even the slightest drop smelled bad enough to make swimming in a pool of durian seem like paradise.

"H-hello, Nijimura-san? Are you here?" He asked, looking around. "Eek! A monster made of clothes!!"

Grow a pair, Sawada.

"N-no, nevermind, just... Just someone who can't be bothered to clean... I resonate with that..." 'Do I really need to be here...' "W-well then... I-i'm coming in...!"

Izuru finally grew a pair and went looking for Nijimura in the piles of clothes, but in doing so, he came across something that snatched ten years of lifespan.

He was just minding his business, and then...


There was a hand sticking out of the clothes, and holding him by his sleeve!


Izuru rapidly freed himself from the hand's grip and began staggering back, but he hit the ground after slipping on some underwear. Even then, he crawled back until he hit the wall.

"D-dammit Minami, you made a cloth monster zombie!"

That ain't it, chief.

"It's so stuffy in here..."


Like a butterfly hatching from a cocoon, Nijimura pushed away the clothes that were on top of her and raised her arms in victory. Seems like during her drunk frenzy, she had washed away half of the grey hair dye she used.

"I think I'm gonna have that Suzui attack thing..." Izuru said, his voice cracking.

"It's October but it's still so hot..." Nijimura groaned, lifting the straps of her tank top. "Oh? Izuru, you're here!" She laughed.

"H-hai, and I wanna go home... T-tell pres I went home...!"

Just as Izuru was about to crawl out of there and run home as fast as he could, Nijimura stopped him by doing the unthinkable.


All he saw was Nijimura's shadow looming over him as she pounced towards him like a wild feline, and then landed on top of him.

And that's another ten years taken of his lifespam.

"....e-eh....?" Izuru's brain was too slow to understand what happened.

"You will not escape, evildoer!! In the name of the Nijimura- Bang, bang!" Nijimura exclaimed, playfully punching Izuru's chest. "Evil gone! Complete victory!"


"Ohhh, you're sturdier than you seem!"

"Thanks, I get that alot..." He sweatdropped. "But uhm... What are you doing, exactly...?"

"You're such a grumpy old man, Izuru!!" Nijimura laughed. "Why are you leaving so early? Are you scared of the mean lady with the grey? Here, look look! Part of it is purple again!"

"I can see that!" Izuru deadpanned. 

"Your friend Minami was really mean... What did she say again... Eh... Was it something about dogs... No, I think she yelled alot about nails are some point... Oho, I got it!" Snapping her fingers, Nijimura aimed a pair of finger guns at Izuru. "Yo Niji-san, get pickin'! Either pick ye family or pick ye past, or I's gon' beat the Zeal outta of ye!"

"I think my brother knows someone who speaks like that..."

"But you know... Maybe she isn't wrong. I really needed to get the Zeal beaten out of me, it's a terrible deck!! I want my cute Gavrail back!!!"

"That's besides the point!"

"H-hai hai, commander!" Nijimura exclaimed, saluting Izuru like they were in the army. "But for real though... What am I doing with my life? I wasted so much time trying to avenge the Nijimura family, when in reality we all know Nobu-nii was a giant dirtbag because of how father raised him... And then I kept wanting to go back in time and bring back what we had."

"D-don't worry about it, it's all good now..." Izuru muttered, looking away.

"I treated you so badly... And I hated you so much for so long... I didn't even try to get the two sides of the story... I'm really as useless as Nobu-nii said." She chuckled.

"S-shut up, that's not true! Forget about what he said, it doesn't matter!"

"...hey Izuru, let me repay you for being so bad to you..." She muttered, grabbing one of his hands.

"O-oi, it's fine, it's all in the past, we're smart people, we can move away from..."

"Is this good enough...?" Nijimura asked, blushing slightly as she placed Izuru's hand on one of her breasts.


Obviously, Izuru respectfully rejected Nijimura's offer, like a decent human being would.


Of course not. The only thing sturdier than his chastity belt was his dellusional mind.

"Oh yeah, you're really into fighting, aren't you... Oh, I got it!!" Nijimura exclaimed. She balled Izuru's hand into a fist and guided it up to her face, and then showed him a smile. "Take out your fury on me. I deserve it. Beat me into a pulp, use me, do whatever you want... I just want you to forgive me after..."

The sight of having his dirty fists close to Nijimura's pure face once again made the scene of that day flash before his eyes.

"Izuru... Please... Stop..."

"...don't touch me..." Izuru murmured.

"Eh? Izu-"


Izuru broke away from Nijimura's grip and hurried her to her room, where he wrapped her with a bed sheet and then tossed her to bed.

"I... I can't touch you again... Not after what happened... S-so just sleep and stop being drunk!! Hurry up with that hangover or whatever, I'm too stupid to udnerstand this type of stuff" He exclaimed, before slamming the door shut.

He returned to the living room, where he applied the Ansei cleaning arts taught to him by Taira during their training, assuming it'd be a ten minute chore that ended up being actually an hour because he can't think ahead, and by the end of it, he just sat down and sighed.

"Ah, Izuru... Hell are you doing with your life..." He asked himself whilst staring at the ceiling.

As he prepared to get up and leave, he was restrained by a warm and heavy feeling pressing down on his lap.

"...not again..."

Izuru slowly looked down...

And didn't lost any extra years of his life this time. It was just Nijimura's pet, a black cat she named Mona. Really cute kitty.

"...oi pal, I need to leave, get off."

But he didn't.

"...presicat, I want to go home..."

But Mona stayed right where he was.

"Those jokes about not moving when your pet is on top of you are horrifically true." Izuru sighed and leaned back on the couch. He accepted the master of his fate was Mona.

The next week would be the start of a new Heiwa.

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