-Part 3

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With the start of Octuber came, alongside the return of the cold and the impending fear of another round of midterms that everyone loved as much as they loved their history teacher Rulling Douchebag, the start of a new Heiwa Academy.

The days of forcing a control upon the school to make it unable to return to being a cursed who destroyed all lives that came through it were over, aswell as the days to try and change it to the better. All that could be done was wait and hope that, one day, Heiwa can save itself from itself.

And in the first day of this new era for Heiwa Academy, right before classes began and people were told that midterms were coming to cuck their free time, Izuru and Endo sat across one another in the headmaster's office.

And yes, the broken desk was still there. Duct tape can solve any problem.

"So this is the start of a new Heiwa..." Endo mused. 

"Indeed it is..." Izuru nodded.

"It looks like a typical monday."

"Because it's that too." The black haired deadpanned. "Well? Aren't you gonna tell how things with Minami turned out? Sumireko called me about it but her high pitched screaming is as understandable as Taira's."

"Oh, right. I should start for thanking you for forcing me to confront Minami. Things worked out greatly in the end, and she even asked to have my name be attached to hers... I couldn't have been happier." Endo chuckled, smiled.

"And then?"

"And then the cute moment ended and she called me a good for nothing deadbeat father and said she wants to keep living alone for now, but it's a start! At least she acknolwedged me as her father and that's a massive step forward!"

"Everything else was two steps back too!"

"The negatives only exist if you acknowledge their existence."

Like Izuru, the only thing sturdier than Endo's fists was his dellusional mind.

"That is why I acquired this tome of wisdom from a library near my apartment!"

Endo got out a small book titled 'How to Parent: So you were a bad dad for some years, dumbass', and waved it with great pride, despite how sad that made him look.

"Please go back to being a menacing serious guy than some cheap comedy relief adult..." Izuru sweatdropped. "Well, at least we can cross Minami and Sumireko from the list of people you need to apologize to."

"What about Aimi-san?"

"Eh... W-we'll... Get to it eventually." Izuru weakly chuckled.

"She is technically my daughter aswell."

"I know and each time I remember that, my kneecaps tremble in fear for their life!! We're going to Risei's next so get done with work when classes end!"

"Must we really do things this fast?"

"Yes, I have midterms rearing their ugly head in two weeks."

"Fair point..." Endo sweatdropped. "But before you go to class, Sawada-kun, allow me to say something first. In this new stage of our lives, I want to be more honest. I may have tried to use you for the fame your brother brought to the Sawada name, but I respect all of Ryuuga-san's acomplishments. It was an honour to be his teacher, and I'm proud of what he has achieved."

"Don't be, he's still a massive dumbass." Izuru said bluntly.

All the way on Jaakuryu Temple, Ryuuga suddenly sneezed with so much strength that he sent his paperwork flying out of his office, which then fell into a small lake on the garden of the temple thanks to a current of wind. That's why you don't have sliding doors in your offices filled with important documents, kids.

"But, if we're being honest with each other, then I guess I have some things I gotta confess to you too."

"Hm? What might those be, Sawada-kun?" Endo asked.

And that question started the worst five minutes of Endo's life.

"I kissed Minami."

"...ah?" Endo blinked. 'AH?!'

"And I almost slept with her too."


"But that's everything, it was a moment of weakness for the two of us and I would rejected it should the matter come up."

"W-well..." Endo coughed and recomposed himself. "I'm glad you were able to not do something both of you might have come to regret in the-"

"But I also kissed Sumireko."


"And then I almost went all the way with her if not for Aimi cockblocking me."

"Eh?" 'YOU ALAMOST DID WHAT?!' "W-well, thankfully Aimi-san was there to prevent you two from doing things you might come to-"

"But if the chance ever comes up again, I'll totally take it." Izuru bluntly declared.

The sheer amount of lack of caring in Izuru's eyes when he said took a whole two decades out of Endo's lifespan.

"Y-you know!" Endo clapped his hands, smiling while one of his eyebrows twitched. "It's almost time for class! We don't want your considerable record to be stained by some bad attendance, right? Right?!"

"You got a point there. Welp, seeya later, Endo."

Izuru got up and headed for the door, but stopped when he grabbed the doorknob. Now that he and Endo had this awkward friendship going on, there was only one question left to be answered.

"Hey Endo, cuz we're friends now, tell me somethin'..."

Looking back at his new friend with eyes of high expectations, Izuru made the divine question.

"What kind of woman is your type?"

"Are you going down that route again..." Endo sighed. "Well, if I had to choose any specific things I like in a woman... Hm... I guess I happen to have a thing for tall women with big butts, such as Sumireko."

Izuru's entire world stopped.

At last, he found a man of culture.

Ban liked cute girls, and Tate liked them with big boobs, and while they also liked the tallbwith big butts part, their appreciation wasn't has big as Izuru's.

But now, someone answered his question with an answered that touched the deepest parts of his heart.

Endo was no longer his friend

He was his brother.

Izuru looked back at the door while tears began rolling down his face.

"I knew it... You truly a better man than others think, Endo Mitsuaki...!!" Izuru admitted, wiping away his tears. "Brother, let me confess the thing I regret the most when it comes to out previous battles."

"Confess away, Sawada- Brother?" Endo blinked twice.

"I regret... I regret...!!"

Gritting his teeth. Izuru clenched to his shirt, to show it was something that hurted his heart.

But then, he showed Endo the scummiest grin he ever made in his life.

"I regret not eating your daughter's dumptruck ass just to spite you!"

Izuru rapidly left the office while laughing like a gremlin and slammed the door shut to avoid the stapler Endo hurled at him.

Maybe it's time for Ban to become the protagonist or something, this guy sucks.

"I'M GOING TO KILL YOU ONE OF THESE DAYS, SAWADA IZURU!" Endo yelled, slamming his fist down on his desk.

Yes, the desk that was only standing up thanks to duct tape.

"...eh? NO NO NO NO-!"

And the desk was broken again.

What a great start to a new Heiwa.

And this is only the first morning too, it can only go downhill from here.

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