-Part 5

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At last, the time for the fight against Ryuuga arrived.

After three hardous battles, one of copium, one of word tricks, and one of Masato using cheesy one liners, the potential final battle arrived. One more win, and the Big PP Nation would win the Vanguardriver testing tournament, but if they lost, they'd have to fight Ryuuga again, this time with the victory weighting harder on them.

Or they could just job the first try to get a feel of how Ryuuga plays and then use that against him on the final round, sure that is a gamble but there's two gacha addicts in the Big PP, so it isn't that bad of an idea.

Izuru of the pink scarf, Tate of the Reijy copium and Ban of the obvious love interest walked up to the center stage, where Ryuuga awaited to explain how the final two fights would go down.

"The final fights... Will be a special relay fight!" Ryuuga announced.

"Cool!" Tate exclaimed. "What's that?"

"You keep cards in hand until the third player gets a massive wall of a hand. Or you just go back to G and play Madre." Izuru shrugged.

"Shut up, you two." Ban sweatdropped. "Explain the rules, Ryuuga-san."

"Hai hai! Alright, so, a relay fight! This will be a relay fight against just me, so it's basically a three on one that isn't happening at the same time!"

"Which is a good thing since he doesn't have the brain cells for three fights at a time." Kaido spoke up.

"Next time I see you on the street while driving, I'm gonna kansei dorifto on a water pond and splash you..." Ryuuga sweatdropped.

"I say he hits a lamp first." Gin snickered.

"I say he hits a lamp before even seeing Kaido." Masato replied, opening his wallet.

"Shut up! My driving is perfectly fine and is even better than yours! It's not my fault you three are just too much of road pussies to see how badass my drifting is! Anyway, relay fight! The relay fight! Each side needs a total of eleven damage to lose. Since it's just me on my side, I need the full eleven to lose, but since it's three people on your side, the first fighter gets replaced after five damage, the second after three, and then the third fighter loses when you get to eleven damage. Assuming nobody rips heals out of their ass, the third fighter will most likely lose after three damage."

"Question." Ban raised his hand. "What if the first fighter is at four and you hit with an atatck with two or more crits?"

"Normally they'd take one damage and the rest is cancelled, but that sounds boring so let's scrap that! If you take three to the face, you take the three and then leave! When a fighter gets replaced, the cards in the damage and field stay, and they draw three cards plus the number of cards the previous fighter had in hand. Let's say I kick my little brother's ass while he has four in hand and then Tate-kun comes. He'll draw seven cards."

"You lost me at plus." Tate admitted with a sweatdropped.

"What else is there to say... Oh right, there will be two special rules for me, to make things more balanced. Since I'm just one guy with a fifty card deck, after a fighter gets replaced, my drop zone is shuffled back into my deck."

"Considering our side has hundred fifty cards while you have fifty, that's fair. What's the second rule?" Izuru asked.

"The current turn ends after a player is replaced, so in case that happens before my vanguard attacks, I'll draw cards up to my vanguard's drive check. I'm not blonde enough to say I don't need such handicaps, I'm realistic enough to know when I need some help."

"I raised that boy." Kaido smirked and nodded.

"Sounds like you thought a relay fight was cool, then thought about the implications of doing it solo and immediately regretted it." The black haired spoke up.

"That's the fun part, I was already regretting this when I thought about it the first time, but Ryuzaki said it's easier than tag fights, so how bad can this go?"

You say that because you're not the one narrating it.

"Actually, I got a question too!!" Tate said, waving his hand. "And I swear it's a smart one!"

"Ask for his car if we win, you'll be doing Japan's health care system a favour." Izuru whispered.

"I heard that... And you can't have the car, Homura needs it too! What's your question, Tate-kun?"

"You said a fighter gets replaced after they hit the damage quota, right? So the first leaves after five, the second after three, and the third after he reaches eleven. But what about you? After you take five, does our turn end or do we keep going?"

"Hm? I didn't think about that. I guess you can just keep going? I'm just one guy on my side, so why not?"

"Joe said this sounded scuffed already but it only keeps getting scuffier the more you open your mouth." Mayuri commented with a heavy sigh.

"Well he brought a massive masochist into the family so I know this is the least of my image's concern."

"Zip it with the maso Yuri thing, I spent three years hearing it..."

"I told you to not get a house with Alan." Gin shook his head.

"Shut up man, owning a house with my bro looked cool at the time and Kaido said it made cucking Takanori easier."

"If he owns a house, he can take Takanori's sister there and show his Danny. I call it my greatest long term investment suggestion." Kaido said with a proud smile and arms crossed.

"What's the worst?" Masato asked.

"Hey Kishou, you should get a piano."

"Just how much lore is stuffed in this piano ordeal..." Ryuuga sweatdropped. "Anyway... Big PP Nation-san, you guys go and make an attack plan. Just call me when you're ready and we'll get the fight started!"

After about ten minutes of discussing, Izuru was the first to step up to the stage.

"Alright, loser. Let's get this ass kicking show on the road!" Izuru called out, tossing his FiCa into the air and catching it by the shutters.

"Y-you aren't going to do it again, right...?" Ryuuga asked, taking out his FiCa.

"You better make them stronger before they go on sale." The black haired grinned, forcing his FiCa open.


"Ryuzaki is going to kill me..." Ryuuga sweatdropped and entered his FiCa into the driver.


Then, he took a pair of pocket watch-like devices from his pockets, both coloured red and blue, like a certain unit, and held them with his arms crossed like in a X shape. Don't be lame Ryuuga.

Ryuuga clicked the button on the watch on his right hand, making the front piece twist and form Nextage's face.


And then the one in his left hand, which formed Chronojet's face.


"Of course the branch manager has to have a special driver! Imagine using a normie Vanguardriver when you can use a Chronicle Driver! Stand up!" The branch manager exclaimed.

Ryuuga's special driver happened to have two extra parts, one on each side, where the watches would go it. Then, with the watches in the driver, he spun the driver in a full 360 angle, just like an actual clock.


"Y-you're kidding..." Izuru said, staring at Ryuuga with a tired stare.

With the sound of chiming clocks coming out of his driver, Ryuuga's data materialized as a pair of oversized floating clock blades, for some reason.

Oh yeah, and then they chased after Izuru's pretentious ass!

"RYUUUUUUUUUUUGAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA! I'M TELLING MOM YOUR STUPID BELT IS AFTER MY LIFE!" Izuru screamed, running, jumping and ducking from one side to the other, to save his life from the blades.

"C'mon Izuru, they're just holograms! You'll be fine!" Ryuuga called out.

"THEY DON'T FEEL VERY HOLOGRAPHIC! FUCK MY LIFE, STAND UP!" He called out, ramming his FiCa into his driver, and with black and red flashing lightning data, he punched the clock blades away. "EAT SHIT, ASSHOLE! FALL OFF YOUR HORSE!"

"There you go. See? It wasn't hard!" The older Sawada laughed.

"You..." Izuru looked up at his brother with a both flat and slightly annoyed glare. "Go to hell, dumbass!"

"That's the spirit, little bro." Ryuuga grinned.

"Stand up, vanguard!"

"Crisis Revenger, Fritz! (6000)"

"Chrono Dran! (6000)"




"Player turn: Sawada Ryuuga."

"Oi oi, are you sure this thing isn't bias? Even I'm starting to feel some red flags." Ryuuga asked, looking back at Gin.

"Don't look at me, Ryuzaki did most the coding. I'd say Masato tasered the thing at some point and broke it." Gin shrugged.

"I hope Fujiko doesn't want kids because I'm tasing you in the dick before the day ends..." Masato sweatdropped, taking his taser off his pocket.

"I'm getting a restriction order on those stupid things..." Ryuuga sweatdropped. "Draw! I ride Chronotooth Tigar! (8000) With Dran's skill, draw!"

Hand: 6
Damage: 0

Hand: 5
Damage: 0

"Are we gonna be like them when we're older?" Izuru asked, drawing a card from his holographic deck.

"If Katsu-chan ever funds my idea of a wrench-wielding blonde monkey, then yes!" Tate exclaimed.

"So no, we won't be like them." Ban shook his head.

"Thank god... Ride! Dark Armour Revenger, Rinnal! (8000) With Fritz's skill, I draw a card and get a shield ticket! I call a second Rinnal (8000) and attack! (8000>>16000)"

"Going in for a safer search, huh? No guard!"

"Drive check! (Nullity Revenger, Masquerade)"

"Here's my damage check! (Steam Scara, Gigi) Oh not Gigi!"

"What? You want to marry a bodypillow of her after Homura dumps your ass?" Izuru snickered with a gremlin laugh.

"Oi! That's rude, me and Homura's love won't be broken like that!"

"Yes, it's going to be broken by that." Kaido deadpanned, looking up at the temple's roof.

"Hm? What's- LOOK AT THE NUTS ON THAT FELLA!" Ban yelled.

That's right! One of Ryuuga's recent acquisations was a King Kong Balls statue, that one of the monkey laying down with his giant sack out! And then he slapped it on the temple's roof! Why? I'd tell you if the explanation was on the script!

"It costed me a few more weeks of extra hours, but I'll pay that baby out in no time!" Ryuuga happily declared.

"Holy shit- I WAS JOKING ABOUT HER DIVORCING YOU BUT NOW I'M MORE SURE THAN EVER!" Izuru yelled, holding his head in despair. Even though Ryuuga was a dumbass, he liked Homura as part of his family and knew she made Ryuuga better.


"Oh my god, I'm actually inviting Nakano-senpai to the wedding between my brother and a Gigi bodypillow... R-rinnal's effect, scry three, add Raging, then scry again and add Claudas... P-pass turn..."

Hand: 6
Damage: 1

Hand: 9
Damage: 0

"Let's just forget about the King Kong Balls on the roof and move on with the relay fight, there's two guys after you and we don't wanna make this last a whole afternoon..." Ryuuga sweatdropped.

Then why a relay fight?!

"Stand and draw. Tigar's skill, I draw one extra card. Then I'll discard a card and ride! Steam Scara, Irkab! (10000) Gigi's skill, call as rest! (8000) Then Irkab's skill, I counterblast and discard a card to get an extra drive check! Since the discarded card was Ribbul, I soulblast one to call her with a buff! (8000>>13000) Then I'll botdeck then Timeleaper I discarded last turn to draw a card. Irkab attacks! (10000)"

"No guard!"

"Twin drive! (Smokegear Dragon) (Reclaim Key Dracokid - Critical) It may just be a pseudo-Blaster Dark, but I sack like it's the real deal! I'm giving the critical to Irkab and the power to Ribbul! (10000>>10000/2) (13000>>23000)"

"I'd get two crits so screw you! (Barrier Troop Revenger, Dorint) (Illusionary Revenger, Mordred Phantom) God, I can't wait for a new Revenger to throw Mordred out of this deck..." Izuru sweatdropped.

"Just play Danger-lunge. Ribbul attacks! (23000)"

"Yeah, yeah, heal guard! Astral Chain Dragon! (33000)"

"That's it for my turn. So, how are you going to use your twin drive? Waste one of eleven counterblast and then hope Masquerade doesn't whiff so that you can sack Rinnal and use Rinnal's Knies skill?"

Hand: 8
Damage: 1

Hand: 8
Damage: 2

"Been there, done that, what's a Knies? Dark Change, Blaster Dark! (10000) I won't be using his retire effect. I call Tartu and use her effect to call another Rinnal! (10000) (8000) Rinnal boosts, Blaster Dark attacks! (10000>>18000)"

"Hold back with the searching! I guard with Uluru! (30000)"

"Drive che- Wait, where's your heal guard? Did Maxios cut your salary or something?"

"Maxios doesn't handle the money, that's Ryuzaki's problem! And no. Me, being the colossal brain branch manager I am, thought ahead and replaced my heal guards for Uluru! I'm going up to eleven damage, so using 20k heals instead of heal guards will pay off in the long run!" Ryuuga laughed loudly.

"That... That isn't a bad idea, in hindsight." Ban muttered.

"Right... Drive check. (Revenger, Raging Form Dragon) They always keep coming. Boosted by Rinnal, Tartu attacks! (10000>>18000)"

"That one I won't guard. (Chronojet Dragon)"

"Rinnal's skill, I add Raging Form. Turn end. The Rinnal called by Tartu is retired, and I won't use his skill."

Hand: 7
Damage: 2

Hand: 9
Damage: 2

"Stand and draw! Let's go, time to shine! Starting at a minor point in time, exploding into the greatest timeline! Burst and take shape, my bonds! Break free from the constrain of time and unveil the shining future beyond the horizon! Speed ahead, Chronojet Dragon! (13000)"

"Where's your third gift in a turn? Luard has three when he rides." Izuru said bluntly.

"Drop it... Imaginary Gift, Force I! (13000>>23000) This fight is gonna last a while, so I can afford to do this! Call Reclaim Key and Uluru! (5000) (5000) And then, liberating the Generation Zone!" Ryuuga exclaiming, slamming a card into the drop zone. "Burst forward into the future, with the might of a commanding lightning bolt! Generation Stride!"

"He means superior ride from the deck." Mayuri called out.

"Interdimensional Dragon, Chronoscommand Dragon! (25000) Chronoscommand Dragon's skill! Counterblast, soulblast and discarding a card! All my rear-guards return to the bottom of my deck, and from the top five cards, I can call any number from among them! Call! Smokegear, Zayd, Eight and Gigi! (10000) (10000) (8000) (8000) Boosted by Gigi, Chronoscommand Dragon attacks! (25000>>33000) I've been waiting for this! Reform-calling Revoltion Thunderbolt!"

"As if he'd let some bad on-hit hit! Mac Lir, perfect guard!"

"Keep dropping those cards, little bro! Twin drive! (Steam Knight, Kalibum) (Steam Guard, Kastilia - Draw) Power on Smokegear! (10000>>20000) Boosted by Eight, Zayd attacks! Since I rode a grade 4 this turn, I soulcharge! (10000>>18000)"

"No guard! (Grim Revenger - Critical) I give it to the vanguard. (20000)"

"Smokegear! When he attacks, add 5k! (20000>>25000)"

"No guard either! (Frontline Revenger, Claudas)"

"Turn end. Chronoscommand is retired and Chronojet takes the stage again. I'll throw this new gift to Smokegear's circle."

Hand: 6
Damage: 2

Hand: 7
Damage: 4

"Stand and draw. Brace yourself, because you're about to get sent to hell, dumbass! I'm about to two to eleven your ass to hell and back, dickhead!"

"But you only got like, seven attacks at max Raging- OI, WHY DO YOU KEEP THROWING SMACK AT ME LIKE THAT?! I'M STILL YOUR OLDER BROTHER, YOU KNOW?! WHO DO YOU THINK YOU ARE?!" Ryuuga cried.

"I've been waiting for this." Izuru grinned.

With the slick moves that only someone blessed by the Ansei could pull off, Izuru got out his Ansei family shades and put them on, in order to deliver what he thought would be the coldest lin ever.

"I'm just a passing through protagonist slayer. Remember that."

"Ah?!" Ryuuga's jaw dropped. Despite talking with Taira alot, he didn't know Izuru was amde into an honorary Ansei.

"That'd be cool if you weren't wearing a pink scarf. You look even lamer than Takanori. Go back to the womb and start over!" Kaido called out.

That pushed a button, but Izuru knew the right way to make Kaido regret that and make himself want to go back in the womb and start over.

"Hey rich guy, do you prefer Imagine Dragons or AC/DC?" Izuru asked.

"I'm a grown man, I listen to Yung White-"

"Imagine dragging these nuts on your face." Izuru replied, tossing an empty cola can at Kaido, which smacked perfectly against the rich man's face.

A massive vein popped up on Kaido's forehead as he got hit with the fattest word trick in his entire life. He tried to lunge at Izuru, but Gin and friends held him back. But despite the three on one, they struggled to keep Kaido down.


"Come and get some whenever you feel like losing in a card game, old man." The black haired smirked and grabbed the final card of his ride deck. "This time, I'm getting a cool entrance too."

"I-izuru?" Ryuuga blinked.

(Media - REALxEYEZ)

Izuru twisted and crushed the holographic card, molding it into the shape of a bullet, and then hurled it into the skies, where it began flying around boosted by red and black lightning.

"Look up and cry your heart out! The strongest, most unbeatable and undefeated abyss dragon of the sixth heaven! The instant this cold and unstoppable bullet strikes in the trillionth of a second of a blow, a shooting star will flash red and black and rip through it all! Blow thtough the silence! Break the spirals! And beat up entire generations! Ride!"

The bullet changed targets and blasted towards Izuru, who clenched his fist and rammed his fist into the bullet, like a real man!

The bullet exploded in a storm of lightning flashing red and black that surrounded Izuru, but that lightning storm started getting sucked into the eyes of the dragon that spawned behind him.

Raging Form's eyes briefly shined black and red, and spears made out of lightning, some red, some black, fell around Izuru, creating a lightning cage around him. On the other hand, the same red and black lightning ran across the abyss dragon's body.

As for the lightning spears, they got absorbed into Izuru's body, forming a new version of his Raging Form armour. Now, it was white, and the magenta scarf was included. He also had Ashlei's lightsabers hanging off his belt, because this isn't a harem anymore.

"Revenger, Raging Form Dragon!"


"KICK HIS ASS!" Tate and Ban cheered.

"Imaginary Gift, Force I! Load it all on the vanguard! (13000>>23000) Raging Form's skill! I counterblast and call out Rinnal from the deck! (8000) Then call, Claudas and Dorint! (8000) (10000) Dorint's skill, add 10k and I draw one! (10000>>20000) Let's battle! Boosted by Rinnal, Tartu attacks the vanguard! (10000>>18000)"

"No guard! (Steam Guard, Kastilia - Draw) Ah, suck that! You be a bully, you get the defensive! (23000)"

"Not a problem! Raging Form attacks the vanguard! (23000>>31000) Black Star All Rampage!"

"Hit me!"

"Twin drive! (Frontline Revenger, Claudas) (Illusionary Revenger, Mordred Phantom)"

"Damage check! (Reclaim Key Dracokid - Critical) I wish Hikaru was here to feel this NTR-loving defensives! All on my vanguard again! (33000)"

"Like I said, not a problem!" Izuru grinned. "Raging Form's skill! Tartu and the Rinnals, retire! Crimson Star Burst! Superior ride! Revenger, Raging Form Dragon! (23000) Force I! (23000>>33000) Raging Form's skill! I call Dorint! (10000) Dorint attacks Smokegear! (10000)"

"Smokegear retires."

"Boosted by Claudas, Dorint attacks Zayd! (20000>>28000)"

'Hm? He gave his gift to the vanguard again? But Dorint could hit the vanguard if he put the gift there.' Ryuuga thought. "Zayd retires."

"Raging Form attacks again! (33000) Black Star All Rampage!"

"Reclaim Key, guard! (48000) How much faith do you have on your RNG, little bro?"

"Lately? More than you'd think! (Grim Revenger - Critical) (Transient Revenger, Masquerade) Not enough, oh well. Raging Form's skill! Crimson Star Burst! Superior ride! Revenger, Raging Form Dragon! (33000) Force I! (33000>>43000) No skill! Raging Form attacks! (43000) Black Star All Rampage!"

"No guard!"

"(Dark Shield, Mac Lir - Draw) (Dark Cloak Revenger, Tartu) All on the vanguard! (43000>>53000)"

"Damage check! (Steam Scara, Gigi)"

"Turn end!"

Hand: 6
Damage: 5

Hand: 11
Damage: 4

"Seems like the one eating his heart out is gonna be you, little bro! Stand and draw! I call Smokegear back into the field! (10000>>20000) His skill makes all cards in my hand grade 3, so I'll discard Kalibum for this! Generation Stride! Interdimensional Dragon, Time Leaper Dragon! (25000) I call a second Kalibum! (10000) Boosted by Eight, Kalibum attacks! (10000>>18000)"

"You really think a little attack like that is gonna hit?" Izuru asked with a grin.

"You got eleven cards, that's more than enough to-"

"I guard with two Mordred Phantoms and one Masquerade! (18000) Oh well, that isn't enough either way. (Astral Chain Dragon - Heal) Tragic, a heal that doesn't go off." Despite losing a heal and reaching the first fighter damage quota, Izuru kept his grin.

"H-huh?! But you had more than enough cards to guard!"

"I know. But I also know that I'm not the only guy on my side." Izuru replied, removing his FiCa from his driver.

Izuru walked back to his team's side as Ban walked forward, and as the two crossed paths, they smirked at each other and gave each other a a high five worthy of a monkey's arm strength. It even stung Izuru a little.

"I'm the next fighter, Ryuuga-san. Stand up!" Ban declared, activating his FiCa and placing it into his Vanguardriver. Then, he drew elevent cards, three from being a new fighter and eight from the ones Izuru left behind,


"Tch, hey Mayuri, rule shark me a thing! Does Kalibum still go off?"

"It does!" Mayuri replied.

"Hm... Man, he really had to leave no rear-guards. I end my turn, and as per the special rule, my drop zone gets shuffled back into my deck and I draw two. Chronojet takes back the stage and throw his gift to Kalibum's circle."

Hand: 6
Damage: 5

Hand: 11
Damage: 5

"Stand and draw. Bonds and promises light up the heart, where a bluish flame burns brightly! One golden fist! One azure flame! One regal dragon! One strike clad in blue flames that'll freeze sin and burn this moment in history! Ride the vanguard! Bluish Flame Liberator, Prominance Core! (12000>>42000)"

"Alright! So far, Katsu-chan's plan has been going as smooth as Ryuuga-san's brain!" Tate exclaimed.

"Hell yeah! The building blocks are there, he just has to handle the crafting!" Izuru nodded.

"Oi, don't make it sound like we're playing Craftmine here!" Ban sweatdropped. "Imaginary Gift, Accel II! I call Percival and use his skill! (12000>>17000) I open a new Accel II and superior call Aglovale! (9000>>14000) Explosion Blue! (42000>>48000/2) (17000>>20000) (14000>>17000) I call Phallon! (9000) Explosion Blue! (48000>>51000) (9000>>12000) Prominance Core's skill. Counterblast, retire Phallon, I check the top four and call Vortimer and Dindrane! (9000) (7000) The rest goes on the bottom. Dindrane's skill, soulblast to draw, and then, Explosion Blue! (51000>>57000) (9000>>12000) (7000>>10000) Then call from hand, Aglovale and Josephus! Explosion Blue! (57000>>63000) (9000>>12000) (8000>>11000) Battle! Prominance Core attacks! (63000/2) Rhadamanthus Accel Overdrive!"

"I don't like taking double crits to the face but jesus, that is a big Prominance Core. No guard!"

"Twin drive! (Listener of Truth, Dindrane) (Flame of Victory - Critical) Critical trigger, all on Aglovale! (12000>>22000/2)"

'He isn't giving it to the vanguard?' Ryuuga thought, narrowing his eyes. "Damage check. (Chronodragon Nextage) (Steam Gunner, Zayd)"

"Percival attacks! (20000)"

"Eight, guard! (23000)"

"My Accel Aglovale attacks! Putting Percival into the soul for his effect! (17000>>27000)"

"No guard. (Steam Maiden, Ribbul)"

"Aglovale returns to my hand. Boosted by Dindrane, Vortimer attacks! (12000>>22000)"

"No guard. (Steam Guard, Kastilia - Draw) Draw trigger. All on my vanguard. (23000)"

"Boosted by Josephus, Aglovale attacks! I put Dindrane into the soul for his effect! (22000>>33000>>43000/2)"

"Wait a second... Eh, so this is what you were going for with that critical trigger earlier." Ryuuga smiled. "I caught onto your plan, Ban-san. I hate to go along with it, but sentinels hurt in the long run against your deck. Yeah Core can get big, but I still need smaller shield for the rest of those annoying attacks. I perfect guard with Kastilia."

"Tch, so it would seem. Aglovale returns to my hand. Turn end."

Hand: 4
Damage: 9

Hand: 13
Damage: 5

"So you wanted me to use up that perfect guard I got earlier now so that I wouldn't have it for next turn, huh? Stereotypes aside, you know your stuff, Ban-san. Sucks that it came down to this, but I'm gonna have to beat you off the game now before your plans take their toll on my own plans." Ryuuga declared.

But even in the face of a superior opponent, Ban stood brave.

"Come." He replied.

"That's the spirit. Liberating the Generation Zone! Even in this turbulent world, we'll keep stepping forward! Even if we go down, we'll keep following our instincts and keep pushing into the future!"

Ryuuga reached up and clenched his fist. Vanguard circles began exploding in the sky, and descending towards him, each different than the one before.

"Now go into the far off future, and overcome all fears, even those unknown! Speed ahead and show me the future I truly desire!"

The final circle exploded and Ryuuga opened his arms. The circles shined in a bright red colour that blinded those around.


In the light, a silhouette appeared, and out of it came the evolution of Ryuuga's ace, the gear dragon clan in blue, with a red scarf around his neck.


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