-Part 6

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"So you wanted me to use up that perfect guard I got earlier now so that I wouldn't have it for next turn, huh? Stereotypes aside, you know your stuff, Ban-san. Sucks that it came down to this, but I'm gonna have to beat you off the game now before your plans take their toll on my own plans." Ryuuga declared.

"Come." Ban replied replied.

"That's the spirit. Liberating the Generation Zone! Even in this turbulent world, we'll keep stepping forward! Even if we go down, we'll keep following our instincts and keep pushing into the future!"

Ryuuga reached up and clenched his fist. Vanguard circles began exploding in the sky, and descending towards him, each different than the one before.

"Now go into the far off future, and overcome all fears, even those unknown! Speed ahead and show me the future I truly desire!"

The final circle exploded and Ryuuga opened his arms. The circles shined in a bright red colour that blinded those around.


In the light, a silhouette appeared, and out of it came the evolution of Ryuuga's ace, the gear dragon clan in blue, with a red scarf around his neck.


"You're finally bringing out your ace in the hole, huh... Come and get some, Ryuuga! Ban'll kick your ass like you're the monkey who stole his banana!" Izuru yelled.

"When in doubt, drum your chest and smack him where it hurts!" Tate cheered.

"Your friends got spirit, but spirit isn't enough to win this one. I'll jump straight into battle! Boosted by Eight, Kalibum attacks! (18000>>26000)"

"Peyron guards! (32000)"

"What? A normal heal?" Ryuuga muttered, taking a step back.

"You gave me an idea when you went out of your way to explain why you were using Uluru, so I adapted our decks for it. Since we're still carrying out the Dark Iregs stuff, getting normal heals on Tate's deck was piss easy. As for me, I just had to pay someone a fat taser check." Ban smirked.

"You fucker, you stabbed me in the back!" The branch manager deadpanned, looking back at Masato.

"Correction, I tased you in the back."

"Dude... Kalibum's skill. I counterblast and bind him to spin Vortimer to the bottom of your deck." Ryuuga said, blasting the card away with a finger gun. "Then, I return Ribbul from my drop to my hand. Boosted by Gigi, Nextage attacks! (25000>>33000) Zodiac Time Blazer!"

"No guard!" Ban declared.

"Twin drive. (Steam Gunner, Zayd) (Steam Maiden, Uluru - Heal) Nice nice, heal trigger! I give the power to Smokegear and heal one. (20000>>30000)"

"Damage check! (Bluish Flame Liberator, Prominance Core)"

"Nextage's skill! I'll discard Ribbul and Zayd to retire Nextage and superior ride Chronojet Dragon from the soul! (23000) Add 15k! (230000>>38000) And then, Force I! (38000>>48000) Ribbul's skill! I call her to the side and draw one! (8000>>23000) Ribbul attacks! (23000)"

"Flame of Victory, guard! (27000)"

"Chronojet Dragon attacks! Gigi's skill, I soulblast and retire her to draw one card and give Chronojet 5k! Then his skill, I counterblast to give him 5k and block out sentinels! (48000>>58000) Spiral Strike!"

'One more damage and I have to pass the torch to Tate. I need to keep a big hand for him, but if he gets his final sentinel here, then it's game for us! He's been running through his deck fast, but with three sentinels gone and only one returning to deck after I lose, we can end this next turn! He just has to not get it in this drive check!' Ban thought. "No guard!"

"What?! He's no guarding this one too?! But he's one damage away from losing!" Gin exclaimed.

"Your funeral then. Twin drive! (Reclaim Key Dracokid - Critical) A critical. Power to Smokegear and critical on my vanguard! (58000>>58000/2) (30000>>40000) (Steam Bomber, Digul - Critical) Another critical! The same as before! (58000/2>>58000/3) (40000>>50000) Regreting not guarding it now, Ban-san? It was even you who asked about taking three damage to the face."

"Not in the slightest! Damage check! (Bluish Flame Liberator, Percival) (Oath Liberator, Aglovale) (Bluish Flame Liberator, Prominance Core)"

"Alright, let's end this with style!" Izuru exclaimed, slapping Tate on the back. "It's all on you now, you beautiful slav motherfucker!"

"Being from the motherland has never looked this cool." Ban said as he walked back to his team's side.

"I'll freeze his ass like the beeach weather over there does!" Tate nodded, high fiving Ban as he made his way to the field. "Let's go, Ryuuga-san! Stand up!" He declared, drawing a total of fifteen cards. 'Let's go, I drew him!'


"Bring it on, Tate-san. Turn end."

Hand: 9
Damage: 8

Hand: 15
Damage: 10

"One more hit and we're done, huh? In that case, I'll just have to bring it to you here and now, Ryuuga-san!" Tate roared. "Stand and- DRAW!"

"GO!" Izuru screamed like a madman.

"Scatter like the wind, souls of the fallen, and dance together in this roundeau under the dusk moon! Come together as one to become the wings that cut through the night! Ride! Blade Wing Reijy! (42000)"

"The cards we left in the soul we'll be the stepping stones for our win!" Ban said.

"Imaginary Gift, Protect I! And then, Reijy's skill! I soulblast two Ragings and Dindrane to bind Percival, Promiance Core and Raging Form Dragon face down! Countdown to Destruction! That's three face down, and don't think I'm done just yet! Even if Im starting my rush with sixteen less cards in deck, I got more than enough to end it here! I call Dimension Creeper, Bestial Squeeze and two Emblem Masters! (8000) (8000) (9000>>14000) (9000>>14000) Both Emblem Master's skills, I put three Dimension Creepers and three Bestial Squeezers into my soul! And then, I'll use two Dimension Creepers! I counterblast two and botdeck them to soulcharge four! That's eight locked and loaded! I call Werwolf Ketzer (8000), and then, I soulblast three Bestial Squeezers to bind three cards from my soul face down! Thats six face down, so Reijy gets a permanent 5k! (42000>>47000) Bestial Squeezer's skill from the drop zone! I bind the three of them to put Bestial Squeezer, Werwolf Ketzer and Dimension Creeper into the soul! I soulblast Squeezer and bind Creeper, making it seven on the bind! That's a 10k and a drive! (47000>>57000) I call a second Ketzer (8000) and bind my last Squeezer to put him into the soul, then I bind the two Ketzers in soul face up to soulcharge four! That's six cards, just enough! I soulblast three to bind three! That's the ten card limit reached! Add another 10k and two crits to boot! (57000>>67000/3) Countdown to Destruction, Full Release! Then call, Ironheart Assasin, two Werwolf Freiwilliger and Dark Knight of Nightmareland! (8000) (8000) (8000) (5000)"

"Eh, so you're going for a suicidal rush, huh? You need to deal me another three damage, do you think you can do it with what you go so far?" Ryuuga asked. "You haven't even gotten to Reijy's last skill."

"Suicidal rush? Nah, you got the wrong idea, fam..." Tate said, raising his head to look at the branch manager. "This is our-!"

(Media - Haruka Mirai Last Page Ver.)

"PLAN TO TAKE YOU DOWN!" Tate yelled alongside Ban and Izuru.

"Battle! Ironheart Assasin attacks! (8000>>13000)"

"Smokegear, intercept. (18000)"

"Freiwilliger boosted by Josephus! (8000>>16000)"

"Smokegear from hand. (18000)"

"Emblem Master! (14000)"

"Eight. (23000)"

"The other Emblem Master! (14000)"

"Kalibum. (18000)"

"Boosted by Frewilliger, Reijy attacks! (67000>>75000/3) UNPARALELLED BLADE WALL!"

"That's an easy-" Ryuuga looked at his hands. 'What?! With the shield I got- So that was your plan!'

"That's right!" Ban yelled out. "From the very start, you've been playing right into our plan! First Izuru would build the advantage and leave some dent on your hand with his vangaurd attacks! Since most of my cards are better called from deck, he guarded his final attack with grade 3s and a low 5k shield so that more targets would be left on my deck!"

"Then, Katsu-chan would take care of making as much attacks as he could to keep pushing cards out of your hand, until you got your sentinels out, all while keeping the advantage! That way, when my turn arrived, I had a bigger chance to draw the one Reijy I run!" Tate added.

"And finally, Tate would just need to make Reijy as big as he could! Big enough to make you guard with all you had! Even if you hadn't guard the rears, you'd still be left without any choices! The fifteen double ping was never the goal, the goal was this! To create the biggest copium unit you've ever seen!" Izuru finished the explanation.

"So that was the big idea... Man, I really played into that one... But still, you thought too highly about the result! Guard! Two Ulurus, Reclaim Key and Digul! (83000) You need a trigger to break that!"

"Twin drive! First check! (Werwolf Ketzer) And then, second check!"

"Your mistake was thinking you were fighting us one by one! Since before this fight began, we've been fighting as one!" Ban exclaimed.

Tate's hand flashed with black and red lightning mixed with bluish flames as he revealed the card. Alice of Nightmareland, a heal trigger.

'This feels notalgic... I can even hear that song playing.' Ryuuga thought with a small smile.

Taking the fight into the skies, Chronojet used the power given to him by his guardian units to create to massive spheres of time energy, a red one that would speed up time and a blue one that would slow it down. He jammed the two together, creating an even bigger purple time sphere, where still was both standing still and going too fast for the brain to comprehend.

"This is... TIMELESS!" The branch manager laughed.

"BRING IT!" Tate roared.

Chronojet blasted his attack down, but instead of remaining in a sphere state, the attack took the shape of a spiral-shaped attacked.

On the other hand, Reijy flew towards the attack at max speed, a bold move considering how the attack was too big for a single human-sized unit like him to survive it.

But at the last second, two bigger units stepped in and took the attack for him.

In a cluster of black and red lightning and bluish flames, the attack was stopped by the hands of two dragons: Raging Form Dragon and Prominance Core.


Because of the pressure of the attack, Prominance Core's right arm and Raging Form's left arm were both blown away, alongside their main weapons.

Reijy flew between the two, boosted by the purple flames coming from his wings, and grabbed chunks of the dragons' broken weapons. Raging's axe had turned into a sword of light akin to a certain jewel Knight's, while Prominance Core's remained the same old blue flame sword.





Reijy jammed the two swords against the gear dragon. He struggled to slash through the hard steel of the dragon's body, but with the power inherited from his friends, which took the shape of bluish flames intertwined with black and red lightning surrounded him, he finally slashed through Chronojet Dragon!

"Eh... This was a blast..." Ryuuga admitted, right before Chronojet Dragon exploded. Fitting.


[MATCH TIME: 45:00]



"Man, you guys really got me with that one! It never crossed my mind your end goal was to end it all with Reijy's triple crit!" Ryuuga laughed as he went around collecting the FiCas and Vanguardrivers. "That was sick!"

"Thanks, Ryuuga-san! But that was all Katsu-chan's idea! He looked over our decks and made up an attack plan using all our strengths together!" Tate explained.

"I-it wasn't anything special." Ban sweatdropped with a chuckle.

"Shut up, that was awesome. You even adapted the plan on the go with those replacement heals." Izuru said, punching Ban on the shoulder.

"Maybe you should apply for King. They oughta be looking for someone now that the old one changed schools." Masato suggested.

"N-no way, I'm not fitting for King..." The blonde boy chuckled, rubbing the back of his head.

"I think Endo should just replace the entire Royalty. I know Setsuna had a Jack that played Mordred, but our current Ace plays the deck with two Phantom Blaster Dragons in it. That's a crime against all things holy, no matter how big your boobs are." Izuru sighed.

"I think Takami's sheep would be a better Ace than that chick." Kaido shrugged.

"I think even your pet capybara would be a better option." Gin chuckled.

"YOU GOT A PET CAPYBARA?!" Tate and Izuru asked.

"Hell yeah. I didn't know if Japan allowed them as pets, so I was ready to pull a Ryuzaki if needed." Kaido explained with a giant smug.

"What's pulling a Ryuzaki?" Ban asked.

"Buy half the country and name the new country after you." Mayuri replied.

"That sounds... So that's a legal thing you can do."

Ban, no. Bad Ban, no buying portions of Japan and make them into a country named after you, you're supposed to be the main character who is a better protagonist than Izuru.

"Man, this was a fun afternoon." Ryuuga chuckled. "We should repeat this after the Vanguardriver get released to the public! My schedule is pretty-!"

"Oi, Ryuuga."

That voice came from the gates of the temple. Ban never heard it before, so he didn't react, but the rest of the guys who weren't named Ryuuga froze on their spot. You could even hear the sounds of their butts clenching in fear.

"...I'm gonna die..." Ryuuga said in a very high pitched voice as sweat rolled down his forehead. This was a man who was about to meet his greatest fear.

His wife being angry.

"H-hey H-h-h-homura..."

Ban recognized the name, and his butt clenched too.

"What's that about some extra hours because of a statue in your roof that Izuru texted me about?" Homura asked as she calmy walked towards the group.

This beautiful woman was Sawada-Saki Homura, a former Queen and ruler of Fukushima University, who left their Vanguard program to become a student at Heiwa four years ago. Currently, she was a teacher.

She was also Ryuuga's wife, they got married a few months ago, right before the new school year started.

"Huh... Huhhhh... Huhhhhhhhhhhhh... YEAH I GOT NOTHING!"


Ryuuga escaped from the scene, running as fast as he legs could. Sadly, they lacked Izuru's leg power, because being an overworked branch manager meant skipping leg day.

But sadly for him, Homura didn't skip leg day.

But now that she was too busy chasing after her husband, the rest of the gang could finally relax.

"I think I saw my life flashing through my eyes..." Masato sighed in relief.

"You're telling me... You guys wanna go grab a bite while Homura yells at Ryuuga? This could take a while." Gin asked.

"Yeah, I could go for some food. But I can't stay for much. I'm gomna go get wasted with Kishou and Takanori later, we wanna see who will come to pick his ass up after he passes out drunk. Kishou is really adamant on his safety contact being Kurosaki but honestly, I think his actual mom will show up." Kaido explained.

You're a very confusing senpai.

"G-guys.... H-he's back..." Mayuri whispered.

"What's back?" Izuru asked.

The asakusan looked in the direction of what Mayuri was staring at. It was a deer. A deer without horns. He then looked at the adults in the room. They were frozen in terror again.

"Huh. What?" Tate blinked.

"...FUCK THIS, WE'RE OUT OF HERE!" The four yelled and ran out of the temple.

"Didn't they say they had troubles with a deer before?" Ban asked.

"Oh please, it's just a deer, how bad can he bad?" Izuru replied.

The deer looked at the three teenagers, mainly at Izuru. Then, he lifted his hoof to point at the magenta scarf, and right after, he pointed at some pink flowers growing around the temple.

Basically, he said the scarf was pink.

"...you fucker..."

"M-miyuki? Y-you aren't gonna do what I think you're gonna do, r-right? Right?!" Tate asked.

"I don't think he's listening..." Ban said, taking a few steps back while dragged Tate along.

"It's not pink... IT'S MAGENTA!"


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