-Part 7

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Not today PETA, not today... Oh right, the story.

Following that entire funny ending to the Dark Zone Bout and the Vanguardriver testing, the boys rode out to a nearby convinience store to grab some snacks and drinks, and then drove out to the outskirts of Tokyo, to this nice area next to a river and under a ree. They parked their bikes, they set their food down, and they prepared to dig in into this cozy little picnic of theirs.

But first, Ban and Tate stared intensely at Izuru, who just looked at the tree with a flat stare.

"Dude..." Tate spoke up.

"Don't say it." Izuru intervened.

"You got..." Ban followed.

"Don't say it..."

"Bro..." The slav muttered.

"I said don't say it!"

"That deer kicked your ass so hard!" Ban and Tate laughed.

"You're both dead to me!"

Oh yeah, the deer kicked Izuru's ass. There's a reason why even a professional boxer like Gin, a taser wielding maniac like Masato and someone who can order an air strike like Kaido, ran away the moment they saw it. Only Homura has beaten that exact deer in a fight, and that was through using some very rough WWE moves.

Izuru got left in the gutter. One of his eyes was black, so he had to use some bandages around his forehead and right eye, alongside a metric crap ton of them around his arms and legs. Hell, even his back was sore after that ass beating. Not even Aimi on the night he almost did her mom went this hard on him.

No more saying you punched some tiles, loser.

"Dammit, I actually lost in a fight to an animal... How can I go compete in the God of Combat if some random ass deer without horns kicks my ass harder than Aimi?!" Izuru said, his voice filled with raw despair. Then he began eating freid chicken.

"But hey, now you get to ask Ibuki to take of you. Ain't that great?" Ban snickered, opening his lemon juice can can.

You drink what.

"Hm? What do you mean with- OH! HOLY CRAP! MIYUKI, YOU REALLY LIKE IBUKI, DON'T YOU?!" Tate asked. He finally completed the puzzle.

"Shut up, raw potato man! This has nothing to do with you two dumbasses, so zip-"

"Your scarf is pink." Tate said.

"IT'S NOT PINK, IT'S- MY BACK!" Izuru yelled, placing down his bucket of crispy goodness. "My body is no shape to have this fight... Yeah, I like Ibuki, just shut up about it and celebrate the end of his harem shenenigan..."

"Man, what an end of an era. I always thought senpai had the most chances compared to the rest." Ban said.

"Ooooh, true! Miyuki and Chika-senpai have always been so close since the first year, and I think they even kissed at one point! But if you ask me, I thought Mimi-chan would be the big winner since this guy lives to cuck Endo-san." Tate explained.

"Yeah, I could see it." Izuru shrugged. "I thought the winner would be Sumireko, since that'd cuck Endo even more."

"I don't think you get a say in this." The blonde boy sweatdropped.

"Alternatively, Rio-chan. If I had a ruble for everytime these two touched each other's asses, I'd have two rubles, which isn't alot, but it's sussy that it happened twice." Tate suggested.

"Wait, you did WHAT?!"

"Yeah. Back on that cave in summer. You were too focused on simping for Yumi to notice." Izuru said, opening a bag of crisps.


"What'd you think it was, Katsu-chan?"


"Hm... Understandable." Izuru nodded. "But it's fine. She got her revenge back at the hot springs."


"Though you were married to Kasumi-chan for like what, five minutes? Remarrying is an option."

"True. And if I can not get divorced on my second marriage, then I'll have a better record than Endo." Izuru said, rubbing his chin.

All the way on Ebisu circuit, Endo sneezed while he and Risei drifted across the track. Those lads sure knew how to spend a weekend.

"O-oh my god..." Ban muttered, holding his head with both hands. "Just what the hell has Rio been trying to do to date this scumbag..."

"Right now? Her peak is bribbing people to not go to the hot springs. Only the old ladies didn't fall for it. Which was a good thing, since throwing Risei their side is still the peak of my life as someone from Asakusa." The black haired nodded.

"Since we're confessing things, I wanna confess something too!" Tate exclaimed. "I finally decided! I wanna date Ako-chan forever!"

"I thought you'd go for Tamaki." Ban and Izuru replied.


The answer? Polygamy.

"Only one confession left. Spit it out, Itsuki." Izuru said, pointing his chicken drumstick at Ban.

"Ah? What do you mean 'Itsuki?" Ban asked.

"He's calling you a monkey." Tate said.

"Or I'm calling you a friend close enough that I'd drift your shitty 85 down a hill in the middle of the night. You'll never know which answer it is until you ask. I call it Schrodinger's Itsuki."

"That's a shit joke. And since when are you into Initial D?" Tate asked.

"I was into eurobeat since that's the only thing your cousin Ivans blasts on his sound system whenever I visit, but Ibuki got me into it. And if the girl I like recommends it, then goddamn I will watch it and proceed to say I can do better."

Izuru cannot in fact drift a car better.

"I... I got nothing to confess." Ban shrugged.

"You're being too planny today, that shit never happens. You couldn't even plan ahead for whether to have lunch behind the school or on the roof the other day."

"Planny isn't a real word, Miyuki. Also, busted. Fess it up, Katsu-chan!"

"You two are being too smart for your own good..." Ban sweatdropped. "Endo-san asked me if I wanted to be the King a few days ago. But I'm gonna say no, I lost interest on that ages ago."

"He did WHAT?!" Izuru yelled.

"Wait, we have a Royalty?" Tate asked.

"Dude, why'd you reject an offer like that? Wasn't becoming the King your goal? And specially now! Endo usually just orders someone to be X in the Royalty, the fact he's asking someone for once means he's serious about making the Royalty good again!"

"Like I said, I don't care about becoming King anymore. Too much bad crap happened when I wanted to become King."

"Miyuki got yeeted at a wall."

"No that's a good thing, the bad thing was the delinquents taking control of the school." Ban explained. "Besides, I got better stuff to do now. So screw that offer, I'm just gonna keep being the same old Ban."

"Screw the past, we're way past that, you like my childhood friend and I've used The Hand on your sister, you can become King now!"

"I'd rather if you didn't say like that, dingus." Ban deadpanned. "Besides, like I said, I don't wanna. Being King sounds like a major pain in the ass. Just look at your brother."

"Well yeah, Ryuuga shot himself on the foot by then also becoming council pres, but Aimi is the council pres! She can handle the full paperwork while you wave around a badge!"

"True! When are you becoming King, Katsu-chan?!" Tate asked.

"That's the fun part. I'm not." Ban replied, shooting his friends with finger guns. "Hey where's the fried chicken?"

"Good question." Izuru said, cleaning the fried batter crumbs around his mouth.

"Don't go eating the entire bucket without us, idiot..."

"Man, what a mood killer, Katsu-chan..." The slav sighed and got out his phone. "My babushka called me- MY BABUSHKA CALLED ME AND I DIDN'T ANSWER! OH CRAP, I GOTTA RUN!"

Scared for his life, Tate shoved some crisps down his throat and rushed to his bike, the Cold Wonder. I thought he didn't like the russian jokes.

"I have to bounce too. It's getting late and the supermarkets get full around this time. If I get there early, I can leave early. Damn that Ibuki, asking ramen out of nowhere..." Izuru sighed, rubbing the back of his neck.

"Stop complaining, you know you wanna do it. You get a kick out of her relying on you, don't you?" Ban laughed, throwing the empty chicken bucket into a nearby trash can.

"Don't you like it when Yumi needs your help? I don't get a kick out of it, I just got used to this life. If I was living alone in that house without Ibuki... Man, I wouldn't know what I'd be doing by now. Hell, I wouldn't even be able to play Van- Hey wait a minute, don't switch the subject!"

"I'm not switching the subject. Just calling you out on you finally being into a girl. It took two years of being surrounded by beautiful women, but it finally happened. Maybe you'll reach nirvana one day." Ban joked, putting on his helmet.

"Oh zip it with the nirvana. You got any idea how annoying my mom was when she found out about Ryuuga getting to that point? The prospect of a grandchild made her squeal so much that I had to get a new window." Izuru scoffed, throwing on his yellow helmet.

"You're joking, right?"

"No man. She squealed so much that her hype lead to her throwing a chair out my window. It was... A weird christmas." The black haired deadpanned and got into his bike, the 85, a name given to it after Izuru regretted going into the bike hype instead of the old car hype.

"Your family is just outright weird at this rate."

"It's called being from Asakusa and Shibukawa. My grandparents should have just stayed in Nagoya instead of moving there when my dad was born... Anyway, see ya on monday." Izuru said, revving the 85's engine.

"Yeah, see ya man." Ban replied, revving his precious Ryukyu's engine.

"Oh yeah, one more thing. No hard feelings about that thing that happened. Go be King if you want to."

"Yeah, right."

The two laughed and rode away in their separate ways. Izuru's path took him to a filled supermarket where he waited fourty five minutes in line, but Ban's path took him somewhere else.

On his way home, he noticed a small card shop and decided to stop by.

He parked the bike in front of the store and walked in. Behind the counter was the store owner, a tall and buffed man with a perfectly shaved head, a pair of shades and a perfectly curled moustache. What drip.

There was also one costumer there, a young man with short black hair and a black coat, shuffling his cards on a table.

"So this is Hage, huh..." Ban muttered.

"A new face, huh? Welcome to Card Shop Hage. My name is Kamishiro, call me if you need anything." The manager said, bowing at his new costumer.

"H-hai! Thanks for having me!"

"So tense... That isn't very good for your health, specially looking at how young you are." The other costumer said, throwing down five cards. "Never been to good ol' Hage before?"

"This is my first time in his card shop... But I've heard alot of great things about it." Ban said.

"That's true, alot of great stuff has happened here. Ryuuga met his first girlfriend, Ryuuga got dumped by his first girlfriend, champ got locked in the store for peeing sitted down, a RyuzakiBot came here once to show how bad and forgettable Myst Flare in V is, Emomon got his katana, Emomon met with his sister here after she got disowned for selling that pack, etc, etc. I met my waifu here too!"

'This guy... What a total weirdo... But he looks strangely familiar and knows Ryuuga-san... Oh yeah! He has black hair like Izuru, no shit he's a massive weirdo!' Ban sweatdropped.

"So, you wanna cardfight? I got a tasty promo that solves half my deck's problems like most V promos here." The costumer said, waving his deck.

"C-cardfight? Sure, I am in a card shop afterall." Ban nodded and sat down. "My name is Ban. You?"

"I am... Hm... Coach! I'm Coach!"


"You can just call me Coach! I got a keen eye for spotting troubled people and coach them! Last time I did it, a guy got a girlfriend in New York!"

"But your eyes are closed."

"That's what makes me such a powerful character. When I open my eyes, the fangirls will scream so loudly that people will forget that time Ryuuga and Renji made fujobait." Coach laughed and got out a coin. "Ducks or rat, call it."


"It's my special edition Disney World coin. I got it after I revved my wife in Scotland."

"D-ducks... I guess?"

"Let me go first, Mickey!" Coach threw the coin up and caught it. "Hehe, I go first! That's an auto win in my book! Get ready to see how much of a bad idea Accel II was!"

"I use it too, so you tell me that yourself. Stand up, my vanguard! Knight of Early Dawn, Coel! (6000)"

"Oh man, I remember when Gurguit was good... Scary, yucky times. Stando upo, my vanguardo! Jonah Scott- I mean Beast Deity, White Tiger! (6000) That joke would make since if I used that furry starter that came with God Hand, but I kinda need Scarlet Birb in this deck. Draw! I ditch one to ride my super big Extreme Battler, Sosaucer! (8000) Not-sad wolf boi's skill, I draw one, then Sosaucer's skill, I drop one to draw one! Look at that greedy of pot! Turn end!"

Hand: 6
Damage: 0

Hand: 5
Damage: 0

"My go. Draw! I ride Fast Chase Liberator, Josephus! (8000) Coel's skill, draw and get a quick ticket. Attack! (8000)"



"That's no guard."

"Oh, my bad. Drive check. (Liberator of Royalty, Phallon)"

"Damage check. (Cool Hank) That's one cool Hank."

"F-for real...? I mean, turn end."

Hand: 6
Damage: 1

Hand: 8
Damage: 0

"You gotta get used to the puns, little Ban-chan. Stand and draw! Check out this cool ride, I ride Cool Hank! (9000) That is one cool-"

"You made that one already!"

"Hehe, you're catching on quickly, little Ban-chan. I'm gonna call a very brutal Jack (9000) and swing with my Hank! (9000)"

"No guard."

"Drive the check! (Giant Elephant Battler, Paon Mask) Hey, look at my huge trunk."

"That's gross... (Bluish Flame Liberator, Prominance Core)"

"Cool Hank's cool skill, soulblast to draw. And then Jack is gonna attack. During my turn, he gets a brutal 10k. (9000>>19000) Swiggity swooty, he's coming for that booty!"

"Stop with the name jokes...!" Ban groaned as he put a critical into his damage zone.

"Man, I wish we had Buster triggers in this game too. Make it happen next reboot, Kidaddy! Turn end!"

Hand: 7
Damage: 1

Hand: 8
Damage: 2

'This guy... He's completly insane, but he's good at this...' "Stand and draw. Ride! Liberator of Royalty, Phallon! (9000) Josephus' skill, I look at the top card and either call it or leave it. Call, Dindrane! (7000) Her skill, soulblast one and draw! Boosted by Dindrane, Phallon attacks! (9000>>16000)"


"Drive check! (Dawning Knight, Gorboduc)"

"Damage check! (Exxtreme Battler, Victor) That isn't very poggas."

"Phallon's skill! I look at the top card and either call it or leave it. I'll leave it. Turn end."

Hand: 7
Damage: 2

Hand: 10
Damage: 2

"Jack doesn't stand, so I'll just stand my cool Hank and draw! Hehe. now-!"

(Media - Running in the 90s)

"Watch me hit this perfect drift in a gutter run! The extreme so extreme it became exxtreme, and if it becomes more extreme, we'll get age restricted, so become even more exxtreme for an exxxxtreme! The coolest and raddest battler of the cool ass star! You were playing Smash Bros, I was smashing my bros! While you were watching the hub, I was clapping my homies in the locker room! Now get down and watch me running in the 90s! Ride! RRide! RRRide! VRide! Exxtreme Battler, Victor! (12000)"


"You're probably thinking I got a screw lose, but I do not! I got much more than one! Imaginary Gift, the fair and balanced Accel II! Victor's extreme exxtreme skill! I scry the top seven and call Dosledge! (9000>>14000) I also call my big trunk Paon Mask! (9000) Jack's skill, rest Dosledge and Mask to stand! And since something got up like my little Takumi in the morning, Mask gets power and give powers to Victory! (9000>>19000) (12000>>22000) Then call, Scarlet Birb! (8000) I blast a soul to restand Dosledge and Mask, and since I restood two homies and have the homie Tiger in soul, I also draw a card! Dosledge's skill, he gets 10k! (14000>>24000) It's time to b-b-b-b-battle! Dosledge goes ham! (24000)"

"Heal guard! Clarity Wing Dragon! (34000)"

"That damn going fist rush cucker... Victor attacks. His skill, I blast a counter and a soul to restand Dosledge, and since Dosledge restood twice this turn, I get an extra check, and when Dosledge restands by the second time, I soulcharge! (22000) Extremely Big Drift Sword Attack!"

"No guard!"

"Bold move, little Ban-chan! Triple drive! (Brutal Jack) (Beast Deity, Scarlet Bird) (Old Anchor - Critical) Check this smoke, a crit! I give the critical to my vanguard and power to the man Dosledge! (24000>>34000)"

"Damage check. (Clarity Wing Dragon - Heal) Heal trigger, power to my vanguard and I heal one. (29000) (Listener of Truth, Dindrane)"

"Dude, my attacks... Dosledge attacks! (34000)"

"Josephus! (39000)"

"Hai, hai, turn end."

Hand: 10
Damage: 2

Hand: 8
Damage: 3

"Stand and draw! Bonds and promises light up the heart, where a bluish flame burns brightly! One golden fist! One azure flame! One regal dragon! One strike clad in blue flames that'll freeze sin and burn this moment in history! Ride the vanguard! Bluish Flame Liberator, Prominance Core! (12000)"

"That isn't very Trishula of you, Ban-chan."

"Imaginary Gift, Accel II! I draw a card! Prominance Core's skill! Counterblast, retire Dindrane, I check the top four and call two! I call Oath Liberator, Aglovale and Liberator of Royalty, Phallon! (9000) (9000) The rest goes on the bottom, and then, Explosion Blue! (9000>>12000) (9000>>12000) (12000>>18000/2)"

"Liberator of Royalty, huh? That's a whacky name for a card released in the middle of the Royalty system being a thing in most schools. My coach guts tell me you're troubled because of something Royalty related." Coach smiled.

"H-how did you know?!"

"I can see when people have problems related to Royalties. I've seen it one too many times... Like jesus, I've seen it WAY too many times for a lifetime. Doens't help that I got myself thrown into one of said problems, but we fall to pick ourselves up, right? So, what's on your mind, little Ban-chan?"

"I... I got offered the chance to become the King of my school. It's something I wanted in the past, but wanting it only got me into problems... And now I have that dream being served to me on a silver plate, but I'm scared to take it now. Being Heiwa's King... It's like a curse. That school just can't get a good King, and what if I'm the same? Akira-san was a massive disappointment, Yoshikawa Kagekiyo was a massive bastard, and Ryuuga-san... He's what makes me the most scared to take this chance. I... I have a girlfriend, you see... Her name is Yumi, and we began dating recently, and I'm scared that being the King will throw a wedge into our relationship like it did for Ryuuga-san and Abe Fujiko-san."

"Even Narrator-kun is speechless." Coach chuckled. "That's a normal fear. You got alot riding on your back if you take this chance, and you don't think you can do it. It's a lame excuse, but how will you know you'll fail until you try it?" Coach asked with a wink and a smile.

"Man, you're a really weird guy, Coach..." Ban chuckled. "I call Percival (12000>>17000) and use his skill to call out a second Aglovale. (9000>>14000) Then, Explosion Blue. (17000>>20000) (14000>>17000) (18000>>24000/2) Phallon's skill. (12000>>17000) Then I call Josephus and Gorboduc. Explosion Blue. (8000>>11000) (8000>>11000) (24000>>30000/2) Gorboduc's skill, I scry five to add Core to hand and discard one, then he gets 5k. (11000>>16000) Battle! Prominance Core attacks! (30000/2) Rhadamanthus Accel Overdrive!"

"And you're a good guy, little Ban-chan. Twin Blader, be a G and kanzen gaado me this."

"Twin drive! (Liberator of Royalty, Phallon) (Liberator of Royalty, Phallon) Percival attacks! (20000)"

"That's an ironic name for a card you ride. The same way Phallon liberates the royalty, you can liberate your royalty of its bad rep... Man, how does Masato make such bad lines all the time? I guard with Birb. (22000)"

"Aglovale attacks! I put Percival into the soul for his skill! (17000>>27000)"

"No guard. (Exxtreme battler, Victor)"

"Aglovale bounces to hand, then Phallon attacks boosted by Josephus! (17000>>28000)"

"No guard. (Extreme Battler, Sosaucer)"

"Boosted by Gorboduc, Aglovale attacks! I put Josephus into the soul for his skill! (28000>>38000)"

"No guard. (Twin Blader - Draw) This is why I should run Three Minutes, he's always three minutes early. (22000)"

"Coach, your jokes suck." Ban sweatdropped. "Aglovale returns to my hand and I end my turn."

Hand: 8
Damage: 5

Hand: 10
Damage: 3

"They don't, but most people can't appreciate the fine art of my adjective jokes. Stand and draw. Better clench your buttcheeks for this, little Ban-chan, because I'm boutta hit this drift better than Yuu-kun did back during the summer of 48! You're revving your engine, but I'm revving my wife tonight! Persona Ride! Exxtreme Battler, Victor! (12000) Maurizio De Jorio, hit it!"

(Media - Running In The 90s)

"Accel II poggas time! And then, I check a spicy top seven for the little guy with the biggest name, Banbarugun! (8000>>13000) Jack's skill, rest Dosledge and Paon Mask, and then I call Scarlet Birb! (8000) Restand, Dosledge and Paon Mask! Their skills go off too! (14000>>24000) (9000>>19000) (12000>>22000) It's a shame they never Vfied Golshachi, but maybe that's for the best or else the brit'll forget it has Resist! Battle! Dosledge attacks! (24000)"

"Flame of Victory, guard! (27000)"

"Ganbarugun! On attack, I soulblast one to restand Dosledge and give Ganba a fat 5k! Dosledge's skill, soulcharge! (13000>>18000)"

"Guard and intercept with Phallon! (22000)"

"Dosledge! (24000)"

"No guard! (Oath Liberator, Aglovale)"

"Victor attacks! Dosledge, restand, and drive check, become like a G Unit's! Dosledge's skill, add another 10k! (24000>>34000) (22000) Extremely Big Drift Sword Attack!"

"Perfect guard!"

"Triple drive! (Old Anchor - Critical) Poggas, Dosledge! (34000>>44000/2) (Brtual Jack) (Steel Fist Dragon, Fury All Dragon - Heal) Not God Hand Dragon! Power to Dosledge! (44000>>54000) Dosledge attacks! For this battle, say bye bye to sentinels! (54000/2) DELIVER THAT TOFU, DOSLEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEDGE!"

"No guard! (Fast Chase Liberator, Josephus) (Bluish Flame Liberator, Prominance Core) No trigger. Good game, Coach."

"Same to you, little Ban-chan." Coach grinned and gathered his cards. "I'd challenge you to a rematch but I plan to rev my wife in during the next ten to twenty minutes. Nothing personal, kid."

"I'd rather if you didn't told me that part..."

As the Coach headed out of the store, he stopped and looked back at the manager.

"Oh yeah, don't forget to stop by later tonight, Kmaishirp-kun! Me and Strelzia are making a Louisina shrimp boil, it gonna be so platinum that everyone's invited!"

"I will go just to punch you in the face for calling me that, Hikaru." Kamishiro said with a bow.

"Wait- Hikaru?! Hata Hikaru?!" Ban asked, looking back.

"Took ya long enough, little Ban-chan! I'm actually hurt you took this long to figure it out!!" Hikaru cried.

"I mean, in my defense, you're the most forgettable guy in Spiral Terra-"

"I'm WHAT?!"

"Well, Ryuuga-san is a branch manager now, Abe-san is a girl and Kiba Emon-san had a katana and a disowned sister-"


"It was an honour to fight, Hata-san!" Ban exclaimed, bowing.

"Nah nah, don't get all bowy and last name cally with me. Hikaru's just fine. Although, you can always just call me tonight." Hikaru winked.

"I don't think using that joke on a teenager is a good idea now that you're an adult." Kamishirp commented.

"Fair enough. Then how about... You call me coach? My champ has already grown up, gotten married, slayed a protagonist and turned into a branch manager, so I'm free to teach people. People don't like to bring this up, but I was actually a pretty good King in Heiwa. I screwed up less times than Ryuuga and Akira, and the way you described Kagekage makes him sound worse than me."

"You'll really become my coach?! Even after I threw away Nova Grapplers for Gold Paladins?!"

"I don't blame you for doing that. To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand V Nova Grappler. The strategy is extremely subtle, and without a solid grasp of attack physics, most of the plays will go over a typical player's head. There's also the playerbase's nihilistic outlook, which is deftly woven into their way of playing the game- their personal philosophy draws heavily from Narodnaya Volya literature, for instance. The fans understand this stuff; they have the intellectual capacity to truly appreciate the depths of these kinds of clans, to realise that they're not just good- they say something deep about LIFE. As a consequence people who dislike Nova Grappler truly ARE idiots- of course they wouldn't appreciate, for instance, the skill level in Raizers playability, which itself is a cryptic reference to Turgenev's Russian epic Fathers and Sons. I'm smirking right now just imagining one of those addlepated simpletons scratching their heads in confusion as Novas players genius wit unfolds itself on their board. What fools... how I pity them. And yes, by the way, I DO have a Nova Grappler clan emblem tattoo. And no, you cannot see it. It's for the ladies' eyes only- and even then they have to demonstrate that they're my super thick wife Strelzia beforehand. Nothin personnel kid."

"I think I don't wanna be your student anymore." Ban sai with a blunt stare.


"In that case... Yeah, I'll become your student."

"Then I'll just say this..." Hikaru grinned. "LET'S GO CHAMP! Now go call your headmaster and warn him about this, I'll go revv up my wife for like half a hour and we'll meet back here in like a hour!" He exclaimed, running out of the store.

"You just got yourself into the very weird teachings of someone with a very good heart. Better get a helmet." Kamishiro chuckled.

"Already do. Thanks for everything, store manager-san."

After bowing to Kamishiro, Ban stepped out of the store and dialed up Endo's number. He answered pretty quickly.

"Ban-san, I'd like to say you're calling at a nice time but some foolish little man in a Civic just challenged us to a drift race around the circuit and me and Reirei really need this victory to make us forget we're in our fourties and divorced, what may I do for you?"

"I'll do it, Endo-san." Ban declared. "I'll become Heiwa's King."

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