-Part 8

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The weekend of testing the Vanguardrivers and meeting and fighting Hanabi had passed.

It was early in the morning, way before classes started.

Endo walked through the mostly empty halls of Heiwa, until he reached the old Roylaty room. He stepped inside to meet the four students he had invited there.

"I'm glad to see you're all here." Endo smiled.

They were Ban Katsuhito, Serebryakov Tametomo, Endo Minami and Sawada Izuru.

"I know this is about the Royalty but couldn you have sent this in an email or something? I had to get up extra early for this and Ibuki yelled at me for waking her up this early." Izuru deadpanned.

"Agree. You got alot of gal to have your daughter wake up this early, Mitsuaki. Specially after she heard from someone that you sold your very good and modern car for a crappy, dying and rusting 86." Minami scoffed.

"You could at least pretend you're not disappointed in my existence..." The headmaster sweatdropped.

"Endo-san, please get back to the main point before I fall asleep..." Tate sweatdropped.

"Right, my bad, Serebryakov-kun. As you know, Heiwa's Royalty has always been a delicate matter ever since I became this school's headmaster. Its power was stripped, and they became just something used to bring the school fame through Vanguard. Its members were decided through a very long proccess that ended with me handpicking the best of the best of the best-"

"One played two PBDs and the other a coaster, your method sucked, Endo."

"Shut up, Izuru. The exit of the most recent King has opened my eyes and made start thinking about reconstructing this Royalty. And that is why I have brought the four of you here today. I don't plan on making the Royalty the highest power, since the student council is much better handling all issues than you four."

"Screw you, I'd keep the same amount of work either way."

"Shut up, Izuru. I will now nominate the new students to take the roles of King, Queen, Jack, Ace and Joker. Ban Katsuhito." Endo spoke up.

"Yes." Ban nodded.

"Despite the problems between us in the past, I'd trust no other person to take this title. You are truly the apex example of a King. You're a smart and kind hearted young man, with the skills to take on the world. I hope that one day you may forgive me for using your desires to make my goals come to fruition. I nominate you King of Heiwa Academy's Royalty." Endo said, giving Ban the King pin. "Lead the school well."

"Thank you, Endo-san. I'll make us the strongest Royalty Heiwa has ever seen." Ban declared. His resolve has never been this harder.

"Endo Minami. I know we had a rocky start, and I hope you don't see this as me trying to fix things. No other person would be better of the role of Queen than you. Not because youre' my daughter, but because you're you. So I nominate you Queen of Heiwa Academy's Royalty."

"Please stop sounding so lame, you lame ass deadbeat father..." Minami sweatdropped, outright cringing at her dad's speeches.

"At least you acknowledged me as your dad. One day, my dying and rusting 86 will be yours."


"Serebryakov Tametomo!"

"Hai!" Tate exclaimed, saluting.

"At ease, comrade. You may not be the smartest guy around, but what you lack in smarts you compensate with kindness. It is true that Ban-san and Izuru would be much worse people if not for your friendship, specially the latter. I hope you keep steering them in the right path, as the new Jack of Heiwa Academy's Royalty. And please do not go down the polygamy route."

"Hai! But I cannot promise I gain the same number of wives as you, sir yes sir!"

"Loser." Izuru snickered, looking at Endo.

"And Sawada Izuru. You truly are one hell of a scumbag, and someone fit to be thrown into juvinele detention, or better, a prison on the bottom of the ocean. But you're a good fighter, and good at making people not kill you after you do terrible things. That's why a clown like you can only be the Joker of Heiwa Academy's Royalty."

"Ah?! Joker?! Why not Ace?! Is this because I almost nailed your ex-wife?!" Izuru asked. He was not having a good day.

"No. I can assure you that my decisions for you and Minami didn't include any bias. Oh, and before I forget, the Ace. Deciding the Ace was truly a hard task. I had two students in mind, and even though one of them beat the other, he had more experience when it comes to Vanguard, and free time."

"Oi... You don't mean..." Ban muttered.

The room's door got kicked open by a first year student. His Ace pin dangled off his pants, attached to a tiny whisk by a small chain.

"Keh keh keh... You really thought you could get rid of me like that?" Nobuhiko grinned. The tiny whisk thief was now a main character.

"This is where my bias went." Endo said with a very sleasy smile. "It's ironic since both he and Kiba Emon-kun play Kagero!"


But that was that. The new Royalty was formed. Ban, Minami, Tate, Izuru and the tiny whisk dude were now the chosen ones to make a Royalty capable of making Kishou's look like crap.

Sadly, neither of them runs a floppa on their decks or has six years of lore shoved into a piano, so Kishou will keep the dub here.

The student council gang returned to the student council room, where Izuru got his second batch of bad news for the day.

"Oi... Please tell me this is a tasteless joke..."

"Oh right, I forgot to mention we had two sudden transfers from that all girls schools. Have fun!" Endo yelled from the hallway.

"So this is Heiwa... It's much cozier than I imagined. I wonder what fun things will happen, fufu." Rio chuckled.

"Hey cuck, you better have kept your lazy ass away from Kasumi-chan or else something not very pretty will happen." Yukiko growled, cracking her knuckles.

Rio and Yukiko were now Heiwa students too! Oh joy!


That's the voice of a very cucked man. Endo finally got his revenge on Izuru. Well played, headmaster.

After that long and tragic day of dodging Yukiko's fists, Rio's plans and Nobuhiko's tiny whisks, Izuru finally got home, to the one person who could make him happy.

"I'm home..." Izuru sighed, kicking away his shoes and throwing on his apron. "Rejoice, I'm finally making that ramen you asked for."

"Hell yeah! Monday ramen rocks!" Ibuki cheered with her arms in the air. She was playing video games like usual.

"Hai, hai, but no more annoying me into making dishes that need two days of prep ahead of time without a two week written warning!"

"I promise~~!"

And while Izuru got into the meat cutting and noodle boiled, Ibuki walked up to him behind his back. By the time he noticed, he was already face to face with her.



"You've been acting pretty strangely lately, y'know? So spit it out! What's gotten into you and made you more of a weirdo than usual?!" Ibuki asked. "Are you sick? Stupid? Sick and stupid?! Stupidly sick?! Sickly stupid?!"


Izuru leaned closely, and did the exact opposite.


'Nailed it. And by it I mean the final nail in my coffin.'

"Pfff- AHAHAHAHAHA! YOU LIKE A GIRL WHO'S WAY OUT OF YOUR LEAGUE, WHAT A LOSER!" Ibuki laughed and ran back to her spot on the couch. "WHAT A PERVERT, HAHAHAHAHA!"

"Oi, no need to be such a meanie about it!"

'If it's not 0%, it's basically 100%... Yeah, my chances with Ibuki have goen down to 0%, alright. Way to go, Asakusa guy...'

"Hai, hai. I'll give you a headstart and not bully you about until... I eat dinner! After that it's free real estate." Ibuki winked.

"Please don't bully me, Ibuki-san..." Izuru sighed.

Ibuki made an innocent giggle and got back into her video games. She also started thinking something.

'My name is Ibuki Nino, and there is a guy I like. And his name...'

She looked at Izuru.

(Media - Sutekimeppou)

'Is Sawada Izuru.'

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