-Part 7

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This is a story about two delinquents.

The setting was Hirabayashi Middle School, the year after the "Berserker of Hirabayashi" incident happened. By now, that was just something that happened some time ago. People had moved on and couldn't care less about it.

This year, Tate went to Russia as aprt of a student exchange program. Nobody else offered to do it and the school was able to use his football skills as an excuse for him to handle it. Scummy and lazy move on their part.

And Yukiko also wasn't around. Afterall, she changed schools following the whole berserker thing.

For all purposes and effects, this year, Izuru would be all alone.

Until one day, he wasn't.

It was some time around the end of the first week of the school year.

The top dog of the delinquents in Hirabayashi was a guy called Shouji, a big and fat dude with very big sideburns that he sadly dyed light green out of a sense of no taste. He was someone above the king of the Royalty, because the school had turned into a delinquent haven after the incident. He dated any girl he saw, and could buy anyone, not matter their morals, into being one of his mindless goons.

But one day, he fell.

Quite literally.

It happened during lunch break, where Shouji tried to get into a fistfight over someone he wanted to hire not caring about that. It ended quickly, with Shouji flat on the ground with a bloody nose.

His attacker, a guy with normal glasses and a shaved head, slammed his foot down on his sick sideburns and looked around at the speechless goons surrounding them.

"Not a big fan of having to respect my elders, even if they are some fat clowns who've got held back twice."

"Holy crap, that guy actually beat up Shouji... H-he really is Shinigami South, isn't he?!" One of the goons asked.

"I heard he got outta juvie this year after being sent there for two years from breaking some guy's limbs back at elementary school! Like, all four of them!" Another goon whispered.

"It was only two." Shinigami South sighed, pushing his glasses up. "And then I broke his dad's legs for scratching my Bayonetta with his stupid car."


"That bike was the coolest... Oh right, you." South slammed his foot down on Shouji's face again. "Don't let my nickname fool you, ding dong. I may be called Shinigami South, but I'm not a reaper. I am death. I am Shin. Shinei. Nitta Shinei." He grinned. "Just jo-king."

The glasses weren't shades, the head wasn't bald, and the devotion to the good Buddha was none. Truly, people grow alot over the years.

"Hey clowns, you know anyone better than this fat fuck? This guy wasn't even a warm up." Shin laughed, looking back at the goons he just acquired free of charge. 

"W-well, there's a guy!"

"Yeah! The guy who beat up Nijimura and threw a wrench in his fam! The Berserker!"

"Pfff, berserker? I take it back, juvie had better nicknames for people than this." Shin jumped off Shouji and wiped his hands. "Well then, take me to your Berserker."

The rest of the delinquents lead Shin to the classroom of class 3-E, where the Berserker was. They opened the door, they pointed at who the Berserker was, and then all of them, Shin included, shared a similar reaction.


"AAAAAAAAAAAAAAH?!" Shin yelled, almost dropping his glasses.

They were pointing at the most nerdy looking guy in the entire school. The sucker had his hair completly tied back, and even had those types of glasses with the circular lents and went in a whirlpool motion, straight out of an actual manga.

And years later, he got a harem.

You call it grindset, I call it witchcraft.




"You baboons tried to trick me or something?!" Shin exclaimed, grabbing one of the delinquents by his collar.

"Hm? Oh hello there Masaoka-san and Masaoka-san's friends!" The berserker waved at the delinquents.

"S-see?! He knows us cause he beat out asses!!! He's the real deal, South-san!!" Miura exclaimed.

"Tch, goddammit." 

Shin threw Miura to the side and walked over to the harmless berserker, snatching himself a chair and sitting across him.

"Nitta Shinei. The new boss of those monkeys."

"I am Sawada Izuru, nice to meet you!" Izuru got up, bowed, and then sat back down. He was in the middle of writing a letter in russian.

"What the hell are you doing? I thought you were some delinquent worth fighting against."

"Ahah, no way! No way I could take you in a fight, Nitta-san! Oh, and this? I'm writing a letter to my friend! He's in Russia and is part slav, so I thought this would be the best way to comunicate with him! And it's also funny!"

"You're just drawing shapes."

"Yes, that's the russian alphabet."

"Are you stupid or somethin'?"

"You have no idea!" Izuru smiled.

"Tch, man... And here I thought middle school could still end up being interesting. Guess I'll see you around, Berserker-san." Shin said, leaving Izuru to do his writing.

"Alright! See you later, Nitta-san!"

But that wasn't their last encounter.

In fact, their second encounter would be on that same day, when Shin was walking home by himself.

He turned a corner and got intercepted by a group of guys from a biker gang. Shouji was with them.

"T-that's guy, big bro! That's the guy who punched me!!" Shouji exclaimed to the biker's leader, a big guy with a quite nice pompadour.

"Tch, what a snitch you turned out to be, Fat Tony." Shin sighed, tossing his school bag to the curve. 

"Eeeeeh? So this is the guy that smacked my little bro when he shouldn't had?" The leader asked. "Tch, scum that tries to mess with Sansna don' deserve to live! Bring his ass to me!"

"Bring it on!" Shin grinned.

But even with his burning passion for hand throwing, an entire biker gang against one guy had an outcome as obvious as they got.

Shin ended up being held back by two guys grabbing his arms, and Shouji's older brother was about to end his little joke with a pipe he found on the street.

"When you see my granny in hell, think back to how you could have had a good life if ya hadn't punched Shoushou."

"Eh... I wonder what the Buddha has to say about that." Shin grinned.

"Tch, you bas-!"

"Oya? Oya oya? What a bad match-up!"

Shin looked back and actually dropped his glasses this time. That nerd trying to write in russian showed up on the scene.

"Tch. Katsuba, kill his head. I want his goofy eyes bleeding from how much you kick his head into the curve."

"You got it, boss! Even I can take this guy on a-!"

Katsuba was a very short and thin guy and got punted into the ground with just one punch, surprising no one.

"Keh... Maybe middle school can still be interesting..." Shin cackled.

The biker gang's boss just sighed and threw his pipe away. He cracked his knuckles he approached Izuru. He was gonna be the one to deal with this.

"Katsuba ain't a challenge for anyone. Jesus christ, you goofsters are the most useless bunch I ever saw since I saw my mom at birth, jesus fucking christ, you infinite fucking ba-"

(Media - Super Shooter)

Izuru punched the boss' head into the nearest wall. After his face slowly slithered down the broke wall and he fell on the ground, the gang members saw the boss-looking dent left on the wall.

"SHOUKAKU-CHAAAAAAAAAAN!" The boss' girlfriend screamed. She was there too and he had a weird name. 

"Oi oi, what the hell is that guy?!" One of the guys holding Shin asked.

"Yo, Berserker-san! Did you come to be my hero in shining armour?!" Shin laughed.


"After you treated me so nicely, how couldn't I?" Izuru asked.

He tossed away his fake glasses, and ripped off his hair tie. Then, with a bigger than god grin, he slammed his fist on his palm.

"The name's Sawada Izuru! Bring it on!"

Shin cackled and took advantage of the shocked state the guys holding him back were in, throwing them off him.

"Bet I can beat up more you." Shin said, putting his glasses back on.

"Bet I can beat 'em all up." Izuru replied.

And the most badass two on ten happened. Those losers didn't even had a chance to fight back, but managed to call some back-up in the meantine.

At the sound of incoming bikes. Shin hopped onto the boss' bike and looked back at Izuru.

"You wanna ride?"

"No way I'm riding bitch!"

Izuru got onto the bike, with his back facing Shin's, and gave the incoming gang members his beautiful two middle fingers.

"Think twice before fucking up next time, losers!" Izuru exclaimed.

"Sayo-bye bye!"

Shin revved up the bike's engine, but before riding off at full throttle, he pulled down the skirt of the boss' girlfriend, because he's a good delinquent.

The two rode off into the sunset, and only stopped after they arrived at Shibuya, where they bought some cup ramen and water bottles at a small convinience store in an alley. The kind old lady that ran the store even let them heat up the water with her water boiler.

The two sat outside the store and began eating.

"Fuck me, ramen shrimp's too good for this world! Yummy!" Shin giggled.

"Pfff, bullshit. Fried chicken ramen's king." Izuru replied.

"That's illegal, please die."

"Eat shit." The black haired chuckled. "Shin, was it? Wanna be friends?"

"Well, after you gracefully saved my ass, how could I possibly say no?" Shin asked in completle sarcasm. "By the way, there's a roach on your shoe."


Izuru looked at the fat cockroach just chilling on top of his shoe and felt himself becoming like Suzui.


He let out such a high pitched scream and jumped off the ground with such speed that Shin accidently threw his food into the air and covered his head, thinking a gas explosion was about to happen.

"G-G-G-G-GET IT OFF ME!!! I-IS IT GONE?!" Izuru asked, flashing his phone's flashlight on his feet.

"E-eh...?" Shin blinked and looked at Izuru. "W-what the hell was that...?"


"You can take four dudes at once and still cry when you see a roach?! Man, what a crybaby hero you turned out to be!"

And that's how a friendship between two delinquents that loved to fight was born. 

They would fight other delinquents, they would fight each other at random times, and even would fight people they were pretty sure would kick their asses seven ways to sunday.

One of those people was a third year high schooler in Heiwa, which they intentionally went to stir problems with because midterms were finally over and they could skip studying to fight.

And that senior from Heiwa? It's exactly who you think it is.

"A beautifully shaved head that sting slike a bee and a strong voice that makes besto friendos tremble in fear! I'm Nitta Shinei!" Shin declared.

"And a fabulous black hair and pretty boy voice from Asakusa that makes the fangirls squirm! I'm Sawada Izuru!" Izuru declared.


The two striked a team poser, with Shin getting down on one knee and spreading his arms, and Izuru standing slightly to the left with a leg in the air and his arms pointing up.



From his office, a certain black haired headmaster with a daughter and ex-wife who would end up prefering one those delinquents over him watched the fight.

But all good things come to an end, and that end was a month before the school year ended.

Izuru and Shin were just laying in the grass of a riverbank, contemplating how boring fight had gotten after they beat up everyone around them. They wanted to have a shot at the legendary delinquent Li, but he had disappeared already.

"I'm bored..." Izuru sighed. "Wanna go grab a bite?"

"Thinking of becoming a monk." Shin said.

"Ah? Where the hell did that come from?"

"Iunno man. Shit's got boring. Fighting's lowkey starting to look kinda dumb. So why not go be a monk? 'Sides, I always wanted to learn proper shaolin instead of just trying to imitate it."

"Man, when you put it like that, beating up people for fun's kinda ran it's run." Izuru said, sitting up. 

"I know, right?" Shin got off the grass. 

"But hey, if you wanna go be a monk, what can I do?" He laughed and got up too.

"You can wait for my super special awesome return and then we can have the greatest fight Japan ever got to see. Not even that Nobunaga shitter's Sengoku period was as cool as this."

"When you put it that way, how can I refuse? But still, let's go grab a- Where'd you go?" 

Izuku looked around for the now gone Shin and just shrugged. This was an usual occurance, so he just head off to the nearest ramen shack.

As he walked past a manhole that was there for some reason, the manhole's cover was slowly lifted up by Shin's shaved head as he prepared for a perfect attack.

"Got ya now, Izuru-chan!" Shin exclaimed, jumping off the manhole to tackle Izuru.

"SON OF A BITCH!" Izuru braced himself for the impact.


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