-Part 8

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What a nice story, reminiscent of the old deliquent stories of the late 90s to early 2000s... Poor Junpei. At this rate, the best thing about him is playing Giraffa.

By the time Izuru finished his story, without saying the actual name of the delinquent Shinigami South because he isn't the narrator, his parents had returned with desert, and the five were already eating. Ibuki was on her second serving, because Yu knew that even though she cared about her form, she wouldn't refuse free food.

But the night had to come to an end somewhere. Shouto had to quickly visit his precinct, so he gave Ibuki a ride back to Ikebukuro. As for Izuru, he took Nakano home, this finally being the one behind the wheel. Well, ''wheel''.

"Your driving leaves alot to be desired..." Nakano muttered, slowly getting off the bike. "That or your mother's cake hits different..."

"I'd make an excuse that it's the second but I'm Ryuuga's brother..." Izuru deadpanned, chuckling. "It was nice having you there, Nakano-senpai! Let's do it again some time!"

"Hm? Yeah, I'd like that too." Nakano nodded. "Well, have a good evening, Izuru-san."

"You too, Nakano-senpai!"

As Izuru revved his engine and Nakano prepared to enter home, the older boy looked back.

"Can I ask you something, Izuru-san?" Nakano asked.

"Hm? Yeah, shoot it." Izuru replied.

"What do you think about violence?"

"E-eh?! W-where did that come from?!" Izuru asked, almost falling off his still unnamed bike from flailing around because of Nakano's question.

"Your story reminded me of someone. No, that's not right... Your story reminded me of myself when I was still Li. Going around the city, fighting whatever and whoever showed up no matter the odds, just enjoying being hit and hitting back. But ever since then, I grew to realize just how... Useless all that violence was, I guess. That's why I dropped the entire delinquent deal. But what about you, Izuru-san?"

"W-welll... Violence is naturally bad! But that doesn't mean you have to give up fighting. You said it yourself, the enjoyment of being hit and hitting back is something else. That's why I still wanna go to the God of Combat despite swearing off fighting with my fists." Izuru explained.

"I see... Can I be honest for a sec?"


"It sounds like you're making excuses to fight."

"Geez, talk about blunt..." Izuru muttered, rubbing the back of his head. "I mean... Professional fighters don't fight against random people, right? They do it for the love of the sport, yeah? Then what's so wrong with doing the same? W-would you look at the time, I have to hurry up before Ibuki locks me out the house! It happened once, I'm not risking it again! See ya later, senpai!"

Izuru revved up his engine one last time and rode away, wvaing goodbye at Nakano.

"Yeah... See you later, Izuru-san."

And that was the end of another sunday.

Monday arrived, and another week of living the same peacful and quiet life began.

But it began different.

Izuru got up early as usual, he got dressed as usual, and as usual, he went to the kitchen to get started on making breakfeast.

But Ibuki had left for school already.

Resting on top of the kitchen table was a bento with lunch, some breakfast, and a deck box with a very specific deck inside.

Izuru picked up the fully blinged out deck and the small that came with it and scoffed. It read:

"Enjoy your free deck, sucker. -Ibuki"

What a good sugar mommy.

"And I'm the stubborn one." Izuru smirked, sitting down to eat. "Thanks for the meal!"

After somehow chowing down the very questionable miso soup Ibuki made, Izuru grabbed his bag, threw his deck inside, put on his shoes and left the house, but as he was about to get onto his bike, he received a call.

"Well look who it is. My health insurance company has been looking for you, they wanna fine you for being a constant danger to my-"

"Let's meet before school. Can you come to the park near Card Shop Hage?"

"Huh? Is everything ok, Yukiko?"

"Just come to the park near Hage and we'll talk. Bye."

"What the- Hey- She hung up on me, what the hell? Tch, off to a great start we are..." Izuru clicked his tongue and put his phone on his bag.

But nonetheless, he still rode to the park near Card Shop Hage, the one now owned by his brother's ex-girlfriend and her pro boxer boyfriend, instead of heading to Heiwa, and met with Yukiko. She was waiting for him on the sidewalk, so he just stopped in front of her and took his helmet off.

"What is it? The student council work isn't exactly low this centu-"

"Kasumi-chan... She hasn't been to Heiwa, as she?" Yukiko interupted Izuru's joke with a question. She was holding her tightened fist near her chest.

"Huh... No, she hasn't shown up ever since the hot springs. I think she's sick or something. I wanted to go take some chicken soup to her but I don't know where she lives." Izuru shrugged. "Wait, you live near her, don't you? Then why are you-"

"Kasumi-chan is gone."

Silence fell between the two as Izuru stared at Yukiko.

"...get in the bike."


"Get in the bike, I'm taking you to Sumireko, you hit your head or something." Izuru passed Yukiko a spare helmet. "Chop chop, she isn't open the whole-"

"I'm not messing around, you bastard!" Yukiko exclaimed, tossing away the helmet. "Kasumi-chan's gone!"

"Then why is she gone?! What do you know that I don't?! You gotta know something to even be asking me about her!"

"..." Yukiko looked down. She went to get the spare helmet and got on the bike as she put it on. "Take me to school..."

"Ah?! Tell me about Kasu-!"

"Shut up and get moving, we'll talk on the way!" Yukiko demanded, jabbing the right side of Izuru's body.

"Ack-! Alright, I'm going, I'm going!"

On the way to Yukiko's school, Yukiko began talking.

"I met Kasumi-chan when I was still in elementary... She lived in the same building as me, but not with her parents. She lived with a caretaker until she entered her second year of middle school. Her mother was always away for business, and her father was never in the picture... Until she told me the truth. He ran away because of her mother's antics..."

"What does that got to do with anything?" Izuru asked, narrowing his eyes.

"From the side of her mother, she is... A descendant from the Minamoto clan."

Izuru slowly reduced the speed and stopped at the red sign. He looked over his shoulder.


"The Minamoto clan. One of the big clans of the Heian period. She used to say she'd disappear one day, but I never thought it'd be now... This stings... you failed to protect her again, Yuko... She isn't home, she doesn't pick up when I call, she doesn't respond when I text her, I don't know what to do and I don't know why she-"

"I do." Izuru interjected, looking back ahead and revving his engine. "And I know who to ask about it. Go to Holmes after school, we'll talk more there."

"Huh? What do you-"

"Just do it."

While he managed to keep himself calm and collected during the trip to Yukiko's school and then to Heiwa, all that calmness came crubbling down as he kicked the doors to Endo's office wide open.

"Endo, you got alot to explain, cunt!"

"Siiiiiiiiiip." Endo stared blankly at Izuru and verbalized the sipping of his tea for no reason. "Good morning."

"What the- Don't go kicking doors like that!" Airi exclaimed.

"Tch! Stop messing around and cut the crap, Endo! You know why I'm here! What bullshit did you do before to improve Heiwa's name using Kasumi?!" Izuru shouted, slamming his fist on Endo's desk and completly ignoring Airi. 

"Why do you think I have something to do with her exit from the school? I just handle the paperwork, the rest is of her own volition." Endo explained, taking another sip of his tea.

"Bullshit!" The black haired exclaimed, slapping the tea cup away. "I don't care if I get on the brink of expulsion again, I'm punching an answer out of you!"

"Is that so?" Endo narrowed his eyes, and then looked at Airi. "Nijimura-san, please accompany Sawada-san to the rooftop. I'll inform his homeroom teacher of his late arrival."

"Cut the damn crap and give me an-!"

"If you want an answer, then you'll go the roof and wait for me there."

"...tch! Have it your way!"

Much against his will, Izuru left for the roof, guided by Airi. On the other hand, Endo left for the library, where some old students files were kept. The moment he closed his office's door, his desk broke into two pieces, because being Endo's desk is worse than being Endo.

On the roof, Izuru waited by the table where he and Endo fought before, rapidlying tapping his foot.

"Jesus christ, what's gotten you like that? What even happened to Kasumi-san?" Airi asked.

"That's my problem! Where's En-"

But his question got interupted by a very well deserved slap from Airi.

"Shut up. Calm down. Breath. Tell me."

"...it's like before all over again..." Izuru muttered, gritting his teeth.

"Like before? What do you mean?"

"It's happening all over again...! Someone I care about is being dragged through the mud by their stupid family's antics...! DAMMIT!" He yelled, slamming his fist on the table. "And the best thing I can do about it is just punch things again..."

"I'm sorry for the delay." Endo said, arriving at the rooftop through the entrance opposite to where Izuru and Airi were. He joined them at the table and fixed his tie. "Let's fight, Sawada-san."

"Ah?! Why would I waste time fighting you again?!"

"You want answers, right? Then fight me. If you haven't acquired a deck yet, then Nijimura-san will lent you hers." The headmaster said, placing his deck down.

"I don't remember saying that." Airi deadpanned.

"It's fine, I won't need it anyway." Izuru declared, slamming down his brand new deck. 

"Then let's begin. Stand up, Vanguard!"

"Stand up, Vanguard!"

"Neon Messiah. (6000)"

"Crisis Revenger, Fritz! (6000)"

"So your new deck is Shadow Paladin? So be it. Draw. I ride Hard Sword of Polarization, Lagranjad from my ride deck. (8000) Neon Messiah's skill, I draw one card, and then Lagranjad's skill. I place a card on my field as a locked card and draw one. Turn end. Unlock, Vanmaanen. (8000) With its skill, I draw one card."

Hand: 7
Damage: 0

Hand: 5
Damage: 0

"Draw! I ride Dark Armour Revenger, Rinnal! (8000) Fritz' skill, I draw one and get a ticket! I call another Rinnal! (8000) The rear-guard attacks! (8000)"

"No guard. (Lady Fencer of Matter Transmission)"

"Rinnal's skill! Since the attack hit, I scry the top three and add Dorint to hand! My vanguard attacks! (8000)"

"I guard with Lagranjad. (18000)"

"Drive check! (Dark Shield, Mac Lir - Draw! All on the vanguard! (18000)"

"Damage check. (Genesis Machine Deity, Volkogode)"

"Rinnal's skill again! Scry three and add Claudas to hand! Turn end!"

Hand: 6
Damage: 2

Hand: 10
Damage: 0

"Draw. I ride Counterkill Strike, Gastorur. (10000) Boosted by Vanmananen, Gastorur attacks. (10000>>18000)"

"No guard!"

"Drive check. (Oblivion Quasar Dragon - Heal) Heal trigger. I heal one damage. Power to my vanguard. (18000>>28000)"

"Damage check! (Nullity Revenger, Masquerade)"

"Gastorur's skill. Counterblast, placing a card down as a locked card, and then drawing a new one. Turn end. Unlock. Volkogode. (30000)"

Hand: 7
Damage: 1

Hand: 10
Damage: 1

"Stand and draw! Dark Change! Blaster Dark! (10000) His skill! Counterblast one, you retire a rear-guard! Caesar Darkness Shadow Crunch!"

"I retire Vanmaanen."

"I call Masquerade! (10000) With his skill, I scry the top seven, add Mordred to hand and shuffle the rest back! Since I added something, I retire Rinnal! And then, Rinnal's skill! I soulblast one and make you retire another rear!"


"Blaster Dark's skill! I discard my ticket and get twin drive! He attacks! (10000)"

"Oblivion Quasar Dragon, guard. Heal Guardian, activate. My vanguard gets 10000 power during this turn. (35000)"

"Twin drive! (Astral Chain Dragon - Heal) Heal trigger, all on Masquerade and heal! (10000>>20000) (Grim Revenger - Critical) Again, all on Masquerade! (20000>>30000/2) Masquerade, attack! When he attacks, he gets 3k! (30000>>33000/2)"

"Hm... No guard. (Alter Ego Messiah) (Flowers in Vacuum, Cosmo Wreath - Draw) Draw trigger. I draw one. The power goes to my vanguard. (30000)"

"Turn end!"

Hand: 7
Damage: 3

Hand: 11
Damage: 0

"Stand and draw. The world of heroes has decayed into an empty void filled by the greed of those who blind themselves with dreams of a fake glory and heroism... Even so, the world keeps marching forward into a brighter tomorrow, forged by its own hands. In the darkness of corruption, a silver seer oversees the world's evolution! Ride, Alter Ego Messiah! (13000) Imaginary Gift, Force II. I place it on my right front circle. Alter Ego Messiah's skill. I soulblast one and two cards from my drop zone are placed on my field as locked cards. I call Gastorur and Lagranjad. (10000) (8000) Lagranjad's skill. Counterblast, unlock Volkogode and then soulcharge one. (30000/2) Battle. Volkogode attacks. (30000/2)"

"No guard! (Frontline Revenger, Claudas) (Illusionary Revenger, Mordred Phantom)"

"Volkogode's skill. Lock. Add power to Gastorur. (10000>>20000) Gastorur attacks. (20000)"

"Grim Revenger, guard! (25000)"

"Gastorur's skill. I place a locked card over him and draw a new one. Alter Ego Messiash, attack. (13000) Skill. Unlock with a power increase. Volkogode, Volkogode, Vanmaanen. (30000>>40000) (30000>>40000/2) (8000>>18000) Vanmaanen's skill, draw a card. World Resolution!"

"No guard!"

"Twin drive. (Alter Ego Messiah) (Axino Dragon - Critical) Critical trigger. I give the power to Volkogode and the critical to my vanguard. (40000>>50000/2) (13000>>13000/2)"

"Damage check! (Barrier Troop Revenger, Dorint) (Transient Revenger, Masquerade)"

"Boosted by Lagranjad, Volkogode attacks. (40000>>48000)"

"No guard! (Dark Armour Revenger, Rinnal)"

"Volkogode's skill. Lock. Add power to the other Volkogode. (50000>>60000) Boosted by Vanmaanen, Volkogode attacks. (60000>>78000/2)"

"Astral Chain Dragon, guard! (25000) Heal Guardian, activate! Volkogode loses two crits until the end of the battle!"

"Hm... Turn end. My locked units are unlocked."

Hand: 8
Damage: 3

Hand: 9
Damage: 5

"Stand and draw!"

"Tell me, Sawada-san. The anger you're feeling right now. Who is its target?" Endo asked.


"Is it me, who is wasting your time when I could just give you the answers you seek? Is it Hatanaka-san's family for dragging her into their goals against her will? Or... Is your anger directed at yourself, for witnessing history repeating itself without being able to do a thing about it?"


Izuru grit his teeth.


On that day, his anger burned like never before. His feelings of rage burned hot enough to set fire to the country and then unite it, like one of his antecestors once almost did. In fact, it burned enough to cause a mysterious phenomenon, wink wink.

"Cry! Howl! Abyssal dragon plunged in garnet flames, crawl out of the sixth heaven, and become a blade to cut them all! Burn through the silence! The spirals! Through generations! RIDE! THE DEMON KING OF SIXTH HEAVEN, RAGING FORM DRAGON! (13000)"

"Demon king of sixth heaven?!" Airi asked. "Where did that come from?!"

Endo just smiled.

"Imaginary Gift, Force I! (13000>>23000) I'll attack... And be attacked back... AND THEN ATTACK EVNE MORE!" Izuru roared. "Skill! Superior call Rinnal! (8000) Masquerade moves back and call, Dark Cloak Revenger, Tartu! (10000) Soulblast, superior call Claudas! (8000) Then, call Dorint! (10000) Counterblast, soulblast, add 10k! (10000>>20000) With Claudas on the field, draw too! Boosted by Rinnal, Tartu attacks! (10000>>18000)"

"No guard. (Counterkill Strike, Gastorur)"

"Rinnal's skill, add Raging Form to hand! Raging Form Dragon, attack! (23000) Burn, Sengoku Impact!"

"Cosmo Wreath, perfect guard!"

"Twin drive! (Revenger, Raging Form Dragon) (Transient Revenger, Masquerade) Raging Form's skill! Rinnal, Tartu, Masquerade, retire! Set fire to the world and reset it through rebirth! Incineration of Enryaku-ji! Ride! Raging Form Dragon! (23000) Force I! (23000>>33000) And then superior call, Dorint! (10000) His skill! (10000>>20000) Dorint, attack! (20000)"

"No guard. (Lady Fencer of Matter Transmission)"

"The other Dorint! (20000)"

"Guard with Vanmaanen. (23000)"

"Boosted by Claudas, Raging Form Dragon, attack! (33000>>41000) Burn again, Sengoku Impact!"

"Axino Dragon, Oblivion Quasar, Asteroid Wolf, guard! (58000)"


"Lady Fencer, guard! (18000)"

Izuru clenched his fist and dug his nails deep into his own flesh, but instead of blood puring out from the small cuts he made, garnet flames exploded from his hands.

The fighting table disappeared, along with Airi, Endo, and the rest of the Heiwa. There was only Alter Ego Messiah and Izuru.


The flames in his hand exploded into a towering pilalr of swirling garnet fire. His body darkened from the intensity of the flames, and behind him, a shadow was cast within the fire.


As Izuru stepped forward, his body was carbonized into a samurai statue made out of coal that rapidly grew with each step.


But soon, it shattered like a cocoon, releasing a black dragon that absorbed the flames into his black and bent them into a garnet red cape.


Izuru himself appeared on Raging Form's shoulder, coated in a dark armour resembling Raging Form's body, only missing the cape and a helmet.


Raging Form grabbed Izuru from his shoulder, seemingly crushing him, and hurled him high into the sky. His cape exploded into garnet flames that he used to prepel himself into the skies, chasing after Izuru as he roared. Black and red lightning flashed alongside the garnet flames as cracks spread out alla cross his body.




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Raging Form Dragon exploded into a cluster of garnet flames and black and red lightning that surrounded Izuru's foot. He descended from the skies, with his powered-kick aimed at the opposing vanguard, he ripped through Alter Ego Messiah's body with his mighty impact, shattering the alien's body like if it was glass.

But in reality, Alter Ego Messiah just fell onto Endo's damage zone.

"Times have sure changed." Endo mused. "Have you burned all your anger now?"

"..." Izuru looked up at Endo, panting. "Please... Tell me something... Whatever you know... Tell me why this happened to Kasumi..."

"If I could, then I would have done it long ago. However, I cannot disclose Hatanaka-san's personal information without her approval." Endo explained, placing Kasumi's student file on the table. "Oh no. It would seem her student file somehow ended up in this table. How could such thing have happened? Nijimura-san, did you saw it happen?"

"Eh? Oh! Endo-san, I only saw your fight. By the time the file ended up on the table, we were already gone!" Airi said.

"Indeed. Oh well, just another mystery of life."

"You two... Thank you!" Izuru exclaimed, finally smiling.

As Endo and Airi returned to his office and left Izuru to see things for himself, Izuru started flipping through the pages of Kasumi's file. He ended up finding a small note within it.

"Temporary enrollment. Will leave Heiwa on October of her second year because of her arranged marriage with the youngest Yoshikawa Kagekiyo."

Izuru clenched his fist.

Usually, he'd storm into the Royalty room and handle things with his fists.

But even though his rage burned as hot as his asakusan blood, it burned with clarity too, so he didn't do that.

Instead, he just lived through another school day like usual, enjoying his time with his friends at the council room and suffering because of the paperwork, and when school ended, he left for Ikebukuro, and went to meet with Yukiko at Holmes.

They'd be meeting on the second floor of the cafe, which just served as a room for Risei if he ever closed past the last train to where he lived, or if one of his employees ever needed a place to stay. It was where Izuru crashed after Ibuki locked him out of the house for getting home too late at night.

"A-a wedding?! What the hell?!" Yukiko asked, looking through Kasumi's student file.

"You sure it was fine to even bring that here? I get Maki-chan meant for you to read it yourself but I don't think his intentions also included taking it out of the school." Risei deadpanned.

"Why are you even here? Shouldn't you be running the place?" Izuru asked.

"I should, but a young maiden be used for the dreams of glory of two families is more important! Whatever you two do, I'm gonna support you guys!"

"Slow day?"

"Slow day." Risei nodded.

"You could at least lock the door, you clown." Endo sighed, joining the three on the second floor.

"Maki-chan! What brings you here?!" The cafe owner exclaimed, hugging his best friend.

"Apparently, trying to get killed by a shaved bear...!!!" The headmaster coughed, struggling to breath under Risei's intense pressure.

"I told him to come here. He's only a very easily cucked headmaster until six o'clock, after that, he's just a very eaisly cucked normal man, meaning he can tell us what we want to know. In this case, about someone mentioned in Kasumi's file." Izuru explained, pulling Endo out of Risei's arms.

"This Kagekiyo guy.... I'M GONNA SCREW HIM SILLY WITH MY FISTS! AS SILLY AS HIS NAME!" Yukiko exclaimed, clenching her fist.

Please don't say you're gonna do something to someone silly, we don't need a Rikita on this side.

"Geez, calm down." Izuru deadpanned.

"That's rich coming from you." Endo sighed.

"Shut up. So, whaddya got?"

"Well, I guess some context would be appreciated. Before I became headmaster, back during the days of the second one, there was a teacher at Heiwa named Yoshikawa Gakukanji. He and his partner used Heiwa as a way to gain money through the funding the school got from the government."

"I'm sorry there was a WHAT?! Is that why Ryuuga was always busy with paperworker?! Is that why I had to buy coded locks for the tiny whisks?! Endo, what the fuck?! And then you made his son King?!"

"Yeah, what the hell was that for?! I thought you were some super smart guy!" Yukiko added.

"Maki-chan, what gives?!" Risei asked.

"Oi oi, you three calm your pants down, I'm not finished. Also he's his grandson, not son. Kagekiyo-san's ability in Vanguard was deserving of the King title. In fact, I'd even go as far to say that he could beat most of Heiwa's previous Kings l. I also saw a personal chance in making him King, a sort of final nail in the coffin of the problems caused by Gakuganji."

"Tch, that Gakuganji guy is starting to sound like the type of person I'd wanna beat up! Money grubbing, glory seeking, old dumb-!" 

"Gakuganji got ran over by a train in Europe last year."

Yukiko tried really hard to not finish her sentence.

"Eheh, if you finish it, you'll be the weird one." Izuru chuckled.

"SHUT UP!" She yelled, jabbing Izuru in the gut.

"Worth it..." He muttered on the ground.

"If that old coot's gone, then who's managing things now?" Risei asked.

"That would be his oldest son, also named Yoshikawa Gakuganji." Endo answered. "Yoshikawa Gakuganji-san is a smart man. I met him once, in college, ironically enough. He was studying business, and it shows how much ability for the art of the deal he has. All the fame and recognition the Yoshikawa have been getting from finally ended the clash between the Taira and Minamoto clans has been because of his actions, though he never has shown his face to the public." Endo explained.

"So even the media's in on this?! Tch, that family of bastards!" Yukiko growled with a shaking fist.

"Yes. But they won't be having any coverage of the actual wedding. However, they have a date." Endo revealed, showing an article about the marriage. The article only mentioned the family names of Yoshikawa and Hatanaka, and not the names of the ones getting married.

"Well then..." Izuru coughed, getting off the ground and fixing his jacket. He looked at Yukiko. "Clear your schedule for the next weekend, nurse Yuko-san."

"Ah?! Don't call me that ever again, shitter! Only Satoru gets to call me that and that's because he's my precious little bro! Wait, why though?!"

"Ain't it obvious?"

With a giant grin showing up on his lips, Izuru revealed the big plan.

"We're busting a wedding."

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