Checkmate 11: A Warm Welcome

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❝𝓙𝓾𝓼𝓽 𝓪 𝓭𝓻𝓮𝓪𝓶..? 𝓝𝓸 𝓪 𝓶𝓮𝓶𝓸𝓻𝔂..❞

                          -𝐒𝐡𝐢𝐫𝐨 𝐊𝐮𝐫𝐨𝐤𝐨


"It's all your fault, you should've helped her."

"She wouldn't have become such a bitch if you decided to step up."

"What a joke of a Jack."

The raven-haired Jack shot her eyes wide open. The ray of sunlight shone faintly due to her closed blinds.

"It's been 2 years.. and it still comes back to haunt me.." Shiro muttered pressing her hand on her forehead. "When will it end..?"

(Opening here)

"A Jack's day starts early." Shiro opened her blinds now all dressed up neatly, wearing a white T-shirt with half of it being the color dark blue along with the shorts.

She proceeds to finish her morning tea while eating a piece of cookie. Opening the door, she exited her room, the royalty dorm room was massive decorated in the colours of white, blue, purple and gold. Currently the dorm was empty and quiet up until it was broken by howls of loud laughters.

In instincts, Shiro turned her head to the source of the sound, even though she already knew who it was.

The Bitchiest Gang in Setsuna.

Walking across the halls were The Queen; Rin, her right hand elite; Takara, two first year Venom members; Kyoko and Yuki.

"I know, that's why I put her in her place." Takara pushed one of her twin tail to the back.

The four passed Shiro, without even noticing her.

Shiro looked down, she put her hand up to her bang that's covering her left eye. Taking small steps away from the area. Once she thought it was far enough, Shiro continued to walk over to her destination; the locker rooms as PE was her first class of the day.

Shiro entered the room and slid in a card that opened the locker door. Putting her duffle bag in, she looked into the mirror doing a last minute of hair brushing, before being interrupted by the bell ring and chime.

She left the lockers to the gym, there were around 15 students in the class. Including, two of the worst people she probably ever met.

"Alright class settle down, today we'll begin with stretching and 2 laps in the gym!" The P.E teacher said flipping over his clipboard. As the teacher finished his sentence, a couple of students started running while the Jack of Setsuna started last.

After running a lap and half it was only Rin and Shiro left. The two enemies shared one thing in common at least.

Fairly slow runners.

Shiro's legs kept moving, trying not to hyperventilate along the way. Rin on the other hand, recklessly kept running. Swaying her arms back and forth, passing Shiro in the process. Until, she stepped on her lose shoe lace.


Rin's body collided with the cold hard floor causing Shiro to gasp. Biting her bottom lip, she stopped her tracks and took a glance at Rin.

Howls of laughter emerged from the other students who were already sitting on the bench. Rin's face turned red, both from anger and embarrassment. As for Shiro, she slowly approached her offering a hand, which she just slapped to.

"I don't need that." Rin stood up on her own shooting a glare in the process as she ran to the nearby finish line.

Shiro who just stood there silent, bit her bottom lip following her to the finish line.

"You really took a fall there." Takara laughed as Rin sat down beside her opening the lid of her water bottle, she chugged down half of it. Her face was still red as a tomato.

"Oh shut up." She closed the lid crossing her right leg onto her left.

"My my, aren't you so rude today." Takara rolled her eyes, taking her phone out and scrolled through CCEUgram.

"I- I just fell down in front of-" Rin's words were cut off by Takara's laughter. "What's so funny?" Rin shot a glare at her.

Takara showed Rin her phone, specifically the footage of Rin falling down while she was running earlier.

"W-wait!" Rin took out her phone, opened CCEUgram, quickly scrolling through her feed then checked statuses.

"What the hell Takara?! Why were you recording?!"

"I was making a status, y'know the usual." She shrugged casually turning her attention away from Rin back to her phone.

"Delete it!" Rin demanded trying to grab her phone.

"It'll delete itself tomorrow! Jeez aren't you a little moody. It's not my fault that you fell." Takara lifted up her phone away from Rin's reach.

"It's embarrassing!" Rin whined.

"Oh my god fine. Like no one saw it yet either." Takara crossed her arms deleting the post as Rin sigh in relief, but catch on something.

The damage's been done.

"What? I already delete it, you can check my status if you don't believe me." Takara rolled her eyes.

Rin hesitantly opened her phone, refreshed her feed and the post wasn't there anymore. Long gone.

"See? Gone, god why don't you trust me? We're friends after all." Takara's lips pursed.

"It's not that I don't trust you just-" Rin rubbed her temples before taking a deep breath.

"Hm? Continue I'm listening~" Takara smirked not even paying attention to Rin, but from what she saw in the corner of her eye is enough to make her chuckle.

"Agh, nevermind! ...You're such a pain." Rin scoffed, muttering the last part making Takara's head perked up.

"What was that? I didn't catch it." Takara shot a glare.

"...Nothing." Rin muttered quietly.

Little do they know, a certain someone who tripped the queen by accident heard the whole commotion. Shiro bit her bottom lip, scratching her right cheek. Her face filled with guilt.


The afternoon bell ring and chime signaling it was lunch time, Shiro already changed her clothes into a plain white shirt covered up with a black blazer, a matching skirt with two golden stripes near bottom, a pair of black thigh highs, black shoes, a black ribbon armband with the Dystopia logo on it, a white ribbon tie with black stripes and to top it all off a small golden crown pin on the tip of the ribbon to symbolize her royalty status.

The dinning hall was pretty crowded, lots of people were either eating, talking or simply just on their phones. Scanning around the area, Shiro walked over to her table where she usually sat by.

"Still mad on the Jack, Rin?" Takara giggled lightly.

"Oh shut up Takara." Rin rolled her eyes.

"So you wanted to tell a story?" Kyoko asked taking a sip of her coffee.

"Oh right, can't do it without the other star of the show~" She replied with a large grin when she saw the Jack wandering around. Standing up from her seat, she walked up to her with a small wave. "Hey Shiro."

"A-ah..?" Shiro looked over her shoulder, her mouth agape into an 'o' shape. "Did you just.. call me by my real name..?"

Takara just kept her cheerful smile and laughs. "Aww hun, you're so funny~"

"What are you doing here?" She sighed tapping her foot lightly.

"So like, do you want to hang out with and my girls in our lunch table?"

"...What..?" Shiro raised a brow.

"They would like, seriously love to hear the story of how you tripped Rin in PE."

"Uhh.. you tripped Queen Rin on PE..?" One of the Dystopia members trailed off.

"It was an accident really, I stepped on her shoe lace." Shiro tried explaining.

"But funny nonetheless~" Takara hummed with a smile.

"Um.. Was it..? I made your best friend trip in front of everyone in class."

"And. It. Was. Hilarious~ besides Rin found it funny too~ I'm sure she'll forgive you~"

"I.. I sure.. hope so..." Shiro sweatdropped.

"Not gonna lie, Rin looked like she was about to kill you." Another Dystopia resident, Takumi said.

"Oho no don't worry, she wouldn't, she wouldn't." Takara giggled. "I'll make sure she doesn't."

"Uhm.. That's really nice of you...?"

"So yeah, wanna hangout?" Takara twirled one of her tails.

A few moments of silent occured, as Shiro looked around the table she was in. Breaking the eye contact with Takara, hopefully that'll get rid of her.

"Hm, it wasn't exactly a choice." Her intoxicating voice really did strike a small fear on some of the members, even if it wasn't obvious.

All the members looked at one another, most of them either stayed quiet, minding their own business or coughing awkwardly.

"So c'mon Jack~" Takara hummed with joy skipping back to her seat.

It did really forced Shiro to feel guilty if she didn't follow her.

"It's fine you can just go back whenever you want, best excuse is ask to go to the toilet and stay there til the bell rings." Takumi mumbled eating his meatbun.

"Save mee..." Shiro whispered, her body moved on its own to walk up to Takara's table.

When Shiro was far enough, Takumi let out a sigh.

"You're doom."


"Sit here c'mon, don't be shy hun~" Takara led Shiro to an empty seat beside Rin. As she herself went to sit beside Kyoko.

"Um.. excuse me." Shiro slowly took a seat beside Rin, with that the air hung heavier between them.

"Hmpf." Rin scoffed looking away from Shiro to the window.

"So~" Takara clasped her hands together.

"Hey.. Jack Shiro.. Takara told us about how you tripped Rin..?" Kyoko tucked her black hair behind her ear. Trying to not feeling the awkward tension between the two royals.

"And it's like, so funny." Yuki giggled closing her mouth.

"Ah.. really? I thought you'd be a bit angry." Shiro scratched her cheek.

"Aw c'mon we're all up to have some good fun. Right Rin!?" Takara's voice increased when she called out to Rin who just gave another scoff as a reply.

"That stunt you pulled though~ are you sure you aren't a Venom?" Yuki grinned taking a slurp on her ice tea.

"Pft, She might possibly be. To pull off that stunt, such a devious trick of yours. That's why, I invite you to our lunch table. I find it interesting the faction leader of Dystopia to have lots of qualities a Venom would have." Takara smirked slightly.

"Oh uh.. I didn't stepped it on purpose.. I didn't even saw the shoe lace." Shiro shook her head.

"You don't have to lie to us Jack Shiro. I think it's pretty funny, don't you think Rin?" Her attention passed onto Rin.

"Funny isn't exactly the word." Rin stood up from her seat. "I lost my appetite. Bye." Rin stormed off the lunch table.

"R-Rin!" Shiro called out.

"Let her go, she needs time to cool off anyway. Besides, she's sometimes like this."  Takara sighed, taking out her compact mirror, she closed it after a few moments. "Say Shiro, you should lunch with us for the rest of the week."

"O-Oh.. uhm, n-no that's alright." Shiro smiled slightly.

"You seriously turning down the offer? It's a huge offer~" Yuki smiled widely.

"A-ah.. well as faction leader.. I have to keep an eye on my faction." Shiro fiddled her thumbs together. Trying so hard to think of a simple excuse. 

"Oh don't be silly, your elite can do that. I mean I take authority a lot." Takara laughed. "Besides it's only 4 days, what's the harm?"

Shiro bit her bottom lip before sighing in defeat. "Alright fine."

Yuki and Takara clapped their hands in joy while Kyoko smiled calmly giving a nod of approval.

"Welcome to the group, Jack Shiro~" Takara smirked. "Remember, we wear anything pink on a Friday."


To be continued...

A/N: how long has it been? Two months? Akahsosbskdbs

Okay so this chapter was supposed to be out last Friday, but school decided to be extra nice on that day and gave me extra work ._.

But hopefully this chapter makes up the long wait.. >.>

Thanks for reading see ya~!

~Cookie xoxo

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