Checkmate 2: Rules of the Game

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❝𝓛𝓮𝓽 𝓽𝓱𝓮 𝓰𝓪𝓶𝓮𝓼 𝓫𝓮𝓰𝓲𝓷!❞

                      -𝐒𝐞𝐭𝐬𝐮𝐧𝐚 𝐀𝐜𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐦𝐲


The hallway was silent, until Kin was running her way to the conference hall with a piece of toast on her mouth.

"I'm dead if I'm late."

She thought running quicker, Kin wasn't the best athlete, in fact she's quite petite. She barely doesn't exercise due to being in her room a lot.

Lost in her thoughts of being late, she bumped into a girl near her size with twin tails.

"Watch it, I feel like I broke a nail." She whined standing up on her feet while checking her nails. "You're lucky hun, none of them break."

"I'm sorry." Kin picked up the toast that landed on her skirt. Looking at the person who she bumped into. Her eyes squinted.


"You better be." She scoffed crossing her arms as she walked to the same direction where Kin is going.

"wait up, where are you going?"

"Conference hall, where else." She stopped turning to Kin.

"I'm quite lost. Could you help me?"

"I'm guessing she's the new girl. Jeez, what a handful." She turned around to continue her walk. "Fine, whatever."

"Rude." Kin pouted following behind her. "I didn't catch your name."

"Rin Sasaki, Queen of Setsuna."

"Q-Queen... Got it." She shifted her eyes to the corner of her eye, silently finishing her bread.

"Is there something wrong with that?" Rin shot Kin with small glare.

"No." Kin quickly said shaking her hands side to side.

"What about you, hun?"

"Kin Takami."



"It's more of what the students called it for division, same thing really, but it's best to call them factions because students here will recognize it easier."

"Then it's Salvation."

"Ah, the faction that consists of nerds. Gotcha."

"And.. you?" Kin just sweatdropped.

"I lead the faction Venom."

"The faction for the cunning ones?"

"We're not just cunning you know. We're also ambitious and clever."

"Clever? Why have that trait when it's in Salvation already?" Kin asked tilting her head sideways.

"Honey, you really don't understand? We, as Venomist are quick, but wise thinkers in situations, part of the criteria for Venom is having high judgement, you see, Salvation leans more towards intellectual abilities in learning. I will admit in a way it's similar, but not the same." Rin crossed her arms. "Understand now?"

"I.. see, I personally don't think you'd explain that to me."

"I feel merely offended sweetheart, as Queen, isn't it one of my jobs?" Rin flipped one of her ponytail backwards.


"This is where you're supposed to go in." Rin pointed to the main entrance.

"Thanksss, Rin!" Kin rush into the Hall.

"That' Queen to you!" Rin huffed walking to the backstage door.

"There you are, you're nearly late." A white haired male coldly said.

"Yeah yeah, whatever. I'm not late though, it doesn't count, Mashiro." Rin smug walking into backstage.

The conference hall was filled with at least 200 people including the teachers. Kin sat down the area that said "Salvation".

"Am I late?" She asked the person beside her.

"Almost, King Asahi would've punished you." Narumi sighed crossing her legs.

The stage lights turned on focusing on to the announcement stand.

"WELCOME TO SETSUNA ACADEMY!" The headmaster exclaimed at the microphone.

Everyone clapped with full of enthusiasm, some even cheered and whistled.

"I hope you enjoyed your long summer holiday, as usual, chess pieces will reset and each division will be receiving 3 pieces randomly. The last piece, or the King piece is only earned by the division when they got all 15 pieces. And that's when you get your titles."

"Titles? Chess pieces? What the fuck is he talking about?" Kin asked Narumi.

"Basically, in this school, official recorded cardfights comes with a lost and prize, a special chess piece. Those chess pieces are important for our factions." She explained pushing up her glasses.

"Does it reset every academic year?"

"Yes, as for 'titles' it's what you get when you have collected all 15 chess piece before the academic year ends. The royals get a wish while the faction members gets fame, superiority and money."


As Kin and Narumi were talking, they missed a couple of things the headmaster said, but one thing caught their attention.

"Give it up for Setsuna's Royalty!!"

The smoke was around backstage as 5 figures walked up to the main stage.

"Give it up for the Light of our school, Joker Mashiro Kanzaki!"

The headmaster stepped off the stand as Mashiro stood on it.

"Welcome to a new academic year for everyone, I hope that you all have a fine morning. I'm fortunate to be the Joker and Chevalier's leader. Thank you." He stepped down. Causing everyone to clap once more. As much as how everyone's in different factions, they still have respect for the royalties of Setsuna.

"Next is our fearless cheeky Ace, her team won in the National Female Football Championship, Ace Kazane Blade!"

Kazane stepped up on the stand.

"Helllloooo!! It's me, Kazane!! Captain of Setsuna's Female Football team and Brilliance's leader. I'm happy to serve as your Ace!"

She jumped down from the stand standing beside Mashiro. Everyone gave a round of applause.

"Next, our Silent Shadow, Jack Shiro Kuroko!"

Venom students or more known as Venomist, started whispering at each other.

"She's scary."

"I heard from our Queen, she's an alien."

"Help she might abduct me."

Shiro just ignored it as she tapped the microphone.

"Greetings everyone, I am your Jack and Dystopia's leader. Thank you for having me. Is might right? I suppose." She cackled stepping down.

Everyone, but Venom students, gave applause.

"She's feisty, but still has a strong spirit. Give it up for our Rose, Queen Rin Sasaki!"

Rin elegantly walked to the stand with a huge smirk on her face.

"Glory to Setsuna Academy! Your Queen and Venom Leader has arrived~! I have expectations for you to treat me as one. That is all. Enjoy the year." She stepped down, some gave an awkward clap. Students feared their queen, who knows what she'd do to them if they disobey.

"Last but not least, Round it up for the The God of Kings! King Asahi Shunou!"

Asahi stepped up on the stand and cleared his throat.

"A very good morning everyone, I'm Asahi Shunou, King of Setsuna and Salvation's leader. I welcome a new school year to this new and magnificent day."

This time everyone clapped at his short speech.

"And with that.. LET GET GAMES BEGIN!"


A/N: Wo it didn't took 1900 years I'm shook-

Asahi: Everyone respeccs me unlike Taira.


Shiro: Might is Right.

Kazane: owo?

Mashiro: Fascinating.

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