Checkmate 3: Irregular

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❝𝓘 𝓭𝓸𝓷'𝓽 𝓬𝓪𝓻𝓮 𝓲𝓯 𝓮𝓿𝓮𝓻𝔂𝓸𝓷𝓮 𝓱𝓪𝓽𝓮𝓼 𝓶𝓮, 𝓘 𝔀𝓪𝓼𝓷'𝓽 𝓬𝓻𝓮𝓪𝓽𝓮𝓭 𝓽𝓸 𝓫𝓮 𝓪𝓷 𝓮𝓷𝓽𝓮𝓻𝓽𝓪𝓲𝓷𝓶𝓮𝓷𝓽.❞

                         -𝐒𝐡𝐢𝐫𝐨 𝐊𝐮𝐫𝐨𝐤𝐨


After the royalty's announcements and small introduction, they all went in the backstage of the conference hall. Some were drinking water while the others sat down.

"This is getting boring, let's bounce." Rin yawned.

"You do know that's not allowed." Mashiro folded his legs along with his arms.

"Hun, do you think this face look like it cares?"

"Both of you enough." A black haired girl with bangs covering one of her eyes said sternly, breaking apart their argument.

"Who are you to talk, freak?"

"It's Kuroko." She simply answered.

"Still don't care."

"What's with all of the noise back here?" Asahi went backstage pushing the hot pink curtain away.

"Rin was bashing on me and Shiro stepped in." Mashiro said, closing his eyes.

"Don't turn this into a problem, Rin." Asahi's eyes pierced onto Rin's.

She just stayed silent this time. Crossing her arms, she looked away.

"Anyway, was it true Asahi? Did she really beat you?!" Kazane's eyes lit up with joy.

"Huh? Oh yeah, it's true, bu-."

Asahi was cut off by Kazane's squealing as she grabbed Shiro's shoulders shaking them.


"A-ah, Kazane.. S-stop.."

"Sorry sorry, I'm just proud of herrrr." Kazane giggled letting go of her.

"Someone managed to defeat the King? That's.. quite surprising, now I'm intrigued.." Shiro thought. "I haven't met her, but I would lo-"

"If you want I can introduce her to ya." Kazane cut her off.

"Um... sure thing, Kazane..." Shiro said, scratching her cheek.



The evening came, Kin and Narumi was at the school café. Kin was drinking an espresso and having a slice of black forest, while playing in her laptop. Narumi was reading a book, sipping her black coffee.

"This is life.. coffee, cake, and actual good teammates in rank games." she sighed, looking at her laptop screen that says "VICTORY!".

"Until assignments will smack you over to reality." Narumi said, flipping a page to the next chapter.

"Hey.. At least let me enjoy."

Narumi giggled pushing up her glasses.

Kin's phone started vibrating and ringing from her pocket. She took it out of her pocket and answered the phone call.


"Kin Takami where are you?!"

"Kazane..." Kin's right eye twitched. "What do you want?"

"My friend wants to meet you! She's really nice I promise."

Kin's eyes narrowed to her right. Her bangs fell to her bright blue azure eyes.

"Yeah.. sure."

"Great we'll be there after dinner! I'll visit your room."

"That late..?" Kin sighed as she use her right hand to scroll through her laptop.

"Yeah we have royal duties to attend to. Besides, I heard it's about the new event or something."

"What do you mean by that?" Kin asked sipping her espresso.

"Events are the times when you can gamble your chess pieces for other pieces. When gambling both parties have to agree on what they're betting on."

"Can we gamble chess pieces outside of events?"

"That's considered illegal."

"Oh.. Why's that?"

"Not really sure honestly, it was never mentioned. Oh shoot, I need to go now, toodle loo~!"

"Goodbye." Kin put down her phone beside her laptop.

"Who and what was that?" Narumi's eyes shifted from her book towards Kin.

"My cousin, she was talking about an event going on soon."

"Ah.. then it's best if we prepare."

"I guess.. Say, what's the agenda today?"

"Nothing really, it's a free day." She smiled.

"Perfect." Kin chuckled.

"But tomorrow, classes will begin and you'll be mixed with other factions."

"Hm, doesn't sound too bad."

"Oh trust me, it's that bad." Narumi shivered, a lot of memories come flying back in as if it was a Vietnam war flashback.

"Then tomorrow will be a blast." Kin said full of clear sarcasm.

As the bells ring and chime, it signaled the time for dinner.

"What's the menu for tonight?"

Narumi took out her phone, checking the faction group chat.

"Victoria Sponge Cake, Chicken/Beef/Pork Curry rice or bento, if you don't like curry, and drink of any choice."

"Not bad, but I'm really craving for something else."

"You can just ask for the sponge cake, I'm sure it's fine."

"But I just had cake... You know what, I'll just get some fried ramen with some mozzarella in it!" Kin's eyes lit up clapping her two hands.

"Your cravings are really strong.."

"I know~ Let's be off, before food runs out. I'll see you at the common room tomorrow?"

"Sounds like a plan, see you."


"Hmm.. where is the mozarella..." Kin muttered. Searching up the shelves, she finally found a pack of it. It was high up, the toppest part of the shelf.

Kin tip toe to reach for it, she may be 5'3" but was still a bit short. She pouted jumping up and down for it.

"Need help with that?"

"Nope, I can do it!" Kin answered without looking.

The female just chuckled reaching up to the pack and gave it to her.

"Oh.. uh.. thanks." Kin took the mozarella and put it in her basket.

"It's fine really." She said.

Kin gazed down at the collar of her blazer, it has the writing 'Jack.'

"You're.. The Jack...?"

"Indeed, I am. Do you honestly not remember me?" She chuckled.

"Hey.. I do! Jack Shiro Kuroko."

"Oh my, I'm flattered." She gave her a close eye smile. "And you are?"

"Kin Takami."

"What a lovely name."

"Thanks.. So, what brings you here?"

"I came here for some bathroom necessities." Shiro picked up her black tote bag from the floor. "Anyway, why aren't you in the dinning hall?"

"I didn't like the menu today.. so I'll just cook my dinner."

"I can't argue with that. Well I'll see you soon, Takami. I have an appointment to attend to afterwards." Shiro walked pass Kin with a wave. "So long~"

"Y-yeah, goodbye." Kin muttered before going off to pay the cashier.


Kazane knocked on the brown wooden door along with her special guest behind her.

"I'm coming I'm coming!" Kin's muffled voice was heard from the door.

A few moments later there was a click sound and Kin opened the door.

"Kin I would like you to meet my special guest~." Kazane stepped away from the doorway, revealing a familiar face to Kin.

"Jack Shiro Kuroko..?"

"Ara~? If it isn't Takami~." Shiro's hand went up to her chin and a small smug appear across her face.

"You two know each other..?" Kazane looked at the two back and forth.

"Kind of, we met at when I was shopping for some food."

"She couldn't reach for a shelf, so I helped her." Shiro chuckled.

"H-Hey! I'm nearly as tall you are.." Kin pouted. "Anyway, come in." Kin stand away from the door letting the two girls in. Kazane sat on Kin's bed, Shiro sat down on her study chair while Kin flop to her gaming chair.

"I heard you defeat the King, I was baffled." Shiro said.

"Was that meant to be offensive?"

"No no, not at all. I'm sorry if I did offended you, I'm surprised that's all. The last time someone defeated the King was one of his elite."

"His elite?"

"Kage Uchida, he's the elite of Salvation. Then, it was true you are the new student. Everyone knows who he is."

"Yeah.. What's an elite though?"

"They are regarded the strongest of the faction, possible next royalties when we're either disqualified or graduated. They will take over our place."

"Is it possible to take down elites?"

"Yes, by defeating them in a best of three cardfight. The cardfight however has to be official, that means royals have to be watching. There's however a condition to fight an elite, you have to be either in a similar position with them or at least the top 3."

"I see.. Then what's the purpose of meeting me?"

"I would like to justify my reason on your skills." Shiro took out her deck.

"I'll accept that." Kin walked towards her kitchen table followed by Shiro.

"I smell spicy ramen with mozarella~!!" Kazane grinned.

"Just finished it." Sitting down, Kin chuckled taking out her deck, placing her starter and drawing 5 cards. Shiro does the exact same.

"Can I make some?"

"Go for it."

"Are you ready?" Shiro glanced up at Kin, who simply nodded.

"Stand Up (The) Vanguard!"

"First-Aid Celestial, Peniel! (6000)"

"Fullbau! (6000)"

"Shadow Paladin if I'm not mistaken?"

"That's absolutely right. If I may take the first turn?"

"Be my guest."

"Let's see.." Kazane was looking for the ramen, she opened the cupboard. "Aha! Found it." She took out the pack of ramen, a small sauce pan and olive oil.

"Arabhaki takes aim at Conohr! (8000)"

"I won't guard that."

Kazane put in the uncooked ramen to the hot sauce pan stirring it around with a wooden spatula. After awhile she put in the sauces.

"Cripple in despair, engulf the world in darkness! I ride, Blaster Dark! (10000) I call Skull Witch, Nemain (5000) I rest Nemain and call Swordbreaker, Swordbreaker's skill counterblast and draw, Nulity Revenger Masquerade! (10000) call, with his ability when he's called I get to see the top seven cards and add a copy of Mordred Phantom to my hand. Retiring Swordbreaker. Since you have no rearguards I get to discard a card and do a twin drive instead of a normal drive, I'll attack with Blaster Dark! (10000)"

"I don't guard."

"Twin drive. (Transient Revenger, Masquerade. Darkside Trumpeter) Oh goodie, a critical trigger, I give the critical to Blaster Dark (10000/2★) and the power to Nullity (20000)."

"Damage check. (Wild-Shot Celestial, Raguel. Thousand Ray Pegasus)"

"Nulity charges at your vanguard! His skill add 3000 (23000)"

"I'll have Critical Hit and Armaiti guard! (27000)"

"That ends my turn."

Hand: 8
Soul: 2
Damage: 1

Hand: 4
Soul: 1
Damage: 2

Several minutes passed and Kazane waddled back into the fight scene with a bowl of melted mozarella spicy fried ramen. She put in some chives for extra flavor.

"What did I miss?" She mixed her bowl with her chopsticks.

"Nothing much, Kin's ending her assault."

"Attacking with Million Ray boosted by Hesedial! (22000)"

"I don't guard. (Black-Winged Swordbreaker)"

"Over to you."

Hand: 7
Soul: 2
Damage: 3

Hand: 4
Soul: 2
Damage: 2

"Stand and draw, Embrace the dark, your dreams are nothing, but a mere illusion! I ride, Illusionary Revenger, Mordred Phantom! (13000) Imaginary Gift! Force II! To the left circle. I call Transient Revenger, Masquerade (8000). I call Blaster Dark (10000/2★) Mordred's ability since Blaster Dark was called I get another Force gift! Giving it to Masquerade! (20000) Nemain's skill resting her and call another Nemain (5000). Mordred attacks your vanguard! Purgatory Blade! (13000)"

"I don't guard."

"Twin drive check! (Gape Cleave Dragon. Abyss Healer) a heal trigger, recovering my face down damage and the power goes to Blaster Dark! (20000/2★)"

"Damage check! (Hot Shot Celestial, Samyaza) Not bad, it's a critical trigger. The power goes to my vanguard! (19000)"

"Supported by Nemain, Nulity attacks! Add 3000 (27000)"

"Intercept! Million's skill, since I took damage its shield went up to a 10000 (29000)"

"Blaster Dark backed up by Transient Masquerade go! (31000/2★)"

"No guard. (Mobile Hospital, Feather Palace. Pinky Dentruist) Wrong timing (19000)."

"Back to you."

Hand: 7
Soul: 3
Damage: 3

Hand: 3
Soul: 2
Damage: 5

"Damn she's cornered." Kazane thought slurping her ramen.

"Holy angel, rise above into the heavens on divine wings! I ride, Solidify Celestial, Zerachiel! (12000) Protect I! I call Armaiti to rear-guard (9000), with her skill, I soulblast, Thousand Ray to rearguard. (8000) Arabhaki to rear-guard (8000) I discard a card and take Samyaza. My front row gains 3000 (15000) (12000)"

"Her movement is clear." Shiro thought to herself looking at her hand.

"Zerachiel with a boost from Arabhaki attacks! (23000)"

"Guard! Abyss Healer! (33000) hmm.. I'll have Nullity intercept (37000)"

"Twin drive! (Crimson Impact, Metatron. Critical Hit Angel) Critical trigger, I give the power to Armaiti (22000/2★) Boosted by Thousand, Armaiti attacks! Thousand's counterblast adding an extra 10000 power boost! (40000/2★)

"I don't guard that, (Skull Witch, Nemain. Nulity Revenger, Masquerade)"

Hand: 5
Soul: 3
Damage: 5

Hand: 4
Soul: 3
Damage: 5

"I stand and draw, Dispell the light, the black pillar cracks beneath its weight. Night breaks through the day! PERSONA RIDE! Illusionary Revenger, Mordred Phantom! (13000) Imaginary Gift! Force II! I'll give it to my right circle. I call Nulity Revenger Masquerade! (20000/2★) checking the top 7 for Blaster Dark or Mordred. I'll take Blaster Dark, and retire Nemain. Rise again, from the depths of the dark! Blaster Dark on Masquerade! (10000) counterblast Abyssal Judgement!"

Kin put Arabhaki to her drop zone.

"Mordred's skill since I called Blaster Dark I get another Force marker!" Shiro smugged placing the marker onto her vanguard circle.

Kin gritted her teeth, cold sweat dripped down from her forehead. When she looked at Shiro, she felt a menacing aura around the Jack. She gripped her small hand and took a deep breath.

"I call Demon World Castle, Endefort (8000) it gains 20000 since you have 5 damage (28000) Time for my counterattack! Blaster Dark boosted by Masquerade! (31000/2★)"

"I guard that with Samyaza and intercept with Armaiti (32000)!"

"My other Blaster Dark! (48000/2★)"


"Kin, why do you suppose no one knows what punishment the Shadow Paladin's inflicts?"


Shiro paid a counterblast and stood both of her Blaster Darks.

"It's because dead man tells no tale."

In the surface of the planet Cray, Shiro as Mordred Phantom cackled as the two Blaster Darks pull their swords from the ground and got into a fighting stance. Mordred charged towards Zerachiel with his shiny silver broadsword stabbing her chest.

The blue-winged angel screamed in agony fading away to white sparkles, as Kin's sixth damage zone was Battle Cupid, Nociel.

"Ah.. What a game." Shiro clasps her hands together.

"It was a pleasure to fight you." Kin put her cards back into her FICA. "Even if my play was bad this time."

"You weren't able to draw specific cards, if I'm correct?"

"Yeah, sadly."

"So, tomorrow lessons will begin, excited?"

"Kind of, not really. I heard too many rumours of how classmates will be like."

"Don't let it bother you, classmates may be rough, but it doesn't stop you from excelling."

Kin sigh with a small smile.

"I guess you're right.."



A/N: Hii~ Yee sorry this took like 3 weeks to finish, but I had lots of fun writing this chapter.

Shiro: Ara ara~ when can I scream might is right~?

Hope you enjoyed the chapter, bai bai
~Cookie xoxo

P. S: Didn't technically created Shiro's quote, it's an inspiration from Houtarou Oreki
Anime: Hyouka

Edit: Yes I have realized my mistake when using Force II

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