Filolial Lover

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The weekend came with Izuku telling Glass and the group about the occurrence with Motoyasu in the heroics class. Knowing from what Naofumi explained of him, they knew he wasn't 'bad', but his abrupt appearance was beyond strange. Following his request though, the group decided to take some time Saturday to head towards the forest the Spear Hero told them to go.Unfortunately for the group, Ochako came to visit Izuku to try and find some answers to what happened for them to have no choice but to bring her along to avoid being late. The group began walking up a path that L'arc was told of beforehand. "Alright, we're almost there." The Scythe Vassal holder explained as they began getting towards an opening. When they did, they saw a massive amount of birds that looked like large owl creatures.

Ochako saw these strange creatures and asked "what exactly are these birds? I've never seen anything like them?" Motoyasu was seen behind the group and walked up to Izuku and asked him while ignoring Ochako without anyone even seeing him.

"Did you get the incubator?"

"DWAH!" Ochako jumped back for Motoyasu to look at her. "D-don't scare people like that!" Motoyasu stared at her with disgust before turning towards Izuku again. "Uhh. You could at least say you're sorry?"

"...Anyone know what the pig is saying?"

"DID YOU JUST CALL ME A PIG!?" Ochako was now livid with Glass pinching the bridge of her nose in irritation.

"Motoyasu. Apologize to Ochako. She is here because you had interrupted the training that she had with Izuku and wanted answers."

"I'm just saying, all I hear from her is 'oink oink oink'. She even has the snout to prove it."

"ALRIGHT! I'M GONNA SEND THIS GUY INTO THE STRATOSPHERE!" Ochako tried to go after Motoyasu for L'arc and Theresa to hold her back. Sadeena, who knew about Motoyasu, took the lead.

"Before we go into dangerous territory, this is the Spear Hero, Motoyasu Kitamura. And to explain to you why he keeps calling you a pig is because he suffers from a Curse Series."

"Curse Series? What's that?" Sadeena began thinking of the best way to explain this with the only possible outcome being to withhold as much as possible, but go over the fundamentals.

"The Curse Series is a type of weapon that those of us with the specific RPG quirk we have can use. It offers amazing power, but the drawbacks are horrid and vary from person to person. Thanks to Motoyasu being in a umm...limbo state, as you could say, is forced to see women as pigs and cannot understand them to only hear what an actual pig would say when they speak."

"Except for those that interact with my little angel, Filo." Motoyasu said this with a little joy in his voice. "Only real women of worth would even be able to speak on the same level as my little angel! She's truly a goddess to all who speak with her!" He kept saying this for Ochako to stare at Izuku wondering if she was hallucinating this.

"Is this guy normally this ridiculous?"

"From what I know about him, this is kinda the norm." L'arc commented for Motoyasu to return to what he was going on about.

"Anyway. Gimme the incubator."

"Oh, right." Izuku pulled an incubator out of his gauntlets to hold it in his hands. "You gotta admit, the storage function in this does come in handy at times." He passed the incubator to Motoyasu for him to have one of the giant birds transform into a little boy with blond hair in overalls. He ran over towards an area with the incubator for Izuku to look at Motoyasu. "So what exactly are these...birds?"

"They're filolials. Normally, a filolial will look similar to an ostrich or an emu. However, if someone like you or me were to raise them, they'll most likely become filolial queens or kings. From what I know, the feathers around their bodies are more puffed up to make them look similar to an owl. Not only that, but their strength is out of this world compared to a normal filolial. Each flock from what I've been told has a filolial king or queen leading it with them able to transform to hide in the group. They can be no different than a normal filolial, or a human child with wings on their backs. They're just like little angels though! Aren't they just precious?"

"Riiiight." Izuku was a little afraid of hearing Motoyasu speak while also looking over at a few filolials pecking at rocks. 'I don't see the difference between them and normal birds...sorta.'

"Father! I got it!" The filolial that went off with the incubator came back with an egg inside it.

"Thank you, Kou. You can give it to our friend now."

"Ok!" The small humanoid bird ran up to Izuku and held the incubator out in his hands. "Here."

"Uhh. Thanks." He looked at the contents inside to notice the egg was enormous compared to what Izuku was used to. "So I'm guessing this is a filolial egg?"

"Yeah. To make things simple, I know about your past from my one spear. I've gone back in time quite a few times to know you're in need of someone there to open your heart. Maybe a filolial could do that to you as it did father."

"Ok. And who's father?"

"Naofumi." Kizuna pointed this out, not exactly fond of how things were going. "Basically, Motoyasu from what Filo told me is trying to marry her. Thanks to the Lust Spear from what I pieced together's curse, anyone that doesn't interact with her of a female variety is unable to talk with Motoyasu and him understand them."

"So when you say you only see a pig when seeing Uraraka, you literally mean you see a pig. Not a girl with a blush on her cheeks, a bit of baby fat in her cheeks with a bobcut that kinda works well with it?"

"Oh, I see the bobcut. But it doesn't look good on a pig."

Ochako was about to go after Motoyasu again for Izuku to ask another question. "So why did you interfere in the training at UA? I could've handled the attack."

"That's right. You could've, but the piggy couldn't."

"Can you call Uraraka by her name? It sounds so wrong when you call her that."

"Fair enough." Getting back on topic, Motoyasu transformed his spear to one that resembled a clock hand. "This is called, Minute Hand of Ryugon. To make things simple, I can travel back in time with this and alter things that happen. The time I transported back from, the attack that blond guy hit you with hit both of you. Thanks to your strength, you were able to make it out unscathed, but Uraraka wasn't. She was knocked unconscious with a serious injury to her head. In a fit of rage, you let out your Curse Series and killed the one responsible. This forced you to get arrested with her on life support. Unfortunately, you were able to be taken down in prison by a man who wants your power. After he got your's, he went to the rest of the party here and took their power. The rest is..." Motoyasu held his head for a minute trying to think of what happened after to come up with nothing.

"The rest is...what?"

"*sigh* sorry. But I can't remember. Half of the problems with using this spear are some memories of what happened prior are...fuzzy. Not only that, but you also face the threat of the timeline not going exactly how it should've in the past you're familiar with."

"What do you mean?" Glass asked, not certain of the exact alterations.

"To make it simple, have you ever heard of the Butterfly Effect?"

"Yeah." Izuku answered while explaining. "To make it simple, the effect is meant to go with the fact that the universe we live in can change greatly even by just messing with a butterfly. By simply changing one thing, it can go as far as changing almost everything you know will happen."

"Exactly. So that's actually what this spear did. In your case, you're not arrested, but I needed to go in for questioning as to why I was at UA in the first place." The spear hero held a face of unease before continuing. "Anyway, I also wanted to tell you about a method of increasing the strength of your weapons."

"A method?" Izuku questions for Motoyasu to explain what he meant. In his case, one of the major functions he uses is a smelting trick he uses. In short, he merges ores and minerals with his weapon to increase it's skill and strength. As an example, his small spear could be powerful enough to take on some of the most powerful enemies if smelted right. Unfortunately, you face a risk of the smelting process not working each time with it getting a higher percentage after every successful mix. If it were to fail also, you'd have to start the weapon smelting process all over again to make it risky, but effective if you have the materials.

"Anyway, the others do have other methods, so try to not focus mainly on only mine and merge all the tricks together to try and help you. By the way, have either of you met with Ethnobal yet?" Motoyasu looked at Kizuna and her group for them to pull their entire focus to the Spear Hero.

L'arc heard the name to be mildly interested "He's here?"

"Yeah. He said something along the lines of the Waves aren't happening in his world with a portal opening when the last Wave that happened here."

"Uhh...Wave?" Ochako asked for L'arc to internally curse at their lack of tact.

"It's a long story. Sorry, but you'll have to wait for that answer, little miss. Why don't you go hang out and talk with some of the filolials. They seem friendly." Ochako sighed before heading towards some of the large birds and winged children for them to interact with her in a friendly manner. "So in short, Ethnobal was able to travel here as well? Is he stuck here like us?"

"As far as I know, yeah. I also heard rumors of Fitoria being here as well, but I haven't seen her." Everyone began pondering this with Izuku looking at the group. "Anyways kid, I also wanted to warn you about a group that I've come across and this guy that wants your power."

"Who is this guy anyway? You mentioned someone wanted my power, but if we stop them now before they get the chance, it'll be easier on us."

"Unfortunately I don't remember. Until certain scenarios are met, certain parts of my memory will not return. This is the drawback of my time travel and I can't do anything to change it. I do know who he represents if anything. He's a Vanguard of the Waves."

"Huh? What's the Wave Vanguards?" Kizuna went on with explaining them to answer Izuku's question.

"They're very dangerous people that have been brought back to life just like heroes to serve someone they call God. Their plan is to cause the world they live in to fall to the waves and will do whatever is necessary to do that."

"Hate to say it, but one of them is why I have my Curse Series. You can probably also chuck that most of the heroes from my world who have a Curse Series fell for her crap too." Motoyasu looked away in a bit of disgust remembering how he was betrayed and left for dead. "But anyway, there's also going to be a meeting in the next few days between our agency with you required to be there. Hope to see you again there."

Izuku bowed to Motoyasu before thanking him. "I appreciate everything you've done thus far. Thank you."

"No problem. Also, your pig friend is over there riding Hitori." Motoyasu pointed to Ochako who was riding on a filolial with white feathers and a few purple on its chest.

"THIS IS SO MUCH FUN! FILOLIALS ARE SO FAST!" Everyone began laughing a little at this before calling it a day with the filolial loving hero. As they walked off, Ochako began asking Izuku a few questions. "Hey, Deku. How does a Curse Series activate in someone?"

"It's not a pleasant way and I'd rather not say. But I can say, I do have one."

"What's it called?"

"The Wrath Gauntlet. I haven't used it after it awakened because apparently it still can mess you up like it did to Kizuna. Also, I lost control of myself when it happened." Izuku held his head down before feeling Ochako pat it.

"It's ok. It sounded really bad when I heard what that spear guy had for a Curse Series. You don't have to worry, cause I know you and that you won't try to hurt someone willingly." A small blush came to Izuku's face before L'arc began butting in.

"Seems you're now a ladies man, kiddo. You not only have Sadeena, Glassy and Kizuna falling for ya, but now you've got the little miss here." L'arc started laughing hysterically for Glass to immediately blush and try to stop Izuku from getting the wrong idea. Meanwhile, Sadeena bent over Izuku to hug him from behind with a bit of happiness.

"You know, I wouldn't mind sharing you~"

"Woah there, sister. This is Japan. Polygamy isn't legal here." Kizuna tried to stop this from getting farther with Sadeena smiling while debating it.

"I'm not from Japan though, so it should be fine."

"HE'S ALSO YOUNGER THAN YOU!" Kizuna and Ochako shouted in anger for Izuku to go completely red.

'At least I'll have this bird to give me normal company when it's born. Weird, I never expected a bird to be my place of sanity in this group.'

And that finishes this chapter. So for anyone that is curious about Motoyasu's Curse Series and how he sees things through his point of view, I'd recommend you look into The Reappraisal of the Spear Hero. It shows first hand what Motoyasu did here and how it can both be good and bad depending on what you change. Anyway, hope you all enjoyed and thanks for reading.

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