Trial by Combat

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Ok, to avoid problems cause Wattpad will probably red flag this if I post the already posted chapters, here's a lik to the original story so you can read up to the point this series is. Now, onto the story.

Somewhere in Asia

Deep in the night, the sound of a monstrous creature's shout in pain could be heard before a loud thump. Deep in a bamboo forest, a large serpent monster was seen with a man that had black hair and a very unique getup that made him look like a hero from a video game standing above the monster. "That should do it." He glanced up from the beast as he dislodged his sword from it and collected what he could for materials. "Serpentine Blade. Base stats aren't bad."

"Try not to focus on the stats as much. Remember what the problem was before for you." A woman with pink hair and what looked like a very pristine outfit holding a reaper type of sword to her side said.

"Yeah. Half the mess I was in was because I cared only about stats." The unknown man said while hopping off the monster. "Eclair. Can you please put in a request for a cleanup with the Chinese government before this thing starts rotting or grabs someone's attention?"

"I already had a group on standby." The woman named Eclair said for the man to smile a little. "By the way, Ren. We have a message from Naofumi. He says we need to meet in Japan in the next few days." Ren was given a note that explained the reasoning to smirk.

"So a Cardinal Hero of this world is finally getting his feet in the water. That'll help us out. We'll be leaving tomorrow evening. That should be more than enough time to finish up any stragglers that are in the area from the last Wave. Where's the next den from reports?"

"North of here." The two continued heading off finishing up what their job was before calling it a night.

The next morning in Australia

"A meeting?" A blond man asked with a green haired woman across a table from him.

"Uh-umm. Yes. He said he wanted us to see the new Cardinal Hero." The girl stumbled with her words, seeming like she was scared of saying something wrong.

"You don't need to be afraid, Rishia. We work as equals in our work. If anything, you're probably more efficient than I am since you handle the paperwork, the assignments as well as cleaning and cooking for us. As a Vassal Weapon holder, you're probably more qualified to be a hero than me."

"Don't say that, Itsuki sir!" The woman Rishia spoke up a little louder than her original comment prior. "You're still an amazing person. I wouldn't be where I am if it wasn't for you. And besides, we all stumbled along the way. Our own situations are no different."

"Perhaps, but my own arrogance was where I went wrong and hurt you in the process. If I was at least a little more humble and more self conscious of my actions I would've never done what I did. So as a way to make it up to you, you're my partner and your opinion does matter to me greatly."

Rishia began blushing at this before becoming a stuttering mess. "T-thank you, Itsuki sir."

"No problem. Now that we're told of the new Cardinal Hero, it's our obligation as other world Cardinal Heroes to make sure he doesn't fall into the same mistakes we did and unlock the Curse Series."

"Well umm...Naofumi said in his letter, Kizuna's group found him after he unlocked the Wrath Curse Series."

Itsuki drank from a cup of coffee he had before releasing a deep sigh. "Then the only person who can probably help him the best is Naofumi."

Later that afternoon in Japan

'Damn this is boring.' Izuku sat avoiding every desire in him to nod off as he waited in the classroom for their teacher. As a whole, UA wasn't much different than a normal school during the morning. Same classes and credentials needed as any other school. After lunch though, things change with hero classes being the main focus point.

"I am, coming through the door like a hero!" With little subtlety, All Might came through the door to the classroom with everyone excited about it. Well not everyone since Izuku is still mildly sour over what he did.

Getting to the podium, All Might began going on some kind of spiel about how Heroics 101 was the starting point for everything a hero has to be. Along with this, he began pulling out a flash card that had explained what they were going to do with it reading 'Battle Training'. 'Now this I can get behind.' Along with this, All Might had hit a button that allowed the walls to open and reveal 20 different labeled cases.

"Put these on and meet me down at Training Field Beta ON THE DOUBLE!" He ran off with Izuku grabbing his and being blocked by Bakugou.

"Can I help you?"

"That power you have. Where the fuck did you get it? You're supposed to be a quirkless loser. What did you do to get it?"

"I've got two responses to your question. One, this was a power I was born with and this power makes me just as much of a capable hero if not, more than you. Two, why should you care? You didn't care that I was diagnosed quirkless nor for what you did in the past, why should I bother appeasing someone like you with that comment?" Izuku pushed Bakugou away while going to the changing room to put on his hero costume.

Few minutes later on Ground Beta

Izuku walked out of the opening to see everyone else already there starting to huddle around All Might. As he walked over, he stood next to Momo who gave him a side glance and smiled. "That costume looks very forthcoming for your quirk."

"Thanks. I guess your's kinda does as well. Hopefully it doesn't break any laws or push a boundary."

"Huh. Never thought it could be looked at that way. I was going for versatility as much as possible while also keeping some modesty."

'Some? Any smaller and that outfit could make someone think you're some kind of call girl.' Izuku thought this before glancing over to see Ochkao in a skintight bodysuit. She waved at him and gave a huge smile under the visor on her head. 'What is it with women and leaving nothing to the imagination. I can tell her outlines almost perfectly.' All Might explained more about what they were doing while also glancing back at a flashcard. It was a classic scenario of hero vs villain with it being two on two. Each team could either capture the opponents with tape given, or meet their criteria of touching the fake bomb they were given as the heroes or let time run out as the villains. Teams were drawn by lots as well as who they'd fight. Once done, Izuku found himself paired with Ochako for them to smile.

"I guess this means we'll be working together then. Best of luck to you."

"Same." Izuku turned to All Might who began pulling two team letters out of two boxes. As fate would allow it, Izuku and Ochako were the heroes facing off against Iida and Bakugou who were the villains. Bakugou and Iida went into the fake building with the rest of the class going down to a control room in the basement. Meanwhile, Izuku and Ochako began going over a game plan.

"So Deku, what exactly can you do?" Ochako asked as Izuku went over the fundamentals of what he can do but not going so deep into detail about what his quirk is.

"To make it simple, my field of vision is a little more special. These gauntlets on my hand can transform into different ones with the gem on the back of my hands being the major power point. Adding to this, I have a stat chart as well as I can read the stats of others such as yourself. I can also make it temporarily shown to you if we were to form a party." Izuku explains while a stat saying if he'd like Ochako to join his party temporarily appeared on his screen to press yes. "Ok. On the upper right side of your field of vision, you can see your stats. Just focus on the small dot and it'll pop up to cover your field of vision." Ochako did this and noticed her stats come up.

Ochako Uraraka: Human

Level: 28

Weapon: None

HP: 298


Atk: 190

Def: 180

Spd: 210

Sp Atk: 218

Sp Def: 230

Equip Effect:

Anti-gravity Touch

"WOAH! It's like a video game! But what's this SP thing? Is it like Mana or something in a game?"

"Pretty much. Not a lot of people can use it so it normally remains N/A if it's for someone like you. But with this now, I can offer you stat boosts that come with my weapons. Unfortunately, Chimera Viper Gauntlet's level requirement is too high for you to gain anything from it. Hopefully training here will raise you up to Level 30 where it's possible. Maybe if we stop Kaachan, that'll do it since you're about to go up a level from the Exp. you have." 'If I use the Wrath Fist. Maybe it'll-no. Don't use that. The last time you did, you went on a rampage and it'll open a can of worms after even if you succeed in controlling it. Just rely on your own strength and nothing more right now.'

"Awesome. So what's the plan for Bakugou?" Izuku whispered in her ear what he had in mind for Ochako to have a Cheshire cat grin form. "I like it. But how are you going to be sure he'll be close enough for you to do that?"

"I've known him for years. His ego right now is his downfall. It was stroked too much where any form of deflation of it is too much."

"Hero team can enter now!" All Might shouted for Ochako and Izuku to walk into the building. They didn't waste time looking on lower levels since the stats of Iida and Bakugou were above them to go for the stairwell. It was only when they were on the third floor of the five floor building that they stopped going upwards.

"Bakugou's on this floor." Izuku took a fighting stance as he remembered something L'arc explained to him.

"What are you going to do?"

"In my arsenal, there are a few techniques I learned. There's combat, magic, skill techniques, and type techniques. Type techniques don't require SP to use, but are specified for what type of fighter you are. I'll focus mainly on using them and not as much on my SP as a precaution."

"Of what?"

Izuku smiled as Bakugou came flying out from a corner to see them. "In case an unforeseen outcome happens."


"Figures you'd ignore all reason and come after me." Izuku pulled his right fist back while activating a type technique. "Brawler Tactic: First Stance. Straightway Fast Strike!" A fast moving wind pressure attack went right for Bakugou's stomach to send him back into a wall. Recovering from the initial shock, he got back up to see Izuku cracking his knuckles. "Guess this is what they call a trial by fire." Izuku looked at the stats of Bakugou to see he was at Level 40 to begin taking a boxing stance. 'He might have a higher level than me, but I have more going for me than him. Let's see if all my training and the gear I have works well against Kaachan.'

Bakugou began charging with a right hook for Izuku to dodge it and flip Bakugou over his head. "YOU BASTARD!" He tried giving an explosion back for it to push Izuku back. This allowed the ash blond to regain his footing and come at Izuku a second time with him sliding under. "YOU DUMBASS!" He aimed his palm at Izuku for him to counter immediately.

"AIR STRIKE FIST!" Once again, Bakugou had the air knocked out of him for Izuku to stand up and take a stance that held more stability in his legs. "Brawler Tactic: Third Stance." He pulled both his arms back before unleashing a massive explosion of strength on Bakugou's face and torso through multiple punches. "ENDLESS BARRAGE!" He only stopped when the pupils in Bakugou's eyes went up in his head. His body dropped on the ground with Izuku trying to regulate his breathing a bit. "Gotta admit, his counter spooked me a little. But Air Strike Fist did the trick to get you in a proper spot." Izuku glanced at his and Ochako's level for her to go up two and him to go up one to smile. "That did the trick. Let's go find Iida."

"Right. But what do you want me to do?" Ochako asked coming out of a corner from where she was hiding as Izuku handled Bakugou.

"I'm not fast enough to handle Iida and get the bomb. But he's also not strong enough to take me on full force and protect the bomb. As a speed and defense type, he doesn't have as much in attack. Even though my defense stats are low, I shouldn't have a problem." The two arrived at the door towards where Iida's stats were right behind. Izuku prepared to kick the door down with Ochako staying behind. "When we start fighting, I want you to sneak in and go for the bomb."

"Sounds good." Izuku pulled his leg up to kick down the door and spook Iida a little.

"Alright. This ends here, Iida. Nothing personal, but you're not gonna win. Bakugou's already handled and there's only you left."

"You may think that, hero. But to beat me, you'll have to catch me! AHAHAHA!" Iida tried to play the part of the villain for Izuku to roll his eyes before getting into a fighting stance. Right off the bat, Iida began moving faster than Izuku could keep track with him needing to rely on his ears. "TAKE THIS!"

"GRIP FIST!" Izuku protected himself with his skill for Iida to hit it with all his might and feel as if he just kicked solid steel.

"AH! What the heck is this thing!?"

"It's a skill called Grip Fist. Normally, it's a skill to ensnare a target if there is one or more I'm facing. This gives me time to counter. But if I wanted, it could also be used in defense as well. It times out after about 60 seconds or enough damage is taken, so it's not all powerful." As Izuku finished his explanation, the skill timed out for him to try and attack Iida. "Air Strike Fist!" Iida realized the danger to dodge the attack and try to get behind Izuku.

"You fool. You left yourself wide open now!"

"And you fell for an obvious trap."

"HERO TEAM WINS!" All Might shouts this on the speaker for Iida to turn and see Ochako touching the bomb.


"I was the decoy. To make things simple, I was distracting you this entire time while Ochako snuck in and touched the bomb for our win. Not exactly your fault, but your needed focus on me was your own downfall." Izuku walked out of the room with some satisfaction as he was able to succeed in his first step towards being the hero he dreamed to be.

After heroics class

Everything was going smooth until Izuku heard a familiar screaming but it sounded more like a primal chimpanzee "Deku you bastard I'm gonna end you here!!!!!" Izuku sighed and internally said 'ah shit here we go again' Katsuki couldn't accept the fact he lost against Izuku "You fucking Deku! I'm the top dog and you'll always be beneath me so know your place you fucking pebble!" Katsuki continued to scream as everyone in the observation room was shocked at how crazy and unstable the explosive teen was. Izuku tried to diffuse the situation but he knew it wouldn't help

"Look Bakugou the battle is over alright now let's go back to the observation room." Katsuki had enough

"Well Deku if you're still a quirk loving freak then you know how my quirk works right? Thanks to these gauntlets of mine if they were built like I requested!" While everyone was worried about Midoriya, Iida and Uraraka they heard Allmight's voice over the intercom

"Young Bakugou if you pull that pin they'll die!" After flashing a sinister grin

"They won't die if they dodge!" He was about to release the pin before a spear came out of nowhere to destroy the gauntlet and shock everyone. "WHAT THE FUCK!?"

"I don't know what the hell this is about, kid and I don't care. However, you could've killed someone right there."A man with blond hair pulled back in a ponytail spoke up with a spear in his hands.


"Motoyasu Kitamura. Spear Hero of the Seayetto hero agency." Hearing the foreign name, everyone's eyes went wide as Motoyasu turned to Izuku. "So you're him, huh? Father was right to ask us to meet up.You mind having your group see me in the forest near where you live tomorrow? I'll make it worth your wild."

Still in disbelief, Izuku spoke in broken phrases. "I-um-uhh....ok then."

"Sweet. Also bring an incubator, you'll need one." The ground around Motoyasu turned into a clock with his spear becoming a clock's hand and disappearing.

"...That was by far the weirdest thing that happened today."

"Just who was that guy, Deku? He seemed to know you." Izuku had no way to answer since he didn't know himself.

And that finishes this chapter. See what happens with Motoyasu's sudden act of coming to Izuku's aid. Hope you all enjoyed and thanks for reading.

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