Chapter 11- Mikaelson vs Pierce&Forbes

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"What are those two doing here?" Katherine exclaimed angrily.

 "I seriously don't know. They are both drunk" Caroline replied to Katherine who just went away.

 "Hey aren't you going to tell them to go out" Caroline asked Kat who just took a sip from her red wine 

"We are not like in-laws Care, besides it's not my problem"

"Look who is there Nik, isn't that little slut who end up sleeping with all the Mikaelson" Kol said with a huge grin plastered on his cocky face.

 "You know Mikaelson, your birth certificate is an apology letter to your parents from the hospital" Katherine mocked him.

 "Katerina Petrova..... Such a pretty face. You made your choice my brother or your little puppet lawyer" Klaus asked with his drunkard voice.

 Kat said Klaus harshly "I no longer respond to the name Katerina Petrova, it's now Katherine Pierce"

All the time, Caroline remained silent. She knew she needed to defend her best friend but poor girl, she knew nothing of that family and the little she knew was 'not to mess with them or else you'll regret it'

"If you have a problem with me Klaus, write it on a piece of paper, fold it and stick it up to your ass and for your brother every time I see him, my middle finger gets a boner" Katherine said making Klaus and Kol growl.

 "Enough woman of your vulgar language" Klaus growled but was cut off by Caroline "or else what Klaus. What will you do?"

Kol looked at Caroline trying to remember who is she, then something popped into his mind

 "I-I remember y-you. Y-you're the girl from Th-that bar. The one who kicked that guy in his balls" Kol garbled. 

"What's your name, love?" Kol asked Caroline who grabbed Kat's hands and brushed past them. But Klaus grabbed Caroline's wrist.

"Leaving so soon, love. The fun just begin" Klaus smirked at her.

 He was holding her wrist with a strong firm making her yelped in pain

 "Let me go Klaus. You are drunk" Caroline tried to reason with him but it was all in vain.

"Let me tell you brother who she is?" Klaus said taking a sip from his bottle of alcohol. 

"Her name is C-Caroline. She is just a little insecure girl, who would make friends with that kind of girl" Klaus laughed, Kol joining him too.

 Caroline looked at Klaus. She should have known better that to trust him. After all, Kat was right. He is just as worst as the people described him. 

"If I could describe her, I would say a Scarlet woman"

He then go on "You see brother Caroline here thought that I cared for her, that am worth saving but she was wrong. Caroline, love what's wrong no genuine smile "Klaus asked her.

 Caroline had held it all together, all Klaus and Kol's insults. But a night like this is begging her to fall apart even she doesn't want to.

"You don't understand what my brother is referring to. Let me help you, love" Kol said with mocking expression

 "He tried to be your friend just to woo you in his bed. Don't tell me you think that he felt something for you, darling"

Words and words coming from his mouth angered and hurt her by the second. Her patience was tested and her temper was flaring. A lot of emotions mainly raged boiled through her body. The only thought running through her head was to make him shut up.

Caroline pursed her lips and raised her hand back, she threw her hand forward as she could, whipping it across his face. The crack of skin contracting skin echoed off the walls. Her palm was bright red and pain spread all the way to her fingertips.

Klaus' face had the same red mark that matched Caroline's palm. Caroline saw Klaus' expression which could have been described as shocked, angry. She should have felt some kind of remorse of slapping the richest people but not one of her organ could produce guilt for her actions. Katherine was laughing and murmured something under her breath 

"That's my girl" and Kol eyes went wide but he held a sort of satisfaction and the one he looked at Caroline showed some signs of respect, but Caroline couldn't decipher it right.

"How dare y-"Klaus was cut off by a voice "Enough Niklaus" Elijah said amused by the red mark on his brother's face.

 Klaus just glared at him, and turned his gaze to Caroline. 

"Miss Forbes I presume" she nodded. 

"Elijah Mikaelson, an honor to meet you" Elijah said extending his arm.

"Caroline Forbes" she said shaking Elijah's hand but was surprised when he took her hand and pressed his lips against it

 "So much for gentlemen manners. You think every women will fall for that" Caroline heard Kat muttered and she saw how a smirk formed on Elijah's lips.

"My apologies for both of my brothers' behavior. Kol is like that every time but for Niklaus he was in a pretty bad mood this morning which caused him to drink so much. He did not mean what he say, trust me" Elijah said. 

"Mummy I want to pee" Kol mocked Elijah who shot him a death glare, again 'if looks could kill'

"Honestly I don't know you but from what Kat said you seem to be an honorable man" Caroline said, Elijah gave her a warm smile 

"but we should never forget what someone says to us when they are drunk, because drunk words are sober thoughts".

"Trust me when I say my brother didn't mean all those things. Niklaus is handling, is having some family problems with our father but when my brother met you, he changed. He seemed less..." Elijah trailed looking for a correct word "evil" Katherine added. 

"That's it less evil. He always speak high of you, the way he speak of you showed how much he respect you" Elijah tried to clarify with her. But he knew, she was already hurt.

"You are wasting your time Elijah searching for Klaus' redemption. He is a lost cause" Katherine said with venom in her voice. 

"I'll stop searching for his redemption when I believe there is none left to be found" Elijah said 

"Now if you'll excuse me ladies, I need to bring those two home"

Caroline wondered why Klaus and Kol were silent all that time. 'Maybe they are afraid of Elijah' she thought.

 "Even with their deranged minds, both brothers respect each other" Kat said as if she had read through her mind.

 "I think I would never figure out this family" Caroline grabbing her stuff.

"Better not, once you tried to figure out. You'll be lost in their lies and god knows what else" Kat said heading towards the exit".

After Katherine went to her apartment, Caroline reached hers. That night started too good then it fell down to a chaos. She hated Klaus for what he said to her, she despised him with all her heart. She wondered how could she at even a second thought that he was her friend, that he was not a lost cause like Kat said.

A part of her hated him for what he had done to her this night, for treating her like a 'scarlet woman' but another part wondered back to Elijah words

'Trust me when I say my brother didn't mean all those things. Niklaus is handling is having some family problems with our father'

She was too exhausted to think what would make him insult her like that, but she shrugged it off. She needed some good hours of sleep. Tomorrow she had a big day ahead, and people to avoid.

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