Chapter 29- Why is it not fading away?

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As you know my story, is based on a song Careless Whisper. A song which was sing by George Michael. He died three days ago. His songs were wonderful. Please do listen to the song, to quite understand my story. 


1820 Mystic Falls,

"Mother, why do people think that misfortune has befallen over our family?"

"Elizabeth, why are you asking this?"

"The people in the villages, my friends don't talk to me anymore. Mother, why's that"

"How long are you going to hide the truth from me?" Elizabeth sobbed in her mother's arms.

"Women in the Forbes family are cursed. They are destined to carry a life full of misfortune, despair and solitude"

"Then, why do they call us "High Believers"?

"I still don't know. I got a child and I don't know the reason. The truth is we don't know why or how we got the name of "High Believers". I'm sure it's not half about only that we believe in all types of things"

"But, I don't understand" Elizabeth argued.

"You fell in love once, with our father. Your love created me"

"I know, but look more closely where that love brought us. Your father has left us in a life of poverty. He abandoned us for a vulgar woman; he met only in a few weeks"

"The old women in the Forbes Family that is your and my ancestors have said that even God pitied us"

"He sympathised with us, granting us to know a little happiness which could last only for day, one month or for years. But we can't know for sure"

"But that's nonsense mother. Misfortune, Cursed all of this, people aren't born with misfortune" Elizabeth stated.

"I know sweetheart, it seems impossible but it's like that. We believed that if people can be born with kindness, they can also be born with evilness or misfortune"

"Heavy misfortunes have befallen us, but let us only cling closer to what remains, and transfer our love for those whom we have lost to those who yet live. Our circle will be small, but bound close by the ties of affection and mutual misfortune. And when time shall have softened your despair, new and dear objects of care will be born to replace those of whom we have been so cruelly deprived."

*Back in the present*

"Good morning!" Caroline said.

"Morning, love" Klaus smiled at her.

"I did not see you waking up. You should havewaked me up" Caroline said. 

   "Well, you seem to be in quite a sleep, love. I didn't want to disturb you" Klaus removed his sweaty shirt off him.

"Why birds?" Caroline asked, intrigued.

"You mean that" Klaus said pointing to his tattoo.

She nodded.

"I don't know, maybe it's because they are free to do whatever they want, to go wherever they want"

"The best freedom is being you"

"The best freedom is being you" she repeated.

As she cautiously lay down on his bed, unaware of his plans for her were, she moved her hair away from the right side of her neck and shut her eyes.

She knew what she wanted him to do, she had been longing for his touch as if they were apart for months, and yet he was here; ready to fulfil all her sexual desires.

Her insides craved his touch. She craved his touch. As soon as his moist, plum lips imprinted on her neck, she lost all rational thought, she was just consumed at the thought of him and her showing their ever growing love for each other.

She was amazed at how one touch of his lips could hitch her breath.

"Let's go somewhere today" Klaus smiled.

"Just you and I"

"And where are you taking me?" Caroline asked, playing with his necklace.

"That's a surprise which you will need to wait, love" he winked at him.

"Come on, Klaus. I hate surprises" she complained playfully.

"Get used to it, love. More on its way"

'Little did they know that this was their last'

"I'm going downstairs, go and get ready" Klaus pecked her on her lips.


"So how do I look?" Caroline asked.

"You're beautiful, love" she linked arms with his.

They both were to make their way to the door, when Elijah's voice stopped them.

"Niklaus, please wait!"

"What is now, brother?" he said, pissed.

Just when he wanted to be alone for some time with Caroline, someone needed to disturb them.

"Calm down, Klaus" Caroline put her hand on his, calming him.

Klaus smiled at her.

"What is it, Lijah?" he said in a sweet mocking voice.

"Niklaus, no need to be that hypocrite" Elijah scolded him.

"Elijah brother, what did you want to talk about?" he said, ignoring his comments.

"As you see, I have plans for today" he said, his gaze on Caroline.

"Ohh!" Elijah's eyes landed on Caroline.

"I will try to make that quick" he apologized to Caroline.

"I want to meet someone" Elijah said.

"She's going to stay with us for a few days. She's a friend of mine"

"She?" Klaus said.

When he entered the living room, Elijah spoke

"Meet Hayley Marshall"

She was a beautiful woman with light olive skin, hazel green eyes and dark brown hair. She was tall with a lithe athletic figure.

"Niklaus Mikaelson" he shook hand with hers.

"I have heard that you were an attractive man, but in person you're much hotter" she came closer to him.

"Hayley, please" Elijah said, noticing Caroline.

She was burning with jealousy.

"Shall we go, Klaus?" Caroline said annoyed.

"Oh, your girl" Hayley questioned, a grin forming on her lips.

"Caroline Forbes" she said with a sarcastic voice.

Hayley Marshall, nice to meet you" Hayley fake smiled at her.

 "Likewise" she replied.


Once in the car, Caroline could not prevent her

"What's with that girl? She really annoys me"

When Klaus did not say anything, she pinched him.

"Ouch! That hurts, love"

"Well, I wanted it to hurt. Does she not bother you that Hayley?"

"She seems to be a nice girl" Klaus smiled.

"Good, she got you. You have already fallen under her charms" she said annoyingly.

"Come on, Caroline. Loosen up" Klaus chuckled.

"You're jealous"

"I'm not" she argued back.

"Fine, a little" she admitted.

"Caroline, take it easily" Klaus put his hand on her hips.

"That woman is going to drive us apart, Klaus" Caroline said worried.

"I won't let that happen" he intertwined their fingers.

"I promise you, love"

"If something happen between you and her, we are over" Caroline said, her voice stern.

"Whatever, love" he chuckled.

 "I'm serious"


"We're here, love" Klaus woke Caroline.

The tension seemed to have ease between them.

As she glimpsed at the charming, sapphire, aquamarine sky, she saw a gorgeous multi-coloured rainbow fading away into the distance. Glisteningly, when it got gloomy at night, the shining full moon reflected into the rapid river like an oscillated mirror.

"Oh my god, it's so beautiful" Caroline exclaimed.

"I'm glad you like it, love"

To most, a kiss on the cheek would be a sign of friendship, or a polite way to greet a stranger of the opposite sex. But I know that a simple peck can convey as much meaning as a full-on kiss.

Simple thought it may be, a kiss on the cheek is special in its own, unique way.

"Thank you" Caroline meant it.

No matter what happened between them, Caroline knew she will always have feeling for him. Each time, he showed her a different side of him; she can't stop but developed new feelings for him.

She can't stop loving him more.

Feelings are like temperatures. Attraction is warm, curiosity is warmer. Anger is boiling. Hate can torch, but it can also freeze. Love.... Well, that's a temperature best left under neutral.


"Hey!" Caroline answered her phone, which kept ringing.

"What took you so long to answer, Care?" Katherine asked.

"I did not hear my phone" she lied.

She did not want to tell Katherine that she was staring at Klaus.

"So, what's up?" Caroline asked, with her usual cheerful voice.

"There's a party, which I'm hosting" Katherine said.

"At the Russian Tea Room?" she questioned.

"Yeah! That's why I called you. I need you to sing"

"Again" she complained.

She thought that she would get to dance with Klaus.

"Only one song, Care for your super annoying best friend" Katherine pledged.

"As you wish, I will sing one song. But only one" Caroline gave up.

"Thank you so much. Love you very much" Katherine.

"Love you too" she chuckled.


"Who was that?" Klaus asked.

"It was Katherine"

"What did that woman want again?" Klaus asked.

"She invited us to a party which she is going to hold at the Russian Tea Room" Caroline muttered.

"Oh, will we go?" Klaus asked.

"Yea we need to"

"I need to sing one song for the party"

"Anyways if you don't mind, can we get home already? I'm pretty tired" Caroline said.

"Sure, love. I'm exhausted as well"

**After thirty minutes**

Caroline was wearing a long black low V-neck backless dress.

"You're ravishing, love" Klaus kissed her on her neck.

"You are not that bad" Caroline smiled.

Klaus was wearing a pronto uomo black modern fit tuxedo.

"Shall we go?"

"We shall"


"You're beautiful, Caroline" Katherine hugged her.

"I thought you would not make it" she said.

"You are ravishing as always, Kat. I kept my promise; I came to your party"

Klaus and Caroline were dancing. Katherine had told her to sing the last song.

"You know, we have many things" Klaus said looking at her in the eyes.

"What makes you think that? Caroline asked.

"Rain, Champagne, Waltz" Klaus chuckled.

"It's a good thing" Caroline pulled him closer to her.

"I'm afraid. I don't know if you feel that but even though we are together there is that feeling bother me as if I just leave you for a minute, you'll disappear"

"I feel it too" Caroline whispered, pulling him as closer as she could.

"But even feeling this, I want us to spend time together, I want us to laugh" Caroline mumbled.

"You changed me; you changed me from that beast I was. But even you changed me, my flaws will always be there, I will still be the bastard" Klaus looked at her.

"Caroline, promise me that you will never betray me" Klaus cupped her cheeks.

"Without you, I'm nothing"

"I won't" Caroline said.

She loved him so much, she did not understand her dream, but she was sure that she was not going to trust her mother on this. That kind of thing was in the past, in old stories. That could not be true.


"Caroline, how are you?" Bonnie asked.

"I'm good. What about you? I did not see Kol" Caroline asked.

"I'm fine. I think he's with Klaus"

"You know those two never change, if they saw a girl they must do their interesting" Bonnie said annoyed at his boyfriend attitude.

"Klaus is the same" Caroline chuckled, remembering Hayley.

"Where's Rebekah?" Caroline asked.

"I did not see her. I have just arrived" Bonnie looked at her surroundings.

"Rebekah is in New Orleans" Katherine said.

"What's she doing there?" Bonnie questioned.

"I think she went there for her work. She apologized for not letting you guys knows. She was really busy, and she had to leave so suddenly" Katherine explained.

 "We understand" Caroline said, sad that she could not see her at the party.

"Why don't we dance?" Katherine proposed.

"Our men are having their time drinking, and we must have our time too" Katherine muttered.

"As you wish, Katerina" Caroline tried to mimic Elijah's voice.

"Don't try that hard Care, you won't be able to do it" Katherine laughed.

"She's just a girl

And she's on fire

Hotter than a fantasy

Lonely than a highway,

She's living in a world,

And it's on fire,

Feeling the catastrophe,

But she know, she can fly away

Ohhh, oh, oh, oh"

"I love that song" Bonnie exclaimed.

"Me as well" Kat and Care said in unison.

"She got both feet on the ground,

And she's burning it down

Ohh, oh, oh

She got her head in the clouds,

And she's not backing down....

This girl is on fire"

Caroline was dancing with her two best friends, when she was called by someone.

"What is it, Sam? She asked one of the employees.

"Someone asks me to give you this" Sam handed her a letter.

"Oh, thank you" she said, while opening the letter.

"Meet me outside please" that's what the letter said.

 She was curious. It was not signed by anyone. So, she went outside.

To her surprise, she found


"Hey Caroline!" Marcel said, his back was facing her.

"Why did you call me here?" she asked.

She did not want to stay outside, she was feeling so cold.

"You know I try to stop thinking about you, but in vain" Marcel said.

"Everything I do, I see you. Your face haunts me day and night. I said that I would give up on you and let you be with that Mikaelson, but I regret that decision. I want you. I want you, Caroline" Marcel raised his voice.

Marcel was taking slow steps towards her.

"Marcel, you're drunk. You are not yourself" Caroline said.

She was scared.

"I'm Marcel, your friend from work" he growled.

"I can share you with him, your Klaus if you want" Marcel smirked.

"Please, stop! You're scaring me" Caroline begged.

Her mind screamed, where Klaus was. No one would hear her if she screamed.

Marcel came near and pinned her two arms over her head.

"You have got more beautiful that the last time I saw you" she could feel his breath on her face.


"Katherine, did you see Caroline?" Klaus asked.

"I think I saw her with Sam"


"One of my workers" Katherine said.

Klaus went to find that Sam, and asked her

"Did you happen to see my girlfriend Caroline?" Klaus asked.

"She's outside, I think"


"I know you don't love me back, but I just can't resist" Marcel muttered.

He leaned in a little closer, their foreheads touching.

He brought his lips near hers, and at that instant he kissed her.

She was trying to push him off her, but she could not. Even in his current state, she was no match for his force.

But the one who was shocked was Klaus.

He was standing there looking at them kissing. His face was unreadable. The only thing he knew that he was boiling with rage. He was so furious; he had never felt this before.

He just could not stay any moment longer; he needed to clear his thoughts.

It's funny how the people that hurt you the most, are the ones that swore they never would.

He went inside.

"Did you find Caroline, Niklaus?" Elijah asked.

He just looked at his brother, with those eyes. Those eyes which carried so many emotions hurt, angry.

His brother was surprised to see him like that. To be honest, Elijah never in his whole life saw his brother like that.

"What happened, brother?" Elijah asked.

"Leave me alone" he growled pushing him away.

<.> <.> <.>

Caroline thought it was the end. She was scared. She lost all her courage. She heard someone leaving; a part of her was hoping that the person was not Klaus.

But a small part wanted that Klaus saved her from that man.

Suddenly, Marcel was torn away from Caroline. She looked at her saviour and was surprised to see Elijah.

Her body was shaking. She just ran and hugged him tightly.

"It's ok. Everything is fine now, Caroline" Elijah reassured her.

Elijah already knew that Caroline was not the one at fault. That man was forcing on her, and at a distance Klaus have misunderstood. He just hoped that Klaus would understand but knowing his brother he feared the worst.


Klaus entered his mansion, angry. He was drunk. He threw the bottle across the wall and screamed

"She betrayed me"

"She of all people" he growled, throwing all his liquor bottles on the wall.

"What put you in this sexy mood?" Hayley entered the hall.

"Leave me alone"

'Why was the pain not fading away? Why was it not leaving him?' his mind screamed.

"You look bad. Did something happen?" Hayley said, taking slow steps.

"I said leave me alone" he raised his voice.

"I can make you feel better" she said, ignoring his threats.

He grabbed her upper arms and growled

"You don't know anything"


"Did you see Klaus?" Caroline asked, still trembling from what happened to her.

She saw Elijah's expression changed, but he was not saying anything.

"What are you not telling me?" she grabbed on his suit.

"Caroline, I'm afraid that my brother saw you with that man and misunderstood everything" he said feeling sorry for her.

"Oh no, not that" Caroline cried.

"I need to find him" she said.

"Caroline, you're not well. Tomorrow I will help you" Elijah tried to convince her.

"Tomorrow will be too late"

"I need to find him" she repeated, she ran away.

She needed to find him, to explain him what he saw was not true. She remembered her promise to him. She needed to see him.

She ran all the way to the Mikaelson Mansion.

"I can make you feel better" she heard Hayley saying.

"You don't know anything" she heard Klaus say.

"I don't need to know anything" Hayley whispered, cupping his cheeks.

"You just need comfort and I can give you that. I'm all yours" she kissed him.

Klaus kissed her back, because it felt so good. He was not thinking of Caroline, he seemed to have forgotten about her and that Marcel guy. He was happy.

He grabbed her by her butt and put her on the nearby table. He kissed her, her neck. He could not stop, it felt so right.

Caroline sobbed hearing all of this. She was not angry with herself. He could save her there from that man but instead he left.

If he truly loved her, he would have stayed there and yelled at her for what she done, but no he was a coward. He just ran away like always.

She trusted him more that she trusted herself.

A woman with trust issues is a woman who's heard 'I promise I'll never hurt you' too many times with actions that told otherwise.

The worst feeling that she felt was that she was hurt by the person she loved.

She could not stay here any longer.

"Why is it not fading away?" she screamed.

She just ran away, she was too weak to handle all of this.

"Why did this happen to her?" she wondered.

"Guess, I'm blessed with misfortune, solitude, loneliness" she said sarcastically.

The night was going to be a painful one.

Their worst fear came, and it torn them apart. 

Next Chapter: Chapter 30: Careless Whisper: Nothing can hold us anymore

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