Chapter 30- Careless Whisper: Nothing can hold us anymore

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Hey guys, I wish you a Happy New Year. So, I'm finally done with the last chapter of Careless Whisper and I'm really happy. 

I just have a small request, I want all of you to comment on the ending of my story Careless Whisper please, just for me to have an idea how you find it. Please, all of you. 

Here I go ^_^

*After eight weeks*

It's been eight weeks since it all happened. Neither Klaus nor Caroline saw each other. Caroline was not ready yet, to face him and Klaus was ashamed of himself.


She walked in his room, and time slowed down, pacing with her slow footsteps. She's been haunting him, in nightmares, hallucinations and even when he has been wide awake.

She stopped beside his bed, and her hand slowly reached for his arm. He did everything to move his arm, but it stayed still. It felt like it's pinned to my bed with tons of weight in it.

"You get what you wanted" she whispered.

Her voice was low as if the only person who could hear her was him. Her voice carried so many feelings, and that pained him so much.

Her fingers caressed over his forearm, while he lay still, paralysed.

"You made me fell in love with you and what I get in return I am betrayed by the person I thought was the one for me"

"I get your betrayal. I never did ask for anything more than your love but you betrayed me"

He wanted to scream, but he did not find the strength as he was using all of it just to move his hand away from her. It's not her or her touch that scared him, but it was her eyes and his inability to move.

"You lost me already, Klaus"

After a few more of his attempts go in vain, he finally woke up, still unable to move.

**End of Flashbacks**

Caroline was sitting in a bar, drowning herself in alcohol.

The hurt she was feeling was like a spider web, intricate, yet strong.

"Love hurts" is the biggest lie out there. Love heals, love makes people whole again and love fills them with the goodness they need to be as kind and loving as their Creator intended.

She always believed that. She still wanted to believe that love is what makes people good. But she just could not. What hurts the most was his betrayal.

She knew in time it would pass and the sun would regain its warmth, but the joy from her heart was gone. She could not cry, could not grieve for him, for him stole yourself away.

He took the love he offered and locked it back inside that cage he called a body. She was never going to betray him. But now he'll never know, never find out what they could have been, and neither will she.

"Caroline" someone called at her.

She recognised this voice, but made no effort to turn back.

"What do you want?" she said, surprised that her voice was low and calm.

"I'm sorry for what I did to you. I'm truly sorry" he looked at his feet.

This time she turned back,

"You're truly sorry, Marcel. How pathetic of you not to admit your real intentions" she said in a sarcastic voice.

The sweet patient Caroline he knew was now gone.

"At least be honest with you if not for me" she said.

"You're right. I have no memory of what I had done to you. I'm neither sorry that you and Klaus broke up nor that I hurt you physically" he admitted, his face was unreadable.

"Then, why are you here? To have fun of my pathetic face or to pity me" she said in a mocking voice.

"I did not come here to have fun of you and certainly not to show my pity like you said" Marcel took small steps towards her.

"Then, why are you here?" she repeated, throwing her hands in the air.

"I like you" he said.

"Oh, I think I already know that, judging from what you did to me. You made it pretty clear you were obsessed with me-"she was going to continue but Marcel interrupted her.

"Please, let me continue" he said.

When she made a small nod with her head, he muttered

"Thank you"

"I like you. I came here to get rejected properly to end this so I can move forward to make me convinced of this broken heart. I want to get rejected properly" he said.

"You don't expect me to forgive you, Marcel" Caroline stood up.

"You don't expect me to reject you just like you want" she walked closer to him.

"You don't expect me to listen obediently to your selfish wishes" she was now standing face to face with him.

"I don't" he said.

"You ruined my life. Klaus misunderstood everything and in his anger, he slept with the only woman I did not want him to have business with. Now I'm here, alone, disgusted by myself and you came here to ask me to reject you properly when you hurt me so much"

"I always thought of you as a dear friend but you turned out to be someone else. I don't care about your rejection; all I wanted was for him to trust me but he only end up betrayed me. How do you want me to forgive him?" she sobbed.

What she needed the most right now, was to vent her anger on someone.

"You were drunk, I understand but there's a limit to being drunk. As the last good deed I will do, I forgive you, Marcel"

"I don't like you, I never did. I saw you as a friend and even you confessed your feelings to me, I never in once felt a thing for you. All my thoughts were full of him, him only. So, if that satisfied you I will say it again"

"I never did like you. I saw you as a friend nothing more nothing less. I was using you to hide my true feelings for the man I had always been longing for. I can never nor will I ever be with you. I don't like" she said.

She knew it hurt him, but she wanted it to hurt because to be honest he did deserve that.

"Thank you" Marcel's voice was barely a whisper.

"You're welcome" she muttered, going back to her drinks.

Before leaving, Marcel spoke

"Don't waste yourself on alcohol; it won't help to forget the pain you are feeling"

"I know"

"It won't make the pain go away, but at least it will ease it a little" she whispered.


Klaus was running, like the winter breeze colliding into inanimate objects and crashing waves hitting the shore line. Like eagles soaring across indigo skies and a heard of cheetahs racing through verdant meadows.

He did not where he was nor did he know why he was running like a crazy person. He had no idea what time it was. All he knew was that he needed to find her at any cost.

He went looking at her apartment but she was not there, she was not at the Russian Tea Room and not at her other works. She was nowhere to be found.

His phone was ringing, and at the same time rain fell on the mean streets and executive homes just the same.

There was no greater equalizer than Mother Nature and from the low slung cloud she exploded with pent up fury. Wind whipped the frigid drops, sending them hurtling in every direction but straight down.

It was his brother, Elijah.

"What is it Elijah?" his voice was impatient.

"Where are you, Niklaus?" his brother said worriedly.

"I need to find her, Elijah" Klaus whispered in the rain.

"Niklaus, return home please. There's something I must tell you"

"No brother, it's been eight weeks since I last saw her. I need to see her, even if it's for the last time. I just want to feel her warmth once again" his voice was broken.

Of all people, he did not to see Elijah seeing him weak, but he just could not prevent it. Her being away from him hurt him like hell. He never felt something so strong till now for someone.

"She was here a moment ago, brother" Elijah's voice was calm.

"Just come home, I will tell you everything" he hung up before Klaus could say something.

**After twenty minutes**

"Where is she?" that's the first thing he said, when he entered the hall.

He looked everywhere, but she was no more here.

"Where is she?" his voice raised a little.

His eyes drifted to Hayley who was sitting on the sofa.

"What did you tell her?" he was going furiously to her when Elijah's voice stopped him

"Don't hurt her, Niklaus. She is not the one at fault in all of this"

"Not the one? You're kidding me. She was the one who seduced me, and made me drunk" he yelled.

"But, you were the one who sleep with her. Even though she seduced you or made you drunk, in the end you are the one at fault" Katherine said.

"Why is she still here?" Klaus ignored Katherine even if all she said was true.

"Niklaus please let me say something"

"No Elijah, I have no time for this. I need to find Caroline and you are not going to stop me"

"Klaus, you need to listen to your brother" Hayley said.

Klaus turned back, to look at her. Her hand was on her belly.


"Niklaus, the girl is carrying your child"

"It can't be" Klaus said in disbelief.

"N-"he was cut off but someone's voice.

"I'm finally home. Where's everyone?" this voice was of Rebekah.

She had returned from New Orleans.

When she entered the hall, she saw the look on everyone faces.

"What are wrong guys? I have only been gone for about half a month" she chuckled.

But no one seemed to be in the spirit to welcome her.

"Ok now, I'm freaking out. Mind someone telling me what the hell is going on?" she raised her voice.

Her eyes drifted to Hayley and she spoke

"Who the hell is that girl?"

"Oh, her" Katherine mumbled.

"She is the person Klaus screwed" Katherine said in a mocking tone.

"Katerina!" Elijah looked at her.

"What the fuck"

"Does Caroline know?" Rebekah asked.

"She already left" Katherine said.

"Of course only after hearing the big news"

"What the hell was wrong with you Nik? Why did you do that to her. Why did you sleep with that woman?" Rebekah questioned him.

"What do you want sister? Tell me all those awful things you want to say, tell me that Mikael was right, I'm just a bastard son, that I am a monster that can never change. That you hate me, or I'm just a good-for-nothing. After all, I'm just your half-brother. You can treat me as scum if you want because your father was right. I don't deserve nothing" his voice was low, tears were in his eyes.

Rebekah had nothing to say, it was true she wanted to say all of this but Klaus was his brother blood or not. She loved him. Among all his siblings, she was the closest to him, she was the one who never gave up on him.

"I know it's impossible but I'm carrying your child by God's grace" Hayley said.

"By God's grace" he said sarcastically.

"I don't want this child. How come I know you are not lying to me" Klaus said.

"Listen, I may be a bitch but I am certainly not a monster. I'm not going to have an abortion even if that's what you want" Hayley said.

"Name your price" Klaus said.

"I don't want either that. I admit I was after your money at first but this baby changed everything. I want my baby, our baby to have both his and her parents in her or his life"

"I thought that I would never be pregnant again but here I am blessed with a gift. My first child died before I could deliver him and I don't want to lose this one" Hayley said.

Klaus had nothing to say, she was already acting like a mother to their unborn child.

"Do whatever you want" he said before storming in his room.

*The day after*

He took out his phone, and dialled her number. It was ringing but still no answer. All that was left was for him to leave her a voicemail.

"Hello Caroline, it's been a long time since I heard your voice or last saw you. I want to meet you; I just need to see you even if it's the last time. Please come to the first place we met. I shall wait for you, love" he hung up.

He knew he was listening, but he wondered if she would come.


"I did not think that you would come" Klaus smiled.

"I did not know that you would reserve Grey Art Gallery only for us" she said coming face to face with him.

"How have you been doing?" he asked.

"We're not doing this, Klaus" she said.

"Why did you call me here?" Caroline asked.

"I wanted to see you even if it was for the last time" his voice was barely a whisper, but she could hear him.

"Then, let me answer your question" she mumbled.

"I am not fine. I'm hurt, I feel weak and I feel angry, betrayed by your actions. Why did you do this? Was I not good enough?" Caroline sobbed.

"If change is a part of life, then why does it seem both cruel and gentle" she asked him.

"As much as I would want to give you an answer, I'm afraid that I don't know. But please, Caroline doesn't say that you were not good enough. I don't deserve you" Klaus said, his tears were falling.

"You are always the first face that I see and the last thing I think about. You are the reason I'm still alive. You're what I can't live without. You never give up when I'm falling apart. You arms are always open wide" he said, pulling her closer to him.

"And you're quick to forgive when I make a mistake. You love me in the blink of an eye. But I don't deserve your love, but you give it to me anyway. I don't deserve you" their foreheads were touching.

"I still don't believe that you are right next to me, after all I had done. I don't deserve your love" he pulled her closer to him.

The reason she came to see him, was to say her final goodbye. But he was not making it easy. She still loved him, and she knew so did he.

"I just can't get enough of you, Klaus. I loved you as much as I would hate to admit it. I wanted to hate you for what you did to me but I want to say it after all" Caroline's eyes met his.

"The night when you saw me with Marcel, it was all a misunderstanding. He called me outside and forced himself on me and you know what the worst part was. Even though he was kissing me, the only thing I could think about was you. I was thinking that you would come to save me but that was not the case"

"I wanted you there, but you left me. I came for you; I came to look for you just to find you with another woman. And now, she is carrying your child"

"I know that you did not mean everything, I forgive you. I just can't hate you"

"But promise me one thing that you will be a better father than Mikael. Maybe there's only a dark road up ahead. But you still have to believe and keep going. Believe that the stars will light your path, even a little bit"

"There's nothing left for me in New York. Nothing can hold us anymore" Caroline muttered.

It hurt him to hear those words, but it was true.

"Offer me the last dance" Klaus smiled.

She smiled back, even knowing how much he was hurting and so did she.

"I feel so unsure

As I take your hand and lead you to the dance floor

As the music dies

Something in your eyes calls to mind a silver screen

And all It's sad goodbyes.

I'm never gonna dance again guilty feet have got no rhythm

Though it's easy to pretend I know you're not a fool

I should have known better that to cheat a friend and waste the chance that I'd been given

So I'm never gonna dance again the way I danced with you"

What they were feeling was a mixed feeling of sadness and happiness. It was both a blessing and a curse to feel everything so very deeply.

"Time can never mend

The Careless Whispers of a good friend

To the heart and mind

Ignorance is kind

There's no comfort in the truth pain is all you'll find

I'm never gonna dance again guilty feet have got no rhythm

Though it's easy to pretend I know you're not a fool

I should've known better than to cheat a friend and waste the chance that I'd been given

So I'm never gonna dance again the way I dance with you oh oh

Tonight the music seems so loud; I wish that we could lose this crowd

Maybe it's better this way, we'd hurt each other with the things we want to say

We could have been so good together; we could have lived this dance together

But now who's gonna dance with me, please stay

And I'm never gonna dance again guilty feet have got no rhythm

Though it's easy to pretend I know you're not a fool

I should have known better that to cheat a friend and waste the chance that I'd been given

So I'm never gonna dance again, the way I dance with you

And now that you're gone now that you're gone

Now that you're gone was what I did so wrong

So wrong that you had to leave me alone"


This song was so perfect that it suited them perfectly. He did not want her to go, but she needed to. Nothing could hold them anymore.

Tears were both on their cheeks, when the song ended. It fitted them to the perfection and they knew it.

 Caroline came closer to him, and when she kisses his cheek, Klaus knew there is more to it, for Caroline to get so intimate there is always a pressing reason. Then, he heard her speak, barely a whisper as she drawed back and smiled

"Goodbye Niklaus" she turned away before he can think to reply, her velvet jacket melting into the dark street.

"No matter how you fly, you'll forever remain the most treasured person in the world to me" Klaus shouted, his tears falling endlessly

"I know" she whispered, her tears falling.

He did not know that she heard her, but she did. For Klaus the last memory with Caroline would be this kiss which meant so many things and for her would be those words which made her heart cried and at the same time felt warmth.

*After five years*

"So, this is where you were. I have searched for you for a long time, you know" he said.

"I was not hiding. I am living my small life in Mystic Falls just like I did once in the past" Caroline said.

"What are you doing here, Elijah?" Caroline asked.

"I thought that you would forget me, but I was wrong" he chuckled.

"I gave you five years Caroline, will you come back to Niklaus?" he asked.

"What kind of love did your brother and I had, Elijah? I still have not figure it out in these past five years" she whispered.

"You know I tried to move on, I tried many relationships but no one seemed to fit. I just can't seem to love someone apart from your brother. His face, his touch still seemed to haunt me. Even it's been five years, I'm still in love with Klaus and I know that he loved me back. Some things are not meant to be together, but are meant to meet"

"You're not with anyone?" Elijah asked surprised.

"I'm not"

"Then, to answer your question I would call my brother and your love" he began

"An undying love"

"This time I was the one who came to look for you, the second time it would be Klaus. He's been looking for you all over the world and the day he finds you, this will be the day you will give him a second chance, hell even a thousand of chances, correct me if I'm wrong Caroline" Elijah said.

She had nothing to say, he was perfectly right. Secretly, she was waiting for Klaus.

"I wish to see you very soon, Caroline" Elijah smiled.

"Goodbye, Elijah!"


She was once again like in the past in a bar, drowning herself in alcohol. That conversation with Elijah had been an exhausting one.

"Hello gorgeous" she heard someone said but she did not turn back.

'How would she know that this guy was talking to her?'

"Now that's quite rude not to turn your back, Caroline Forbes" he smirked at her.

"I have heard you have a thing for accents"

"Who told you that?" Caroline asked.

"Well love, to be precise by a demon that always has a smirk on his face" the guy smiled.

"I must admit, you're much hotter in person" he winked at her.

"And who might you be?" Caroline asked, rolling her eyes on his previous comment.

"I'm Lorenzo"

"My friends called me Enzo" he smirked.

                                                                                             THE END

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