Chapter 30 : Future Job

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Back at home, Lucy bid her parents goodnight and retreated to her bedroom. Before settling into bed, she sat at her desk, taking a moment to reflect on the day's events. The feeling of trepidation she had earlier seemed like a distant memory now, replaced by a deep sense of happiness and fulfillment.

As she stared out of her window, she admired the moon shining brightly in the night sky, casting a soft glow over her neighborhood. Lucy felt a surge of inspiration and determination, knowing that she had the support and love of her family behind her as she embarked on new adventures in life.

The idea of learning from her uncle, Detective Michael Thompson, excited her. Lucy had always been fascinated by detective stories and the thrill of solving mysteries. The thought of delving into the world of detective work with her uncle's guidance filled her with eagerness and anticipation.

With a sense of purpose, Lucy made a mental note to talk to her uncle about the detective training. She knew she had much to learn, but she was ready to embrace the challenges and opportunities that lay ahead.

As she closed her eyes, the sweet scent of vanilla and cinnamon from her favorite candle lingered in her room, calming her senses and wrapping her in a comforting embrace.

In her dreams, Lucy found herself in a world of possibilities. She imagined herself following in her uncle's footsteps, solving mysteries, and making a difference in the lives of others. The dreamscape was filled with adventure and excitement, and Lucy knew that her future held limitless potential.

"Good morning, everyone," Lucy greeted them with a smile.

"Good morning, Lucy," her dad replied, returning her smile. "Sleep well?"

"I did, Dad. I had some exciting dreams," she said, her eyes shining with enthusiasm.

Lucy's mom, Mrs. Thompson, looked at her curiously. "Oh? What were your dreams about?" she asked.

Lucy's mom, Mrs. Thompson, looked at her curiously. "Oh? What were your dreams about?" she asked.

"Well," Lucy began, "I dreamt about becoming a detective, just like Uncle Mike. I want to explore that path and see where it leads me."

Her parents exchanged glances, and her mom spoke with a supportive tone, "That sounds like an exciting idea, Lucy. Your uncle is a great role model, and I'm sure he'd be happy to guide you."

After her mom's encouraging response, Lucy felt a sense of relief and excitement. She appreciated her family's support and knew that their approval meant a lot to her. She took a moment to gather her thoughts before responding.

"Well, Mom, after graduating from Carlton High, I've been giving a lot of thought to what I want to do next," Lucy explained. "I've always been fascinated by detective work, and Uncle Mike's experiences have inspired me even more. I think being a police officer, and eventually a detective, would allow me to help people and make a positive impact on the community."

As she continued eating breakfast with her parents, Lucy noticed the genuine interest in their eyes. Her dad set down his newspaper and nodded encouragingly, proud of his daughter for having the courage to share her aspirations.

"That's wonderful, Lucy," her mom replied with a warm smile. "I'm glad to hear that you've been giving this serious thought. Being a police officer can be a challenging yet rewarding career. Your Uncle Mike certainly has some captivating stories to share from his time in the force."

As the meal came to an end, Lucy's mom cleared the table, and her dad offered to help with the dishes. Before they all dispersed to start their day, Lucy gathered her parents into a tight hug, feeling the warmth of their love and support.

Her mom and dad hugged her back, knowing that this was just the beginning of an exciting and fulfilling journey for their daughter.


Lucy smiled at her dad's suggestion as she finished setting up the TV. "You're right, Dad. It's a beautiful day outside, and I should spend some time with my friends," she replied. "I was just lost in my thoughts about the future."

"I understand, sweetheart. It's natural to have those moments, especially when you're contemplating big decisions," her dad said with understanding. "But remember, life is about balance. You can pursue your dreams and have fun with friends at the same time."

Encouraged by her dad's words, Lucy decided to call her old friends Max, Amelia, and Alex. It had been a while since they all hung out together, and she missed their company. After a few phone calls and messages, they agreed to meet up at their favorite spot in the nearby park.

As she reached the familiar spot, she saw her friends already waiting for her. Max, the laid-back and humorous guy with an infectious smile, waved enthusiastically. Amelia, the ambitious and caring one of the group, greeted her with a warm hug. Alex, the tech-savvy and curious friend, gave her a friendly nod.

They settled down under the oak tree, and Lucy shared her plans to become a police officer and eventually a detective. Her friends listened attentively, just as her parents had done earlier that morning. Max, Amelia, and Alex were thrilled for her and excited about her future career choice.

"That's incredible, Lucy!" Amelia said, her eyes sparkling with pride. "You've always had a knack for solving puzzles and finding the truth and msyetries. It's no surprise that you're drawn to detective work."

Alex nodded in agreement. "And with your determination and intelligence, I have no doubt you'll excel in this field," he added. "Besides, you'll be doing something meaningful for the community."

Lucy felt a surge of happiness, knowing that she had such supportive and caring friends by her side. The conversation soon shifted to lighter topics, reminiscing about their high school days, sharing funny stories, and making plans for future outings.

As the afternoon sun painted the sky with hues of orange and pink, they all decided to take a walk around the park. They strolled along the familiar paths, cherishing each other's company and the simple joy of being together.

As the day came to a close, Lucy bid farewell to her friends, promising to meet again soon. Walking back home, she felt a certain life ahead and she know she like mysteries and solving puzzles like she did in Carlton high and breaker the curse using her witch power and Moonstone.

She reached her home and saw Mom was on the call strolling here and there in living room.

Getting inside in her room, she sighed. She missed her while life in her Carlton High and the mysteries revolved around it. The curse and Anderson's shocking revealing facts still shocked her innermost level. She rubbed her forehead not to think about again and it's a closed chapter. She went to her table, pulled her laptop from the bag and opened it. She tried searching many intern jobs in England Government offices. Atleast she reached the official site of her uncles department in investigation team of forensic and detective agency.

Her energy level rise up, she clicked in as the file opens to their official site. She filled every details she had find in the form of application.

Clicking back she gazed out of the sky that was emitting a blue crystal light highlighting sun's scorching rays in between. Her eyes blinked twice in wonder what will be the curse that was still remaining as the letter from the sky said.


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