Chapter 31 : Mysterious case

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After two weeks she checked her mails and saw they had replied for her application.


She called her mom.

"Yes Lucy!"
Her mom came running to her room.

"Yes, mom! They replied to my application, and I got the internship!" Lucy exclaimed with excitement, her eyes sparkling with joy.

Her mom's face lit up with a mixture of pride and happiness. "Oh, Lucy, that's fantastic news! I'm so proud of you! Congratulations, my dear."

Lucy couldn't contain her happiness and hugged her mom tightly. "Thank you, mom! I couldn't have done it without your support and encouragement."

Her mom smiled warmly, patting her on the back. "You've worked so hard for this, and I knew you could do it. I'm thrilled for you, sweetheart."

Lucy's mind was already racing with thoughts of the internship and the opportunities it would bring. "I'll be interning at one of the top marketing firms in the city. It's such a great chance to learn and gain experience in the field I'm passionate about."

"That's amazing, Lucy. This internship will open so many doors for your future career. Make the most of it and learn as much as you can," her mom advised.

"I will, mom. I'm determined to make the most of this opportunity. I can't wait to start!" Lucy replied, enthusiasm bubbling in her voice.

Her mom smiled and held her hands affectionately. "Remember to stay focused, be proactive, and never be afraid to ask questions. It's all part of the learning process."

Lucy nodded, grateful for her mom's wise words. "I'll keep that in mind, mom. Thank you for always supporting me and believing in my dreams."

Her mom cupped Lucy's face in her hands and said, "You're my daughter, and I'll always believe in you. Now, go out there and show them what you're made of!"

Over the next few weeks, Lucy started her internship, and she threw herself into every opportunity that came her way. She was eager to learn from experienced professionals and absorb everything like a sponge. Her passion and dedication were quickly noticed by her supervisors, and she soon became an integral part of the team.

As days turned into weeks and weeks into months, Lucy's knowledge and skills in marketing grew exponentially. She made valuable connections and forged friendships with her colleagues. The experience was not only professionally rewarding but also personally fulfilling.

Throughout her internship, Lucy kept in touch with her mom, updating her on her progress and sharing her exciting experiences. Her mom was always there to listen and provide encouragement, a pillar of support in Lucy's life.

When the internship finally came to an end, Lucy couldn't believe how much she had grown both as a person and as a professional. And, as she anticipated, her hard work and dedication paid off. The marketing firm was impressed with her performance and offered her a full-time position.

Ecstatic and grateful, Lucy called her mom once again, unable to contain her excitement. "Mom! They offered me a full-time job! I'm going to be part of the team!"

Her mom's voice filled with pride, "I knew you could do it, Lucy. Congratulations, my dear. I'm so proud of you!"

After sharing the news with her mom, Lucy couldn't wait to tell her dad. She quickly dialed his number and anxiously waited as the phone rang.

"Dad?" Lucy said, her voice filled with excitement.

"Hey, Lucy! How's everything going?" her dad asked warmly.

"I have some incredible news, Dad! I got the internship, and they offered me a full-time job!" Lucy exclaimed, her heart pounding with joy.

Her dad's voice lit up with happiness. "That's amazing, sweetheart! I knew you had it in you. Congratulations! I'm so proud of you!"

Tears of joy filled Lucy's eyes as she felt overwhelming love and support from both her parents. "Thank you, Dad. I couldn't have done it without your belief in me. This means the world to me."

"We always knew you were destined for great things, Lucy. Your hard work and determination have paid off," her dad said, his voice full of pride.

Overwhelmed with emotion, Lucy knew she had to share this special moment with both her parents. "Mom, Dad, I wish you were here right now. I can't wait to see you both and give you a big hug!"

"We wish we could be there too, darling. But we're with you in spirit, and we'll celebrate together when you come home," her mom chimed in.

"Absolutely! We'll plan something special to commemorate your achievements," her dad added.


The next day, Lucy received a call from her Uncle Mike, whom she hadn't heard from in a while. She was surprised but happy to hear his voice.

"Hey, Lucy! How have you been?" Uncle Mike asked warmly.

"I'm doing great, Uncle Mike. Thanks for calling. It's been a whirlwind of emotions with the new job and everything," Lucy replied with enthusiasm.

"I heard about your internship and the full-time job offer. Congratulations! I'm so proud of you," Uncle Mike said, genuinely excited for her.

"Thank you so much, Uncle Mike. Your support means a lot to me," Lucy said gratefully.

"I have some news too, Lucy. I've been following your progress, and I'm impressed with your dedication and passion for marketing. I want to offer you a position in my office," Uncle Mike said.

Lucy's eyes widened in surprise. "Really? You want me to work with you?"

"Yes, absolutely! You've already proven yourself with your skills and commitment. I don't think you need any internships; I want you on my team. You'll have more responsibilities, but I have no doubt you'll excel," he explained.

Lucy's heart swelled with gratitude and joy. "Uncle Mike, I don't know what to say. This is incredible! Thank you for believing in me."

"You don't have to say anything, Lucy. You've earned it. Come to the office with me today, and we'll get everything set up," Uncle Mike said warmly.

Lucy accepted the offer with excitement, knowing that working with her uncle would be a fantastic opportunity. Not only would she be able to grow professionally, but she would also get to spend time with her family every day.

Later that morning, Uncle Mike arrived at Lucy's home to pick her up. As she stepped into his car, he congratulated her once again and expressed his pride in her accomplishments.

During the ride to the office, Uncle Mike shared his vision for the team and how Lucy's skills and fresh perspective would be a valuable asset to the company. Lucy couldn't help but feel incredibly grateful for the chance to work with someone who believed in her abilities and trusted her potential.

Upon arriving at the office, Lucy was warmly welcomed by her new colleagues, who were eager to have her on board. The atmosphere was filled with positivity and support, and Lucy knew she was in the right place.

As Uncle Mike showed Lucy around the office, introducing her to various team members and explaining the company's operations, her mind couldn't help but wander to the case file he had mentioned earlier. Her curiosity was piqued, especially when he mentioned a mysterious murder near her Carlton school.

"Uncle what is the case you mentioned earlier."

He uncle took a file from the nearby table of another officer and gave to her.

Uncle Mike smiled, appreciating Lucy's eagerness to learn more. "Of course, Lucy. As you know, our firm specializes in various investigative services, and we have been handling this particular case for a while now. It's an unsolved murder that occurred a few months back."

Lucy's eyes were wide with intrigue as Uncle Mike opened the case file and began explaining the details. He showed her crime scene photographs, witness statements, and various pieces of evidence that had been collected.

"As part of the team, you'll have access to all these files and be involved in the investigation," Uncle Mike said, gauging Lucy's reaction.

Lucy was excited but also felt a sense of responsibility. "This is fascinating, Uncle Mike, but also quite serious. I didn't expect to be part of such a significant case right from the start."

"I forget to mention this murder case was reported near you Carlton High that's why I am handing this case to you. It's a closed case."

Her eyes widened. Lucy felt mix of emotions , nervousness fear enveloping her.


"How can that happen and I haven't heard about murder happened from my classmates when I was there."

"I am clueless Lucy , this case is really complicated...there are no evidence , our forensic team failed in every clue that left in the murder scene."

"Uncle I will solve it I sense something different in this case."

He nods and wished all the best.


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