Chapter 32: Masked figure

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Lucy visited her old school to gather more information about the incident. She hoped that talking to people who were present at the time of the crime might provide some new leads.

At the school, Lucy met with some of her former teachers and staff who had been there during the time of the murder. They were initially surprised to see her but were more than willing to help with her investigation. She learned that the incident had deeply affected the school community, and there were rumors and speculations surrounding the case.

While talking to a few students who were present during the time of the incident, Lucy discovered that some of them had heard strange noises and saw mysterious figures around the school premises on the night of the murder. However, they had been too scared to report anything at the time.

Armed with this new information, Lucy decided to visit the crime scene to see if she could find any clues that had been overlooked. The murder site was still marked with police tape, indicating that the case was unresolved.

As she examined the area, Lucy's eyes fell on something unusual—a partially hidden surveillance camera near a corner of the school building. It seemed odd that this camera had not been mentioned in the initial investigation.

Lucy immediately took note of the camera's location and reported it to her uncle and the investigative team. They decided to review the footage from that camera to see if it could shed any light on the events surrounding the murder.

The footage revealed something shocking. On the night of the murder, a figure wearing a dark hoodie and a mask was seen lurking around the school. The person's movements appeared suspicious, and they seemed to be watching the victim's every move.

Lucy and the investigative team carefully studied the footage and noticed a sequence of events that pointed to a possible motive for the murder. They saw the masked figure following the victim to a secluded area of the school, where a heated argument took place. After a brief struggle, the figure attacked the victim and left the scene hurriedly.

Days turned into weeks as Lucy tirelessly worked on the case, following leads and conducting interviews. She uncovered some surprising secrets about the victim, which suggested that the murder might not have been as random as initially thought.

Through her determination and persistence, Lucy managed to piece together crucial information that led to the identification of the masked figure.

Back at the office, Lucy couldn't wait to share her findings with Uncle Mike and the investigative team. She walked into his office, feeling a mix of excitement and a touch of nervousness.

"Uncle Mike, I have some significant updates on the murder case," Lucy said, trying to keep her voice steady.

Uncle Mike looked up from his desk, sensing the urgency in her tone. "What did you find, Lucy? Tell me everything."

Taking a deep breath, Lucy recounted the details of the surveillance footage she discovered at the school. She explained how it revealed a masked figure, indicating a deliberate attack rather than a random act of violence. She also shared the information she gathered about the victim's background, which suggested a possible motive for the crime.

As Lucy spoke, Uncle Mike listened attentively, impressed by her dedication and the progress she had made in the investigation. He could see the fire in her eyes and the determination to see justice served.

"That's some excellent work, Lucy," Uncle Mike said, acknowledging her efforts. "Your findings have shed new light on the case. I'm proud of you."

"Thank you, Uncle Mike. But there's more I want to do. I believe I'm onto something, and I need your help," Lucy said earnestly.

"What do you need, Lucy?" Uncle Mike asked.

"I'd like to request an assistant officer to accompany me in the further investigation. There are still leads to follow, and I think having a partner will help us cover more ground and ensure our safety," Lucy explained.

Uncle Mike nodded in agreement. "You're right, Lucy. This case has taken a complex turn, and having a partner will be beneficial. I'll assign you a capable assistant officer to work alongside you."

"Thank you, Uncle Mike. I appreciate your support," Lucy said, relieved that her request was granted.

"You've shown great potential in this field, Lucy. I believe in your abilities, and I trust your judgment. Keep me updated on your progress, and remember, you're not alone in this," Uncle Mike reassured her.

Lucy's excitement grew as she looked forward to working with an assistant officer. She knew that together, they could delve deeper into the case and uncover more clues to bring the truth to light.

Over the next few days, Lucy was introduced to her new partner, Officer Mark Harris. He was an experienced investigator with a reputation for solving difficult cases. Mark was supportive and encouraging, making it clear that he valued Lucy's skills and was eager to work with her.

Lucy walked into her uncle Mike's office, feeling a mix of anticipation and enthusiasm. Officer Mark Harris stood by her side, and she could sense the camaraderie already forming between them.

"Uncle Mike, I'd like you to meet Officer Mark Harris, my new partner in the investigation," Lucy said with a smile, introducing Mark to her uncle.

Uncle Mike warmly shook hands with Officer Harris. "It's a pleasure to meet you, Mark. Lucy has spoken highly of you, and I have no doubt that you two will make a formidable team."

"Thank you, sir. I've heard great things about Lucy too, and I'm thrilled to be working with her," Mark replied with a confident grin.

Uncle Mike turned to Lucy and patted her on the back. "You've come a long way, Lucy. I've seen your dedication and determination firsthand, and I know you'll continue to excel in this field."

"Thank you, Uncle Mike. None of this would have been possible without your support and belief in me," Lucy expressed gratefully.

As Lucy delved into the details of the case, she laid out the various clues she had uncovered so far. She explained how the surveillance footage had shown the masked figure's presence on the night of the murder near Carlton High. She shared the witness statements and information she had gathered about the victim's social circle, which hinted at a personal motive behind the crime.

"I believe that the key to solving this case lies in identifying the masked figure," Lucy said with determination. "The way this person moved and behaved in the footage suggests that they had a direct connection to the victim. They knew the school's layout well, and they were careful not to be seen clearly."

Officer Mark nodded thoughtfully. "You're right, Lucy. The masked figure appears to be the key to understanding the motive and unraveling the entire plot. If we can figure out who this person is, we might be able to connect all the dots."

I think we should focus on re-interviewing the witnesses," Lucy suggested. "Some of them might have been hesitant to share everything they knew initially, but with the right approach, we might get more information."

Uncle Mike listened attentively to their analysis and nodded in agreement. "That sounds like a solid plan. Lucy, your marketing background could be instrumental in building rapport with the witnesses. And Mark, your experience in criminal investigations will help us navigate the more complex aspects of the case."

"I am truly grateful to have you in my job and J haven't found a determined officer like you Mam. I will be always there for you."


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