Chapter 33 : Chasing Moonstone

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Over the next few days, Lucy and Officer Mark diligently reviewed the CCTV footage from the surveillance camera they had discovered at Carlton High. They meticulously analyzed the footage, trying to make sense of the masked figure's movements and actions.

The figure's shadowy presence on the screen intrigued them both. It was evident that the person was intentionally trying to stay hidden, as if aware of the camera's location. The figure seemed to move with a purpose, lurking in the shadows and following the victim discreetly.

Lucy and Mark spent long hours pouring over the footage, trying to identify any patterns or clues that might lead them to the masked figure's identity. They noted the time stamps of the footage and cross-referenced them with witness statements and other evidence they had gathered. They wanted to establish a timeline of events leading up to the murder, hoping it would help them understand the killer's motives.

As they continued their investigation, Lucy noticed something peculiar in the footage. In one particular segment, the figure seemed to interact with an object near the scene of the crime. It was a small, shiny object, but the camera's angle obscured its details. Lucy was intrigued and decided to zoom in and enhance that section of the footage.

With some technical expertise from their IT department, they were able to get a clearer image of the object. To their surprise, it appeared to be a distinctive necklace with a pendant shaped like a sunflower.

"Officer Mark, you won't believe what I found in this footage," Lucy exclaimed, her excitement palpable as she showed him the enhanced image of the necklace pendant.

Mark leaned in closer, examining the picture. "A necklace? What's so special about it?"

Lucy's eyes were wide with realization. "This isn't just any necklace; it's a Moonstone pendant! The same one that disappeared from the mission that I did."

Mark's eyebrows shot up in surprise. "Wait, you mean the Moonstone from the infamous Anderson's curse case? Are you saying it's somehow connected to the murder?"

"I think so," Lucy replied, her mind racing with possibilities. "Remember, after the curse was broken, the Moonstone vanished, and it was never recovered. It's possible that it ended up in possession, in some one."

"But why would anyone go to such lengths to steal a cursed Moonstone?" Mark asked, puzzled.

"I don't think they were after the curse itself," Lucy said, her mind starting to piece together the puzzle. "They might have believed that the Moonstone had some other value or power, perhaps something unrelated to the curse. Maybe they thought it was merely a valuable gemstone with no supernatural significance."

Mark nodded thoughtfully. "That could be a possibility. If someone knew that victim had the Moonstone and thought it was just a valuable gem, they might have tried to steal it from her, leading to the confrontation and ultimately the murder."

"I agree," Lucy said, her determination resurfacing. "We need to find out more about the Moonstone, its history, and why someone might have believed it to be valuable. Additionally, we need to determine how Emily came to possess it and if she knew about its significance.

Lucy said : "I think we need to first check Anderson and how he is doing I sense the past hasn't over still now, mystery is still there over the curse , over the Carlton High."

Mark sighed.


As Lucy continued her investigation into the Moonstone pendant, her phone buzzed with an incoming call. Glancing at the caller ID, she saw it was her mother.

"Hey, Mom," Lucy answered, trying to sound calm despite her busy schedule.

"Lucy, it's getting late, and you're still at the office. Are you coming home anytime soon?" her mother inquired with concern in her voice.

Lucy hesitated for a moment, torn between her commitment to the case and her family obligations. "I'm sorry, Mom, but I'm knee-deep in this investigation at Carlton High. We had a significant breakthrough, and I can't leave now. I promise I'll be home as soon as I can."

Her mother sighed, understanding the determination in her daughter's voice. "Alright, but please don't overexert yourself, Lucy. I know how passionate you get about these cases, but remember to take care of yourself too."

"I will, Mom, I promise. Thanks for understanding," Lucy replied gratefully.

After ending the call, she turned her attention back to the CCTV footage and the necklace pendant. As she delved deeper into the history of the Anderson curse and the Moonstone, she wondered if there was a connection between the recent murders at Carlton High and the missing gem.

As days passed, Lucy and Officer Mark tirelessly pursued every lead related to the Moonstone, the Andersons, and the mysterious masked figure. They conducted interviews, reviewed case files, and even sought assistance from experts in ancient artifacts and curses. Meanwhile, Carlton High remained on edge as fear gripped the students and staff.

Late one evening, Lucy received another call from her mother. She answered it, already preparing to reassure her that she would be home soon.

"Lucy, it's not about you coming home," her mother said, her voice trembling.

"What is it, Mom? Are you okay?" Lucy asked, concern rising in her chest.

"There has been another murder at Carlton High," her mother said, her voice breaking. "It's all over the news. They found another student's body this evening."

Lucy's heart sank. Another life lost, and she hadn't been there to prevent it. She quickly turned on the television in her office, and sure enough, the news was reporting on the tragic incident.

"I have to go, Mom. I need to be there," Lucy said, her voice determined. "Please understand."

"I do, Lucy. Just be safe, okay?" her mother replied, her worry evident.

Lucy rushed to the crime scene, where Officer Mark was already coordinating the investigation. The victim's body was surrounded by police tape and forensic experts, and students and parents were gathered nearby, distraught and terrified.

Lucy approached Mark, her face grim. "We need to solve this case, Mark, and fast. Another life has been taken, and it's connected to the Moonstone. I can feel it.

They talked to witnesses, reviewed the CCTV footage around the crime scene, and consulted with the forensic experts. Time was of the essence, and they needed to establish a precise timeline to understand the killer's movements and narrow down potential suspects.

After examining the evidence and interviewing witnesses, they finally determined the approximate time of the murder. It had occurred around 6:00 PM that evening, just a few hours before they arrived at the crime scene.

Lucy felt a sense of urgency grow within her. The murderer was still out there, and they needed to act fast before they struck again. With a determined expression, she turned to Mark. "We need to get the word out and intensify our search. The killer could still be in the area."

Mark nodded, already coordinating with other officers to secure the perimeter and search for any potential leads. They issued a public safety advisory and urged anyone with information to come forward immediately.

As the investigation intensified, Lucy's mind kept going back to the Moonstone pendant. There had to be a connection between its disappearance, the curse, and the recent murders at Carlton High. She decided to reach out to experts in ancient artifacts and occult knowledge to gather more information about the significance of the Moonstone.

Late into the night, Lucy and Mark worked tirelessly, gathering evidence, interviewing witnesses, and following up on any potential leads. The pressure was mounting, but they were determined not to rest until they had answers.

Just as the sun was beginning to rise, they received a crucial piece of information from a witness who reported seeing a suspicious figure leaving the crime scene around the time of the murder. The witness mentioned that the person seemed to be carrying something shiny, like a piece of jewelry.

The description matched that of the Moonstone pendant they had seen in the surveillance footage. It was a breakthrough that could lead them closer to the identity of the masked figure and the motive behind the murders.

With renewed energy, Lucy and Mark continued their investigation, following the trail of the suspicious figure. They traced the person's movements through the city, piecing together a possible route back to Carlton High.

As they approached a rundown apartment building, they could feel they were getting closer to the truth. With guns drawn and backup at the ready, they cautiously entered the building, not knowing what awaited them.

They climbed up the stairs, their footsteps echoing in the dimly lit corridor. Finally, they reached the door of the apartment they believed the suspect was inside.

With a deep breath, Lucy nodded at Mark, and he kicked open the door. They burst into the apartment, ready to confront the masked figure and put an end to the terror that had gripped Carlton High.

But as the door swung open, they were met with an empty room. The suspect was gone, leaving behind only traces of their presence. Among the remnants, they found a discarded mask and a broken necklace-some chains scattered here and there tied to the ground .

Her eyes widened.

Lucy's mind raced as she examined the chains scattered on the ground. It wasn't just an ordinary necklace; it looked like restraints that had been broken free. Her heart sank as a disturbing thought crossed her mind.

"Mark, I don't think this masked figure is just a regular criminal," Lucy said, her voice filled with unease. "Look at these chains. They were used to restrain someone or something. This isn't just about a stolen Moonstone; there's something much darker at play here."

Mark's brow furrowed in confusion, but he trusted Lucy's instincts. "What do you mean? Are you saying this figure isn't human?"

Lucy hesitated for a moment before speaking cautiously, "I'm not sure, but the more I think about it, the more it feels like we're dealing with something supernatural. It's like we're chasing a monster, not a human perpetrator."

Mark exclaimed : "A monster?"

Mark looked skeptical, while Lucy nodded with a sigh.


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