Destiny Bond Syndrome

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I wonder how Mr. Fierce is getting on? Even though we've had lots of patients, Mr. Fierce, Mew and Iris' Garchomp were the ones that stood out the most. I hope Mr. Fierce, Mew and her baby is safe wherever they are... assuming they're still alive.

Ever since Iris' Garchomp was admitted into hospital, I believed that he didn't have long left to live. He's been in and out of hospital for four months, but it's surprised me that he's lasted this long. He was the patient that was in my mind when I was asleep. Spiritomb sensed a desire to live. It's a common sign of Destiny Bond Syndrome. It's a syndrome not talked about in the medical profession: some even discard it.

Trainers and pokemon who spend a long time together will form a bond. These bonds are evident in any decent pokemon trainers. If the trainer died, then the pokemon would fall into a deep despair that no medicine will ever be able to cure. The pokemon would eventually die as it's whole body would just shut down. At the same time, DBS can also bring positives effects on the body. If a pokemon with the syndrome know that their trainer is alive and well, then it will make the pokemon want to live as well.

Iris must have been a great trainer, despite misjudging it's health. Garchomp was back in hospital again after falling out of bed. They tried to see if Garchomp was able to walk, but I knew it would be a bad idea. But what can I do if they decide to go home? With the new fairy type due to be announced, they've brought a new nurse into the ward. At first I thought she was grass/fairy, but it turned out she was just a pure fairy.

Zelda was an agency nurse. She was transported from a hospital in Lumiose City to work with us permanently. They wanted her to stay in charge of the night shifts. Zelda was a florges, a floral fairy species soon to be registered on the national pokedex. Zelda looks like a tall sunflower. The newly discovered fairy type is going to change the system, I just know it will.

I think she would be suitable working with dragons due to her immunity to dragons. The Dragon patients can get rough, she could counter their moves. Her special defense was something trainers could brag about, and her movepool made her an ideal nurse. She might be able to help comfort Garchomp.

Swampy stomped through the corridors carrying the tea trolley around the wards. He came to me and asked, "Would you like a cup of tea?"

"No thank you."

He smirked and looked to Zelda. "Would the beautiful flower like a drink?"

"Yes please," Zelda said. She chuckled. I can see why her trainer wanted to call her Zelda; she had that regal flare. "Green tea if you have any."

Swampy was starstruck, but it wouldn't last long. Soon Zelda had a green tea and drank it just as quickly as it was served. She'll fit in well.

"So I've heard you've had a couple of champions come in," Zelda said.

"We have a garchomp that belongs to Iris," I replied. "He isn't very well at all. He could be die at any moment. He's the eldest of his kind. He's the father to Lance's Dragonite and Iris' Haxorus. Wouldn't surprise me if he was related to Cynthia's Garchomp."

"How old is Garchomp?"

"He's 469."

"He must have been very well looked after to live that long..."

"I wouldn't want to live that long," Swampy said, and then he saddled away with his tea trolley. "I'd like to die in my prime. Wouldn't want folks fussing about me."

I found Swampy's words pretty ironic. Before he came working in the hospital, he was a wild pokemon that Domino picked up when she was on holiday. She thought it would someone like him would improve the food standards in the hospital. Well personally, I don't fancy any of the food on Swampy's menu because it's all too sweet for me. I prefer bitter food.

The place seems different without Domino. Even though she got what she deserves, a little of me reluctantly misses her. I think a lot of the staff are still shocked, puzzled and sad after Domino left, even now. They were deceived, but at least no one can know that I used to work for team rocket. I don't think any of the pokemon staff should know. They look up to me, and they would hold me responsible if they found out. No one would be able to do their jobs properly because there would be no trust or team work.

Zelda told Swampy. "I'm sure Arceus will call you when he's ready for you." It wasn't long till Swampy turned the corner and went out of their site. Zelda's got one friend already. She twirled over to me and said, "Do you believe in the Destiny Bond Syndrome? I sure do."

"I think there's a lot of psychological evidence that it exists," I replied.

"When my original trainer died; so did my mother."

"I'm sorry to hear that." One of the tutors in school advised us not to say sorry for something that wasn't your fault. Although sorry is the first thing that comes to your head when you hear someone's had heartbreak. Sure there are exceptions, but Zelda had to go through a lot.

"The funny thing was they died in the exact same way... only 48 hours apart. My original trainer drank herself to death and so did my mother. The alcohol they drank turned out to be a knock-off brand. It contained traces of mercury."

"Steel and poison does nasty damage to fairy types," I said. What a depressing way to greet someone on your first day. "And alcohol can be very poisonous. That's why fairy, grass and bug type pokemon shouldn't smoke nor drink."

"I don't see much of my sisters now," Zelda admitted, "Although I'm sure that they're fine."

"Are you sure they

"WELCOME TO KFC!" The gooey goomy sitting on the healing machine that we were passing by had cried out. Why KFC of all places? I'm really not sure, I guess that goomy's trainer is an immature loaf. To certain extents its true when they say pokemon are a mirror image of their trainers. I failed to see the humour.

"I think this is better than KFC," Zelda said.

"Where's my bucket?" Goomy cried out before returning to it's ball.

Zelda giggled. "He's sure nourished."

"He'll enjoy the taste," I said. "But what he won't enjoy is the diarrhea that comes with it."

"Oh, I see." Zelda shook her head. "Our next patient is a skuntank nicknamed Rupert. He was admitted at 4AM this morning by his trainer. MRI scan confirmed he had a stroke in the early hours of the morning. He just regained consciousness ten minutes ago."

Trainers don't expect it; but strokes can happen to pokemon too. I knew we were getting close to his room when we were greeted by a foul odor. By the time we opened the door, half the ward could smell Rupert. He was circling around the room and flooding the bed with liquids oozing from the tip of his tail. His head was tilted and he was using the side of the bed bars for protection.

"Where am I?" Rupert asked. "I don't know any of you."

The stench became stronger.

"I'm Matron Blissey and I'm the pokemon in charge of this hospital. I've come to check up on you."

"Where's Hikaru? How did this happen?"

"It's okay," Zelda said, trying to hold her breath. "You had a stroke a stroke last night and Hikaru will be seeing you shortly. Here, make a wish. It will make you feel better."

I can see that Rupert is going to need 24 hour care for four weeks. If he's kept clean and well medicated, he could make a full recovery within a fortnight. His blindness however, will take a long time to cure, if he is able to regain his sight. We'll have to call some pokemon in freshen up Rupert now. Zelda and I could do it, but we both have spot checks to carry out.

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