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The spot check was finally over. I was hoping Zelda and I would have finished by ten. The clock just stroke eleven, and I wasn't impressed with that I saw; dusty corners, wrinkled beds, slime on the windows and the clinical waste area was an absolute disgrace. Spiritomb and Zelda had to work together to destroy the waste whilst I was left doing the spot checks on my own. I can usually tolerate the workload, but this morning's work seems more hefty than usual. The sooner we get a new Nurse Joy, the better.

"We simply don't have the time to do anything," I heard Spiritomb say as he swirled around the room in a grump.

It was Zelda's first time doing the staff roster. When I saw it, I knew why Spiritomb was unhappy. He's been put in charge of the hacked unit. That was no problem, he liked that unit and has more knowledge about it then I do, but Solrock and Lunatone were on duty as well in that ward. He hates the rock types, I don't know why he couldn't just hold his tongue.

"I'm not working with them," Spiritomb hissed. He looked at me, hoping I would reallocate them to somewhere else.

I said, "I'm afraid you must."

"Matron, you can't let her control us. I thought this was our hospital."

"Look Spiritomb," Zelda hissed. "We are short-staffed, the chanseys and audinos have to cover other wards."

"Zelda's right." I nodded. "I have to fill in for Nurse Joy until we get a replacement."

"You lot are too soft with him," Zelda said to me. She didn't care weather Spiritomb heard it or not. He stormed off in a strop. Nothing like him, he's usually very professional. "He's only just got out of a nursing home."

Dr. Proctor came in out of nowhere without even the decency to knock. He was the area manager of the pokemon centres in Sinnoh. He's such a sleaze though: he's after any female human he can get. He had the potential to be an amazing doctor... if only he could get his head out of the gutter.

"I believe a congratulations in order," Dr. Proctor announced. He was holding a document in his hand.

"What?" I gasped. I don't know what this hospital has done to receive a congratulations.

Dr. Proctor had a huge smile on his face. "Despite recent events, we have been rated exceptional by the inspectors."

"But we haven't had one recently," I said.

"If you don't believe me have a look of the report. By the way Matron, I will be holding interviews for Nurse Joys next Monday. I was wondering if you could help me with the interview progress?"

"I guess so," I said. "How long will it be and how many are you interviewing?"

"So far two have confirmed that they're coming, but it could be as many as ten coming."

"I hope you're keeping it clean."

"We've got a good mixture, and I'm sure Zelda and Spiritomb will make a great team." I wanted to shake my head, but he was in charge. He seems to know exactly what he's doing/ Leaving Zelda and Spiritomb together without me seemed to be a recipe for disaster. Oh dear... whatever will happen next? Zelda needs more training and more time to get used to the hospital and its ways. "Anyway I've booked transport for all three of you to go to Kalos."

"Why do we have to go to Kalos for?" I asked.

"It's a special training day held by Professor Sycomore in his own laboratory in Lumoise City," Dr. Proctor announced. "All three of you will be going through the pokemon transporter and pokemon bank server."

"The what?" Spiritomb asked. "Say that again?"

"When you three have finished your shift tonight, return to your balls so I can send you over. Professor Sycamore will pick up outside his lab. There will be a lot of moving about, but it will be worth it. You will learn lots of knowledge."

Spiritomb shrugged. "I don't get it."

"You'll get used to it," Zelda told him.

"Can I have a look at the inspection report please?" I requested. I hope Zelda and Spiritomb don't try and outwit each other. I think Spiritomb has found a rival. I'm getting really concerned now. His mental health is so fragile and I often wonder if it was a good idea to come back to work, but it was his choice to come back to work, he'll have to accept the consequences. For the sake of my patients I hope nothing serious comes out of it.

"Of course." Dr. Proctor gave it to me with no questions asked.

We all heard a chansey cry out my name. I put the report down and skidded outside the office and saw Lucky running towards me.

"Matron!" Lucky cried out. "Iris' Garchomp just had a stroke."

"I'll have to look at the report later," I told Dr. Proctor.

Spiritomb and Zelda quickly followed me as soon as they could. When we rushed through the corridor to get into Garchomp's room, we saw Monica and Plum hoisting Garchomp back on the bed. His face was completely lopsided and his breathing was muffled. Iris was being dragged off the floor by Cilan.

"PLEASE HELP HIM!" Iris begged us. She was falling apart with only Cilan holding her back up. "I don't want him to die," she whimpered.

"Garchomp?" He was still breathing, but didn't respond to my voice at all. His skin was getting cold and black from his fresh bruises.

"He's completely unresponsive," Plum said.

Garchomp slumped over to the right side of the bed. Iris escaped from Cilan's grip and held onto Garchomp's hand. Cilan was trying his hardest to comfort Iris. When the machines went quiet I knew that it was time to announce the news they were dreading to hear. He was gone.

"Time of death 11:38."

"NO!" Iris squealed. She wouldn't let Garchomp go. "Garchomp..."

"Rest in peace," Cilan said. He stood behind Iris. We did everything we could for him, but we all knew that this day was coming. It dosen't make it any easier to take in.

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