Spiritomb's Breakdown

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After the shift, Spiritomb, Zelda and I returned to our balls and we assumed that Dr. Proctor would send us all to Kalos. It was a rocky ride, but we got to Kalos quicker than I imagined. We landed safely nevertheless and we all seemed to be accounted for. Apart from one person. Then along came Mrs. Swanna in Spiritomb's place.

"Mrs. Swanna?" I was convinced that Dr. Proctor did not invite the snoopy bird round.

"We were expecting Spiritomb to be with us."

"You see," Mrs. Swanna lowered her beak with regret. "Spiritomb didn't make it through the security check. I don't know the details, all I know is that they found Spiritomb to be problematic."

"Transfering through pokemon bank can be a draggy progress," Zelda explained. "However, there are barriers. If pokemon have illegal cells, they can't come to Kalos. We have a zero tolerance on illegal drugs and inappropriate names. Spiritomb is hacked. He will never be allowed here."

"Spiritomb is hacked?" Mrs. Swanna opened her beak and was petrified.

That was why he knew so much about the hacked syndrome, it was because he had it himself. It's possible that he could have also inherited it from his parents. I hate to admit it, but it all makes sense. That was why he knew so much about the disease. It was the reason why he hadn't been so well this year and the reason why he had been neglecting Minerva. I don't think he really meant to forget her. He was just a working class pokemon who worked to support his trainer and family.

A girl casually skated past us until she entered the laboratory. She looked like a girl who was on her way to become a trainer. That wasn't the scary part, it was the fact that the girl looked so much like my original trainer. Long blonde hair and a pink hat just how she use to wear it. She even had my trainer's eyes. I heard Augustine say that her name was Serena, but that's about it.

"But when Spiritomb first joined us, they didn't find anything wrong with him at all," I added. I refuse to believe that Spiritomb is the evil malicious monster that Zelda is painting him as.

"Technology in Kalos is superior," Zelda said in a firm voice. "Spiritomb is dangerous. He probably has the wonder guard ability."

It shouldn't bother me, but it does. We've been brought into Augustine's office to do some special training, and yet we have no idea what it's all about. Doctor Proctor made it sound as if it was a secret mission. Then I heard Mrs. Swanna panting. I faced her direction and there before us was Spiritomb.

"Spiritomb?" I tried to step closer but was dragged back by Florges.

"Leave!" Zelda demanded. "You're breaking the law being here. Hacked pokemon aren't allowed to be here."

Spiritomb cackled, but it sounded different to the one I knew. "So ill pokemon are banned, but criminals aren't?" All of a sudden I felt very uncomfortable. Especially when he glared at me with red eyes that pierced into my soul. "GO ON MATRON!" he hissed. "Tell them your secret? You don't want them to know that you used to work for Team Rocket?"

Spiritomb's body began to form a zigzag pattern which eventually curved into a question mark. I had never seen anything like it. How long had be been suffering for? Has Domino been drugging him up all these years? I didn't want my staff to know they work for Team Rocket because they would panic. I knew a nasty confrontation would happen if anyone knew.

"How did you contract the hacked syndrome?" I asked Spiritomb. He was glitching really badly.

"Why does it matter to you?" Spiritomb croaked. "You're a traitor. I'll never let you work again." Threats don't normally bother me, but coming from somebody who I had a lot of respect for, it hurt. What did I do wrong to make Spiritomb so angry. It can't be because he dosen't like rock pokemon, it's got to be something much deeper.

"Matron?" Zelda asked. "Do you happen to remember treating a flabébé who held onto a sunflower?"

I've treated so many patients so it's hard to remember every case exactly. The only time I can recall treating a flabébé matching Zelda's description was at the Kanto clinic. But since the secret is out, it dosen't make a difference. "Team Rocket wanted to destroy a flabébé because they didn't know what it was and decided it was worthless. I fought for that pokemon's survival and eventually they left it in my care. Once it was fully healed, I released it into the wild so it could find it's trainer."

"Then... you're the one who saved me. You're the reason I wanted to be a nurse. I never thought I would actually find you. Thank you, Matron."

"Guys," Mrs. Swanna shrieked. "Spiritomb's evolving!"

"But Spiritomb can't evolve!" Zelda shouted.

Spiritomb turned white and changed into the shape of an upside down tear drop with long grizzly hands. His body became pitch black and surrounded with purple gas. His eyes and mouth were blank. I haven't seen a Missingno in years, and it was the first time I have seen a pokemon evolve into a missingo. Could I even call him Spiritomb anymore?

"You made me like this," my old partner hissed. "You let that fake Nurse Joy manipulate Minerva and drug me up during the process."

It only took me until now how much damage Domino had done to the hospital and it's staff. I thought the death of the unborn phione was end of it, but I was wrong. There were probably things that I could have done to avoid all of this, but I can't think why.

"Don't listen to him," Zelda cried out as she surrounded me with a barrier. "He's trying to play mind games with you. Don't fall for them."

"Silence you little flower. How about some foul play! I will use your own power against you." Spiritomb charged at full speed at Zelda and tossed her about the street until she landed on top of a taxi car. Zelda got up with ease and made her way in front of me. Spiritomb opened his mouth and held his hands on either side of his face, shrieking as he knew he had failed to defeat Zelda.

"Your dark stab moves won't hurt me," Zelda announced as stars waved across her. She wished for her health back, and all her scratches has disappeared.

"In that case I shall have to show you my true form!"

The missingno vanished. I couldn't accept it as anything other than Spiritomb. The talented nurse who was on the verge of a disastrous breakdown. The ground began to rumble and emerging from the shadows of the gates was Spiritomb, he was back, and bigger than ever. But instead of his purple scheme he was a shiny aqua blue. He was worlds away from the cheeky nurse I used to know. He looked like a true menace, like the ones that haunt your dreams at night.


Behind that wicked laugh was the presence of a frail and tortured soul that needed to be saved. 

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