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"Emery where are you now? Are you okay? Is Dane with you? What's he doing?-" questions Tory for what seemed to be the hundredth time. Emery rolled her eyes and glanced across at Dane. Dane just shrugs silently, before returning his gaze back to the road.  

"Mom, please! I'm fine. You called like 10 minutes ago. We're still on the road. Dane says we still have about an hour to go and what do you think he's doing, mom? He's driving!" snapped Emery annoyed by her mom's persistent.  

"Don't snap at me young lady! You may have now graduated but I am still your mother-" 

"Mom! Please, stop calling. I love you and all but...just stop now," exasperated Emery. Dane clamped his lips tight to stop the laughter from bubbling out of them. Her and her mother were like the funniest and cutest duo of mother and daughter he had ever seen.

Tory on the other end of the phone was fighting for the phone from James, who had managed to prise it off her.  

"James," she hissed as held her back to his chest with one arm, clamping her arms to her sides.  

"Emery?" he called through the microphone.  

"Oh thank-God, James," sighed Emery relieved to be talking to someone more sane than her mother at the present.  

"Sorry about disturbing you sweetheart. Rest assured your mother will not be calling you until tomorrow morning," he promises earning a gasp from Tory and a relieved huff from Emery.  

"Thanks James. Enjoy your visit," Emery gratefully replies before cutting the call. James does the same and throws the phone onto the bed, before releasing Tory. She spins around and glares at him with a frown tugging at her lips.  

"Why did you do that?" she demands cross. It was Tory and Emery's first Christmas apart and Tory could feel the worry pounding at her skull. Since James and her started dating, Tory had up until recently been able to panic less over Emery but her separated from her young, her maternal instincts were going into overdrive. Not only was that, but the fact they were now in two entirely different countries also a worrying fact. James had convinced Tory to come with him to Brazil and Tory with much push from both Emery and James had caved in. After that, Dane invited Emery to join his family for Christmas to which Tory happily obliged, knowing at least then Emery wouldn't be left for 2 weeks alone in the house for Christmas.  

"You're going to drive the poor girl crazy," responds James with a frown equally framing his face.  

"I'm going crazy!...Maybe I shouldn't have left her for Christmas! Oh God! I'm such a bad mother! Who leaves their-" 

"Tory! Stop it!" cries James, tugging her into his arms and sealing her lips with a hearty kiss. She responds equally enthusiastically, wrapping her arms around his neck and pulling herself even flusher against him. Spinning her around he let her fall onto the plush hotel bed and grinning.  

"Now, let's get your mind off Emery," smirks James tugging off his t-shirt.

Meanwhile, Emery and Dane arrived at Dane's parent's house. The tall 3 storey, white stone building loomed over them causing Emery to gulp in nervousness. Considering their relationship had been far from the normal werewolf-mate one, Emery wasn't surprised that it was only now, so far into it, she was finally meeting his parents.  

"Anything I need to know beforehand?" she whispers to Dane as they walk up to the front door. Dane grins and wraps an arm around her waist before saying, "nope. You'll learn on the job, trust me. Besides, they'll love you." 

With that small bit of reassurance, she nodded and let him ring the doorbell.  

From behind they could hear various shouts and noises, causing Dane to softly sigh and shake his head.  

Then a few minutes later and a few rattles after, the door opened to reveal Dane's mom. Her features were quite soft and rounded, her smile beaming and blue eyes twinkling. Bronze strands of hair were mixed with a few silver ones that slipped out of her messy bun but the slight wrinkles and aging just made her seem more friendly and inviting.  

"Dane? Oh my gosh! Baby!" she cries grabbing by the waist and clenching on tightly. After a quick squeeze she tilts her torso away slight and pinches his cheeks. Dane grimaces, trying not to wince at the aching of his cheeks.  

"Just because you live in your own apartment doesn't mean that you can't even come and visit your mother now and again! You're still my baby!" she coos and plants kisses' on his cheeks and forehead. Dane managed to pry his mother off before clearing his throat and trying to stop the flaring of his cheeks. Emery one the other hand was struggling to maintain her giggles from turning into splutters of laughter. Her man had just been emasculated right in front of her and by his own mom.  

"Mom," he lightly growls winding his arm around Emery. Bright sky blue eyes snap onto Emery and gazes her up and down. A quick sweep of her and Dane's mom's lip tighten into a broad smile.  

"Well aren't you a pretty little thing," she chirps, "and who might you be?"  

"Mom. This is my mate, Emery," introduces Dane earning a gasp of surprise and excitement from his mother.  

"Emery, this my mom-Rachel." 

"Hi," shyly responds Emery.  

"Well hello there, sweetheart! Come on in....Here now, let me take your coat...okay, now Dane be a dear and show Emery around."

As they stepped into the foyer, Rachel took their coats and urged them along. Dane complied with his mother's wish and took Emery around the top floor of the house first on their tour.  

"I'm sorry about my mom," sighs Dane as they continued on downstairs. He bypassed the kitchen where his mother would be and led her to the other rooms.  

"It's fine. She looks fun," shrugs Emery giggling slightly.  

"Yeah. So much. I'm the youngest so I'm very much treated the 'baby' of the family. Although with you here now, I guess the honour's being passed down," explains Dane smirking at his mate.  

"In that case, I'll be sure to mooch off that special attention then," retorted Emery causing Dane to laugh.

The last room on the tour was the living room where an old black and white film was playing with one occupant on the couch-Dane's father.  

"Emery this is my dad-Zach. Dad this is my mate," introduced Dane. Zach, grinned at Dane before shaking the timid girl's hand and inviting them both to sit on the couch with him.  

An awkward silence swept around them until Zach started questioning Emery on school and where she wanted to go in the future. Next was Dane's turn but lucky for him, the arrival of one of his eldest brother got him a break.

Adrian Carter shrugged off his coat and entered the room like he owned it. He dumped his briefcase and plonked on the couch before loosening his tie. He was about to greet his father and brother when he saw the girl sat snuggling in his brother's arm.  

"Who the hell are you?" he demands causing Dane to glare at his brother and squeeze Emery's shoulder slightly in protectiveness and possessiveness.  

"That's my mate," he grits out.  

"Oh. Well, what is your name?" questions Adrian.  

"E-Emery," she stutters out nervously.  

"Adrian Carter, I hope you're not hassling my new daughter-in-law!" shouted Rachel from a different part of the house. Emery's face paled slightly in shock as Dane's blushed red and Zach just chuckled.  

"You're getting married?!" cries Adrian, searching for a ring on the girl's finger.  

"No. No-" 

"Not yet,"  

Both simultaneously calls out. 

Adrian just raises and eyebrow and nods, before turning his attention back to the TV.

The arrival of the next brother was depicted by the loud rumbling from outside. Then came the thudding of hard shoes on the laminate flooring.  

"Mason. I hope those dirty, clunky, biker boots are off!" came a motherly reminder. 

"Yeah, mom," grunted the second twin.

Entering the room, shoeless, Mason stood at the front of the couches and gazed at Emery with a blank face. He blinked at her waiting for some kind of introduction. Seeing his silent brother Dane jumped into his position and introduced her to him.  

"Er-right. Mason this is my mate Emery.Emery-Mason, the second twin." 

"The second twin?" echoes Mason unimpressed by his introduction. Dane just smirked at his brother. Giving a small smile Mason let it go and sat down with them.

"Where's Eli?" called Rachel wandering into the kitchen to see them all staring at the TV with a few whispers of conversation here and there.  

"Late as always. I swear to God, if he turns up late for another meeting-" 

"Adrian, he's your brother. And no business talk in this house unless it's approved by your father!" scolded Rachel earning a sheepish grin from Adrian.  

"Mommy, I'm home!" sang a voice from the foyer. Then came the owner of the voice-Eli Carter.  

"Eli. Why are you so late?" asked Zach with raised eyebrows, gazing him up and down. His lay shirt untucked and ruffled; his lips smeared with pink gloss; and his hair ruffled.  

"I was just...uh, rescuing..a lost pussy-...cat" smirked Eli, raking his fingers through his hair. Zach rolled his eyes, while Mason raised his eyebrows and Adrian frowned.  

"Right, well, now you're here, dinner will be ready shortly. Next time, try to come a little earlier, honey," Rachel patted Eli's cheek and ran off.  

"And who is this gorgeous babe," winked Eli causing Emery to blush. Dane cleared his throat and narrowed his eyes.  

"My mate," he grunts out.  

"And does your beautiful mate have a name?" carries on flirting Eli.  

"Emery," the girl herself injects.  

"Stop flirting with her," growls Dane lengthening Eli's smirk.  

"Speaking of flirting!" interjects Adrian, "what the hell did you do to Christine Reilly?"  

"Which one was she?" asks Eli bewildered, managing to gain a glare from Adrian.  

"My secretary! The one who worked twice as much as she needed to!"  

"The one with the huge bre...er-large heart," corrected Eli glancing sideways at Emery.  

"Eli! Why did you screw her!"  

"Er-'cause she was hot. And besides, someone had to remove that stick from her ass, so you're welcome brother!" nods Eli.  


"Come on, Ade. It's not my fault you weren't man enough for the job. Although with your small stick I wonder if it can poke anything," teases Eli. The rest of them watched wordless at the provoking of Adrian.

Adrian's face fell into a frown before he leapt up the same time as Eli and made a drag for his brother. Eli chuckled and sprinted away with Adrian hot on his heels.

"Eli," spoke Dane reaching into his pocket and pulling out a green dollar.  

"Nope, it's going to be Adrian," challenged Zach also placing a green dollar onto the table, "Mason?" 

"Mom," smirked Mason causing both the others to groan.  

"I don't get it," whispered Emery to Dane.  

"They fight. A lot. So we make bets to see who wins," explains Dane kissing her cheek along with it.

They eagerly waited to see the outcome and sure enough the loud grumblings could be heard becoming louder and louder, until all three of the nominees stepped into the room. Rachel had both the boys by the ear, a comical sight since both were much bigger and taller than her. Emery couldn't help the giggles although tried stifling them. Zach, Mason and Dane on the other hand laughed regardless. Then as Mason swooped up the pot of 3 dollars, the other two playfully glared at him.  

"Honestly, you'd think I raised a bunch of monkeys, not men! How old are you?!" demands Rachel causing the room to silence at her huffing. Both Eli and Adrian murmured incoherently causing the others to bit their laughs in fear of Rachel's wrath. 

"Well? I can't hear you Eli Jeremy Carter. You too, Adrian Joshua Carter!"  



They both grumble a little louder. Satisfied Rachel nods her head and twists their ears a little, earning a wince from each, and then let's go. Both rub their reddened ear as Rachel turns to Emery.

"I am so sorry you have to see such, immature, and childish behaviour, sweetheart!" she apologises with another glare at the 2 men. Emery gulps her laugh and smiles easily.  

"It's alright Rachel." 

"Oh good...Well, dinner's ready. Adrian, Mason, you two are cleaning up tonight. No protesting! I slaved away the whole of today trying to make enough food to feed you boys and I won't have you not pulling your weight! Dane and Eli will clean up tomorrow. Now let's go eat," she announces taking Emery by the hand and leading her to the dining room first.

When Dane pulled out a chair for his mate, Rachel beamed at her son. Dane took Emery's hand under the table and leant into her ear.  

"I hope they haven't scared you off yet," he whispers.  

"I love them already," breathes back Emery with a wide grin. It was the truth, although not perfect her life was great. Yes, the future seemed hazy with friends and her career path even blurrier still but at least she had a strong family. Or rather two now. Two she was sure would stick by her not matter how hard her life would get. Oh yes, and of course, she has Dane Carter.

A/n awww! That's it. End of Book 1! Phew! My first book and a hopefully slightly raunchy one at that. Before I move onto other books, let's get a few questions and queries about this book cleared up now. 

Like I wrote in the last paragraph, Emery doesn't have everything figured out. That means the thing with Charlotte will still be hanging in the balance as well as her future. This is because I didn't was to give definate conclusions to them. Not because I was lazy but because this chapter wasn't meant to be about that. This is meant to hopefully give you a little insight into the other boys and them as a family since I know, some of you wanted to 'meet' the Carter's. Maybe more of the family as a whole will get mentioned in the other books, I don't know yet. It's not definate. Any other questions regarding this book ask me, via whatever and I'll try answer. Oh and also, I know the timing's a little off. What with her have had to apply for college before December and all but let's forget that part. Also this hasn't been edited so no commenting on that please!

A huge thanks!!! To ALL of you still on this last chapter. Honestly, I can't believe this overwhelming response I've had. And being quite new to Wattpad, I wasn't expecting it. I thought I'd be lucky to get even one fan but to get (atm) around 892 fans (!!!!) is incrediable. My favourite has to be the commenters because you guys are....amazing! Seriously, I loved some of your comments and I'll try going back and seeing my favourites so you guys can have a dedication! Also to everyone who inboxed, hopefully I did reply to you all, if not I'm sorry, but inboxers special thank-you to you too.

Last last thing is...hope you all enjoyed this. If you want to read more check out my profile page. The next book in this series Carter Brothers: Mason is already up! You'll all been wonderful! Xxxxxx

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