Extra Tory Chapter

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 Extra Tory Chapter

As soon as Emery and Dane left, Tory rushed back upstairs to slip into her navy, knee length dress. She stared at the mirror hoping she looked better than she felt. The dress was a one shouldered chiffon, quite plain dress that Tory had bought in the early stages of her marriage. Of course, ‘early days’ were the only real ones she had and after the divorce she hadn’t bothered buying fancy dresses or other expensive articles of clothing. But not having the nerve to wear to the bright red dress she’d bought the day before, she opted for the darker colour. She teamed that up with pair of 3 inch, navy heels, a pair of dangling black earrings and a matching navy clutch. Before she forgot she grabbed her long black coat and readjusted the curls hanging down from her bun. Endless questions of worry ran through her head but before she could address them, the doorbell rang and that’s when she realised with alarm it was already 9.

“James, hi, come on in,” greets Tory nervously fiddling with the tie of the coat.
“Actually Tory, I thought we should set off. It’s about half an hour’s drive from here,” replies James. Dressed in dark jeans, black shoes and a navy coat, Tory didn’t think men could look so good in such simple clothes. His blonde hair had been cut shorter and made him look so much more handsome than she remembered him to be from that day at the mall. James too was caught up in Tory’s appearance. He had thought she was beautiful, thus the unusual chatting up at the mall, but seeing her dolled up and glowing was incredible. A grin spread across his face as he thought of how beautiful she’d look at the location of the date.
“’Half an hour’s drive?’ Where are you taking me, James?” exclaimed Tory surprised. Chadwick itself was only about a 15 minute drive away. James laughed seeing her stunned expression.
“I promise you’ll be perfectly safe. I’m not some psychopath. It’s just a very special place, that’s all,” explained James gladly watching the softening of Tory’s expression.
“Are you sure James, because that’s probably what all psychopaths say,” joked Tory smiling as the laughs jumped out of James.
He shook his head and tilted it to his car, as Tory locked up the house and followed behind him.
Like a perfect gentleman, he opened the door for her to slide into the plush interior of the sophisticated Mercedes Benz. Tory scanned the entirety of the car, noting with hesitance at how clean and pristine it looked. She knew for a fact, her own little second-hand Ford had tiny holes in the worn seats with padding spilling out, and that the radio had a few knobs missing, not to mention the grease stain that wouldn’t wipe off on the front-board. But James’s car; well, it may as well just be a showcase car, one of the high-end ones at that too. So clearly James is rich, gathered Tory as the man himself started up the car. Such a rich and handsome guy should technically have no shortage of the herds of women flocking at his shiny shoes. So why her? She asked herself. What has she actually got that the other no doubt beautiful women have? Apart from a child, a failed love-life and no sex-life whatsoever, Tory just couldn’t see what she had to offer that others didn’t.

“Are you okay?” asked James, finding Tory’s silence a little unnerving.
“Hmm? Yeah, fine thank you,” replies Tory changing the subject before he could ask what she was thinking about. Revealing her insecurities wouldn’t exactly be a good start to a date and she didn’t want James thinking of her as whiny.

Their easy teasing small talk was carried on for the next half-an-hour until James started slowing down and Tory started noticing the country side like scenery. The winding road had led them up to a cliff edge where James stopped the car and grinned excitedly at his passenger.
“Okay, we’re here,” he states getting out of the car. Tory follows his lead and exits as well, only to walk over to him opening the trunk of the car and grabbing some things.
“Do you need a hand with that?” she offers only to be declined.
He leads her through a short narrow passage, in front of the car, and as they clear onto the other side Tory finds herself gasping. The entire city of Chadwick’s skyline could be seen upon the cliff top, and better still it was completely private, meaning no teens hooking up around or too much wildlife. Just the soft whistles of wind and the far-away tooting of owls could be heard.

“Do you like it?” asks James, kneeling on the recently laid picnic blanket. Tory slowly sits down beside him and nods, still taking in the beauty of the glowing lights below.
“It’s my favourite place to come,” carries on James, lighting up a small torch and placing it in the middle of the blanket like a candle.
“How did you find it?” Tory asks in wonder.
“When I was younger my mother and I would go on hikes together. We found this place, purely by accident and it turned into our special place. I stopped coming here after she passed away but she always told me that when I...” James trailed off, and with that trailing off Tory became confused. Her lips tugged slightly into a frown as eyebrows knitted together.
“ ‘When I’?” she gently asks assuming his mother must be a sensitive topic. Tory’s own parents passed quite a while ago but she was never close to them.
Although James was glad that Tory hadn’t mentioned more on his mother’s death and told him the standard, ‘sorry for your loss’ line, he wasn’t sure he wanted to finish his sentence. After all, he didn’t want to scare her away. Although, seeing her frown seemed much more of a downpour than he liked to feel.
“That,” James took a short intake of breath, “when I found a....special woman. That I should share it with her.” He had wanted to say ‘when he found a woman he loves’, but stating something so meaningful in the early stages of this budding relationship wouldn’t end well. In fact, he himself couldn’t believe how attached he was getting to the woman before him. He would look forward to their phone calls, his heart lurching every time at her laugh or giggles, his eyes always trained on the clock as he would count the minutes until he finished work and could call her. He didn’t want to admit it but there was no use denying it either, there is just something about Tory that made James feel like he’d found his soul-mate, as impossible as it is.

“And you brought me here?” incredulously exclaims Tory feeling her heart melt at the gesture. She’d never felt so cared for or loved and it was surprising to have it coming from a practical stranger. He isn’t her mate, nor her long-time lover or even best-friend. Just a man, she’d been calling for around the past few weeks and speaking to. There had been nothing physical involved, kissing or anything. Yet he does something like this...and for her! Her! Tory just couldn’t get her head around it.
“Yes, well,” James cleared his throat awkwardly, “it’s alright.”
Tory lightly shook her head and smiled secretively. He is just too cute.
“Food?” offered James, taking up a few boxes from the picnic basket.
“Takeaway?” teased Tory. James’s cheeks tinted pink as he got out the knives and forks.
“Er well... yeah, sorry. Cooking’s not my strong point,” he mumbles tipping the Chinese onto a plate.
“Phew, at least now I know you’re not perfect,” replies Tory light heartedly causing James to laugh.

Again, the conversation flowed as smoothly as the wine James had brought. Before she knew it, Tory found herself sat in the car with James, the heater turned up as they laughed and talked some more.
“I should probably get back,” sadly comments Tory glancing at the small digital clock near the stereo system. Its digits taunted her, reminding her that she wasn’t a carefree 20 year-old but rather an almost 40 year-old with responsibilities, one being getting home.
“Oh....okay,” replies James passively starting the car. He understood her need to get back but wished they could spend more time together. He enjoyed the night and wished it could last.

Taking a bold move he pulls over at his apartment in Chadwick causing Tory to look at him confused.
“Would you like to come in for coffee?” asks James.
“James, I need to get back. My little girl-oh....” nervously trails off Tory. She had a pretty good intention of what ‘coffee’ meant. But-but...no. She couldn’t do that. It’d been too long and besides, she couldn’t. Not on the first date at least. Although it did feel like they’d known each other for months and months.
“Yeah. You said, Emery’s away tonight. Come in, please?”
“James...”she sighed, shifting uncomfortably, “just coffee?”
“Coffee, tea whatever you want. I just don’t feel ready to end the night, just yet. So please, we can just talk. Whatever you want,” encourages James.
“Okay,” murmurs Tory.
Grinning James led her up to his apartment.

She should have known he’d have a penthouse apartment. And of course, as expected by such a rich club owner, it was beautifully decorated.
“Sit down, make yourself comfortable,” instructs James, stripping off his coat to reveal a nicely fitted sweater set, stretched in all the right places to show off his sturdy build. Tory watched fascinated by his hotness yet again, before hurriedly slipping out of her own coat to stop him catching her staring. James held out his hand, pointing her to the direction of the couch and the skyline view of the city through the large windows.
Slowly walking across there, she watched breath-taken by the view. She had always loved a great view, something she felt James and her shared a passion for. But while she fantasised about travelling to such wonderful places and seeing such beautiful sights, James, she guessed, has probably already done and experienced that.

Sighing, she fell captivated by it until a soft hand was laid on her shoulder. Twisting around slightly, she took the outreached cup of hot coffee from his large hands before facing the window again. James came to stand beside her, sipping at his coffee and gazing out into the brightly lit city he calls home.
“Beautiful, isn’t it?” he asks gently.
“Gorgeous. I’ve always loved views.”
“Have you ever seen the sun set on the African plains?” asks James. Tory snorts a small laugh, “I wish. No, I don’t travel.”
“You should. It’s amazing, I’m sure you’d love it,” he comments.
“I probably would. It’s just...I couldn’t. I can’t.”
“You can. I’m going to Brazil this December, come with me!” cries James excitedly, but seeing Tory’s eyes light up then dim his smile slipped.  
“James, I can’t....” She looked away, “I can’t afford that. Emery might be going to college next year and I still haven’t paid off the mortgage. Even the bills are getting more expensive. I’m sorry, I just...can’t afford it.”
James blinked at the woman next to him. She stared out, not meeting his eyes, and just sipping the hot coffee.
“Tory, I never expected you to pay for anything. I will,” explains James surprised that she even considered paying for herself. He’d only been on holiday with a girlfriend once and she’d just assumed he’d pay for everything, which was what he expected.
“No James, that’s not fair. I don’t want you to have to pay for me-“
“What if I want to?”
Why? Why do you want to waste your money on me?”
“Because...because I want you to come as my...girlfriend,” responds James, his heart clunking to the bottom of his heart when he saw Tory spin away and place her cup on the coaster on the coffee table.
“Tory?” asks James nervously placing his cup next to hers and coming to stand behind her.
“James....No, I can’t do this. I can’t be your girlfriend,” mumbled Tory lost in her worries and thoughts.
“What?...Why? Are you...are you already seeing someone?” he questions tightly.
“Oh no! Gosh, no!...James, a man like you. You don’t want just one woman-you don’t want me....I-it’ll be like David all over and I can’t subject myself to that, again. It was too painful the first time.”
Having been told about Tory’s disgrace of a mate and ex-husband David, James knew all about the adultery he’d been involved in and it angered him she would even think to compare him to that man.

“How could you compare me to him?! I’m nothing like him. I wouldn’t cheat on you. I won’t ever make you feel ugly or worthless, I swear. Give me a chance, Tory,” pleads James.
“But James...why? Why me? You could have a much younger, much prettier woman that would be more than happy to have you jet her off to Brazil...I’m sorry, but I know it’s going to happen. It’s inevitable. Eventually, you will get bored of me, and you will cheat on me. Don’t...don’t label the relationship and you won’t have to feel guilty about it.-“
“Are you done?” abruptly asks James, cutting in unable to listen on in-fear of losing his temper.
Tory’s mouth stopped in mid-movement, shocked.
“W-what?” she whispers stunned. James, gripped her arm quite firmly and then tilted her head up to meet his eyes.
“Why would you not consider yourself beautiful? Why do you not see it? You are one of the most rounded people I know. You have responsibilities-a child. A house, a job. And you do it all on your own. I admire that. You’re caring but not overbearing. You’re naturally gorgeous and....perfect. I won’t cheat on you Tory. Trust me. I am not David nor will I ever be,” James spoke, his head declining down to hers. Tory’s light hazel, gold eyes sparkled and glinted under the soft glows of the living room lights and the background glow of the city.
“James,” chocked Tory, the word coming out as a whisper. His lips pressed to hers and she felt those insecurities and worries dissolving.

His lips were firm, hard even like a real man’s lips. It’d been so long even since she’d been kissed and it started the fire in her. James’s lips expertly took control, separating hers and then slipping his tongue into his mouth. She didn’t even realise their tongues were dancing until his hands slid down the waist of her dress and to her ass. Squeezing her firm behind, he gently urged her backwards and onto the sofa. Their kiss parted but as he laid tender hickies down the column of her throat, she couldn’t help the feminine groan that fluttered from her lips.  
Her back arched and his fingers slipped under the hem of the dress, stroking at the sides of her legs. Lips joining again in a heated frenzy, Tory could feel herself losing her mind to the primal instinct of mating. She hazily noticed herself tugging at James’s sweater and him complying with the request by removing it. Her fingers made short work of the buttons of his shirt as he himself drew the navy dress up, to bunch at her midriff. Muffles of groans and moans filled the room accompanied by the struggle to remove all of each other’s clothing. Skin to skin; both could feel themselves getting aroused beyond recognition.
“James,” panted Tory flickers of common sense shading her lust filled mind. Just the feel of a man touching her so intimately was driving her hormones crazy, never mind the fact that the man was such a prime specimen of a werewolf male.

James’s hands drew back from massaging the ivory globes that were Tory’s breasts and he pulled his head in mid process of leaving yet another one of his red marks on her neck.
“What is it?” he gasps.
“We...we should talk about this...I-James...I haven’t done this in....years,” she shyly admits, the blush rising in her cheeks.
“How long?” demands James.
“About 10...years,” whispers Tory, arms pressed between her chest and his. James’s eyes widen before he shifts on the couch and gently plants a kiss on her lips.
“Okay,” he nods, sitting up and slipping into his boxers. Tory sits up with her knees hugging her chest and arms crossed around, wordlessly watching him dress in confusion.
“I-I don’t understand-”
“I’m so sorry Tory,” sighs James running a hand through his dishevelled short blonde curls. Tory’s jaw dropped slightly in shock. The sorry speech, it was only a matter of time. He doesn’t want a grown woman who hasn’t even been able to get a man for around 10 years. She knew it was too good, and now even allowing him a chance, even getting her hopes up has been futile. She wanted to call him back, to tell him to have her for just the night even. One night of beautiful intercourse, just one, her mind begs her. She desperately wanted to be felt and stroked softly whilst having that sexual need in her satisfied.

“I should have...Dammit!” cursed James spinning around frustrated as Tory slowly redressed. As James carried on his internal cursing, Tory slipped on her shoes and tried to cease the tears escaping the corners of her eyes. Hearing the soft scrunch of the couch, James spun around to see Tory head walk timidly toward the door.

“Tory wait!...Don’t go, please,” pleads James causing Tory to whirl back to face him. His expression drops seeing the sleek trail of tears rolling down her cheeks.
“What? What have I done?” James felt like a deer caught in the headlights. He wasn’t sure exactly what he’d done to have her crying but still felt guilty and responsible.
“James, you demanded the years since I’ve had sex. Then calmly got off me and started dressing, before apologising and cursing...You really don’t see what’s wrong with that?” incredulously questions Tory, her quiet tone proving more powerful than an angry one.
“Tory, baby, I never meant it like that. I just...I felt like an ass. Believe it or not, I didn’t mean to get you up here for sex. But...you’re irresistible. And then we got so far, and you were hesitant...I thought I messed up. I like you Tory. Really like you and I haven’t felt like that in years. I don’t want you to feel like a one-night stand or even just a fling. I want us to mean something. And when you said you haven’t had sex in 10 years, I realised that...I want us to be together and I think honesty’s a good way to start...Which is why I think there’s something you should probably know about me.”
Having stridden towards his crush, he had been wiping the wet tear trails but hearing Tory sigh softly to his last part, he tilted up her head to meet his eyes again.
“What?” she whispers dejectedly.
“The club I own...it’s not really mine. I’m the manager, the club itself is part of a franchise-“ Tory scrunched her eyebrows in confusion but James carries on, “it’s a Carter BDSM Club.”

Her mouth pops in shock and steps back slightly causing James’s arm to drop. Thoughts filled in her head. Mainly ones of worry, and anxiety but then...a wave of lust overcame her. Thoughts of how incredible and dominant he would be in the bedroom overfilled her mind, pushing out the worry and angst.

James rubbed the back of his head, nervously. There had been plenty of women that once learning about his likes in the bedroom had run for the hills. And being such a shy and cute little angel, James wasn’t sure what Tory would think to that. In his fantasy he’d have her falling into his lap begging to be dominated but of course, fantasies and realities are very different things....although, there are very few times when flickers of fantasy seeps into reality. One of those moments being when Tory stepped closer to James and drew his head in for a long, passionate, slow kiss.
“Oh wow,” she sighs.
James’s light blue eyes twinkle in amusement and joy.
“So is this a yes to being my girlfriend?” enquires James.
“...Yes,” replies Tory with a beaming grin, “but we should take it slow.”
“Whatever pace you want, Angel,” he agrees.
“Then take me home?” she questions, testing his agreement. Guessing this was the case James simply smiles and nods.
“Tonight I will,” and then carrying on but in a deeper octave, he says, “but trust me, Angel there will come a night when I’ll exhaust you so much that you won’t even be able to stand...And you’ll love it.”
Tory surprised the shiver and defiantly gazed at James, playfulness glinting in her eyes and her lips curling in an amused smile.
“I’ll be sure to hold you to that,” she responds before spinning away. Behind her she heard the low soft chuckles emitting from James as a smile brightened her own features. Her heart was fluttering and she knew that this was the start of something amazing. 

A/n so hopefully this is sweet but with a tinge of 'naughty'.  

Anyway, hopefully you liked this chapter and thoughts on it are welcomed! But before people ask for more of Tory+James, this is it! This is all I want to do with them. It was only a short side plot that wasn't even in the orginal plans but it has been fun to write thus why I bothered with it. 

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