Chapter 13

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Chapter 13

That evening Dawn sits on Ivy’s bed helping her pick a dress for her date. There weren’t many choices-two to be precise-since dresses weren’t exactly Ivy’s favourite garments of clothing.
“Green or red, mom?” wonders Ivy holding up the two. One was a beautiful emerald green colour, with thick straps, a sweetheart neckline and two triangular slits cut out of the clinched waist to tease, it also came just above the knees. The red one is a more sophisticated dress. Full length and made of chiffon, it also has a sweetheart neckline but this time, a translucent piece of red chiffon cuts across one shoulder. It’s the type to fit snug and show the beautiful curves off a woman which was precisely the reason Ivy had bought it as her prom dress.
“Ivy do you not have any other dresses?” asks Dawn.
“No mom, you know I don’t. Now, green or red?”
“We should go shopping, you need some more dresses.”
“Mom, I don’t. Now, green or red?”
“Of course you do! I don’t see why you’re so against them. You look gorgeous in dresses! Remember that pink one you wore on your 14th? Now, that was a pretty dress. We should try find one like that-”
“Mom! Green, or red?!”
“Hm? Oh, right. Green, definitely green.”
Ivy nods and rolls her eyes as she places the other dress back.

Meanwhile across town, Eli paces back and forth. He has everything done that needs to be done. The food’s all prepared and just needs cooking nearer the time, the apartment’s clean and he’s even dressed niggles at him-his secret. He knows that she’ll wait for him to tell her but getting it off his chest yesterday had felt good. And today she forgot which meant that the secret weighs down on him like lead again. He has to tell her soon or their relationship’s going to sink faster than the Titanic; and Eli won’t allow that. So he calls the only person he can think to help him.

“Mason? It’s Eli.”
“Brother-Eli right?”
“How many Eli’s do you know Mason?” asks Eli in a dead-pan tone.
“Just one cocky bastard who’s unfortunately related to me!” jokes Mason causing Eli to snort a laugh.
“Dude! Seriously, has Katy, altered your mind or something? ‘Cause the brother I know doesn’t even know how to joke!”
That causes a low growl from the other end, assuring Eli that it definitely is his twin that he’s speaking to.
“Shut-up. You wouldn’t understand. Your mate changes you, when you find yours it’ll be the same,” explains Mason.
“Er...” stumbles Eli, “actually I kinda do get it.”
Silence greets him on the other end until there comes an awkward clearing of Mason’s throat.
“Are you serious? You’ve found your mate?” reiterates Mason in a low voice.
“Yes. I found her. Her name’s Ivy, she works at the diner.”
“Wait.. ‘the diner’? Is this the one-”
“Yeah, she doesn’t know yet. And she also doesn’t know about werewolves, she’s human, Mason. How do I tell her? How did you tell Katy?” questions Eli.
“Eli...the thing is. I don’t know. Katy...Katy already somewhat knew. I just had to..explain some things to her. But!-She took it great. She thought it was cool. Maybe Ivy will too?” offers Mason.
“Yeah, or she’ll freak out,” mutters Eli running a hand over his face.
“...Or that. But you don’t know if you don’t try. Sooner’s betters rather than later, Eli. If you tell her sooner, she’ll trust you quicker,” Mason advices.
“Thanks Mase. Oh and don’t tell mom, yet.”
“I won’t say a word to any of them. You do it when you’re ready,” faithfully confirms Mason.

As the intercom buzzes he presses the button to allow the door to release. He uses the time to check in the bathroom mirror one last time to make sure his hair is fine and his breath is fresh. As the knock comes at his apartment door, he makes sure to pat his freshly shaved face with some aftershave.

“Hey...” the rest of Eli’s words get stuck in his throat, seeing his mate stand before him in her dress. She looks....breath-taking. He’s never seen her in a dress, dolled up so beautifully and he can’t believe it. His male mind’s frozen and eyes can’t seem to get enough of her. Starting from her tiny painted feet encased in green heels to her matching sexy green dress, to her beautiful moss coloured eyes, all the way to her soft blonde hair.

“Hey, can I come in? Or are we having dinner out here?” smiles Ivy. She couldn’t really understand why he was acting like time had stopped or something. She’s just in a dress. Is that really so...strange?...Yeah, okay, maybe it is that strange, Ivy grins to herself.
Eli steps to the side allowing her to pass. As Ivy brushes along his silk navy shirt, she catches the waft of cologne; one that she can’t help but subtly breathe in. He looks almost as scrumptious as he smells, she concludes. But then again, he probably knows it so there’s no need for her to comment on it.

“Um, the food’s nearly done. Do you want something to drink?” offers Eli, taking the coat off her hands and leading her into the lounge come kitchen area.
“Sure...What have you got?”
“Wine. Um, beer, soda, water,” lists Eli.
“I’ll have beer,” shrugs Ivy, smiling wider at Eli momentarily stunned expression. She bets many of his girls didn’t accept harder alcoholic drinks than wine. But Ivy’s been to college and a good number of college parties. You’d be kicked out if you asked for something like wine at those.
“Here,” Eli hands her a Guinness and takes a swig of his own.
“So what are we having tonight?” asks Ivy as they sit down on the couch.
“Surprise,” Eli winks back.

They talk for a while; just trivial things-movies, music, food. Then as Eli plates up, Ivy feels her stomach softly rumble and the delicious smells. Her mouth starts salivating at the sight of the succulent steak on the plate, with vegetables surrounding it and gravy poured over.

“Eli, this looks and smells amazing!” compliments Ivy knowing she shouldn’t be inflating his ego but she can’t help it. He’s obviously put effort and time into it and that’s just too cute.
“Try it!” encourages Eli, his eyes wide as he watches her cut the steak and load her fork before taking a bite.
Ivy can feel her taste buds explode from the incredible tastes of Eli’s cooking. It’s almost, almost as good as she remembers her dad’s cooking to be. And that’s saying a lot since her dad’s cooking was off the scale.
“Eli it’s incredible!”
“Yeah?...You’ll be telling me that tonight as well Tinks, when we’re naked,” smirks Eli causing her to pick up his fork and gently stab his hard bicep.
“Ow..violence woman!” he calls feigning pain as he rubs his arm. Seeing Ivy rolls her eyes has him smiling wider though.
“Psh, as if that hurt! Don’t be such a baby,” Ivy mutters filling her fork again to take another bite of the delicious food.

“So, Ives, tell me about college? Business was it?”

Ivy spends dinner talking to him about college and her degree, their conversation flowing effortlessly. Pretty soon both plates were clean but neither notices.
“You were a strange child!” exclaims Ivy laughing along with him.
“It happens when your parents scar you with way too much P.D.A.” Eli responds and then as his chuckles die down he finally realises their long eaten dinner.

“Dessert?” he asks.
“You made dessert as well?” she gasps with a large grin. Dessert is always the best part of a meal. Although after that main course she’s in wonder as to how he could top it.
“Of course, dinner’s not complete without dessert.”
“Wow, Eli. You know here I was thinking you had satyriasis, all this time, when actually you’re just a tame house-husband, aren’t you?” teases Ivy.   
“ ‘Tame house-husband’?” Eli repeats with narrowed eyes, “I don’t think so Tinks. I need to be able to feed my woman after draining her energy in hot, steamy, sessions of-”
“Alright, alright. Sorry for insulting your masculinity. Now can we please have dessert?!” Ivy cuts him off with a bright blush to her cheeks and her whole body getting flustered. Just the way he says words like that, in his low sensual tone with that small smirk of his lips and the intensity in his eyes; would make any woman’s thoughts travel to the heat in the conjunction of her legs.
“What’s the matter, Tinks?...Go on, say sex,” he probes.
“What? Why? No, come on, just get the food out,” she deflects the blush remaining across her cheeks.
“Go on, say it and I’ll get it out,” winks Eli.

Ivy sighs with a slump of her shoulders and looks him dead on, right before saying what he wants to hear, “sex.”

“There, I’ve said it, now food,” she states with a roll of her eyes. She’s glad Eli’s not pointing out her blushing cheeks but his grin says he’s not missed it. Nonetheless, he holds true to his word and opens the refrigerator to bring out a chocolate gateau cake. Ivy has no doubt that it will top the main, and that’s just from staring hungrily at it. He places it down and retrieves knives, forks and bowls, before setting them down and clearing up the other dishes into the sink.
“How did you have time to make all this?!” exclaims Ivy. There is no way, he could have! He must have cheated. He must have when to the store a few minutes ago and bought it.
“Baby, never doubt me!” Eli boasts back, “it wasn’t too difficult.”
“In that case, cook for me every night!” she dramatically cries. Oh God, having him cook for her every night with meals like this one, would be so awesome. Of course, she’d probably weigh the size of a small house, within a month, but it’d be so worth it.
“Sure, if you dress up for me every night,” winks back Eli causing Ivy to blush and titter.
“I only have 2 dresses, so I don’t think so,” retorts Ivy.
“Dresses? Baby, who said anything about dresses? I meant sexy costumes,” smirks Eli with another wink, this time one that’s flirtier. Ivy would have gladly responded, had it not been for the thick slice of sinful chocolate cake delivered in front of her.
“So chocolate cake shuts you up, huh? Must remember that,” teases Eli plating his own slice and gazing back at her to be met with unimpressed moss green eyes.

“It’s a good thing, I have cake, or you-Mister- would be in big trouble,” grumbles Ivy pointing her fork at him before sliding it into the moist cake and drawing a large chunk of it into her mouth. Eli watches in amusement as her eyes pop at the burst of sweetness, before they close and a the sexiest, smallest moan comes from her throat as the chocolate no doubt, swirls around her taste buds. Eli doesn’t know, if it’s from not getting laid in a long while, or whether it’s because she’s his mate, but whatever the reason, he finds the whole thing so damn erotic. Almost like it’s in slow motion and that tiny throaty moan had been amplified ten times.

“What?” she asks, her eyes opening again and fork searching for more.
Eli swallows, his mind panicking while his body remains relaxed. Shit, say something, comes a hissed thought.
“Um...nothing...Just wondering what the verdict is,” he shrugs as he mentally exhales a breath of air. Phew, close one.
“...It’s awful. Totally disgusting,” Ivy teases with sarcasm heavy in her voice.
“In that case, don’t feel obliged to eat it,” retorts Eli.
“Touch it and get stabbed,” threatens Ivy again using her fork as her weapon of choice.
“Violence woman,” he mutters leaving her be. She glances up at him with a devilish smile and that has him also smiling.

After dinner, they both grab their drinks and just sit on the couch.

“Oh hey, how’s your mom feeling?” asks Eli, his arm laid across her shoulders and his fingers gently stroking at her skin there.
“...She’s still sick,” Ivy tells him truthfully gazing down at her twiddling thumbs. Sensing something wrong, Eli hesitantly places his hand over both of hers causing her to snap her eyes up at him with a kind of fear he’s never seen in her before.
“Do you want to be there with her? Because you I’ll drop you off if you want,” he offers.
“No Eli...she’s poorly because of her medication.”
Huh? How does that work? Eli asks himself.
“I don’t understand...”
Should she tell him? Would he even really care?
“...It doesn’t matter,” Ivy mutters shaking her head. But as soon as she goes to lower it, large finger firmly press at her cheeks and chin and draw her face back up.
“Yes. It does. If it matters to you, it matters to me. So tell me what is going on,” demands Eli the first real glimpse of his dominant side revealing to Ivy.

He cares, Ivy realises seeing the steely concern in his deep blue eyes. Her heart leaps at that but her mouth dries.
“She’s...dying...cancer,” Ivy stutters out in a soft whisper.
He says nothing for a few moments, just holding her hand in his and drawing soothing circles at her shoulder.
“How long?” he finally asks, his voice even and low, giving Ivy the comfort that sometimes only a man can.
“She first got it after my dad died. But it was gone again a year later. And now, it’s back and worse than before...I’m scared Eli,” she confesses, trying to blink back the rush of tears she can feel.
He pulls her shoulders towards him, her body relaxing into his embrace and her arms wrapping around his waist.
“What are you scared about, baby?” he breathes.
“She’s all I have left, Eli. All the family I have. I can’t lose her,” Ivy explains. That loneliness would kill her.

Eli doesn’t know what to say. What can he say? If it were his family, if all his family members were dying, no amount of words could give him comfort. Nothing really would.
“Ivy...I know it’s not the same, but, you will always have me,” he whispers to her.
Two tears slide down her cheeks and she can’t help but let out a soft chuckle.
“That’s the cheesiest but sweetest thing you’ve ever said,” she tells him, feeling the vibrations from his own laughter.
“So is your mom getting chemo?” he asks.
“Not yet. There’s a waiting list, they’ll ring us when they have an opening, but they’ve given her tablets to help control it until then. They’re just making her sicker but there’s nothing we can do about it,” Ivy sighs.
“Ivy if you need cash for-”
“No Eli, we’re fine. I’m not borrowing from you,” she defiantly states. She’s no one’s charity case and she can manage just fine on her own.

“Ivy I’m just offering you help, you don’t have to take it. But it’s there unconditionally if you need it.”
Ivy pulls away slightly and looks up at him, unable to believe that this is the man that had hounded her for days to get a date out of her. Where has he been hiding this sweet, kind man? Beneath the cocky, seemingly shallow exterior? Or has he always been like this? She wonders; perhaps it’s her that’s been too stiff in her stereotyping to realise he’s not who she assumes him to be.
“Thank you.”

“No problem...But since we’re on the subject of your folks. I...wondered how your father....passed away,” wondered Eli. She’s finally opening up and he hopes to draw all of those emotions out of her before that door closes again.
“You want to know about my dad?” she repeats.
“Yeah. I think I should know, don’t you?” he asks.
“Okay,” she frowns, “okay, I suppose there’s no harm in you knowing.”
Eli nods waiting for her to continue.

“My dad...he loved going to those cook competitions. He didn’t compete but he liked watching. Since I was 7 he used to take me with him. After a few years, it became tradition, him and me; we’d go and taste the best hotdogs and steaks and...Anyway when I was 15 we went to Texas. At the end of the day, my dad needed to transact some money so we went to the HSBC bank and there was an armed robbery. One of the men were trying to rape a woman, but my father intervened....They-they shot him...He bled out onto those tiles....By the time the police managed to diffuse the situation, he was already dead and the bastards were long gone,” Ivy bitterly recounts.

“And you witnessed that?!” exclaims Eli shocked that she could go through that as a child. And then have her mother become ill as well. Poor girl, she must have had her childhood cut short. No wonder she’s so independent and hard to get to know.

“Yeah, mom, sent me to some psychiatrist, but to be honest, there was nothing wrong with me. Because I knew he’d rather have died and saved that woman than lived, having witnessed that and not even have tried to stop it,” explains Ivy. Perhaps that’s why she has so many daddy issues, Ivy snorts to herself. That and that, after her dad died, her mom got ill and she had to take care of practically everything, as well as graduating. It was all a huge relief when she could go to college following her dream and knowing her mom’s healthy.
“Ivy, I’m sorry you had to go through that. I can’t imagine the amount of responsibility you must have had as a kid.” His voice is thick with emotion, hints of newfound respect and admiration in his tone. At the age of 15 all Eli was doing, was trying to bulk up and attract as much of the opposite sex as he could.
“Eli...don’t , just...It was nothing. Not when you think about how much worse children younger than that have to go through, all around the world. My life is relatively good in comparison and I have no right to complain. Which is why I don’t,” she grins.

Eli just shakes his head lightly. She has to be some kind of saint. Everyone complains of their life. Yet when he thinks about it, Ivy really has never complained to him-out loud-at how hard she has it. She just does it and gets on with it. He admires that about her. But he does wonder why she doesn’t act like she’s gone through the trauma’s she has. She doesn’t advertise it, she doesn’t cry about it, and she doesn’t expect him to whisper sweet nothings in her ear when talking about it.

“You’re incredible,” he gasps in wonderment. A flush of pink splay across Ivy’s cheeks as her fuchsia painted lips stretch up into a smile.
“Not that incredible,” she retorts, lips parting slightly into a toothy grin. Eli can’t stop himself anymore. His arms crush her into him, his lips slanting onto hers in a fierce kiss.
Ivy’s taken off guard by his passion but she soon finds herself reciprocating the passion. But she’s no match for his dominant masculinity and she finds herself submitting herself to him. His body pushes hers back onto the couch, his large frame swallowing hers underneath him. Their tongues dance, mouths meshing almost into one. His hands grasp at her silky, slim, bare thigh and pull them around his waist.

Ivy gasps feeling the growing erection digging into her. His hands at her bare thighs do nothing to stop the growing heat just like his toxic kisses. With Eli’s large muscular body almost crushing onto her, her insides feel like an inferno. His body is like her shield, like it’s protecting her and at the same time, created to make her breathless with passion. His mouth relentlessly sucks and nibbles at her neck, causing these tiny moans to slip past her lips and her eyes to roll close. Her fingers grasp at his dirty blonde tendrils of hair, encouraging him, trying to show him what he’s doing to her.  As the fire grows between her legs, she squirms her hips, accidently jolting herself against his erection and causing her body to freeze momentarily. The icy rush of sparks causes her to moan low and loud.

Eli chuckles softly, wanting to hear that moan again, hopefully, this time louder. His teeth graze at the red hickies he’s created before he induces her into another kiss. His palms run up her soft thighs, embracing their slim, muscular feel. His hands push the dress up and fingers trace around the lace of her hot pink boxers. His index finger dips between them, running along the wetness of her panty covered slit. The moisture there causes her panties to stick against those sensitive lips like a second skin, and paired with the pressure of Eli’s thick finger she finds herself moaning as she arches her back, bringing their bodies closer.
He continues slowly rubbing, creating light, sensual friction, causing Ivy to crave for the finger to plunge into her and scratch that sexual itch. But as soon as the thought enters her head, clarity soon follows, as a crashing tidal wave. Her jerks in surprise as his finger slips past her panties and gently stroke at her sensitive skin.

“Eli, stop!” she cries bracing her hands against his chest.
Eli stills; a frown etching onto his features as he slips his finger from her moist lips.
“What’s wrong? Did I hurt you?” he asks. She told him herself that she’s not a virgin, so why is she not accepting him? Is it too soon? It feels too slow for him, but then again, he’s not sure how long the ‘right’ time is to wait with a girlfriend.
“, but I don’t want this,” she tells him.
“Tinks...I’m not asking for sex, don’t worry. I just want to pleasure you tonight. Let me taste you. Let me feel you wiggling beneath me on my fingers. That’s all I want tonight,” he assures her.
“,” she breathes, “I don’t...I don’t want you touching me like that. Don’t...don’t..Just let me go.”
Eli recoils in shock and hurt. What did he do wrong?! Every woman loves that. It brings them pleasure, he knows it does. Ivy cannot be an exception to that. There has to be more to it. Something that she’s not telling him, something he swears one way or another he will find out.

“Ivy,” he starts.
“Please, please don’t ask why. Not yet. Just...please, can you just drop me off home?” she asks too tired to start discussing anything more with him.
Eli mules it over, deciding she’s shared more than enough for the night.
“Okay, let me get my keys.”

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