Chapter 14

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Chapter 14

“Eli...I’m sorry about earlier. We’re-we’re still okay, aren’t we?” Ivy asks timidly. She finds herself wanting them to be okay: wanting their relationship to work. Perhaps it’s because she’s more or less bared her scars for him, or maybe it’s because he’s not the person he presents himself to be. Either way, she’s scared for the safety of her heart; seeing the new side of Eli is making her realise how much she desperately craves him-all of him, his love, his attention, his care, his comfort and of course his body.
“We’re good, Tinks. Don’t go worrying your pretty little head about it, okay? I’m not mad, just curious,” he reassures her, cupping her cheek in one hand and giving a small smile.
Ivy lets out a small air of relief, “thank you...for everything tonight. Dinner was amazing and you proved me wrong.”
“Wrong about what?” wonders Eli forgetting why he insisted on the date in the first place.
“You. You proved me wrong about you, and I’m glad. You are so much more than meets the eye, Eli Carter,” giggles Ivy softly pressing their lips together in a quick kiss.
“Ivy I want to see you again. There’s something I also need to tell you. Can we meet at mine tomorrow?” he enquires. 
“Tomorrow? Mmm...I don’t think, that’s possible. I have housework to do tomorrow. How about next week?”
Next week? That’s far too long, Eli thinks, frowning to himself over it. But what choice does he have? She’ll be busy during the week and so will he; it’ll just have to wait.
“Okay, it’ll have to be next week, even though I think that’s way too long for me to wait,” grumbles Eli with a small pout that has Ivy rolling her head back and laughing. Who would have guessed a man like him would be impatient to see a woman like her?
“It’ll pass by soon enough,” she grins.
“Sure,” mumbles Eli causing Ivy to let out another soft giggle she gives him a final kiss on the cheek this time, before exiting the car and making her way home.

Turning around, Ivy sees him still parked there watching which has her grinning widely as she gives him a wave. He waves back, before starting the car and leaving just as she slips into the house.

The house is quite when Ivy enters. She glances at the clock in the hallway and notices it reads 11, which would mean her mom’s already gone to bed. Sighing happily Ivy makes her way to her own room to retire for the evening.

The next day, she sets off doing the housework that she needs. Her mother helping her as best as she can but in Dawn’s state, there’s not much she can do, so she sits and keeps Ivy company.
“The date went well then?” asks Dawn digging for information on Ivy’s dinner date.
“Yep. Turns out, he’s actually a really good cook,” grins Ivy.
“Oh? What did you have?”
“Steak and then he made the most amazing chocolate gateau cake ever, mom. Honestly it was delicious!” brags Ivy, still remembering the taste of that rich chocolate oozing around her tongue.
“Wow, I can’t wait to meet this boy-”
“Woah, woah, hold on mom! I don’t even know if we’re that serious yet!” protests Ivy.
“Honey, from the smile on your face all this morning, we both know that he’s your One,” laughs Dawn.

“Mom...He’s not...I mean, I don’t...I don’t even think I love him yet,” stutters out Ivy with a blush at her cheeks. Suddenly, Eli Carter being her soul-mate isn’t as a repulsive idea as before; in fact, it’s quite a...welcoming thought; one that has butterflies fluttering in her stomach and her mind all giddy. What the hell? Thinks Ivy; when has she ever been giddy about a boy?!
“Oh...Ivy, Muffin-top; that smile says it all. I bet you’re feeling giddy right. When you think of him, does your heart beat faster? When you think of the future, do see him standing next to you? I bet you do. That blush says you do. That’s love, hon. Or at least, young, blossoming love...My little girl’s in love,” giggles Dawn, beaming at that last statement. Finally! Finally, her Ivy’s in love. Something that Dawn’s always wanted for her.

“Mom...come on. Stop it-”
“Have you told him you love him? Has he told you he loves you?-”
“Mom, please! I don’t...I don’t love least not yet,” protests Ivy, her words tinged with a lie. She’s not sure she loves him; but thinking longer and longer about it, the more she finds her heart agreeing with her mother.
“Sure...honey, whatever you say,” nods her mother mockingly. Ivy rolls her eyes and carries on with the laundry.

That evening as Ivy manages to finish everything she has a spontaneous burst of energy and decides to try dig out the records of the diner to update them. But not finding them in her mother’s room, Ivy goes downstairs to ask.
“Mom? Where’s all the book-keeping stuff for the diner?” asks Ivy.
“I have it, why?”
“Where is it? I checked in that cabinet in your room, but it’s not there...Did you move it?”
“Yeah, I did. It was getting dusty in there. Why? Why do you need it Ivy?”
“I thought, well, since I have some time now; that I’d update it and scan it all onto the computer,” explains Ivy. Ivy knows that Dawn’s been meaning to do it for a while now but since Dawn’s useless at computers and Ivy hasn’t had the time; it never seems to get done.
“, well...there’s no need for that,” murmurs Dawn her tired mind trying to search for some kind of excuse.
“Why not? We’ve been talking about this for years. Why do you think that we don’t need to now?” asks Ivy confused.
“Ivy, just leave it. You know that’s my job and I don’t want you interfering with it,” snaps Dawn.
Ivy finds herself getting back-lash from that...okay, what the heck?! She wonders, her confusion turning into anger as she glares back at her mom.
“ ‘Interfering’?! What happened to ‘oh, Ivy you must computerize everything!’? What happened to that mom?!”
“Well Ivy, things change. It’s not necessary anymore,” snaps back Dawn.
“Mom...where are the files?” Ivy asks slowly as a sinking fear resides in her stomach.
“They’re there-”
“Upstairs, where?” interrogates Ivy.

“For Pete’s sake Ivy! It does not matter, okay?! Now, stop this, you’re giving me a headache,” cries Dawn her voice quietening at the end as she rubs her temples to relieve some of the stress.
Ivy instantly pipes down, feeling guilty for provoking a headache for her already sick mom. Gliding beside her on the couch Ivy gently rubs her mom’s back in comfort.
“I’m sorry, mom. I didn’t mean to give you a headache. You’re right, it doesn’t matter,” reassures Ivy, still feeling unsettled by the whole matter but deciding on not bringing it up again if it’s going to hurt her mother.

As the week goes on by, Ivy forgets all about the book-keeping incident especially with Eli texting her random messages, some which would be pick up lines and some which were actually sweet; depending Ivy guesses, on his mood at the time. But even his cockiness is something Ivy finds herself liking; deepening the one thing she’s been trying to ignore-her love for him.

Then as Friday evening comes around, Ivy debates with herself whether to confess her love or wait for him to say it first. She slips into the smart black skirt, black tights, with the red chiffon top tucked into the skirt and smart black pumps on her feet. Perhaps, that’s the secret he’s going to tell her; she hopefully wishes applying the mascara. Then deciding it’s a long shot she rattles her brain for a way to say it casually. So that if it all goes wrong, she can just deny having ever said it. Of course, all the possible scenarios in her mind, ends up with him panicking and dumping her on the spot. And although, Ivy realises that now there’s more to Eli than just a playboy, she’s still not sure if either one of them is ready for her confession.

Meanwhile Eli tries to prepare himself on how to tell his mate he’s a werewolf. It’s hard; everything he imagines himself saying he also imagines himself getting the same response-laughter and then fear. Sighing Eli runs a hand through his blonde locks. Oh how he wishes he could just Google the answer and just be done with it; but unfortunately there’s not guide to the whole ordeal.
As Ivy rings the doorbell; Eli’s still unsure as to his plan but decides on just blurting it out. And if she starts screaming, he can just claim it to be a whole big joke.

A/n sorry it's super short but it made sense to have this as a chapter in itself and don't forget there'll be an upload on Saturday/Sunday, this one was just a special :) Also, thanks for everyone who pointed out my (obvious) mistake about alcohol contents in the last chapter. I can be such a ditz sometimes! Hopefully this one doesn't have silly mistakes like that in. Next one is going to be the big reveal...ohhh, got your interest now, haven't I? :P xx

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