Chapter 17

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A/n Please note that this chapter is super long and the last bit is the key bit. At the ***** take a break or something if you can stand the suspense :) 

Chapter 17

As morning came, things seemed like they were back to usual and Ivy certainly felt much better. She steps out of the shower and wipes the foggy mirror as she vows to herself-no more crying. she’ll be positive. Today she’ll be strong, for her mother and today, she won’t feel self-pity because...because it could be so much worse and she has no right to complain. Feeling stronger in her mission Ivy slips into her shorts and loose t-shirt, normal standard clothes for her. She runs a towel through her wet hair, the short length meaning it’s already starting to dry. Make-up’s a rarity so as Ivy misses it out, she hardly notices.

“Finally! Jeez, why do girls take such a long, damn time to just shower,” grumbles Eli just having aroused from his sleep, and slumping into the steam pouring bathroom. He wafts away the overpowering scent of the wild flowers and hopes to God they don’t stink up his clothes; that would most definitely not be masculine.

Ivy rolls her eyes and ignores him as she gets starting on breakfast. Discovering his cupboards surprisingly well stocked, she decides on a nice greasy fry up breakfast, to keep them going for the day. She has no idea what Eli will be up to all day but she knows she’s got work.
“Ivy!” comes the annoyed calls of the man she calls her boyfriend. Turning off the tap and wiping her hands she spins around and glares indignantly at him. Only her eyes widen slightly at seeing his appearance. A large, fluffy towel is at his hips, covering those strong legs, the material clutched in one fist, holding the whole thing steady. Water drips off every part of him and Ivy watches momentarily, mesmerised by the droplet that falls off the dirty blonde strand of hair, gliding down his perfect nose and diving towards his chest, where it zigzags down the hair of his muscled pictorials and smooth skates down his lightly defined abs...all the way into the depths under his towel.
“What?” she snaps, a few seconds later with her mouth a little drier.
“The hot water. I can’t get hot water if you’ve turned the tap on. Jesus, woman! If you’re that against me showering, you just had to say,” he mutters with a frown.
“Well, I didn’t know, did I? And look, you’ve dripped water everywhere now!” She retorts, thinking to herself how the floor’s not the only thing that’s now dripping wet thanks to him.
“Whatever, I’ll clean it later,” he mutters turning back and heading to the shower. Ivy gazes down at the trail of water he’s left and sighs to herself, picking up a cloth before mopping it up.

After breakfast, Eli insisted on driving Ivy to work, seeing as he didn’t have anything to do for the day. As he pulls up next to the diner, Ivy turns to head out with a bye and thankyou, when he pulls her back.
“Woah there...don’t think you can get away that easy. I haven’t even got a good morning kiss yet, never mind a goodbye one!” grins Eli.
Ivy smiles back and mockingly rolls her eyes before giving him a quick peck on each cheek.
“There...Now, thank you for the ride but I need to get going.”
“Okay, I’ll pick you up. What time do you finish?”
“You don’t have to-”
“7. I’ll be done by 7, thanks.”
“See you at 7 then.”
As she hops out of the car she can’t help but give him a wide grin in return to his own beaming smile, before entering the diner.

She’s the first one in as usual, and after changing, she starts preparing the place for service. A while later Frank arrives and then one by one the waitresses for the morning shift; they’re all surprised by the large smile on Ivy’s face but doesn’t question her cheeriness.
“Hey kid, come here a minute,” calls Frank asking Ivy into the kitchen. Confused but compliant, Ivy walks into the kitchen, just as Frank is getting out his ingredients.
“What is it Frank?” she asks.
“I just wanted to see how you were doing kid. How’s your mom?” He asks concerned. Ivy’s smile falters but she tries pushing it back up. Frank was the very first person her father employed when he built the diner and as such has been one of the few constant figures in Ivy’s life; which is also why Ivy knows he has every right to ask about her and her family.
“I’m fine thanks and mom...she’s back in hospital,” Ivy responds honestly. There’s no point lying to him, especially when he always seems to know when she’s lying.
“Ah, give my regards to her. So how are you holding up? You’re not all by yourself in that house are you? Because you can always come and stay with me and Lana if you want,” he kindly offers.
Ivy shakes her head before responding, “no, no. I’m...I’m staying with a...friend. But thanks, anyway.”
“A friend? Caroline?”
“, it’s a new friend,” she mumbles.
“Right...” he drawls with suspicious eyes but Frank knows Ivy’s got a good head on her shoulders and won’t do anything stupid.
“Anyway, we’re having inspectors in tomorrow,” Franks states changing the topic.
“Inspectors? But mom didn’t tell me she’d booked to have inspectors in this week.”
“Maybe she’d done it a while ago?” he suggest.
“Yeah...” mumbles Ivy still baffled. Her mom never forgets to tell her about inspections and always rings them in her calendar that’s hung in the kitchen. Ivy’s almost certain there was no ring about this week and she finds it hard to believe that her mom would have forgot to tell her about it.
Shaking her head, Ivy decides to place the mystery behind her and actually do some work.

As 7 o’clock came, Ivy and Jo-Ann, one of the waitresses were the only ones left. Jo-Ann had offered to mop up so that Ivy could do the inventory. It’s just when Ivy’s placing the float away that Eli knocks on the closed door of the diner. Jo-Ann frowns and points to the closed sign only to have Eli point to Ivy who was checking the register.
“Ives. Do you know this guy?” asks Jo-Ann causing Ivy to look up and break out into a grin at the sight of Eli.
“Yeah, let he’s my ride. You can let him in Jo,” giggles Ivy closing the till and coming to the other side of the counter.
She hears Eli mutter a thanks to Jo before gliding over to her and wrapping her into a hug. His lips descend on hers in a soft peck before he pulls completely away.
“Are you done?” he asks.
“Um...yeah, let me just go change. Jo? You finished?” she says, as her cheeks cool from the blush. She’s never done the whole PDA thing before and it’s embarrassing. Jo nods eagerly, with a sly grin on her face as she follows Ivy into the changing room.

“Who is that?” exasperates Jo-Ann with a teasing grin.
“Oh...That’s Eli...He’s my...boyfriend,” mumbles out Ivy turning around so she doesn’t have to have Jo-Ann witness her bright red cheeks.
Jo-Ann gives a squeak of excitement before gushing, “no way! Damn, he’s hot...Where did you meet him? And can I get one?”
Ivy laughs at Jo-Ann’s questions before she turns around to answer them.
“I actually met him here at the diner.-”
“Oh my gosh! I remember him, now! The one you said stalked you? I knew he was too cute to be some psycho!”
If only she knew...Ivy mentally clips in her mind; imagining if Jo-Ann would still be saying that if she knew Eli is a goddamn werewolf.
“Yeah...He’s also, very, very, persistent,” retorts Ivy.
Jo-Ann just laughs and shakes her head, “so what does he do?”
“He owns a club,” shrugs Ivy, pulling on her shorts.
“Wow, that’s...that’s so cool. You know it’s weird ‘cause I never would have thought he’d be your type....Huh, I guess you really can’t help who you fall in love with,” shrugs Jo-Ann fluffing out her hair.
“...Um, yeah, I guess,” mutters Ivy her heart thumping at the recognition of the word ‘love’. God, she’s never felt like this with anyone. Like Eli puts colour into everything and that he makes her world brighter. She feels like some kind of some bimbo in a sickly chick-flick; sighing and fawning over a guy but she can’t help it. Perhaps it’s not as much as not being able to even breathe without him there but happiness seems to wash through her when she’s with him. Even this morning when he was being a moody dick; he still brings happiness to her.

“Bye Ivy!” calls Jo-Ann as she walks out of the diner, phone in her hand.
“Bye!” Ivy retorts, turning her attention to Eli.
“Hey, listen, I picked up some take-away for diner. Chinese okay?”
“Yeah, perfect...You didn’t have to do that you know,” sighs Ivy as she locks up the diner.
“Well, I wanted to,” he retorts as they both get into his car. Immediately the wonderful scents of the Chinese food wafts into Ivy, stopping anymore complaints from her. If he wants to buy take-away for them, then she’s not going to argue!
“Listen, I’ll need to go to the club tonight. There’s some paperwork I need to do and I need to check up on everything there. I’ll be gone from 8 until about 5, so will you be okay just for tonight?”
“Of course, it’s just one night. I’m not-”
“On seconds thoughts, ask one of your friends to stay with you at least for a few hours,” interrupts Eli.
“Eli, I’m not a child, I can stay in an apartment by myself until morning!” hotly retorts Ivy.
“I know you can but I would just feel better knowing that you have someone there with you. No arguments!” He responds with a small smirk at his lips as he glances over to his pouting mate.

That night at dinner, Eli tries to bring about a topic that he knows is incredibly touchy, but he needs to tell her; it’s been bugging him all day and he hates it.
“Ivy about last night...” he starts. Ivy’s spine straightens as she places the fork down and coldly stares at him.
“What about it?” she retorts.
“Ivy, please don’t be like that. You said you’d tell me soon, and I hate to pressure you but..But I...It’s tearing me apart, Ivy. The nagging feeling of not knowing is constantly in me....Fuck! The worst part is I don’t even know what I can do to help. All I can do is wait and I..I just don’t know for how much longer, Ivy!” He exasperates, running a hand through his hair. Ivy takes a gulp of water to try soothe her nerves but the shaking off her hands, contradicts her calm, cool facade.
“Okay, I...I need some time to think. Give me at least tonight,” she asks of him. Inside she can feel herself’s a good thing that she’s asked Ellie to come over.
“Sure. I suppose that’s reasonable...But please stop leaving me in the dark because Ivy I’m going to be with you no matter what,” he reassures her. Although he says it with the utmost sincerity, Ivy can’t quite convince herself to believe that.
“I need to go now, Ellie is coming right?”
Ivy nods.
“Okay, bye Tinks.” He flashes a smile and kisses her lips, frowning slightly when he gains no response. Mentally sighing to himself, Eli tries to ignore the annoyance and chooses instead to make his exit.

When she hears the front door close, that’s when Ivy can exhale the shaky breath of air she’s been holding in, and allow her heart to wildly beat in fear. It’s inevitable that she has to tell him, however she’d been praying to delay it as long as possible. Only now, that’s an improbability. If she doesn’t tell him then he’ll get annoyed and eventually leave her. If she does then he’ll still leave her. It’s a lose-lose situation either way and Ivy has no clue what to do. Oh God...There are so many possibilities, Ivy feels her head drowning in it all. So in a flash, she has all the scenarios she can think of written down.

Scenario 1: She tells him and he’s disgusted and dumps her.
Scenario 2: She doesn’t tell him and he eventually gets fed up and dumps her.
Scenario 3: She tells him and he gets her ‘help’.
Scenario 4: She doesn’t tell him and he remains with her BUT goes to get his release elsewhere.
Scenario 5: She tells him and he just accepts it.

Ivy screws up the paper, the last sentence giving her too much false hope. Besides, she won’t get to experience all the scenarios and it all depends on him, so what can she do? Just as Ivy feels herself growing beyond frustrated, the doorbell rings.

As soon as Ellie steps through the doorway, Ivy tackles her into a bear-hug; clinging onto her friend for life.
“Woah! Hey there, missed you too, Ives!” she gently calls giving a slight squeeze back. Ivy pulls away and smiles at her friend.
“Sorry, Elle. I guess Eli’s turning me into such a girly-girl. Stupid idiot,” she mutters, causing Ellie to burst into giggles.
“Okay, there’s the man-hating Ivy I know.”
“I am not man-hating...In-fact...I...No, nevermind.” Ivy shakes her head as she closes the front door and leads Ellie into the lounge.
“No! No, no, no! You missy, are going to go on! Come on, Ivy, what were you going to say!” encourages Ellie.
“Well...Okay, Ellie but don’t you dare say a word...It’s just...I think I love him,” Ivy announces, whispering her proclamation only to have Ellie suck in a breath.
“Ivy...Are you sure?” breathes back Ellie.
“I think so, I mean, I really, really think so....It’s just, this feeling. Whenever I think of him, it’s just this happy warmth, is that love, Elle?” she asks flopping onto the couch. Ellie sits adjacent to her and bites her lip in thought.
“I think it’s different for everyone Ives. I think only you’ll know if it’s love or not...But I never thought I’d hear those words from you, I even thought Caroline would fall in love before you, no offence.”
“Saying no offence after something offence doesn’t make it less offence,” Ivy states with a roll of her eyes but then smiles after, agreeing with Ellie.
“Still, you are right. Hell, I didn’t think I’d ever fall in love let alone with someone like Eli,” Ivy sighs thinking how just a few weeks ago, she would have laughed at the idea of falling in love for a blonde playboy type man. Now, she thinks of him as her blonde playboy, even though there’s so much more to him than just those good looks. Although those good looks, are nice too.
“Does he love you?” enquires Ellie causing Ivy to blink back into the present and off Eli’s delicious body.
“Um...I’m not sure, I mean I’d like to think so but...I haven’t said anything to him yet and neither has he,” explains Ivy.
“Well, he’s a man, he won’t say it until you do,” giggles Ellie with a roll of her eye.
“Yeah, but that’s the least of my dilemma’s,” mutters Ivy.
“Why? What’s wrong Ives? What’s going on with you two?” Ellie questions, a small wrinkle appearing at her forehead in concern, and she twists herself to face Ivy.
“I think I’m making him wait too long,” sighs Ivy.
“Too long? For wha-Oh!..Oh...I see, well...has he said anything about that?”
“No that’s the thing. He doesn’t pressure me but..I..I can feel it. Plus he wants to know why I can’t be sexually intimate with him,” groans Ivy pleading to her friend for a quick fix.
“But why can’t you? I mean he is hot and he cares about you right? Even if it’s not to the extent of love. Besides, you’ve slept with guys for less,” points out Ellie causing a bright blush to appear on Ivy’s face.
“Yeah but...that was before...”
“Before what, Ivy?”

Ivy stares into Ellie eyes, searching for the trust she needs. Finding that and sisterly love, Ivy knows that if she wants help she needs to let Ellie in. So taking a deep breath Ivy recites the events that happened those few years ago with Tyler.

“So what do I do, Ellie? I don’t want to chase him away, I don’t want him to think I’m disgusting.”
Ellie chews on her lip thinking about it, “well, I don’t know anything about it personally. I mean maybe Caroline-”
“No! No, I’m not telling Caroline. She works for Eli and I don’t want him to hear it from her.”
“Ivy, Caroline wouldn’t tell him if you told her not to,” retorts Ellie but Ivy’s not having it.
“I said no, Ellie...Look, it doesn’t matter, I’ll figure something out.-”
“Ivy, just tell him. It’ll be fine, I promise,” reassures Ellie urging her to trust in the man. But Ivy’s finding that hard when the men she know only let her down, time and time again. They don’t stick around, they’re never in her life permanently, no one really is; and Ivy’s learnt to accept it...except, the thought of not having Eli there, in her life, is like a cold dagger to her heart.
“I’ll think about it,” states Ivy in resolve.

For another few hours, the girls just talked. Everything from how Ellie’s son-Dylan was doing to some old memories to newer ones. But as time flies by, Ellie has to return to her own home and Ivy lies there curled in the cold sheets, with only her thoughts for company. They swirl inside her, an endless tornado of confusion, until Ivy ceases the winds. She decides that tomorrow night...tomorrow night, she’ll give Eli exactly what he wants.

Eli’s own night is pretty much uneventful. After finishing his work, Jake and him caught up, as Eli fills Jake in on his mate and his newfound revelation of love. Jake of course, just laughs at him and wishes him all the luck he’ll need, before launching into his escapades whilst moaning about the loss of a fellow player brother. Eli silently smirks and hopes to fate that Jake gets a mate himself who’s as much of a tough catch as Ivy was.

That night Eli creeps into the apartment and quickly showers before slipping on his boxers.
He can see Ivy in the faint moonlight shining through the curtains, curled up right against the side of the bed with the sheets draped around her. With a small grin, he can feel his heart igniting with the thought of a woman waiting for him in bed-the same woman, the one he loves. Slipping under the sheets, he coils an arm around her middle and gently pulls her lithe body closer to him, spooning her into his warmth, only to gain a small sigh and shuffle even more into him. Closing his eyes with the smile present on his face, he decides that after her mother gets better, he needs to take her to see his family.

As morning comes, Ivy’s awoken not only by the sunlight flittering through the slits of the curtain, but also by Eli’s soft snores. Not remembering when Eli got in, Ivy decides it must have been that late. So the morning routine has to be done in as near silence as she could but when Ivy accidently dropped the pans that clattered noisily to the tiled floor, she soon realised that not even a storm could wake up Eli Carter.

That lunch break, Ivy spends her time with her mother. Informing her off her new accommodation and not at all leaving out the complaints of living with a male. Turns out even a werewolf male is still just a male and will forever leave the toilet seat up, and all his consol games wires tangled up like a shrine around the TV, not to mention the mouldy half-opened tin of beans she found right at the back of the, that was gross. A good hour of laughing and Ivy knows she has to go. Besides, she can see her mom’s eyes drifting close so she takes it as her implicit queue to leave.

No matter how wishfully Ivy wishes time to slow down, it seems to just slip by her, and pretty soon she finds herself at Eli’s front door, dreading the night to come. As Eli opens the door she can smell the delicious smell of pasta bake wafting throughout.
“Hungry?” he smiles.
“Yeah, just let me get a shower first,” she responds softly, taking her best underwear and simple pyjamas into the en-suite.
A short while later and Ivy stares at herself in the green silk underwear set with black trim lace. It’s the only one she kept before she lost that sexy feminine confidence and now wearing such a luxury, she feels herself almost reverting back to that old Ivy. As her tummy rumbles, Ivy grins to herself and slips on her pyjamas before joining Eli for dinner.

“Where you okay, last night?” he starts, eyes boring into her.
“Um...yeah, fine,” she mutters glancing up and catching his eye for just a minute before refocusing back on her plate. He frowns slightly wondering what is wrong with her.
“Ivy did you think...about it, what we talked about last night?” he asks getting straight to the point. He’s always hated problems and would rather confront it and get passed it than push it back.
Ivy takes in a soft breath and gazes up at him beneath her eyelashes, a soft smirk on her lips. Just because she hasn’t used the feminine charm in years doesn’t mean it’s not there.
“I’ve...thought about it,” she slowly drawls. Eli gulps slightly, his throat suddenly dry and nods.
“And?...” he encourages.
Ivy glances up, biting her lip and then raises her eyebrow coyly before huskily responding, “’ll know later.”
Eli’s eyebrows pull up in confusion and shock. Since when has Ivy flirted with him? He’s usually the one that flirts with her shooting him down. What the hell is going on?
“What is going on? Why later? Ivy...” he questions but she just shakes her head.
“I said later, Eli. Have some patience,” she grins with a soft smirk and teasing in her eyes. He grins back softly, his only choice to comply.


After dinner, Eli asks of them to now talk but Ivy pulls him into the bedroom.
“Ivy...” he starts.
“Just sit down a minute Eli,” she encourages him, receiving a sigh but he does as she wishes and perches on the end of the bed. Taking a bold move, Ivy sashays over to him and straddles his hips.

“What are you doing?” he asks shocked, the girl is so hot and cold, Eli honestly has no idea what is ever going on with her. But at least she keeps him on his toes.
Her lips kiss at his neck; slow, lingering kisses that has his heart racing and blood shooting downwards. As those sensual kisses trail up, she gently nips at his ear lobe, causing a hitched groan from him. Seriously, what kind of game is she playing?

“I made you wait for too long, Eli...Well no more, baby...Tonight...Tonight, you can fuck me,” she breathes only to have his male anatomy harden in excitement at her words.
But his mind is for once at odds with his dick and for once he doesn’t just want to ‘fuck’ a woman. He doesn’t want to just ‘fuck’ Ivy...He wants....What does he want? Love? Love. He wants to make love to her. He wants to stare into her eyes as she’s losing control, pushed to the brink of ecstasy by him and as she explodes he wants to hear her cry his name in love. Then afterwards he wants to curl her into him and breathe to her just how much she makes his heart pound in happiness; just how much he will promise never to let her down and just how much he longs for a future with her and only her as his woman. 

Eli knows the old him would have snorted at all that; claiming it to be untrue and believing the notions to be too sappy. But strangely enough, now, he finds no shame in desiring all that; instead it’s longing he feels.

“No Ivy. Stop,” he tells her with much difficulty. He leans back slightly, also pushing her back, so as to gain some distance between them.
“What’s wrong? Isn’t this what you want Eli?” she wonders aloud with a crinkle of her eyebrows.
“Ivy..” he softly whispers cupping her cheeks in his hands, “I love you.”
Ivy’s entire body stiffens at the confession, tears pricking her eyes. She never would have thought him to say that, especially before her.
Her arms wrap around him, hugging him tight and close as a soft sob escapes her. There’s no way she can lose him, not now, not ever.
“Oh God..I love you too, Eli...I love you too,” she whispers, pulling back to slant her lips onto his with force. He returns the passion, embracing and caressing her tongue with such raw love, she can’t help the faster beatings of her heart.

As they pull apart, Eli gazes into the deep green swirls of her eyes.
“Then trust me...Tell me what’s wrong-”
“Eli-” starts Ivy about to protest when he cuts her off again.
“My brother Mason, his mate-Katy, is human like you and she..she was abused, mentally, physically, sexually but Mason still loves her...we all love her...So whatever has happened, I will still love you. Nothing will change that, I promise,” he whispers to her. Ivy feels a tear roll down her cheek but she’s too caught up in his words to notice.
“But Eli this...this isn’t anyone else’s fault except my own,” retorts Ivy.
“Tell me Tinks, I’m not going to judge you.”
“No but you might...” Ivy lets out a sigh, her heart clenching as she realises she must tell him, she can’t hold it any longer, she needs him to know. At least so that he has some kind of warning before hand.

“Okay, okay I guess it's time you know....It happened when I was in college-as a freshman. Everything was going great, I was so happy. My mom was healthy, and I was in college doing what I love. So, of course I wanted to... ‘live it up’. I was seeing a guy then, his name was Tyler. We weren’t anything serious, just a few dates here and then. But one night we went to a party together-just a stupid frat party. I only had a few beers but everything was amplified so much and Tyler...He was looking so good to me then...We got a room know, I-I...I couldn’t stop it Eli, I swear I couldn’t...It just happened...”
“Ivy, what happened? What was it?” he urges not quite getting it. It wasn't rape, she consented to the what was it? Eli feels a stab of jealousy and pain at that, the fact she slept with someone else, but then again, he has no right to feel like that. She has done it with what-a couple of guys-3 at the most. But he has been with countless women. He’s not allowed to feel the anger and jealousy because those must be amplified so much for her then.

“Oh God...don’t make me say it Eli...I..I wet myself...An-And-”
“Wait...Wait, wait..when you say ‘wet yourself’...” he questions, the dots seemed to connect but he’s hoping he’s connecting them in the right order.
“I don’t know what happened, it just...came out. I know it’s really gross but I couldn’t control it, Eli, I tried. I really did but I couldn’t help it. I mean, I don’t blame Tyler for avoiding me after that, I just wish he hadn’t told his friends that I pissed myself during sex,” sobs Ivy.
“Ivy...Ivy, sh, baby...I think I know what’s going on, and I think you’re mistaken,” hushes Eli, holding her close to him, her head resting at the crook of his neck. If his suspicions are right then he’s got one of the hottest sexual minx’s as his mate and for that he thanks the fates. But he needs to make sure.

“You do?” echoes Ivy shocked.
“Yeah, but I need to make sure. I need you to come,” he instructs gently stroking her thighs.
“Come where?” she retorts pulling back to look at him.
“Nowhere. I mean, come as in orgasm,” chuckles Eli, his grin widening as he witnesses Ivy’s cheeks tint red.
“Eli...I can’t it on demand,” she stumbles.
“Need some help?”
Ivy nods and then grumbles, “you’re having way too much fun with this.”

Eli retorts by latching her lips to his and causing them to follow his lead. His tongue darts into her mouth, fiercely dominating over hers as he suddenly flips her onto the bed. The short squeak that Ivy emits is lost between their joined mouths. As her legs draw around his hips, Eli’s lips suckle at the skin at Ivy’s neck, leaving large red welts in their path. Ivy’s more than happy to let go for once, to just lay back and enjoy her handsome boyfriend taking care of her body.
“Ivy sit up a little,” whispers Eli and as she does so, he whips the vest top off her body. Her breasts are encased in the most tempting green silk bra and Eli can only imagine how delicious her panties would look.
“Jesus woman, are you trying to give me a heart attack?” he mutters only to have a pleading moan from her. His lips again crash onto hers with passionate fury, as fingers delight in the sensation of the warm, silky skin of his mate. His hands cup her breasts feeling the hard n*pples beneath the silk cups and fingers pinch at them through the material.

“Eli...” moans Ivy pushing him back slightly so she can pull the sexy piece of lingerie from her body. A rush of delight courses through her when she witnesses Eli’s eyes dilating as they dart to her breasts. She feels like she can never get enough of the pure need that that man fuels in her. The way his eyes storm with lust, even though it’s only her; even though he’s probably seen a hell of a lot more curvy, sexy, womanly figures, he still stares at her with such heat, it makes her feel like the most beautiful woman in the world.
She calls him over with a nod of her head, eliciting a deep growl that seems to vibrate right from his chest. Her toes curl at the force and intensity he kisses her with. Her hands coil around his neck but before she knows it, he’s taken her wrists back and bound them up again.

“That is so unfair,” mumbles Ivy, despite the rush that being tied to a bed to be ravished has on her.
“Nope, you didn’t let me finish what we started the other night but now, you are going to let me, right darling?” grins Eli, his hands squeezing her breast lightly as she mewls in agreement.
Eagerness pounds in him but he tries to pull it back, reminding himself that this isn’t exactly for him. His mouth lavishes one breast while the other is teased by his fingers.
“Please...oh, please!” moans Ivy begging him to just touch her wet, hot p*ssy.
Eli feels himself harden even more at her begging. He loves it when they beg for release. He drags his lips lower and lower down her abdomen, resting just above the band of her shorts. Then pushing himself backwards on the bed, he pulls the shorts completely off, silently admiring the beauty lain before him. His eyes cover every inch of her soft, lightly tanned skin, particularly gazing at the sexy panties and her bare breasts with n*pples jutting out to attention for him. With her hands tied above her, she is completely at his mercy.
“Please...” she squirms, wiggling her hips and raising her head to stare at him with lust filled eyes.

That’s it. His resolve to go slow snaps and eyes grow hungry. He clutches the sides of the silk-lace panties in each hand and drags them down, his fingernails grazing all down her slim thighs as he does so. As the material is flung carelessly beside the bed, deep blue eyes darken even more in sexual thirst. She’s soaking wet and so...beautiful. The thirst, the hunger, to drink in those sensual juices, to nibble on that delicate skin, is almost unbearable; but he squashes them down. If he goes down on her, he won’t be able to see her orgasm. Which is the main purpose right now, and he can’t lose focus of that.
“Ivy, you will tell me when you are about to come, understand beautiful?” instructs Eli, reaching into his drawer and grabbing the long vibrator.
“Yes Sir,” responds Ivy, with confusion tinting her mind, when she feels him get off the bed. As he returns she hears a buzzing noise, and wonders what’s going on, but her head can’t lift enough to see.
And that excitement just heightens her arousal.

Eli stops the vibrator for a minute while he debates on the blindfold. On one hand he wants to see those beautiful eyes when she orgasms but taking away her sight could send her inhibitions flying and her arousal soaring. Deciding on the blindfold, he smiles to her reassuringly while holding it out. She silently lifts her head up and closes her eyes, allowing him to tie it on her.
As soon as it on, she hears the quite buzzing again. Confusion fills her until something cold and vibrating touches her left nipple. Her spine shudders at the coolness while sparks spread because of the vibrations on her already hard bud. A deep moan escapes her lips as the object is moved onto her next breast.
Eli watches as her body instinctively arches up as the vibrator is held above the tip of her hard solider. She moans in frustration at her pleasure being taken away, at not being able to gain her release. But her mewls are heard and the vibrations are pressed against her other n*pple. She’s almost too lost in the tingles, that she doesn’t notice the large, smooth hand gliding up to the junction of her legs. But as a thick finger strokes along the dripping pink petals of sensitive skin, Ivy feels her breath hitch.

He feels the slick juices coat his finger, the temptation too much to resist. Bringing up that finger he sucks the sweet nectar off it, relishing in her wonderful taste.
“Who knew you’d taste so fucking good, Ivy?” muses Eli causing a soft blush to spread across Ivy’s cheeks and part of her bottom lip to be suctioned into her mouth as teeth rest over the top.
Then as his fingers keep sliding and stroking at her soft lips, he drags the vibrator down the valley of her breasts, down her concaved stomach to the top of her cl*t. Ivy’s body jolts at the sudden stimulation, she can feel the ball of orgasm build in her, yet she’s so far from release. Her hips rise up, pressing herself more against the large head of the vibrator but Eli’s not so willing to allow her that control and removes it completely from her.
“Please...” comes a breathy whine from Ivy; all inhibitions out of the window and focus drawn to only one objective-her release.
“Nuh-uh. This does not work like that, Tinks. I have the control here and you...beautiful, obey me. Capeesh?” he retorts before adding, “so don’t be raising those hips and taking without permission. You want something-you ask and you beg for it, and maybe if I’m feeling nice, I’ll grant you it.”

Ivy gulps at the command, a shiver going down her spine at his raw, masculine, authority. She doesn’t know why but being bossed around by Eli in this particular instance is making her blood boil with passion.
“Yes Sir...Please Sir, please, please...I need more,” seductively whispers Ivy with her tongue darting out after and running across her bottom lip.
Eli feels like groaning out loud at her skilful seduction but he knows better than to do that. Instead he pummels his middle finger deep in her, whilst pressing the vibrator hard onto her cl*t and crashing their lips together.

Ivy suddenly gasps at the invasion of senses; the finger diving into her tight channel, shooting an erotic mixture of pleasure and pain; the hard vibrations on her small ball of nerves, sends sparks of lust rocking through her and then there’s his lush lips that are hungry with passion. Her gasp unknowingly allows him access to her mouth which he fully uses to his advantage, twisting and manipulating her tongue for his needs. As they’re running out of breath he slowly retreats his finger from her, the pressure of the vibrator still being applied, and his teeth lightly biting her bottom lip whilst pulling it out. Unable to see, Ivy can only let her imagination picture their erotic position and boy, can that dirty bitch paint a vivid picture.

Eli lets go of her plump lip and rests his forehead on hers, starting at the dark blindfold over her eyes.
“Tell me when you’re close,” he whispers to her before pumping his finger back into her, earning him another gasp, one that’s softer this time. As he leans his head back up, his fingers increasing in speed as it darts in and out of her soft channel. Eli watches as she reacts accordingly with her chest rising up and lips parted.
As he increases his speed, the little gasps staccato and crescendo.

Ivy feels all thoughts leave her mind, other than those that are begging for release, which are reacting to his touches and trying to processes her body’s feelings. A tingling sensation spreads through Ivy, her body feeling like an inferno and heart feeling like it’s thumping right against her ribcage. She can sense the beast of orgasm clawing at her lower stomach, raging to escape.
“Eli...Eli, I...I-I can’t...I-” mutters Ivy, her conscious fighting with her primal urge. For so long she’s forced herself not to even consider ever letting go, letting another man ridicule her like that, letting herself do something so...wrong. But part of her feels too far gone, part of her just wants to burst into ecstasy and taste that pleasure just once, fully conscious.

Eli frowns at her words and calling him by his name but as he glances at her, he realises the slight darkening patch of the blindfold at her eyes. He keeps his tempo and tries to reassure her.
“Ivy, sweetheart. It’s okay, I promise, it’s okay...Go on, let go.-” he softly encourages.
“I can’t...Please...I can’t, I mustn’t-”
“Ivy, I am telling you to let go. Do it,” he firmly states, hooking his finger in her upwards and stroking her inner walls.
It’s Ivy’s undoing and she can’t hold onto her higher morals anymore. Like a wind-up toy, Ivy feels the key being let go, swirling her out of control completely.
“Eli,” she whispers her body stiffening momentarily, right before her hips wildly swing up, down and side-wards. Eli backs away, allowing her body to struggle with the intensity of her orgasm as she the waves of pleasure crash through her. He witnesses the short jet of clear liquid squirt from her, confirming his suspicions.

It feels to Ivy like she’s experiencing the high intensity ecstasy for an eternity before it calms down, and the tidal waves turn into gentle lapping waters of soft pleasure. And as those ends Ivy realises what’s happened and her mind goes into turmoil battling with herself on whether the shame was worth the pleasure. But she waits patiently as Eli unbinds her arms and she sits up.
Taking off the blindfold, Ivy quickly hands it back to him and as his back is turned she wipes the wetness at her eyes and cursing herself for crying.

“Eli...I’m sorry. I’m so sorry, I told you I can’t-”
“Ivy,” sighs Eli cutting her off and pulling her into a hug. He can feel his erection still standing strong, especially with her hot, naked body pressed against him; but this is for her comfort not for him. It’s the first time that he’s had to put someone else over him, to soothe someone and provide emotional assurance. Although daunting, it doesn’t scare him as much as he would have expected.
“I promise, I’ll try not to do that again,” she mutters into his shirt only to feel his chest rise with the deep inhalation.
“Don’t say that. Don’t promise me nonsense, things you have no idea on. What you do is perfectly normal. Many women ejaculate when they orgasm, it’s not anything to be ashamed off, and it’s not...wrong,” he exhales only to have her pull away and gaze at him in confusion.
“I...don’t understand. Girls you’ve been with...pee themselves?” she wonders.
“No, Ivy, it’s not...It’s not urine. There isn’t much research on it but it’s not urine, the levels of urea and creatinine are too different to urine. Plus it’s thought to be released from another gland. But I think it would be best tomorrow if you did your own research into it-to convince yourself. And then tomorrow night, we’ll go down to the club and you can talk to one of the girl’s there who also ejaculates. Okay?” instructs Eli.
Ivy numbly nods, still unable to believe that everything she’s thought for for the past few years is wrong. That she’s been avoiding sexual intimacy and suppressing her needs for...nothing. She feels so stupid for being so ignorant, for believing what one idiot college boy and his friends had to say. She was so naive to believe them, to give into their tedious ragging. Why would she do that?

“Tinks...sweetheart, why are you crying? I told you I would still love you and I do. I love you, Ivy,” softly consoles Eli trapping a tear rolling down her cheek with his finger and swiping it away. Ivy gives him a small laugh and grin as she shakes her head.
“I love you too. I’m just being ridiculous, sorry. I can’t believe I’m wrong, after all those years...I actually believed Tyler and his friends-”
“They were idiots- school-boys....That’s why you need a real man,” smirks Eli, gaining a few chuckles from Ivy and an eye roll.
“Okay, okay, Captain America, this real woman needs some sleep now,” teases Ivy, her bright smile reappearing on her face.
Eli grins back, loving how easily they can just turn their relationship from serious to light-hearted in mere moments.

“Coming to bed anytime soon?” asks Ivy with another beam, snapping Eli out of his momentary musings. He gazes down at her and smirks
“Depends; is your sexy ass still naked under there?” he questions with a wink.
“Why don’t you find out?” she seductively whispers with an inviting raise of her eyebrow.
Eli grins, turning off the lights before he slips under the sheets, wondering how on Earth he could resist Ivy’s invite.
As his hand coils over the bare skin of her waist, he pulls her to him, with her butt digging into his own hips and he knows immediately that her sexy ass is indeed beautifully bare....and wonderfully pressed into his crotch.  

A/n Having wrote this and it being ages now since the book has been finished, I've had a good range of comments on how people feel about Ivy's 'problem' and honestly, some of the responses really...(I don't know how to say this polietely so excuse me) p*ss me off. And only because they're (probably) posted by very immature folks reading this book for the sex. 
I try to make my books original and right from the start of the Carter series, I aimed to make them focus on mature topics. The mature topic being explored in this book is obviously female ejaculation. 
Now for Ivy she was ignorant about it and as a result frightened and scared. She had a bad experience with it and it scared her. It meant that she was scared of sex and getting closer with Eli and that doesn't mean it's not 'SERIOUS'. To her it was/is a very serious and major issue because that's how she views it

Saying that I know a lot of people believed it to be rape but obviously it's not. And the reasons it's not is because A) I don't think Ivy's character displays the typical characteristics and behaviours of rape victims and B) I've already done a story line where the female character went through some horrific sexual abuse and I don't plan on recycling story ideas. 

Anyway, bottom line please don't leave me comments saying 'OMG and I thought it was something serious' or '....-_-....'. They really annoy me and it makes me question the maturity of my audience. Please try see it from her perspective before commenting.

Soz for the downer on the chapter ending but, this really was necessary. 


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