Chapter 18

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Chapter 18

 The next morning, as Ivy’s moss green eyes blink into clarity, she can feel happiness burst in her heart. Her body is hyper sensitive of Eli’s thick arm wrapped around her waist, his strong body cocooning her, protecting her. She can hardly believe that he has this side to him, heck! She can’t even believe she has this side to her-the soft, mushy, romantic face. She can’t deny it feels amazing. Love feels amazing. Finally, finally she understands what Ellie talks about. The complete trust, the comfort, the...everything. Everything about this is right. Ivy runs her hand gently over Eli’s own hairy forearm and wonders if he’s feeling even half of what she is.
For that moment Ivy truly believes her life to be bliss, until...the guilt crashes in. Her mother. How could she just forget about her mother like that? The one who is dying in a hospital bed. Ivy should be there for her. She shouldn’t be in bed cuddling with her boyfriend, she should be there-beside her mother, taking care of her, talking to her, comforting her. Anger swirls with guilt, stabbing at Ivy’s heart. Today, she promises, today she will spend time with her mother. Today she can miss work. She’ll just call Frank and tell him. They can manage at the diner without her for today. There are plenty of girls today which means Ivy can quite easily take the day off.

Eli wakes up to an empty bed, but the smell of bacon means that Ivy not being there is almost forgivable. After his morning duty call, he pads into the kitchen to see his mate fully dressed but  cooking up breakfast, that act alone is almost forgivable for her clothed figure however it would have been perfect if she was still butt naked.
Coming up behind her, he slides his arms through her slim waist and resists his large palms on her toned stomach. The feeling of his hands there, suddenly bring about thoughts of children. His heart clenches in happiness at the thought of a joint part of them growing inside Ivy...And then of course they’d come into the world and turn into little monsters. Eli can’t help find the image of Ivy going crazy with the house in a mess and him and their kids at the centre of it, a little bit funny.

“What are you doing up so early and dressed, beautiful? Take a day off and let’s spend it back in bed with you naked,” mutters Eli into the crook of her neck, as he places a few teasing kisses there along with his proposal.
“Mm...As enticing as that sounds Eli, I can’t,” she reply’s gaining a small annoyed groan from him.
“What? Why? Come on, don’t tell me you’ve never pulled a sick day when you’re actually not sick,” he retorts only to have her chuckle slightly. Of course he’d be encouraging her to skip work for a roll in the sheets.
“Of course I have and well...I am. But I was going to go see my mom today,” she explains tensing as she feels Eli’s body still and his lips hover hesitantly at her skin.
“Eli?” she asks wondering what was going through his mind. Suddenly a panicked thought races through her; what if he doesn’t feel she’s paying him enough attention?
“Yeah, sorry,” he mumbles forcing his body to relax and embrace her once again, “do you need a ride?”
Ivy feels herself being subdued yet she finds she still wants to know what caused his reaction, what he was thinking of.
“Yes, please,” she sighs, deciding not to act on her impulse and worry herself over his private thoughts.
Eli just nods and breakfast passes by pleasantly.

Ivy nibbles on her bottom lip in hesitation. All throughout the car ride to the hospital Eli had been uncharacteristically quiet and that scares Ivy a tad. The normally upbeat man wordlessly parked the car and gave her a small smile.
“What time shall I pick you up?” he asks in a friendly enough manner, which just confuses Ivy. If he were mad at her then nothing he’s done suggests so.
“...Eli, do you want to come up my mom?” she suddenly suggests, the verbal diarrhoea spilling before she can stop it. Already her minds screaming at her, but it’s too late to take back now so may as well go with the flow.
“I mean, if you don’t-if you want to that it. You don’t have to-like I won’t be offended if you don’t. But I mean, you can! I mean...nevermind” stumbles through Ivy wincing as she poorly tries to cover up the mistake.
Eli blinks at her for a moment before bursting into laughter.
“Wow Ives, meeting the parents already?” he teases before smiling and adding on softly, “I’m just kidding. I’d love to meet your mom.”
Ivy despite her blush gives him an even look before sternly saying, “you better behave Eli, or I bet you, sick or not, my momma will kick your ass.”
Eli chuckles again, he highly doubts that but if her mother’s got as much spunk as his Ivy then he’ll be cautious.
“I don’t know what you mean, baby? Of course, I’m just going to be the same charming, endearing, handsome guy, you know and love,” he grins, gaining a short snort from Ivy.
“Good thing we’re at a hospital, Eli. It seems your delusions are getting worse and worse,” sighs Ivy hopping out of the car with the fleeting retort.

Eli smirks letting her have the last insult, as he locks the car.
Grabbing her petite frame, he pulls her back towards him while running his nose down the column of her neck. She giggles as she pushes him off and instead pulls one of his arms over her shoulders.
“Eli! We’re in public, behave!” she grins lacing their fingers together as they step into the hospital and head towards the right ward.

As they near the radiology and cancer ward, Eli can feel the tenseness in Ivy’s body even though her expressionless features don’t display her true feelings. He gives a short squeeze of reassurance to which she gazes up at him with worry evident in her mossy green eyes. His heart seems to plummet to his stomach, seeing the helpless angst in her soul and even worse is knowing there’s nothing he can do about it.
As they’re buzzed in, Ivy leads them towards the bed where her mother resides in.
Eli’s has to physically try to control himself not to react to the frail woman in the bed. Her face was so pale and sickly; her hair practically non-existent, but what wispy blonde strands there were, were thin and short; her face sunken with cheekbones strongly defined just like most of her bones that were on display.
“Muffin-top!” smiles the woman, her voice just as frail as her but the same green eyes that Ivy posses lighting up at the sight of her daughter. Then as she shifts her gaze to Eli and curiosity swirls in those moss pools.
“Wow, Ivy, is this my goodbye present? One night with this hunk,” she winks causing an outrageous gasp from Ivy and roaring laughter from Eli.
“Mom! First off, stop calling me Muffin-top,”  she hisses and then in the same hushed tone, she scolds her mother, “And secondly, this is my boyfriend Eli. Besides mother, you are far too old and weak for that sort of thing-”
“Oh don’t listen to her Mrs Stanford, you don’t look a day over 30. If I weren’t dating your daughter, I would definitely-”
“Jeez! Should I just leave?!” exasperates Ivy with a roll of her eyes; the small smile on her features proving that she was enjoying the banter just as much as the other two.
Eli and Ivy sit on a chair each next to the bedside of Dawn.
“So mom, Eli, if you’re quite done flirting, maybe we can have a civilised conversation?” she teases them.
“Hmm, I’m not so sure baby, give me a few more minutes,” winks Eli at Dawn who gives a quite chuckle but Ivy to sigh and shake her head.
“Anyway...How are you feeling mom?” tenderly asks Ivy grasping her mother’s hand only faintly aware of its skinniness.
“I’m okay sweetie. How are you? Why are you not at work?”
“I’m good Mom. And I thought it was time to call in one of those sick days-”
“Eli, are you turning my good girl bad?” teases Dawn giving a mocking glare at the man. Eli throws his hands up in the surrendering gesture as a wide grin spreads across his features.
“Guilty as charged Ma’am,” he smirks. As his gaze flickers to Ivy she can see the wicked teasing glint in them reminding her of the previous night’s events and eliciting a blush in return.
“Good. My daughter sometimes needs reminding she’s 22 not 50-”
“Mom,” whines Ivy.
Before Dawn can say anything else a doctor appears, clipboard in hand and the same forced smile plastered over her pretty face.
“Miss Ivy Stanford? You are Dawn’s daughter right?” she clarifies.
“Yes, that’s me...” confirms Ivy with a nod.
“Can I speak with you privately for a minute please?” she requests and numbly Ivy follows in suit.
As they step outside into the hallway, the doctor leads her into one of the small vacant offices and offers Ivy a seat which she takes.

“What’s going on?” wonders Ivy with a frown. Obviously it’s about her mom but Ivy can’t fathom a reason as to why she’d be called in privately. Her mom’s getting treatment, she’s fine!.. Or at least getting better.
“Miss Stanford, we are terribly sorry but you must understand that medicine is not God...”
That sentence alone has Ivy’s chest tightening in anticipation as to what’s to come.
“Please, just tell me whatever it is,” whispers Ivy.
“We cannot give your mother a higher frequency of radiation; we’re already at maximum recommendation. I’m afraid the cancer is multiplying too rapidly to cure anyway. I’m sorry Miss Stanford, we have tried our best-”
“How long?”
“An average of three to four weeks.”
“Does she know?”
“Yes Miss Stanford, we had to inform her first but she requested that I inform you privately. I....I strongly advise you to look into funeral options and any last wishes she may have,” finishes the doctor with a sombre expression on her young, beautiful face. For some reason Ivy finds her very glamorous presence annoying at the moment. With the anger and pain bubbling in her she subconsciously realises it’s more digestible to concentrate on her irritation of the pretty doctor.
“Morning visiting hour is nearly over Ma’am, if you want to get back and say goodbye for now to her,” tightly smiles the doctor as Ivy’s lost in her thoughts. Snapping out of her thoughts Ivy gives a grimace to the woman and thanks her with regret as she makes her way back to her mother.

Eli and Dawn break apart from their conversation at the sight of Ivy. Dawn can tell from the small twitch of Ivy’s well controlled straight set lips, that she’s furious and hurt. Although a cowardly move to have the doctor tell Ivy, Dawn can’t fathom as to how she could even break the news of her impending death to her little girl.
“Eli...Can I talk to mom alone for minute please?” she grits out. Eli raises his eyebrows but from her unwavering stare at her mother, Eli’s male intuition instructs him it’s better to just listen to the woman.
“Sure...I’ll be in the car,” he mutters making a quick exit.

“Ivy, baby-”
“No mom, don’t start, just don’t! How could you not tell me! I am your daughter and you leave it in the hands of...a doctor? Why mom?” she hisses cautious of the other patients around them.
“Honey...sit down,” tiredly sighs Dawn.
Ivy complies as she takes a seat in the chair next to Dawn.
“Could you break something like that to me?” asks Dawn.
Silence sweeps through them whilst Ivy swallows Dawn’s words. She finds there’s truth to them. If the roles were reversed then yes, Ivy would find it difficult to tell her mother but she’d still do it no matter how damned difficult.
“I would still do it mom. I would still tell you....Exactly how long have you known?” asks Ivy.
“Since yesterday, I swear....Look, baby, it’s not that bad-”
“Mom! How is it not ‘that bad’? You’re...God, mom! I can’t lose you. Not after everything we’ve fought through, not now; not at the last hurdle,” murmurs Ivy clutching her mother’s hand and swallowing back the lump in her throat. She blinks away the fighting tears and forces herself to be stronger.
“Ivy, we can’t fight this. Sometimes you just have to...let go. Besides, I’ve had a good life, brought up a good...well, stubborn headed-”
Dawn smiles at her as a vision of a 6 year old with long blonde pigtails, running through the diner in laughter flashes through her mind.
“But honey, you are not alone. You’ve got Ellie and Caroline and now...even Eli. Whatever you may think, you really do have people that care for you. So you’re never alone, got it baby?”
Ivy face breaks out into a large bittersweet grin as she gazes at her mother with soft, sad eyes.
“Mom...don’t go all cheesy on me. You know that’s not the Stanford way!” laughs Ivy causing her mom to nod in agreement.

“Er....wanna talk about it?” he nervously enquires as Ivy slides into the seat of the car. He’d been waiting for a good part of 10 minutes but he knows better than to complain; besides even Eli’s not that insensitive.
“, it’s fine. Don’t worry the doctor was...just giving me a quick update,” lies Ivy. As the small demon spills from her lips, Ivy ignores the stab of guilt, arguing that ultimately its better he doesn’t know. After all, she doesn’t want to ruin this evening or even make him believe that he needs to handle her with care or something. Right now, Ivy doesn’t want to think about it. Although it’s futile and in vain, a strong part of her mind just believes that if she can ignore it and at least try pretending everything’s’ll all be okay. It’s crazy and stupid, but she doesn’t care. It makes her feel a little better; it makes things easier to cope with and with things being so raw, she needs this.

“Sure?” pipes Eli suspiciously. He knows a lie when he hears it and on top of that the hidden sadness in her eyes which she so desperately tries to hide is far too evident for him. Whatever it is, Ivy’s strong but when she needs his help, and she will, he’ll be there for her.
“Yep. Let’s get back home,” she sighs but then furrows her eyebrows as she sees Eli’s smug grin.
“What?” she asks.
“Nothing...It’s just you called the apartment ‘home’ that’s all,” he shrugs. A soft tint of red coats Ivy’s cheeks as she awkwardly gazes away.
“No don’t apologise. I like it....After your mom gets better, I was thinking that...we should make your change of residence...permanent,” he slowly suggests.
“I...” starts Ivy unsure as to what to say. Her mind’s too focused on her mother to get giddy at the prospect of moving in permanently with her boyfriend.
“Don’t get too excited then,” comes the sarcastic mutter as Eli starts up the car and they get on their way.
“Eli...I love the offer but I need to think about it. I mean...a few weeks ago, I didn’t even have a boyfriend. And now I not only have a boyfriend but one that’s a werewolf and is my soul-mate, who now wants me to move in with him and on-top of all that, my mom’s in hospital-”
“Okay, okay, I’m sorry I said anything-”
“Please don’t do this. Thank you for the offer, but I really do need to consider it. I can’t just go leaping into things-”
“Why not? Why can’t you just...take a leap once in a while? Why do you always evaluate everything?”
“It’s just how I am. If you don’t like it, then just say so! I can leave at any point,” she cries back in retort.
His eyes darken in anger as they flicker momentarily to collide with her furious hazy green ones.
“I bet you’d love that wouldn’t you? For me to mess up-to end it. Well, sorry baby, but that isn’t happening,” he grits out. With nothing to combat that, Ivy just hisses out a breath and gives him another glare before they lapse into silence.

“Drop me at my house,” she softly demands, breaking the quiet.
Eli’s spine stiffens at the command and the question of ‘why?’ slips from his lips before he can stop it.
“Just do it, please,” calmly retorts Ivy.
“Tell me why. Are you leaving me? Is that it?” he shoots only to have Ivy scrunch her eyebrows in confusion.
“What? No, I need to get something, that’s all,” she replies and then in a teasing tone asks, “are you worried I will leave you?”
Eli glances across to her, uttering a single word as reply, “always.”

Ivy digs through the boxes of ancient stuff in loft as she tries desperately to spot the rectangular grey machine. As her fingers grasp at the slippery edges, she beams in delight, pulling out the heavy thing. She wipes off the years of dust from the thing with an old rag she’d brought and then wrapping it up, she heaves the thing downstairs with her.

“What’s that?” he asks as she slides into the vehicle again.
“My laptop,” she responds gaining an incredulous look from him.
“From what era?” he mutters gazing down at the object. It honestly did look like something his father had when he was a teenager; the thing looks ancient.
“It was my dad’s okay?” she retorts. It was the only computer they owned as a family and had always been treated as somewhat of a treasure. Which is why when she was at school and all the kids used their laptops for research projects; Ivy had to find all her information in the local library, pouring through tens of books to get the same information as them; but still, she had learnt a lot more.
“You know Ivy you can just use mine instead,” he points out.
“Hey! This one works just fine,” the last time I checked. She adds silently.
“Okay...if you say so,” he murmurs.

“Ivy...please just use mine-”
“No! No, wait! It’ll work-”
“I’ve been trying to get it booted for an hour now. Face it, baby, this thing has a long due one way trip into the trash,” he groans. He’d tried everything he could think of but it seems that it’s adamant on not working.
“...Fine...But don’t throw it out,” she caves with dejection.
Eli offers her a soft smile and leads her from the living room to the bedroom, where his shiny MacBook sits on the polished wooden work desk. A few buttons later and thing is ready to go for whatever she needs.
“So...what do you need it for anyway?” nosily asks Eli only to gain silence as an answer. He glances up to see his mate transfixed by the machine. He can’t help chuckle at that. It’s like she’s never seen a laptop before-well, a modern one anyway.
“Need me to show you how it works?” he teases pulling her down onto his lap. She manages to tear her gaze from the laptop to him only to glower.
“I think I can manage,” she icily retorts clicking onto the web browser and then raising her eyebrow at Eli is a ‘see’ kind of way.
“So what do you need it for baby?” he wonders stroking her legs.
“Uh...well...last night you said I should...reassure myself’s normal,” stumbles through Ivy, her heart thumping half from embarrassment of the topic and half from the feeling of Eli’s hard body beneath her and his breath fanning at her neck.
“Ivy...honey, it is normal. How many times do I need to tell you that?” he groans with a kiss at her neck.
“Well I don’t like it, okay? How can I stop it?” she snaps.
Eli’s eyes darken in lust and anger. Why would she want to stop something so hot? He arm darts out and shuts the laptop pushing it aside as he flips her onto the desk. He rises up, roughly crashing his lips to hers and engaging her in a punishing kiss.
“No. You aren’t going to stop it. And I will make you like it,” he growls, ending the parting of their lips as soon as his words have escaped. Hands run down her waist to her hips and with one swift sweep, he reels her hips to his eliciting a deep moan from her.
“Eli,” she gasps as he nips at her throat. Where did the sudden roughness come from? She wonders, the thought forgotten instantly when she feels his hand running up her back under the red t-shirt.
She moans as he suddenly pulls them out. But surprise runs through her as he grips the hem of the t-shirt and rips it off.
“You know, you could have just asked me to take it off,” she mutters against his lips whilst shredding the torn clothing from her body. To prevent more of her clothes being destroyed she slips off the bra herself.
“ damage done,” she smiles to him, leaning back slightly as his lips capture hers in a hasty kiss. Unable to make it last long, his lips attach to her pert breasts. Tongue swirling around her n*pples and teeth grazing over them as one hand grips the other breast and the other hand sneaks into her jeans.
“,” he whispers glancing up as he moves from one breast to the other.
But the command is lost in her frenzied mind and instead her hand rakes through his soft, golden hair.
Not liking the forgotten order, Eli bites the tiny bud in warning causing her to shriek at the painful pleasure.
“Ass,” she mutters at the punishment, as she unbuttons her jeans. His fingers deeply thrust into her, causing Ivy to arch up and gasp at the sudden entrance.
“Okay, okay, I’m sorry,” she moans, eyes shutting as the slow pumping of his fingers cause hundreds of sparks of delight to flow right from her centre all throughout her body.
Eli relishes in the feeling of her hot, wet, tight p*ssy enveloping his fingers. His head rises from her chest and his forehead leans against hers.
“Tell me you want to stop this,” he snarls fingers curling up in her and grazing at her sensitive walls. Ivy’s fingernails dig into his shoulders, gripping on for her sanity as it slips away to him. His thumb pads across her throbbing cl*t and circles creating yet more lust in her.
“No...No, don’t stop...Oh God, Eli...don’t stop!” she moans, head thrown back as his fingers increase in momentum. The rapid pace soon has that balloon of arousal inflating so much that it’s on the brink of popping and giving Ivy her release.
“Please...Oh please, Eli, please,” she mutters in desperation. The hand resting on her back slithers up, fondling her willing breast as lips drown out her moans.
Then just as he pinches her taut n*pple, he also drives his fingers in her so deep, the balloon pops and her orgasm rips through her. She can feel her juices drenching her panties, soaking them right through but Ivy’s too high to care about something like that. She can feel his fingers slowly withdraw from inside her, causing her to whimper softly at the parting. It’s shortened though by the pressing of his lips to hers once again.

“Is this going to be a thing then? An orgasm a day?” she grins, eyes sparkling with humour and the afterglow of the intense pleasure.
Eli chuckles slightly, pushing her hips into him, causing her to bite her lip as she feels his steel organ press into her.
“We can certainly make it a thing...But I’m not done with you yet,” he mutters, hands drawing around her waist as he hoists her against him and off the table.
“What do you have in mind, Mr Carter?” she retorts as he lays her on the bed. His handsome features cause a devious smile to morph as eyes sparkle with excitement and lust.
“Some very naughty things, Miss Stanford...very naughty indeed,” he whispers back, lips latching onto her neck and leaving yet another bruising hickey on there.
Ivy’s hands trails up his back, feeling the thick muscles bunching up under her fingertips.
“ should let me return the favour?” she muses legs wrapping around his slim waist allowing her centre to feel him again.
“I will...but first thing’s first; these clothes have to go,” he replies sitting back to sweep her jeans and panties off in a fluid motion. His tongue flickers over his dried lips as he takes in the sight of his sexy mate, lain bare and so ready for him. However as much as he just wants to pull his pants down and fuck her raw; he can’t or rather he won’t. Although neither of them are virgins, he wants their first time together to mean something. He wants to give her what those sappy romance novels and movies try to portray; a deep, passionate act of not primal instinct but of love.
Still, that doesn’t mean they can’t do other things to satisfy their appetite before that.

“You and your toys will be the death of me,” groans Ivy as Eli reaches into his drawer and gathers exactly what he needs. Grinning at her he places the two tiny pink buds on her own little taut buds.
“Hold them here,” he smirks at her as he tears the black tape with his teeth.
“Wait...what is that?” she asks.
“Bondage tape...Now, how does this feel?”
Ivy’s about to ask what when the buds start vibrating against her n*pples, causing her to scream out at the sudden pleasure.
“I asked you a question, Ivy. Don’t you dare leave me waiting, honey,” sings Eli fingers trailing at her pubic bone in a teasing manner.
“How do you think? Fucking amazing,” hisses Ivy head rolling back and fingers scratching his smooth back, leaving a fiery trail; the same fire that’s burning in her because of him now.
Eli glances up giving her one of his smug smirks as he places a soft kiss at the corner of her lip. The kisses swiftly spread down the left side of her neck; south through the valley of her breasts; dipping into her slim, sunken stomach and to the wet, throbbing nub that’s begging for his attention.
When his breath fans over the sensitive bud, he can hear Ivy gasp as her breathing becomes laboured. His fingers part her soft lips as they are coated in juices of lust, and tongue laps at the saccharine nectar. He’s granted with a low buzz of appreciation from her as well as her hips rising in search of the residing tongue. His own taste buds tingle from the explosion of sweet juices. They urge him for more and following that urge, he sucks and licks hungrily to quench his thirst of her.  
Ivy’s hands clutch tight onto the fluffy duvet, her body tingling at his mercy. The sensations of the vibrations at her chest combined with Eli’s skilled tongue, twisting and flicking against her intimate, delicate parts send her mind high with pleasure.
“Oh...Eli!” she moans accidently slipping out his name for which she gets reprimanded by his teeth; they roughly nip at her sensitive cl*t sending waves of erotic pain in with the pleasure.
Replacing his tongue with his fingers, he gently pumps in and out of her, causing her to groan as the tempo has her orgasm subduing.
“No...Please...Please, Sir....” she begs in protest trying to gyrate her hips further into his fingers to bring her back closer to the edge of pure pleasure.
“Shh...I just need to grab something, baby,” he soothes as he reaches into the drawer and feels for the desired object. They’re the lightest set he has which for Ivy would be best. Travelling back down before she can question him on his surprise for her. Switching it on, he places the vibrating ball inside her. Ivy yelps out at the sensation inside her. The weights with her soft motion, hit against her nerves, creating a steady strum of arousal that’s just not enough to set her off but keep her on edge.
“I think it’s time you return my generosity, beautiful,” he lowly whispers to her, his words causing more shots of desire to bolt through her.

She’s about to ask what he would like her to do, when he straddles her waist and whips the t-shirt off his back. Tossing the thing aside, he grins down at her and spontaneously flips them over. A squeak of shock escapes Ivy’s lips even though she knows that by now she should be used to Eli’s surprise man-handling ways and his ability to just toss her about in random spurs of energy. Although Ivy covers it with annoyance she knows that inside her, it’s actually exciting to be thrown onto the bed and ravaged or just flipped around when she’s not expecting it. Not knowing what’s to come is always thrilling.
“So what now, Sir,” teasingly purrs Ivy as she straddles Eli’s waist and runs a finger down the blonde hairs of his chest. The damned weight shifts in her, placing pressure on a particularly sensitive spot that has her breath catching.

“You’re going sort out what you’ve given me-”
“I haven’t given you anything!” cries Ivy in protest but when Eli jolts his hips to hers; Ivy’s cheeks blush in realisation and she squeaks an ‘oh’.
“Yeah...But no hands. Only that fiery, hot mouth of yours; got it?” he instructs as his thumb traces her light pink lips. Ivy can only nod at the kinky request, her mouth already salivating as her mind tries to remember his unique, musky, delicious taste. In the meantime Eli, grabs the handcuffs and leans up to restrain her wrists behind her.
“But just this once, I’ll give you a little help,” he smiles as she shifts down his legs. He unbuttons and unzips his jeans, wiggling them down his crotch.
“All yours baby. Remember, longer I go, longer you go,” he reminds her with a gentle stroke of her head.
Ivy takes it as her challenge to ensure that he comes in the shortest time possible. Her lips leave succulent kisses in their wake down his toned abs, all the way to the elastic of his boxers. There with a grin to herself, Ivy pulls it down with her teeth, snapping it back on his hard d*ck halfway down.
“Oops,” she coyly comments with a giggle, as she hears his loud hiss.
He goes to retort but his words morph into a long moan with the wet kiss she lays on his exposed head. As the kisses reach the waistband again, Ivy pushes it all the way down and licks all the way up the steel rod that is pressed flat against his stomach. As she reaches the tip, a single drop of pre-come slithers over the slit, glistening temptingly for her to lap up. The salty flavour infuses with his musky, male taste like a marriage made in heaven for her taste buds.
Eli’s jaw clenches tight as he feels her suckle the head of his d*ck and moan; the vibrations causing him to hold onto his discipline. Her lips vacuum off as tongue teasingly swirls around the sensitive mushroom top. A mental string of curses echo through his mind, while he battles with his self-control.
Ivy’s mouth slowly descends upon his length, suctioning it in little by little into her hot, wet hole. She concentrates on repressing her gag reflex as the tip hits the back of her throat, but that’s easy enough as she once again tastes his exquisite essence. Her moan is muffled by him; however that in return is knocking Eli’s restraint. Determined to last longer, he fights through it even as she pulls out.
She glances up at him to see the strain clear in his features. Grinning at his struggle, Ivy licks her lips and gives a wink at him; denying him access to her own torment of the vibrating toys amplifying her libido. But thinking of it just causes her to become all the more aware of the tingles, so Ivy refocuses her attention on Eli. At least that gives her mind some distraction from the sexual torment.
Again she pulls him into her mouth, this time pulling out only as he’s halfway down her throat before going down again. She finds herself repeating this over and over again, each time pushing herself that little bit faster so as to cause Eli’s strain to tighten that little bit further. However minutes later and Ivy starts getting frustrated as she discovers that he won’t let go. Her mind races for ways to make him just completely lose control and there’s only one she can think of.
Slipping his stiff d*ck from her mouth, Ivy kisses down the side of it towards his left ball. Taking the sensitive, heavy, large organ into her mouth, her tongue swirls around its soft skin which judging by his loud gasps must feel pretty damn good.
Come on, come on, chants Ivy as she moves from one sack to the other to give it the same loving attention as its twin. Moving back to his bulging staff she slides her throat back down it, teeth grazing as she does so.

“Please..Eli,” she whimpers desperately onto his tip. How much longer can she last? How much more will he put her through this? She needs release. Why won’t he just let go of his own restraint?
“Beg me, baby. Beg me to come,” he huskily retorts in a chocked pant. Over the years he’s more or less mastered his discipline but now with Ivy, he feels like a young adult again trying to learn the ways of his body. Has he really lost his touch or is it just her?
“Please Sir...Please, baby...Come for me. I want it...” she breathes, lust filled moss green eyes flickering up in pleading.
“Fuck,” he mutters, eyes squeezing shut as she pulls her mouth over his throbbing organ. Finally letting the control snap, Eli feels the rush of pleasure swoosh through him like a bullet train. The chock hold on his balls reduces as their hot, thick seed flows through him into her.
There seems to be an endless sea of come filling Ivy’s mouth, far quicker than she can swallow the fluid but the heavenly taste has her eagerly trying. Once he’s drained, she gazes up at him in craving of her reward.

“Come here, beautiful,” he murmurs beckoning her with a crook of his index finger. Confused, she straddles higher up his lean physique to his waist.
“Higher baby,” he grins.
Ivy obeys, unsure still as to what he wants; however when she reaches his shoulders, she feels him slip down further underneath her. With her knees resting either side of his head, a soft blush splashes across her cheeks in realisation.
Eli wraps his arms around her comfortably, before mouth cups her sweet throbbing nub that’s become his favourite pet. He can hear Ivy’s breath hitch as she mashes herself onto his face further. Grinning at her eagerness, he gently pushes her back up, as fingers stroke her wet lips. When his fingertips come into contact with the vibrating toy, he cruelly has to prod at it, causing the vibrations to hit a deeper nerve in Ivy that has her moaning lowly.
“Eli...Please, I mean it...Please,she hisses hands lying flat against the wallpapered wall with head resting against the cool, solid object.
Her only response is his fingers prying the sensational toy out of her, and instead of cooling her down as she’d hoped it only increases her need to come.
“Eli!” she groans elbows slumping against the wall now and fire rushing through her whole body.
His mouth cups over her whole p*ssy eliciting another moan from her. As his tongue wiggles its way into her, she finds her grip on the chains of orgasm slipping.
“Let go, Ivy,” he mutters to her, pinching her cl*t lightly as he buries his tongue fully inside her.
It’s too much and Ivy can only do as he wishes-let go. Her mind soars blissfully high with pleasure whilst the tingles run all the way down her body to her cl*t and she feels her familiar orgasm rip through her. As the growing trend with Eli, Ivy finds herself forgetting about any guilt that may have been there before and she can fully relish in the ecstasy.

“Wow...” she breathes finally down from her high. Her body seems to have replenished some of its lost energy and the sexual arousal nearly disappearing completely. Her tender nipples have softened and heart has returned to its normal tempo.
“Thanks, you weren’t bad yourself,” winks Eli in good humour which Ivy decides to retort with a roll of her eyes.
“Eli...” she starts snuggling closer towards his body.
“Yeah...” he replies suspiciously.
With her head resting at his chest and his arm slung over her tiny shoulders, she traces patterns on the flat plains with a finger.
“I don’t understand....I don’t understand haven’t pushed this further,” she whispers glancing up in curiosity.
“Because...I...want it to be special; our first time together I mean...I know it’s cheesy, Jeez-”
“No! No! That’s...sweet, Eli. That’s really sweet...But I just hope it lives up to its promise,” she grins back snuggling into his warm chest.
“It will....Hey, don’t fall asleep on me now. We have to go to the club tonight.”
“I know...but there’s nothing wrong with a...little nap,” she smiles up, her eyes shuttering close. 

A/n Unedited! (Before anyone says anything). Also hope this is a little hotter! Not sure of next upload, but I'll post once I've finished writing it :P 

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