Ade & Sam: For the Fans :)

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First of all, if you haven't read the first Sam and Ade part (I suggest you do so). 
Second, this is most DEFINITELY Rated R (no doubt about it). 
And third, I just want to point out a few really obvious but important things about this One-Shot: 
-It is completely consensual as there is a safe-word in lieu of 'no'. 
-It is between 2 adults that trust each other. 
-It's a form of roleplay not an act of violence.

If you feel this is unclear in the One-Shot, I'm totally open to having a discussion about it but I have felt like I've kept the lines very clear between rápe and roleplay. 

Bonus Ade+Sam Chapter (for the fans :* ): 


T-minus 2 days to go until moving day. They still have a shít load of stuff to pack but Sam's not too worried. Thankfully, they can afford not to be on a strict deadline but Adrian being the type A person he is, has already arranged for the moving van. She presumes that moving day will be hectic then, not just because of the physical labor but also because her man will have no doubt scheduled to the nth degree and left little room for error whereas she prefers to leave large margins for error. Either way, she's not too stressed by it. Sometimes, it's just nice to have someone else shoulder the burden and responsibilities for a bit.

She sure will miss the apartment. They've had a lot of good times in it (and a few bad) but it is time to move on, grow up and really settle some roots. Sam can't lie to herself, making a life in suburbia does scare her just a tad. Not only because it makes her feel like an actual grown up and not just some young adult in the 'best years of her life', but also because she's never considered herself as 'suburbia mom'. Though she supposes fitting in is always nerve-wracking, no matter the age.

Shaking all that off, she enters the apartment, dumping her coat on the rack and toeing off her shoes. Sam's stretching her neck, rubbing out the stress of the week when the sound of a faint thump echoes to her ears. It sounds like it's coming from the bedroom but...Ade's not home yet. Or at least she can't see his coat on the stand and his shoes on the rack. There's hardly any way it's thief though. They live on one of the top floors of the condos with security everywhere on the bottom floors. Sam inspects the lock but it doesn't appear to be tampered with.

It has to be Ade. It's the only logical explanation.

"Adrian?" she calls out stepping into the dark bedroom.

The blinds are drawn. She left early in the morning when even the sun wasn't even up but she'd presumed Adrian would have opened them. Perhaps, he left early too. Knowing the room well, she's quick to adjust to the shadows.

"Ade? Bab-"

The rest of her call rises into a yelp as Sam is grabbed from behind and pressed against the wall. There's a split second where her body goes rigid with shock and fear, before the self-defense and martial arts training swiftly kicks in.

"Safeword," demands the voice of her captor, just before she unleashes the full force of her fists. Sam's defenses immediately settle.

Her pounding heart slows as she soaks in the feel of her husband's hard body molded to her back. One of his arms has her captured at the waist, the other resting on the wall in front of her.

"Orange," she murmurs as she realizes that he's actually doing this.

They'd talked about this but dear God, she thought it was him simply indulging her.

Clearly satisfied with her knowledge of their safeword, he presses her further flush against the wall. She's completely trapped now between two very hard walls.

"Now, be a good little girl and this will be over for you a lot quicker and less painfully," he promises in a faux cajoling voice.
They may not have talked about this scenario in much detail but she knows enough to know that they both want the thrill of the chase and struggle.

With that in mind she pushes back against his chest, testing his stance at first. Since that is solid, Sam puts a bit more effort into her try, struggling against his hold as she tries to place enough room between her and the wall to slip out.

And so the game begins.

Adrian wrestles with her for a few moments before managing to grasp both her hand behind her and clasp them back by the elbows. Her back arches at the position, her body only weakly wriggling allowing him with his other hand to free her wild mane from its constrains. The mass of curls spring forth just as he pushes it aside and places his hand around her neck. His thumb is placed against her throbbing pulse and he knows from experience that that pulse also means that she's probably soaking through her panties right now. One of the most satisfying things in his life is definitely taming his tigress.

Remembering her role Sam gives one more effort to squirm but when Adrian's fingers flex ever so slightly at her neck, she ceases her movements. It's never enough to hurt her or even to block the airflow in any way but the firmness...oh the strength in the power play excites her submissive side immensely.

"I see you've opted for option number 2," he rasps against her ear, "that's okay. Perfect for me. I love teaching a bad girl some manners."

A body shiver rakes through Sam but she forces herself to step into the role of a hapless victim.

"Fúck you," she hisses, "let me go, ásshole!" she cries her hands trying to break out of his hold.

"Not yet Princess. Not until I've got what I want from you," he viciously snarls back.
His hand darts from her throat and to the top of her shirt. Without warning, the buttons are ripped from the clothing and she gasps more in outrage than anything.

Goddammit! He can be the one to hover the buttons and he owes her a new shirt. Those thoughts are quickly vanquished when he paws at her bréasts. With anyone else, at any other time, it would have repulsed her but this is Ade and she knows exactly how skilled those hands are. It must also be his lucky day since she's worn one of the few front clasp bras she has. Her left breast is cupped in his rough palm as they're freed from their confines. His lips hit that sweet spot on her neck and that greedy hand kneads the breast it's holding.

"Such perfect, pretty nípples sweetheart, prettier with some jewelery though. And I'm thoughtful enough to get you some."
Sam stiffens in his arms, a tiny whimper escaping her lips completely unconsciously. Clamps are a real bítch, she loves the bite of them but hates when they come off.

She struggles in his arms and her 'no' sounds real enough but it's not the safe-word so Ade only gives a moment of pause.
"That's right, simmer down wild cat. You're mine for tonight, understand?"
Sam hisses at him, "like hell, I am. Get off me!"

His long fingers pinches and twists her erect nípple, the unexpected sting causing her to curve up, her áss jutting against him. Even with the layers of fabric between them, there's no denying the hard totem pole erect down there.

"Hands on the wall, Princess and don't even twitch or I'll really make it sting."

Fúck. And he thinks that didn't?

Sam bites her tongue before a sassy remark slips out and earns her another bite of pain, however therein lies another dilemma, does she want that pain or not?

Either way, her decision is made when her palms press flat against the wall.
"Good girl," he whispers before she feels him ease off a little.

Her confusion is quelled when bright fluorescent lights illuminates their room.

Sam's head goes to the side, eyes instinctively searching for Adrian when his hand dives into her head of curls and redirects her gaze forward.
"Eyes front, Tigress, I want you to think about who's going to be making you come."

Her breath naturally catches at that, the prospect of orgásming always a good one. Although, duh! Of course, she has to play disgusted. Right.

God, it's getting harder and harder to remember the roleplay when he makes promises like that and holds her semi-nude body against him like so.

Ade's hands cup her breasts, showing devotion to them as his lips kiss the supple skin of her shoulders.

She squirms against him, half from pleasure but also half from keeping in character. However, when they slide down her stomach to the button of her trousers, she jolts her hips throwing him off kilter. Sam can't deny that Adrian's growl of frustration does bring her the tiniest bit of satisfaction but as she writhes the difficulty he has undoing her trousers is entertaining. Eventually, sick of the games one large hand plunges into the barely opened, restricted confines of Sam's pants. She tries to unsuccessfully buck him off, though as long fingers cup her wet cúnt, she's quick to quieten.

"Please," she begs, "let me go."
The word 'never' is silent in there but they're both well aware of it.
"Not until I get what I want from you, Princess. You're going to cream for me, sweetheart and come screaming."

Sam shakes her head even as his fingers easily part the flimsy material of her panties and rub at the slippery folds of her lábia.
"No, no I'm not, ásshole. Not for you," she grits out fighting the urge to not be a hypocrite.

It's a damn difficult thing not to just relax into his arms and allow him to do as he will to her body. She'd imagined fighting him would be a whole lot easier but clearly not. Regardless, Sam is not a quitter.

She twists her body and when that doesn't work, she decides to use her hands. They curve back, palms pressing against his hips, trying to get a better angle and leverage to be able to push him off. Unsurprisingly, it doesn't work and much to her dismay all that happens is that he uses the hand that had been cupping her breast to pin her hands by the wrists at her lower back. This time there's little she can do to escape from the situation. Even wiggling her body has no effect, especially when he curls a finger inside her pússy and hooks her.

The little breathless moan is amplified when his thicker, longer middle finger joins in. All pretense of resisting is temporarily expelled as she relaxes into his hold. The rhythm is slow to start, warming her up yet even when she's simmering he teases her by retaining the languid pace.

To beg for more would really be breaking character and while Sam doesn't care about that, her pride is at stake. She'd asked for this and to succumb to defeat so soon would be a bullseye on her shame.
Her body however is less loosely controlled by her mind in such a state and is unabashed in asking for more.

Hips jolt up as she tries to slither down to meet knuckle, however the actions are countered by Adrian and as lust builds in Sam so does séxual frustration. She has to gnash her teeth to prevent the word 'please' slipping out but in its place the whimper for more does so. Only with that does Adrian switch to a pace more encompassing of her needs. With the frustration pent up in her, it doesn't take long for Sam to feel herself building up to a boil.

"I knew all this so-called resistance for show. Your pússy wants to cóme, sweetheart," he growls against her ear.

Sam's well aware of that fact. Her 'pússy' (as he so eloquently described it) does indeed want to come, in fact, it's powerless when it comes to Adrian and his magic piano fingers, however if it's a battle of wills he wants then she'll put up a good fight.

"Fú," she grits out, every cell in her body tensing in refusal to buckle at her captor's talent.

Adrian, however, doesn't play fair. With his thumb joining the party, the slow, definitive circles he violates her clít with has her defenses crumbling brick-by-brick. Knowing that she has to do something soon, Sam's panicked last resort is to try free her arms. Yet this is in vain, as her ministrations only cause him to tighten his loosened grip and in complete contradictions to her intentions, the sensation of being pinned helplessly by her man has Sam pushed to the tipping point of climax. All it takes is one flick of her clít by Adrian to have her collapsing in his arms in orgásm.

Still encapsulated in the aftermath of her quaking climax, Sam is quietly compliant when Adrian spins her around and urges her down with a clear press to her shoulders. Usually she's pretty happy to go down on him, seeing as he always tends to reciprocate the favor but being put firmly in the mindset of a submissive, she's more than keen for the request. Although he doesn't say the words, his actions prove a break in his character.

With one hand tilting her chin up, his gaze probes hers for signs of distress. She can't help but flash him a quick, vivacious grin in response before her hands smooth at his hips. The dark denim jeans are one of his favorites and hence worn in so much, they're practically sweatpants at this point. She swears she's going to throw them out one day but for now, she lets it go, thankful that at least they're soft enough for her to be able to feel the musculature of his body.

"You have a smart mouth, Princess. Good news for you, I have just the thing to curb that unseemly trait," he growls with eyes shining with laughter.

She smothers her own grin as best she can before responding in a bratty tone with an equally bratty statement of, "like that pencil-sized díck could do anything."
Adrian grapples with the laughter bubbling within him, managing to snuff it down to the clearing of his throat. He's not one for big talk, he'd much prefer to show her.

As he unzips his pants and pushes them down, underwear and all to allow 'pencil' to pop out, Sam is pressing at his hips, trying to push him back. He fights the resistance, one hand holding the base of his díck and the other delving into her thick curls.

"Open wide now, sweetheart," he mockingly coos.
Her head tosses side to side as she squeals in resistance.
"Get away from me. No. No," she cries, eyes squeezing shut too.

They soon open wide though as Adrian's fingers at her scalp seize her head jerking and tilts her chin up.

"The sooner you do as I say, the sooner this is all over, understand?"
Sam blinks at him, giving him one singular slow nod. Thank God, he doesn't want drag the foreplay out for this particular foreplay. She honestly wasn't sure how much more she could pretend resisting.
"Good girl. Now part those pretty lips and suck."

He feeds her just the tip, her lips curling over and tongue immediately swiping up to familiarize itself with the taste of him again. The hands resisting his hips immediately curl around, fingers digging into that perfect sculpted áss. Yeah, he's not the only one who's allowed to appreciate ásses. Instinct and conditioning has her darting forward wanting to suction more, wanting to play. The hand at her head however tightens ever so slightly, reminding her who's really in charge. She gazes up, meeting his gaze as she conveys her appeal to allow her to have her turn. The request is successful, just as she suspected it would be. After all, she knows his weak spots now, especially the little curve on the tip of his díck that when licked just makes him melt to her wishes.

His hold on her loosens considerably, resting there as she's given the opportunity to showcase her skills. Now, she wouldn't call herself the queen of blówjóbs but she is an expert on Adrian so she knows that he likes it hard, wet and deep so she gives him that. Coincidentally, that's also how she likes to take it.

With that in mind, she keeps her strokes long and slow, taking him in as far as she can before retracting that movement. As his unique taste floods her senses, fingers grip tighter at his hips as she bobs with more vigor. While both his hand come to grip at her skull they remain passive to her motions as his hips follow the rhythm of her nods.

Head tilted back, he smiles to himself as he thanks his lucky stars that he's been blessed with a soulmate just as into oral séx as he is. He only knows too well what a pain that's been in the past but all that now seems like some distant dream in comparison to Sam. Adrian's head drops back down, eyes dilated and nostrils flaring as he captures the image of her gripping his díck and licking from base to tip, all with a grin on her face. Goddamn despite all their playful and not so playful arguments, moments like this when they are both so in tune with each other reminds him just how perfect she is for him. He pushes those thoughts into the 'bring up later' category, knowing that if he concedes to them now, he'll end up fúcking her against the wall and declaring his love for her. While that is an excellent outcome that would no doubt leave them both satisfied, it isn't the scenario he has planned out. She said she wanted 'forced' and that's what he intends to deliver on.

"I said 'suck'," he snarls, pushing her down.

She gargles in surprise but the hands at his hips and the rest of her does not protest. Like a good submissive, she surrenders to her Master's control. He drives her further down on him than she would normally do so on her own, holding her there for what feels like forever before finally drawing back out. Sam gasps for air and readies herself for the challenge again. She may be more prepared for it yet her instinct is to pull back, even with his grip on her, she still manages to dart back slightly only to realize there's a wall behind her. The sensation of being trapped by her Master is a powerful aphrodisiac and despite having just cóme, Sam feels herself dampening in response.
His fingers tighten ever so slightly against her scalp and that very slight twitch of his díck is all too telling. She braces herself for it but it never comes (literally).

Instead he hauls her up by the elbow, her feet slipping below her as they tangle in the pool of her trousers. Adrian's not bothered by that, lifting her practically off her feet. Sam's noise of protest from being almost picked up is not faked in the least. Being thrust on the bed, however, isn't an action she has any problem with. In fact, truthfully, she loves it. The bed's not exactly hard and it makes her feel (dare she say it) feminine when he does that. She props herself up watching as he strips his shirt off. His indented sinewy muscles over time had been something Sam would briefly glance over, her focus more on the man himself rather than his appearance. Though even she can't deny that his body certainly evokes lust in her, she just hadn't really considered that those muscles actually contained strength and weren't some sort of prop. Stupid really, but it's easy to forget when strong man is strong because of his heart and not his body.

It's when the jeans drop and his hands go to the waistband of his boxers that she snaps herself from his trance. Oh yeah, she 'doesn't' want this. Rebalanced, Sam shoots off the bed just as Adrian is distracted from stepping out of his boxers. Had she witnessed that, Sam's pretty sure her legs would have automatically fallen open.
The lust must be really clouding her head because all sensibility flies out of there as she heads for the bedroom door. The door that is behind her captor. If she'd have been in her right mind, it wouldn't have come as such a shocking surprise when he catches her around her middle and hauls her back.

As it stands, she yelps at the motion, screaming in the least convincing way possible for him to let her go. Being hauled back onto the bed ceases the cries as the wind is temporarily knocked out of her.

Excited brown puppy eyes, glisten back at Adrian as he pulls her down the mattress by the ankle as she tries to scramble back. Bending over her, he gives her a quirk of his lips, giving her insight into his own amusement of this whole charade, all before suctioning her right breast. His mate gasps, arching into him as his tongue circles around the perky solider he'd injured before. Normally, his sub may clutch him or whatever confines she's under, but this time, her hands rather feebly try to push his head away. He grins against the supply bronze flesh, allowing her to continue her efforts as he moves to the other breast. The squirming below him, he's not sure is in character though, not when he hears those familiar pants. Panting that she has way too under control for his liking.

Sam's legs are already laid apart when Adrian travels down her torso. The confusion of his lips leaving her chest has her thoughts stuttering momentarily. That alone is enough for it to be too late to try seal her legs shut when he reaches there. There are no coy preliminary licks or teasing butterfly kisses from him this time. Thank God. Sam's more than revved up and dripping, not just from that previous orgásm but also from the anticipation of having him in her.
As his mouth engulfs her wet heat, devilish tongue sliding through the fleshy lábia and meeting those sensitive petals of her pússy, Sam practically shoots off the best. She certainly would have clocked him had he not been holding down her hips. Her hips instead restless, try to find some sort of rhythm to undulate with to the ministrations of his talented tongue. Half-crazed, Sam's barely aware of her own actions as she weakly tries to fight him off.

With her body pinned, she can only really squirm, but her hands are free and able to urge him back by his head and shoulders. The efforts are in vain as they're quickly captured and pinned down. Some part of her mind brainstorms for new ideas of escape, hell-bent on its mission until...Until she feels the sudden oncoming tides. Her fingers claw desperately at the sheets as she feels it coming. The potential intensity frankly frightens her. She not sure anymore she wants to cóme. It might just kill her to do so.

"Stop, stop, please," she sobs.
Amazingly Adrian does. Sam slumps back, waiting for him to crawl up and look at her as he usually would to check she's okay, but that doesn't happen. In fact, she was betting on that pause to get herself back in check and calm the torrents to a ripple. Instead the bástard, flips her straight over. Before she even has time to regroup, he has her dragged down and pillows under her hips.

That time lapse is all the warning she has as he spears into her. Her pússy molds itself over him lovingly, after all, it is that particular staff that is causing the roaring waves to rise to a tsunami.

Despite realizing its steadfast approach, Sam's powerless to her body's insatiable hunger for more. Her hips rock back in tune to Adrian's thundering thrusts.

Hunger, lust, passion, anger, love.

Everything crashes and collides amongst the chaos within Sam. Logic is overwhelmed as it tries to sort these conflicts and bring about order to the disorder. Suddenly, everything is silenced as the oncoming wave finally crashes. Just as she'd predicted it brings destruction in its wake, frying her nerves, sparks of electricity twitching her muscles as she is powerless to it all. The pleasure...the pleasure is an intensity that is almost too much. She's limp, floating hopelessly, aware only distantly that her lover has not joined her in bliss.

Luckily, Ade's not far away. It would be impossible when he has his wife pegged under him, limp from satisfaction, with the view of her magnificent áss assaulting his eyes and her velvet pússy embracing him. Before long he succumbs to the inevitable, the orgásm shuddering through his entire core, the groan embodying the feeling projecting throughout the room. Assaulted body crumples down onto her covering her, protecting her from everyone but him.

Sam revels in the deliciousness of his body weight on her, her cells resetting back to their normal functioning selves. Every part of her feel intensely relaxed, slightly sleepy and incredibly affectionate. Almost reading her thoughts, Ade kisses the space between her collarbones and rolls over, dragging her body with him and curling her to his chest.
Her fingers graze along his abdominals as she buries against his shoulder, shielding him from the sudden springing of tears that pool at the corner of her eyes.

Fúck. This man.

Only he makes her this emotional, this irrational because why else would she be crying. Sure the séx is good (okay, better than simply good) but goddámit! She is not someone who cries after séx.

"Wow that was..." he muses breaking off into a grin.
He's never done anything like that. In fact, róleplay is not something he's done in general much. Sure there were the odd, maid costume or 'secretary' costume here and there but those scenes had usually dissolved pretty quickly into BDSM anyway. This though...Truth is as well, he can't have imagined agreeing to it had a woman other than Sám have asked.
He goes to kiss her forehead when he feels them.
"Sam? Sweetheart, look at me? Are you okay?"

The concern grows in his tone as the replay and analysis start in his mind. Shít! What the fúck did he miss? It is hard to be so in control when consumed with that much passion, but he'd been so sure her actions were not contradicting her words. He'd been so sure that he was reading her right. But...what if he hadn't.

"No, I'm fine," comes a muffled response and despite Adrian trying to pull away, she doesn't allow him to.

"Then what's going on? Why are you crying? Did I hurt you? Talk to me," he begs.
She sniffles slightly, shaking away the stream of droplets running down her cheeks as she embarrassingly gazes up at him.
"I promise, I'm okay. More than's just that. I- I don't know...It's just stupid hormones okay? Ignore it."
How the héll is she meant to explain the all-consuming love she feels for him right now? And in coherent sentences?
"Princess..." he coos soothingly, tugging her on top of him.
Her legs fall either side of his hips and she lies down, head resting at his heart, feeling the steadying, strong beat of it.

"Hormones or not, I can't ignore it. But if you don't want to talk right now we don't have to, having you in my arms is enough."

That almost wants to make her cry harder. Since when did Adrian get good at saying exactly the right words?

"I..I don't know how to explain it Ade. It's all so much."
" 'All'? We can slow down whatever it is you need slowing down. The moving house, the buying new furniture, the...the trying for a baby. If you regret or you want to take that back-"
"No, no. I want a baby. I want...I want it all. I'm not asking you to fix or change anything, babe. I'm just, well I guess, I'm just saying that it's all hit me at once. And I keep thinking that what if things don't go as we're planning it? What if we move out there and we hate it? What if the apartment doesn't sell? Or what if...what if I can't get pregnant? Or worse, what if there's something wrong with the baby? You know I was some freak of nature, what if that means that I cause-"

"All hypotheticals," cuts in Ade before she spirals too far. Though in truth, he'd also considered all those things. But there are always possibilities of things going wrong- always that doesn't mean that it's pointless to try.
"I know," he carries on, one hand smoothing down her back, "I know it's a lot of changes in a short amount of time and I'm scared too, darling. There are always things that could go wrong and many out of our control but...imagine everything going right. Imagine that and imagine what if, we had never tried? What wasted opportunities those would be."

She slumps against him, considering his words before admitting, "you're right."
Though before he can get a word in she cuts him off, teasing, "and don't you dare say you're 'always right'."
He chuckles, glad she's feeling more herself. God, if she does get pregnant soon, it might be disastrous for them. Not only because they both need séx like they need water but the aftermath is usually when they get to actually confront and cut loose their feelings. Although, technically, Ade's pretty sure it's fine to have séx while pregnant, he'd be comfortable with it. Or well, that she would either.

"I wasn't about to say that. I was actually about to ask whether this lived up to your imagination. If not, we may have to try again at some point."
She shifts, so her arms rest on the mattress against his head, propping her up so she can face him. His smile is infectious and it is in good spirit she retorts, "Maybe not. I think in this instance the fantasy was better than the reality."
"Huh. Wow. Well, I'll try not to take offense to that," he states incredulously.

Sam holds in her laughter as she explains, "that's not what I meant and you should know it. That second orgásm nearly killed me. It's just that it was so difficult and exhausting to keep up the act. But I am glad we tried it. Thank you."

Okay, that's a lot better. He's more than satisfied with that explanation especially as he can empathize with it. Though she doesn't need to thank him, as he'd told her before, if it's something she wants to try he's more than willing as her Master, husband and lover to at least consider it.

"You're welcome," he sighs pecking her lips as she leans down for the kiss. As she slumps back against his chest, but he's got a feeling she's gearing up to something. And he's not wrong.

" 'So'?"
"We've tried one of mine. It's your turn."
Ade tenses slightly at that as he repeats that last sentence of hers.
"No, no, it's only fair!" she encourages, sitting straight back up and staring him back. He can definitely sense the sadistic, excited glint in her eyes. Sure, he may be the sadistic in their séx games but she's definitely loves to tease and prod him, especially when he presents her with any sort of emotional barrier.
"I don't have anything in particular in mind right now."
"Búllshít," she gleefully cries out, "come on baby. Out with it. Remember what you said to me? You trust me, right?"
"Yes of course I do. Inexplicably so but really, I'm very happy."
The smile drops from her face as she drops lower and trails her nose against his chin.
"Ade," she murmurs kissing his jawline shaded with dark bristles of hair, "I know I'm making it sound like I'm not serious. But I am, baby. It's a two-way street; I can tell you anything but you can tell me anything too."
"I know," he whispers back, hand stroking over her áss. Usually that may be enough to distract her but not this time. Not when she's this determined.

"Okay, easier question; is it something you want to do to me or something you want me to do to you?...Or something else?"
"Sam, we really don't-"
"Adrian Carter, you do not get to pick one set of rules for me and other another for you. And it's me, Ade. I know you, I love you, nothing you say is going to change that.-"
Well, she almost nothing, she supposes. There are some pretty heinous things out there that would definitely change the way she looks at him, but all things she knows he would never do.
"-So trust me. What is it? A feet fetish? What's the animal thing called-that? A-"
"No, no stop, sweetheart, please! Alright I confess! It is...something I would like to try on you."
"Okay, and that is..."
"I want to try ánal," he admits waiting in anticipation for her reaction.
Almost instantly, she stiffens but after the initial reaction he's surprised to see her rolling her eyes.
"That's the big fantasy?" she rhetorically asks.

He's confused by her reaction. He'd been so sure it would be the same reaction as when he'd first suggested they try BDSM.
"Babe, I'm more surprised you haven't asked to try this before."
"I assume you're comfortable with trying it then?"
She stutters for a moment realizing that her blasé reaction to it obviously projects to him that she's absolutely fine with it she? That's a big deal and he's well, a big boy. Oh fúck...
"Or not," he finishes.
"No, wait, I didn't say that. I's a lot to think about. Have you...have you done it before? With other women I mean?"

Ade assesses whether he should truly answer that, especially knowing Sam and her slight jealousy streak. But then again, she has some sixth sense about his lies.

"...Yes," he eventually sighs, "a few times."

"With the same person?"
"With...a few different people."
She groans as he justifies, "you asked!"
"I know," she responds mildly irritated, "and I thought knowing that would make me feel better about it."
"Sam, we don't have to do it or change anything. I told you I'm more than happy with how we are. You just pressed me for an answer so I gave you one. But it is something that I wouldn't mind trying if you were also willing to."
"Alright, maybe. Let me think about it more," she concludes, "but first, I want a shower and food."

Ade can't help but laugh at that. That's definitely his woman. Séx and food are never far off her mind.  

A/n If you haven't read the Preface please do go back up there and check it out (it's not long). 

It always blows my mind when I have messages from readers who are just as invested into the lives of my characters as I am and so thank you guys for letting me and urging me to continue writing about all these Carter family!!!

I will keep going for sure and I promise we will get to their progeny at some point, but at the moment I've having fun writing about their lives and I hope you are having fun reading it too :) 

Thank you so very much again xx 

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