Mason & Katy: Tragic Irony

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A/n yes, I know you've all be waiting for it-this chapter does contain some BDSM :) 

Mason and Katy: Tragic Irony 

Finally, a moment alone; no florist coming to her about some of the flowers wilting, no bakers coming to her whether the fondant being 'millennial' pink rather than 'dusty' pink would be an issue and no caterers to quibble with over the ever changing special requirements menu. Right now, she gets a little bit of quiet. It's in that silence, all dolled up, it hits her. She has no doubts about Mason, especially seeing as their already functioning as a married couple but standing in the white dress, hair done, face done, Katy can't believe she's doing this another time. Of course, this time it's under no duress and she's actually getting everything she dreamt of in a wedding. Even the dress. 

The tulle skirted, sweat-heart neck lined ball gown was exactly what she envisioned. Except it hadn't been what she'd thought she'd paid for.

In the bridal shop, she'd tried the dress on but it had been out of her designated budget. Instead she'd settled on a simpler (and less costly) mermaid style gown. Clearly her bridesmaids (some of them being her future sister-in-laws) had seen her dimmed demeanor despite her arguing otherwise. The pesky family members and friends had then gone behind her back and not only told the shop to reserve the ball gown one but contacted Mason and told him he needed to swap the dresses and pay the difference. Her future husband, who'd from day 1 told her not to budget the dress so strictly, had been delighted to comply.

The woman in the mirror rolls her eyes. Katy can't really fault them. After all family meddles and well, this good kind of meddling she can handle. She's always wanted the quintessential American dream life and a big family is right at the top of that list.

And now she can.

There's a knock at the door. Katy supposes it's a cue for her seeing as her girls are already lined up and ready to walk. Thank God, they'd managed to wrangle up a church big enough. She's not too religious but for the sake of her mom and because it's a beautiful building she was sold. Convincing Mason was not hard at all, in fact the hardest part was trying to sell him on a light pink tie. That had not gone down well and they'd compromised with him agreeing to go navy to match his suit and fit in with the scheme. At least she'd gotten him to wear the suit with a tie which Adrian promised to do for him.

"Ready darlin'?"

Katy gives her mirror self a nod and turns to Zach. He's been the surrogate father she never imagined she'd need but is so extremely thankful for. Her own dad was a mellow man and Zach is relatively mellow but it's not hard to tell where the boys get their protective streak from.

"Yes," chirps Katy making her way towards him. 

"I'll say. You look beautiful, honey."
He punctuates the compliment with a kiss to her cheek.

Katy feels the blood rush to her cheeks, however with her skin tone (especially after a beautiful summer of sun) it's unnoticeable.

"Thanks Zach, we're still on schedule right?"

He rushes her out of the room with a hand around her waist.

"Just a tad behind but don't worry, everything's fine. No one's getting restless. Now, are you sure you don't want me to walk you down the aisle? You know I'd love to."

Katy shakes her head. She had considered it. She'd considered it a lot and while Zach is in a lot of ways just about an equal to her dad, he's not her dad. Her dad had been the one to walk her down the aisle the first time and after everything that's happened in her life so far, she doesn't want a 're-do'. It's not about forgetting everything that happened and washing it away, it's about moving past the past. She'll never forget it as long as she lives but she is certainly stronger for it. It may be only a small symbolism but walking down the aisle herself to her is a show of her independence. To Mason she gives herself freely and happily.

"Thanks Zach, that's really sweet of you but I want to do this myself. Besides, the dress is a little...wide."

Zach laughs at that. It certainly is a princess dress and she's right. The effect of the dress and the woman would be more pronounced if she were to glide down that narrow walkway by herself.

"Alright, alright, as long as you promise me a dance."

That she'll most definitely do. Mason had suggested scrapping the parent-child dances but she wasn't letting him off that easy. And she's not crazy enough to dance a waltz by herself.

"Absolutely, soon as I become your actual daughter."

He'd always jokingly called her an angel, especially waking up to her in the mornings. He never imagined he'd actually 100% believe it like he does that moment she floats down that aisle. She looks like some princess angel goddess hybrid and had it not been for the sound of his own heart thumping hard he'd have sworn there was a collective inhale around the room. The lighting, the flowers, the dress is all perfect, made so by the woman. It leaves Mason completely speechless and breathless. Is this seriously the woman who's agreed to be his wife? Oh boy is he punching way above his weight. Then again, that's lucky for him. When he'd envisioned his soul-mate he'd have sworn his type was more the slim, slight-boned women, with tatts, attitude and a fair bit of aloofness. Instead fate has given him an almost direct opposite and he can't imagine being any happier. She's independent for sure, he could leave now and she'd be able to survive on her two feet but the thing he loves about her is that she's not afraid to ask for help and rely on people. She has an innate warmth that draws in people's loyalty. She's certainly got him eating out of the palm of her hand, not that she's the type to take advantage of that.

"Hey," she whispers in the light tone of her bubbling with excitement.

He gives her a smile back as she hands her bouquet over to her maid of honor and allows him to take her hand.

He'd fumbled his words and that hadn't gone amiss as his mom had pointed out during their dance or when Dane gave his best man speech. It had been a small stutter but noticeable nonetheless. It's hardly his fault. He was reciting the words and made the mistake to glance across to his bride. Her elated expression enhanced her beauty 10-fold and his brain had paused to appreciate it.


It'd all been worth it.

Even the stupid suit.

In fact, this moment, holding her in his arms, swaying to the soft music on a nearly empty dancefloor makes all the exhausting months' worth it. Although...he wasn't the one slaving away. He'd helped where he could but he had no particularly strong opinions about any of it, especially not when she'd practically begged him for the girly color scheme. It's just his luck that navy worked well with the rose.

"Is it everything you wanted?" he whispers against her ear.

Her arms wind around his neck as she tips her head back.

The veil is now long forgotten, resting on her chair. It had worked with the dress but seemed a bit odd at second glance. The reason behind that, Mason learnt was because it was her mom's. After her parents' death, Richard had (to their shock) kept some key items in a storage locker. They'd found out about it when Eli had notified them of an email the deceased man got when the company hadn't received their yearly amount. Within that it turns out was Katy's mom's veil. Katy firmly believed that the man kept the stuff as ammunition and future incentive but in reality who knows? Who cares for that matter?

"And more," breathes back his wife causing him to give her a soft kiss.

"Is it what you wanted?" she asks him back.

His hand sails down her back to her waist. The material is cinched in there and balloons out below to her legs. It must have been hell for her to get into seeing as there's yards of fabric and he dreads the prospect of taking it off her. Thank God, he's patient otherwise getting his hand up there would have been a longer journey than the Hobbit movies.

"Baby, am I the kind of man to care about the font of name cards and whatnot?" he rhetorically questions, "long as you're the one I'm marrying. That's all that matters to me. But for what it's worth. You pulled this off amazingly."

Katy rolls her eyes good naturedly with her smile intact, "we did it together."

Mason snorts slightly as he disagrees, "sure thing, Little Doe."

He had done practically nothing and they both know it but it's sweet of her to make him feel better.

And now, it's probably about time he showed her some sweet.


Ade glances across at the happy couple trying to slip away. Although they're not exactly covert, what with one of them is wearing a cloud. But theirs isn't a bad idea. Sam's leaning heavily into him as they sway and he guesses that in approximately half an hour she'll be dead to the world asleep. This first trimester so far hasn't been too taxing on her. The tiredness is still a factor as are the sore breasts but she says she's not too bad. Physically, there's been a slight rounding of her stomach and Ade for one is overjoyed to see the adorable tiny bump. Sam on the other hand isn't as enthusiastic as that but he imagines that that's only because pregnancy gives her a little more limitations. Limitations, he's been ready and quick to continuously point out. The mood swings he can deal with but it's the sight of her strapping on her gun every morning that gets him. Damn fearless, stubborn woman.

"I have no idea how Katy did this all herself," mutters his wife, fatigue clouding her tone.

Yep, definitely time to go.

"Hmmm, well she's been planning this since a young age apparently," he replies, turning her onto one arm and guiding her towards the exit.

He catches the eye of his brother Eli and gives a chin lift as a way of goodbye. The close family will see each other all again for brunch tomorrow morning anyway.

They hadn't announced the pregnancy to any of them but the way Eli curiously glances at Sam for a moment, Ade's sure he's figured it out. Ah who knows? Their mom will be píssed. She'd have wanted to know that first moment they discovered it but Ade has a secret weapon up his sleeve. A few days ago they'd visited the gynecologist and heard the strong, steady and fast beat of their baby. That recording is a file on his phone and because of that he's super conscious not to be one of those parents. The kind that whip out every small thing their angel has done, no matter how shít it is or how uninterested the person is.

"Ugh still. Stupid shoes. Why did you let me wear these?" she complains and Ade has to roll his eyes at that.

He's been trying to be more tolerant since the newest addition to pregnancy has been mood swings. However, to blame him for 'letting her wear' those shoes is totally unfair.

"I told you not to," he points out.

She'd insisted on wearing them, claiming that she couldn't be the only bridesmaid not to and besides 'they're only kitten heels Ade'.

Sam doesn't rise up to the argument, yet another testament to her tiredness. Instead she stops him abruptly and gives him wide eyes and pouting lips. Oh boy, he knows what that means. She wants something and knows using honey will catch him for sure.

"Carry me?"

Well, he wasn't expecting that. Not only because she's not one to ever accept defeat, even if her feet are literally the size of balloons (which did happen once) but also because she hates being carried.

Now normally he'd let her sweat it out a little, make some sort of trade off but this time he doesn't have the heart to. With no resistance, Ade swings her into his arms princess style as she loops her hands around his shoulders and snuggles into his chest. It causes a pretty warm fúcking feeling to ebb throughout him but nowadays it's one he's growing used to.

"You're not allowed to ever bring this up," comes a small murmur from the soft yet strong woman in his arms.

He glances down, smiling at her and teasingly responds, "let's bargain for my silence another time."


Mason plops his bride back onto her feet. With the dress it was near impossible to carry her across the hotel threshold in a typical bridal style hold so he'd had to improvise and go fireman. His wife had only giggled and insisted that this was a tradition they could forgo but slinging her across his shoulder, he'd crossed into the room and swung the door shut.

The room's decorated as expected with electric candles and rose petals on the bed in the shape of a heart. There's also a bucket of champagne on ice for them to enjoy later. The ice will last, Mason decides and they can have a drink once he's quenched his thirst for his wife. Said wife seems to have a similar idea as she slides out of her heels and frees the half of her hair scraped up.

"I need your help with the back," she states spinning around and scraping her hair in front of her shoulders.

He says nothing, allowing his fingers to unhook and unzip his wife from the confines of the marshmallow engulfing her. As soon as the waist is unclipped the dress easily falls to her feet and holy hell is he treated to a feast.

She spins around coyly and his eyes peel away from the beautiful swell of her áss, covered in pretty much nothing to the rest of her. That too is pretty much both covered and uncovered at the same time. Scraps of strategically placed white lace and a see-through mesh material cover her all the important bits, being both sinful and innocent at the same time. Katy's skin is always gorgeous but tonight it looks flawless, smooth and glowing. His hands skim the perfection of her waist to just below the upward slope of her breasts. Jesus, her breasts. Naturally large they carry a slight sag but God does he love them and their sensitivity.

Women have curves, even the slimmest of them and he's always been a man to be appreciative of them, never seeking a partner with them in abundance or rations. Katy's fairly slim so her large breasts are a shock on her frame but like any straight male, Mason's not complaining. She'd brought up reduction surgery once and though he'd felt disappointed, he'd promised to support her. Thankfully after a consultation she decided not to and he was free to lavish his gratitude upon her.

Right now her breasts jut out, the big beautiful nípples poking from the wisps of lace barely covering them. His thumbs can't help but swipe across them, making them pebble ever so slightly.

"Nervous?" he asks her.

Their séx life is plenty eventful and while it may have tapered off ever so slightly amongst all the wedding preparation, it's never an issue these days. In fact, Mason recently introduced her to new forms of bóndage and to both their shock, she'd taken to it immensely well. Being completely tied and thrust up for his personal use was not a level he'd even imagined he'd be able to reach with her. He figured like the night they broke in their house's bedroom, he'd have to give her some leyway and ensure some limbs are able to be mobile. Apparently not.

Katy give him one shake of her head and follows it up with the corresponding words, "no."

His gaze assesses her for a minute but they both know she's not lying. She'd been a little tired on the dancefloor but she's all revved up now.

Mason in a suit is delicious. Not as delicious as Mason in his usual attire of dark jeans (usually with some sort of stain or rip in them from use), t-shirt and clunky biker boots (sometimes with the addition of a leather jacket or bomber one). Before Richard, if she were asked the type of man she envisioned dating, she wouldn't have instinctively said Mason but rather an Adrian Carter type. Of course, it's not Mason's attire that makes him so attractive but the man himself. His attentive, kind, caring personality mixed with coolness and relaxed attitude is what makes him her perfect soulmate. Oh and the fact that he can make her cream her pánties with just one heated look.

His hand cups her jaw, drawing her in for a kiss. She gives over to him instantly, her body leaning in, mouth deepening the chaste kiss as her hands smooth over his shirt. Despite her efforts, his hands remain still rather than sliding and smoothing over her begging body.

Frustrated, she tips her weight unfairly onto him, her own hands tugging at his tie and ripping it off. Mason tears away from her, holding her at a distance by her biceps.

"Strip. All off, baby."

The command in his low voice heavily painted with lust sends shivers through Katy's spine. Her brain melts so she forgives herself for needing to take a moment to come to the conclusion that she's way more undressed than him.

"Can't I strip you?" she pouts back.

Mason tilts one of corner of his lip in a half smile as he shakes his head.

"Not yet, Little Doe. My turn to play and if you have enough energy left after that, your turn."

Katy's eyes go wide knowing exactly what that means. She's not going to have enough energy for her turn.

"Okay," she whispers numbly watching for a moment as he gives her wink and strides over to their suitcase.

She's transfixed as he bends to pull out an object she's well acquainted with by now. As he tugs the rope out, Katy snaps into action, shrugging off the bra and stepping out of the tiny thóng.

He welcomes her over with open arms ceasing her rising embarrassment of just standing there nude. She's got no body issues apart from the slight after-guilt of Thanksgiving and Christmas dinners however she nonetheless feels awkward just standing there bútt-naked.

Mason's arms circle low around her hips, one palm curving over her áss. He softens her up with a resounding passionate kiss.

"Just let me know if it gets too much, won't you? Words will work just fine but if you really want to bite then that will work too," teases Mason lightly.

Katy feels her cheeks heat again as she ducks her head.

She had accidently bitten him twice but it was hardly her fault. She'd been so lost in sub-space that when he'd gone to unfurl the ropes off her she'd bitten his hand. Thankfully, the bite hadn't done any serious damage and he heals fast so they could laugh at the incident now.

"Sorry, I won't bite," she promises hoping to be able to fulfil that tonight.

Mason simply chuckles before pulling back and palms the jute rope. He'd only dappled in the Japanese art of bondage known as shibari in some circles and called kinbaku in others. Before Katy he'd only done basic knots, mainly for restraining however seeing her pleasure from it, it was his pleasure to learn more intricate constructs designed to invoke pleasure, sensuality and eróticism. He doesn't know if it's Katy or whether it's him becoming older and so appreciating this form of art but Mason's shocked at how much he truly enjoys it. It's a waiting game for him, keeping his arousal and patience on edge until they break.

Shivers zip down her spine as the anticipation sets in. Mason slide behind her and despite not making any skin-to-skin contact, his very presence is enough to coil everything inside of her tight. He knots the rope first before he curls it around her. He's gentle to start, the rope grazes over her expecting skin. The feel of the slightly coarse rope against her soft skin juxtaposed with Mason's hands which lay at a texture in-between the two. Katy doesn't know what it is with her but her switch flips and she instantly feels her pússy softening. Finishing with the back, he moves in front of her, positioning her hands the way he envisions before continuing knotting her up. His dark eyes meet hers both filled with molten heat. Mason can't help but steal a kiss. As he delves in, his hands flex and tightens the rope. It pulls all his work together causing his helpless victim to gasp as she stumbles against him. He grins, bearing her weight before pulling her into his arms. There's still a long length of the rope still left but he's saving that for the bottom half. For that he needs her lying down.

Katy's left confused and aroused as she lands among the rose petals with complete mobility of her lower limbs. Usually if he's doing her arms and upper body, he'll do one or two winding patterns of at least her upper thighs or hips. In those moments she's not always completely immobile but the feeling of it is enough. Although truthfully, even if she hasn't admitted it to Mason being completely immobile pairs fear with lust in quantities enough to sky rocket her libido.

"Mason," she calls as he's shrugging out of his suit and tie.

Pausing in between unbuttoning his shirt, he glances over to the bed where she twists her neck enough to face him.

"Yeah sweatheart?"

"You missed my legs," she mumbles eyes sliding away from his in embarrassment.

He does his best to conceal the chuckle of laughter but despite his best intentions it still comes off as muffled. In fact, the laughter amplifies as she tries to use her arms to cover herself and instead manages to roll over onto her side. With them securely attached by her sides, she can only move them in limited rotations from her elbows.

As his laughter dies down he rights her again while crawling between her splayed open legs. Kissing away her chaste kiss despite his smiling lips. He tries to have her open up and accept him deepening the kiss however he should have known by now that laughing at her embarrassment no matter how funny and cute it may be, makes her slightly cranky. It's fine because she can never hold a grudge for long. Especially when he pulls out his special moves. This time, he swipes her engorged nípple with the pad of his thumb.

Katy gasps, tearing her lips from Mason's as her head is thrown back. Her breasts and nípples become easily sensitive by the slightest bit of arousal but when her breasts are crossed top and bottom with rope and her poor nípples are also wedged between two strands, they're extra sensitive. The ropes not actually that tight, just a slight compression to make the blood and heat soar around her bréasts and aréolas. However, that slight pressure, unnoticeable at first, builds over time just as her pleasure does and often it contributes to tipping her over that fine edge into the endless ocean that is the female orgásm.

Mason hides his smirk against her neck, his fingers feeling for the rope he'd crossed over her lower back and bringing it forward.

As she stares at his working from those alluring almond eyes lazily coated with lust, he feels like the servant worshiping at a queen's feet. He would happily be the sacrifice for his Goddess any day, every day. The words must have shone through his features because the corners of her full lips tip into a secretive, smug smile. On her it's beautiful. Everything on her is beautiful. Especially the patterns of crisscrossing ropes and that look of disbelief right before she orgásms. 

"I would do anything for you," he whispers, knotting the rope he crosses at her hips.

He's always careful to avoid her kidneys and lower stomach area as they tend to be the more vulnerable places. The knots he does is thick and clunky but only designed to lie right above the hood of her clít so that when that little pearl does come out of hiding, it's not going to be neglected.

Maybe it's his words but she doesn't seem to register the knot yet.

Katy certainly does feel his words in her heart because of the situation, because of his sincerity and because it's Mason. Having a stronger man on top of you when naked and immobile is one of the most defenseless and exposing positions there is and though she can certainly deal with it now, having him there to give her such tender, loving words is a soothing balm on her deep cut issues.

"You don't have to do anything," she replies, "you're enough."

His hands pause at the patterns he's creating at her thighs and instead navy eyes widen as they pierce through to her very soul.

And he thought he was good with the sweet talk.

"You need to stop talking Little Doe or I'll never get finished tying you up," darkly growls back Mason, grabbing her by her hips and jolting her forwards.

She giggles in delight, beaming at him while cheekily ordering, "and we wouldn't want that."

He flashes her a humorous grin, still continuing with his work.

A few minutes later, he has the last of the rope looped off and his work is done. Her legs are permanently kept bent with just a slight amount of slack between them so as not to cause any muscle spasms. Rope spindles also web out from her bent knees to her arms keeping her legs separated at all times. Although the air is warm it's cool against her pússy. Instinctively Katy tries to close her legs and finds it near impossible to do, yet the action challenges her balance, almost making her tip over again.

"No baby," he wolfishly smiles, "you're not going anywhere." 

"Mason," she whispers shivering as his palm ever so gently runs over her lábia.

"All tied up and exposed. You're mine Little Doe.-"

Katy's breath hitches as his fingers part her most sensitive folds and is met with wet heat.

"-Your pleasures mine, your pain mine, your hardships mine.-"

Fingers slowly glide in.

"-Love you, baby. More than words can express."

Her eyes fall close unable to process his words paired with his actions. The slow pumping of his fingers has her aching for more while her mind is overcome with love for the man who she proudly calls her husband.


She barely manages to pant out the words as his fingers build the orgasm within her. His mouth plants open mouth kisses down her throat, ending up at one of her breasts. Tongue toys with one nípple, wetting the perky bud and adding a tingling sensation to the pressure.

His lips increase the pressure as his thumb overlays her glistening clít. The pearl has finally shown itself and Mason's not one to neglect the treasure he's been shown. He circles the gem reducing her to a mess of groans and moans.

The slow burn sizzles through her entire system, blazing higher and higher until she's reduced to a pleading mess.

"Mason, please? Please, baby, I need to...Oh God. Just a little..."

Not one to ever make her beg for long, Mason is happy to meet her wish.

"Come for me, baby."

With that he smashes her clít against the rope, allowing its raw coarseness to provide the pain while he drinks deep and provides the pleasure. She screams just before she bursts into flames. The sneaky slow burn orgasm shatters her, so much so that by the time she's fully aware of her surroundings, Mason's already got the cóndom on and is there peering over her.

He interlocks one of their hands as he uses the other as a prop for him adjacent to her head.

"You good?" he asks.

She squeezes the hand that holds his, smiling at him and replying, "more than. With you I'm always more than good, Mason."

It's the kind of response that makes his heart swell with pride and joy. He's not sure whether he feels this kind of reaction because of Katy's past or because she's his soul-mate or maybe it's because she makes it so easy to love her that he wants to give her the very best.

"Then let's make you more than good again," he says with a smile.

She laughs at that, happy to let him show her 'more than good' as many times as he'd like. After all, he's so skilled at it.

His hand unlocks from her, smoothing down her body feeling the softness of her skin and riding over the coarse bumps of the rope marring it. Reaching his jutting appendage, he's careless as he roughly fists himself yet only gently rubs the tip over her folds soaking wet from her juices and his saliva.

As always he's tender in checking her readiness for him and as (almost) always she's definitely ready. To affirm her body's reaction to him, she chants the word 'please' under her breath. A spell he breaks as he spears into her.

Katy gasps at the intrusion, the searing heat blazing straight through her spine and ebbing out from there to her very fingertips and toes. He pauses for a moment to asses for signs of damage but his wife only squirms and writhes on the bed, pushing herself completely down onto him.

No words need to be spoken for her demand to be clear.

His movements are agile and precise despite his large frame as he forges in and out. Normally one to start slow with utmost patience, Katy can tell with his faster-than-usual pace, he's not feeling so patient at the moment. That suits her just fine. She loves the gentle beast but now and again, she'd rather have the savage human. It's that creature that has her writhing against her bonds, fingers grasping for any touch of him. They clutch his lean waist as his grapple at the flesh of her thick thighs.

His upper body is bowed down, worshiping her; the friction from his chest moving causing a pleasurable heat to sear through her nípples.

It's that paired with Mason's long, definitive strokes that has Katy climbing higher and higher to her peak.

Mason knows hearing her quietened sobs that she's close to the summit. Good thing too because he's standing high on his own mountain. Leaning his weight further back he wedges his fingers to their intimate connection and with a few artful caresses to her clít, she explodes beneath him. Spurred on by her technicolor burst, Mason is quick to follow. With his last clear thought, he plants his hands on the mattress beside her as his body joins hers in writhing pleasure.

She's first to float back to reality, relishing in the comfort of his body and strength. It reminds her how lucky she is, making her aware of her content for life and hopeful for the future. In fact, a seed of fantasy spurts froth in her. Maybe, just maybe this love between them can blossom into a physical representation. A child.

Her breath catches as tears swell in her eyes from the enormity of such a thought. A steady job, a good husband, children had all been a natural part of the future she'd dreamt for herself as a teenager. She'd thought those dreams to have long since withered and died and the very thought of her having the strength to raise a child had filled her with dread and fear. But now she finds herself warming to the idea. No, not just warming-burning, yearning for it.

Through hazy, tear-sheened eyes, Katy watches as Mason tears through his bindings and cups her face in his hands. His expression is equal parts heartbreak and concern.

"Fúcking goddamn it. Shít, baby I'm so sorry. I'm such a fúcking idiot," he curses himself out as Katy swipes away her tears.

The blood rush to all her body now able to function as normal makes her gasp slightly but she stifles it. Not another thing she wants him to be aware of especially when he's so angry at himself.

She tries to garner his attention, her hands tugging at his wrists. However, he's lost in the very horror that he might have hurt her.


"Where did I hurt you Little Doe? God, I'm so sorry sweetheart. I honestly had no idea! I should have-"

"Mason, Mason! Stop!" she laughs causing him to pause his spiel.

As his features rearrange into one of confusion, Katy can't help but laugh harder before finally letting him off the hook.

"I wasn't hurting, honey. I was thinking of something happy."

He seems to test out every different expression in his repertoire before deciding on a dumbfounded one.

"Oh," he states.

She giggles her hands winding around his neck as she repositions herself onto his lap.

"In fact I think you'd be all for this idea. It is after all a natural progression after this stage."
Mason still doesn't understand but he takes a stab at it, "shower...séx?"

At that Katy bursts out into laughter again, her lips lowering onto his as she whispers, "a baby."

He's frozen as she pecks him but sweet reality soon catches up to him. In his entire life there has never been a day that a fantasy has been sweeter than reality but today might be it.

She was sure he'd be enthralled at this desire that she hadn't paused to consider that she might be wrong. Doubt now clouds her.

"What do you mean? I...I don't understand."

Her voice holds uncertainty as she quietly replies, "I was thinking that maybe having a baby could be-could be something we could...consider? I mean that is if you....I thought it was what you might also want and I..."

From those broken bits and pieces, she gives, he slots them to form the complete image.

From that he breaks out into a grin.

"Yes. Let's absolutely consider it. Consider it approved. At least on my end."

With that Katy mirrors his grin as she leans into him for a hug.

Encased in their own bubble they bask in that warmth, until Katy withdraws from it.


"Sorry sweetheart, you just have that effect on me," apologizes Mason shifting in his seat to stop his greedy, jutting appendage from poking her.

"No not that," she distractedly responds, her hand coming to her stomach, "cramps. Ugh, that's just perfect timing."

His apprehension eases slightly as he too places his palm over her lower stomach. Apparently since his body runs hotter, rubbing her hand over the area helps.

"It's o-"

Mason doesn't get to finish his sentence before she's interrupting him with a deep groan pain.

"Sweetheart, that doesn't sound good. Let's go to the hospital to check it out anyway okay?"
Katy stifles her next moan of pain as he shifts her to the side and quickly tugs on his clothes.

"No, no. It's fine. Don't worry. There's no need to-"

Even smothered that cry has him doubling his speed and solidifying his decision to take her to the nearest emergency department. She's clutching her stomach, her breathes short and labored as he grabs her a simple jersey dress. Fúck everything else. All she needs is something to cover her and shoes. All he needs is keys, wallet and phone.

Swooping her as gently as he can into his arms he hustles out of the hotel straight to the hospital.


Eli is first to arrive with Ivy, followed closely by their parents and before long almost all his family is there in the tiny emergency department.

"What happened?" asks Zach to a stoic, tense Mason.

No one had dared ask Mason that question yet so they all wait with baited breath for his answer.

"I don't know," the man grits out.

He's saved from more questioning as a nurse and doctor come out from the room they'd taken Katy into.

The nurse breaks away from the doctor a file in her hand as she does so.

"Ahh...which one of you would be the husband?" she asks scanning over Eli and the rest of his brothers.

Mason breaks away from them, stepping towards the young practitioner.

"That would be me. Mason."

"Right, if I could talk to you privately for a moment Mr. Carter."

Mason steps towards the side with the doctor, praying that by some miracle his family doesn't overhear. It's not that he doesn't love them or is rejecting their support but right now, it's too overwhelming. He just wants to be left alone so he can pray his wife will be alright.

Luckily, just as the doctor pulls him away a nurse comes over and starts talking to his family. Probably that some of them need to leave seeing as they are almost literally taking up the entire hallway.

"Mr. Carter, I wish I could explain this to you more sensitively but time is really off the essence here. I need you, to sign an agreement to allow for an emergency C-section for your wife."

Mason's stunned, only managing to breath a soundless, "what?" at the doctor's words.

"I realize this must be quite a shock and I'm so very sorry but we really do need your signature for the procedure, seeing as you are here and her next of kin."

"O-okay," he agrees as the doctor produces a clipboard with the piece of paper and a pen for him.

His hand is shaking as he takes the instrument, barely managing to legibly sign his name while the doctor rattles off some legal conditions. With that, the doctor thanks him and starts to rush off before he stops her for a moment.

"My is she, though? Is she in pain? Can I see her before-"

"We're booked an OR, she's going in as soon as possible. You can see her as soon as she's out. For now, we've stabilized her."
"Stabilized her?" echoes Mason. Doesn't that mean she'd have gone into some sort of cardiac arrest or something for them to do that.
"She seems to have passed out from the pain before we could give her the pain killers. I have to go now. We'll update you on her progress when we can."

With that in a white coat flurry she's gone and Mason's left with a crumbling foundation.

When he slumps into the plastic hospital chair there's not many of his family left, for which he is grateful. Those left are Eli, Ivy, Adrian and his parents. One of them, Mason can't remember which, informs him he'd been right and the nurse had asked some of them to leave. Mason does wish his parents had gone too.

It's this wish that Eli must have somehow sensed because with some heavy nudging he gets them to leave too.

"Thanks," mutters Mason as he rakes a hand through his hair.

Fúcking hell. Someone somewhere must really hate him. Why else would something so cruel happen at such a good moment for them. To have their unborn child lost just when they'd decided to have children. That...that is just some twisted cruelty. Almost makes him want to laugh and cry at the irony.

And Katy. His poor, darling wife. As if she hasn't suffered enough. Just when she's happy, it's ripped apart.

He exhales loudly.

It's okay. It's fine. Just another test. Another obstacle for them to overcome. They can. They will.

Still, he can't help but feel guilty for the pain she must be in. If only he could take it away somehow.

"Hey Mason?"

Mason jerks his head up to see a tentative Ivy. God, he doesn't want that. He doesn't want her or any of them to be walking around eggshells around him. He's fine. It's his wife that's got to bear it all.

"How about I go get us some coffees?"

No one offers any resistance as she leaves but Eli does sigh himself as he thrusts his body into the chair adjacent to Mason.

"You wanna tell us what happened or you wanna sit in silence?" questions Eli.

When Mason says nothing, he shrugs his shoulders and sits there as patiently as he can. From the opposite wall, Mason can feel the piercing stare of his older brother who leans casually against the structure. Meeting the steely gaze, Mason's shocked to see compassion and understanding swirling in them. It's only then that he realizes that of course, Adrian's been in pretty much this same position. Only his wife had suffered a gunshot wound and gone into a coma.

Mason prays to whatever cruel entity is out there to at least allow Katy to survive the ordeal intact.

"They're taking her in for an emergency C-section," he finally states.

Adrian pushes off the wall, sitting in the free chair neighboring Mason. With the presence of both his brothers beside him, Mason feels some of his strength returning to him.

"Why?" asks Adrian before clarifying, "I mean...usually that sort of thing....happens without the requirement of surgery."

Mason knows what he means. Miscarriages so early on happen without needing surgery but Mason guesses it's because of Katy's unconsciousness and pain that they decide to operate. And even though it might be the more invasive method, hopefully it'll cause her less pain this way than having to push all that blood out of her.

As he points this out to Adrian, he falls silent for a moment.

"More often than not it happens by chance. Bad luck."

"Bad luck?" Mason snorts, "we always seem to have bad luck. This morning she was my fiancé, this evening my wife and look where we are Ade. How is this fair? We didn't even know! We didn't even know and we...Isn't it enough? Hasn't she been through enough?-"

Mason cuts himself off before he's shouting obscenities in a hospital.

He exhales a shuddering breath as he forces himself to try and let go of some of the anger and hurt. But Christ, it cuts so deep.

Ade's hand falls on Mason's back in comfort.

"She's one of the strongest women I know, Mason. And you're one of the strongest men. Emotionally. You will both survive this. You'll get through it. One day at a time."

Mason stares at his eldest brother in disbelief. Right now, he has no idea if she'll even survive surgery, nevermind how she'll deal with this type of emotional pain. How will he survive it? What if she never wants a child now? Will he ever get a chance to be a father?

"Mase," calls Eli, "it isn't fair."

Mason's eyes widen at that statement from Eli.

"You're right. She has been through enough and it's not ever going to be fair. But it's the way it is and it's no one's fault. It happens, it happened. To you and to Katy. So be angry, be sad, be whatever you need to be to get through it. But don't ever bottle it up, okay? Be her rock but let her be yours too. It's the only way to be able to accept this and move forward together."

Mason bows his head as he considers both of his brothers' words. Then with a heavy heart he embraces both of them solidly individually. The contact helping to ease some the burden and make it bearable.

"Will you guys stay until I can see her?" he asks them, well aware it's early morning now and they both have their own wives.

Regardless, they both murmur their agreements.

And they do except briefly when Eli dropped Ivy back at their hotel room and came straight back.

It feels like all night before it seems the doctor reappears but in reality it's only about 2 hours. By then all 3 of them are occupying themselves. Eli is asleep in his seat, Adrian consumed in his phone and Mason staring distractedly straight ahead. His mind is stuck on repeat, an endless loop of the same thoughts merging from one to the other.

"Mr. Carter?"

Mason's head snaps up to the doctor as he rushes to his feet. Adrian too pockets the phone and does the same before slapping a lightly snoring Eli awake.

As all 3 of them crowd around the petite but sturdy woman, she's sure to meet Mason's eyes directly. He sees raw emotion in those dark depths before she plays a professional, detached shield over them.

"The surgery went without complication. Your wife is awake now and if you'd like you may go visit her. One of the nurses will go through the release and check-up procedure as well as, addressing any additional queries you may have."

Mason wills himself hard not to cry out in relief, gritting his jaw as he mutters out a 'thank-you'.

Before she leaves her eyes flicker to his brothers before settling on him.

"I wish you both the best. And please do remember, a lot of people in this situation afterwards go on to have a very successful second attempt."

Just as the doctor had said, Katy's awake as they enter the room. Despite the hustle of the place, Katy's corner is quiet. She's silent as Mason and the others enter. He takes his place beside her, hand slotting into her as he scans her face for her reaction. The nurse meanwhile is reading him off some after-care, counselling if necessary and discharge while Mason listens half-heartedly. His concern is more on the way she remains silent, with anguish clear on her features as are the tear tracks.

When they're all left alone, Katy's eyes go to Eli and Adrian.

"Hey, Kitty Kat, how're feeling?" gently asks Eli.

She gives an attempt at a smile. It falls short.

"I don't know. Empty."

Mason feels his heart clench at that. Fúck.

Even Eli and Adrian feel the depth of that one word. Empty. Physically and emotionally they presume. They could never truly relate but they can imagine and they can sympathize even if they can never empathize.

"Well we're all here for you. Whatever you need okay?"

She gives Eli a nod and another ghost of a grin.

"Thanks Eli, maybe um, right now you could get me something to drink? Water or tea or coffee?"

Being able to physically help puts Eli at more ease. He's always been cráp at the emotional support stuff. Mainly being unsure what to do or say to give comfort.

"You got it."

With that he strides off and Katy can direct her attention to another Carter brother. This one is a brooding beast but she knows under all that bluster is a marshmallow.


His eyes snap to attention, hand going to her shoulder.

"You'll make an amazing mother," he softly announces.

Such a simple, matter-of-fact statement causes tears to well up in her.

"Ade," she whispers.
"You have to try again. A person like you with so much love to give, deserves a child."

His words are like hot daggers to her chilling heart.

Seeing her on the verge of tears like that has irrational anger bubbling up in him. It's not helped by the lack of sleep and emotional turmoil of the night.

"Adrian!" he sharply calls before reigning it in. After all this is his brother and he has been there for him more times than he can keep track of.

"Thanks for everything but maybe you could give us a moment?"

At the rhetorical question, Ade nods and states he'll wait outside. With a sigh of relief, Mason takes a seat on the stool beside Katy, his other hand smoothing over hers too.

However, she still doesn't meet his eye. Instead her gaze goes straight down to their hands.

"Little Doe?"

The other hand of hers that's not trapped in his clutches the bedsheets so tight he can see the veins in her hand protruding.

"Baby please, I'm sorry."

Her gaze snaps to his at that.

"Why? You didn't do anything wrong Mason.-"

"I should have been more careful. Lying on top of you like that, tying..." he lowers his voice to a whisper, "tying you up like that. I should have been more careful. Treated you with more-"

"It wasn't any of that," argues back Katy with a definitive shake of her head.

The medical professionals hadn't been able to tell her the exact cause of her miscarriage but they had been clear that in most cases it was to do with some deformity in the fetus. Katy's not sure but it's clear it's one mystery that probably won't be solved.

"In fact," she clears her throat, "if anyone should be blamed-it's me. I didn't even know, Mason and it's my body! What-what kind of maternal instincts do I have that I didn't even know I was pregnant? What-"

"Don't, don't go there baby. Ade was right, you will make an amazing mom. So let's just agree that it was no one's fault. Just some awful act of nature."

Katy nods in agreement but she can't help but still feel sadness for a future they could have had now. If thing's had been just a little bit different they may have been celebrating now instead of commiserating.

"I know. Logically I understand but Mason...we could have been parents."

He wraps an arm around her shoulders, pulling her closer to his side as he kisses her temple.

There's not much else he can say that will ease their pain but he can vow one thing.

"We will be, Little Doe. One day." 

A/n I think this is the longest chapter I've ever written and aren't you guys lucky lol that I didn't split this in 2? :D Hope you all enjoyed and yes I know, I'm so mean to poor Katy and Mason. 

Let me know what you think and whether they'll have (a) kid(s)?Should they? Also what do we all want to see more of and who shall we got to next? Eli and Ivy? 

Thanks for reading (and please be sure to let me know what you thought in the comments, I'm going to try respond to as many as I can). But for now, I'm going to let my fingers cool down :) xx

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