Chapter 1 • The Murderer

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"A murder case...? Shu? Died?! When did all that happened? I... I mean... I don't remember any..."My expression was blanked, eyes were focused on my feet before shifting my gaze back to Rantaro who seems to be a bit bothered about my response.

"You don't remember? His body was found earlier. Why can't you remember?"He crosses his arms and taps my head with extreme force that made me shout.

"Oww! Seriously Honcho. Just listen to me first." I replied, rubbing my forehead afterwards. The hallway was red because of the burning sun passing through the glass windows. It was around 4 pm of course.

"Then spill the beans kiddo."Wakiya uttered with a hiss. His expression seems uncanny and oblique in a way that it almost threw me out and made myself spill everything I remember and probably some facts.

"alright alright! But don't stare at me like that Wakiya. You're creeping me out."I heave out a sigh and opened my mouth to speak,"All that I remember was that I fell asleep, had a strange dream that I don't remember and all I know was that when I woke up, everything seems normal and I don't remember anything out of the ordinary or that some murder case about Shu happened..."

"That's strange. Maybe because Wakiya woke you up all of a sudden that made your brain empty."Daigo said in a joking manner. But even so, Daigo's humor seems dark and strange. It doesn't look like he's joking but if ever, his jokes were of a riddle.

"Aish. Whatever. Isn't the courthouse waiting for us? Why don't we go? Anyway where's Ken?"Questions were embedded in my head and it felt wrong and weird at the same time. I wanted to ask more... Not just simple and ridiculous questions... But my tongue can't seem to process these questions without my brain's consent.

"Ken is at the courthouse waiting for us. So I suggest let's go."Wakiya rolled his eyes and walked pass by us. I guess I won't be needing this map since Mr. Smarty Pants seems to know the direction.

"What a birdbrain."Honcho hissed and look to his left where the windows were fixed and where the sun shines brightly.

"What did you say?!"Wakiya stopped, turning to Honcho before they started to argue and shout at each other. Their voices echoing along the corridor making Daigo felt uncomfortable every time their voices rose each sentence.


Mr. Hayato walk pass Daigo and I to stop Honcho and Wakiya from fighting.

They both froze, staring at Mr. Hayato in terror for he was such a scary subject teacher for Mathematics. Wakiya pouts, glancing at Honcho as if he was giving him death threats to scar him for life.

"What's all the fuss?"Mr. Hayato uttered, giving them a slight grin before pulling their ears with force.

"A..oww! Oww! We're sorry! Alright! We'll stop fighting!"They both said in chorus.

I glanced at Daigo who seems to calmed down a bit since the cat and dog started to disappear from where we are standing.

"Well, I found a faster way to reach the gym. Follow me."Daigo turned to the opposite direction and walked calmly down the corridor.

I didn't hesitate to follow him since I don't wanna catch up with Wakiya and Mr. Hayato who seems to be in a bad mood.

"Are we taking the south wing? I heard the doors were closed there."I uttered silently. All I can hear this time was my voice and our footsteps.

"Well yeah it was closed but it wasn't locked. So we can still take the hallway."Daigo smiled, glancing at me then back at the corridor.

"How do you know about that?"My voice sounds excited. Of course I was curious and I wanna find out what's inside that corridor or passageway since I haven't been there ever since Honcho just pulled me away from the door when it was slightly opened.

"I always hanged out there every time I felt sad. When I'm sad I want to be alone. And I can scream and cry in that corridor all I want without anyone knowing. I can punch the walls and hurt myself without anyone minding me."The way Daigo delivered his story almost breaks my heart in two.

"Well... I... I don't know what to say..." I stuttered, avoiding his glances until it was dead silent.

After a few seconds of silence, he started to giggle and turn to me,"Well that's.. Normal I guess."

"I just don't know what to say because... You've been my friend for a year or two and this is the first time you told me that..."I mumbled, glancing at Daigo before looking back at the door that leads to the abandoned Corridor. Daigo had been quiet ever since and he really doesn't tell stories about his life.

"Everyone has problems in life. Some of us just tends to hide it because for others, it doesn't really matter. I know you too have problems you're not telling us. Maybe Shu has one too and he was too afraid to tell everyone so that's why some murderer took advantage of that."Daigo pondered, shaking his head in slight disapproval."The fact that Shu died... I still can't get it off my head."

"Who was the first person to see his body?"I asked suddenly. Damned! One non ridiculous question finally escapes through my mouth.

"I heard it was Lui. He was the only person found in the crime scene by Kanzaki. Kanzaki immediately reported this to the principal which makes Lui the defendant."Daigo explained with his hands gesturing every sentence.

"So that means they were assuming that Lui's the murderer?"I raised an eyebrow, eyes widened due to the unexpected events that was happening.

"Exactly. Besides, Lui has some reasons to kill Shu? Doesn't he?"Daigo smirked crossing his arms and then opening the door to the corridor.

"But we don't have enough evidence. Won't there be a ruling?"We both entered the corridor without even focusing on where we're going because we were too focused on talking about the case.

"Come on. Have you forgotten the rule of the courthouse? Anyone can be a murderer, victim, or witness. Ruling comes later, Execution first."Daigo smirked,"that's one odd thing about the courthouse."

"What?! That's inhumane! What kind of courthouse is that?!"I exasperated, my heart pounding faster because of anger and frustration.

"Well the courthouse's slogan was... Guilty until proven innocent."Daigo replied, raising a finger and then pointing at the exit,"We're close."

"The contrary! That should be innocent until proven guilty!"I pouted, crossing my arms then walking into the light... I mean the outside world perhaps.

"Well that's the rules. You can't do anything about it. It was the Judge's word and no one should fight it or else you'll be executed even though no crime scene has been committed. So if you're planning to save Lui, shut your mouth. You might die."Daigo said in a dark and loud voice. He was serious. None of this was a joke and execution does comes first.

We opened the door to the gym to see the courthouse. It was like a real court! A wooden table was positioned on the middle of the stage, the prosecutor's table on the left hand, the lawyer on the right hand and the defendant's placed on the bottom part of the judge.

I was astounded, looking around the courthouse to see students from all grade levels align on each chair assigned.

"Heyyy! Here!"Keru shouted from the right side of the room. He waved his hand calling our attention.

Mr. Hayato was sitting beside Wakiya and Rantaro to ensure that they won't create a commotion or argument inside the court.

"Come on."Daigo called out, leaving me stunned in front of the door.

"I'm coming—"I paused as a brief swing of the hammer echoed around the room.

"E..ehem."From the prosecutor's table, there walks a tall guy. It was Alexander.

He bowed down in a formal manner to greet the students inside the courthouse, and the judge of course.

"To start off... Kanzaki stated that she saw Lui Shirasagi inside the abandoned classroom where Shu Kurenai died. The reason for Shu Kurenai's death was a thrust at his neck due to a sharp object. Mainly, a bread knife."Bread knife. That's the stupidest weapon i've ever heard.

"The knife was found lying on top of the table, it was assumed that it was Lui's knife eh?!"Alexander stared at Lui with his flaming eyes. Lui was just snorting and grinning as if he was really claiming he was the murderer.

"I don't own the knife."Lui mumbled plainly but in a straightforward manner.

"You don't? Well fingerprints weren't found in the knife but maybe the reason for that is Lui wore gloves to kill Shu."The Prosecutor really wants to push Lui into this! There are a lot if loopholes in this case!

"Gloves? How pathetic is that?! Kanzaki never saw me wore a glove!!!"Lui shouted, glaring at Kanzaki who was just shivering on the corner.

"Is that true Ms. Kanzaki?"The Prosecutor shifted his gaze to Kanzaki.

".... No."She said plainly.

"Well then Lui might have hid the gloves somewhere in the classroom... But let's get this over with. Lui Shirasagi Killed Shu Kurenai because he had a grudge on him. And he wants to seek revenger."The prosecutor smirked and crossed his arms.

"I might have hated Shu but I didn't kill him."Lui hissed, tapping the table with force,"Plus, I DONT F***ING WEAR GLOVES YOU INSOLENT FOOLS!"

"Then why are you in the classroom?"Alexander smirked once again making Lui silent for a moment.

"I cannot tell you"He said slowly.

"Hah! Then you did kill Shu."Alexander laughs. This is getting annoying.


"Silence!"The deep voice of the Judge echoes around the room,"I hereby declare Lui Shirasagi... To be exe—"

"WAIT! THAT'S NOT RIGHT!"I shouted, jumping to my feet that made me frozen in place.

"Valt? Hmm?"Alexander stared at me with his cold eyes.

"I... I... There's no proper evidence..! That's not correct...!"I gulped, trying to hold myself from getting more angry and might spill unpleasant words.

"Correct...? You want it correct...?"The judge uttered plainly.

"Yes. Correct."

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